Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 03, 2008, Page 3, Image 3

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|J o rt lattò ©bseruer
December 3, 2008
Page A3
Finding Help During Hard Times
from Front
the federal poverty level.
In add itio n to the sta te -sp o n ­
sored serv ices, there are a n u m ­
ber o f private n o n -p ro fit o rg a ­
n iz atio n s av a ila b le to help.
If you are ab o u t to ab o u t to
have y o u r en erg y cu t off, bring
in y o u r utility bill w ith a “ final
n o tic e ” w arning to H um an S o ­
lu tions and they sh o u ld be able
to help keep th e lig h ts on in
y o ur hom e, according to L auren
R im estad, d ire c to r o f d e v e lo p ­
m ent fo r the n o n -p ro fit, w ho
d e sc rib e s the p ro g ra m as “ a
q u ic k shot in the a rm .”
F am ilies in ex trem ely d ire
s tra ig h ts and are at risk o f
h o m elessn ess can turn to sh e l­
ters run by H um an S olutions.
T h e o rg an iz atio n also o p era tes
a free clo th in g sto re and o ffe rs
training in M icrosoft W ord p ro ­
gram s.
R im estad adds that her o rg a ­
n iz atio n , like m any, is feeling
the eco n o m ic cru n ch and m any
o f th e ir p ro g ram s are on a first-
co m e, firs b se rv e basis. ,
O regon D epartm ent o f H u ­
m an S e rv ic e s s p o k e s p e r s o n
L auri S tew art ex p lain s th at the
rub w ith som e g o v ern m e n t p ro ­
gram s is that you have to be
“ v irtu ally d e stitu te ” to receiv e
For instance, the federal T em ­
porary Assistance to Needy Fam i­
lies program is only eligible for
people who have almost no money
com ing in, and can only get $528
a m onth for a family o f three.
Participants are also expected to
participate in jo b training.
S tew art said that som e p ro ­
gram s are intend ed for a very
specific d em o g rap h ic facin g a
p rec ise issue. F o r in stan ce, the
O reg o n H ealth plan o nly c o v ­
ers se n io rs o v e r 65, the d is ­
a b le d , p re g n a n t, o r c h ild re n
u n d er 18.
O ffic ia ls say the n u m b er o f
people seeking T em p o rary A s­
sistan ce is up abo u t 16 p ercent
from last O ctober, m aking for an
increase o f 2 ,900 m ore O regon
fam ilies. T he nu m b er o f h o u se­
holds rec eiv in g food stam p s is
up by ab o u t 13 percen t, help in g
an additional 29,000 fam ilies.
H ow ever, S tew art stresses
that peo p le a re n ’t tak in g aw ay
from other m ore needy individu­
als by e n ro llin g in th ese se r­
vices. She ex p lain ed that ev e ry ­
one p ays into th ese pro g ram s
w ith their tax dollars, and people
should think o f them as in su r­
ance pro g ram s if they fall on
hard tim es.
Holiday Assistance Numbers
Africa House - 5 0 3 - 8 0 2 - 0 0 8 2 ; ask for S alo m e
Human Solutions, Inc. -- 5 0 3 - 5 4 8 - 0 2 0 0
Allen Temple Emergency Aid Center - 5 0 3 - 2 8 4 - 1 0 1 0
Insights Teen Parent Program, Inc. - 5 0 3 - 2 3 9 - 6 9 9 6
Asian Family Center - 5 0 3 - 2 3 5 - 9 3 9 6
Neighborhood House - 5 0 3 - 2 4 6 - 1 6 6 3
Cascade AIDS Project-Housing Project - 5 0 3 - 2 2 3 - 5 9 0 7
Northeast Emergency Food Program - 5 0 3 - 2 8 4 - 5 4 7 0
Christ Community Ministries - 5 0 3 - 2 8 2 - 7 6 8 3
SEI Community Services -- 5 0 3 - 2 8 5 - 0 4 9 3
Client Choice Grocery Warehouse-PACS - 5 0 3 - 2 5 2 - 8 5 0 0 x l l 8
Salvation Army Moore Street Center - 5 0 3 - 4 9 3 - 3 9 2 7
Community Service Center- Transition Projects -- 5 0 3 - 8 2 3 - 4 9 3 0
Salvation Army Portland Tabernacle - 5 0 3 - 2 3 9 - 1 2 6 4
Crossroads Cupboard - 5 0 3 - 2 5 7 - 9 3 4 5
SnowCap - 5 0 3 - 6 7 4 - 8 7 8 5
Portland Impact - 5 0 3 - 9 8 8 - 6 0 0 0
St. Andrew Emergency Services - 9 7 1 - 2 4 4 - 0 3 3 9
Downtown Chapel of St. Vincent de Paul Parish - 5 0 3 - 2 2 8 - 0 7 4 6
St. Mark's Lutheran Church Food Pantry-- 5 0 3 - 7 7 7 - 1 4 4 3
El Programa Hlspano-Portland - 5 0 3 - 2 3 6 - 9 6 7 0
St. Vincent de Paul Portland Council - 5 0 3 - 2 3 5 - 8 4 3 1
Emergency Food Box Program - 5 0 3 - 2 8 8 - 1 0 5 5
Sunshine Division - 5 0 3 - 8 2 3 - 2 1 2 0
Esther’s Pantry - 5 0 3 - 3 4 9 - 4 6 9 9
Toys and Joy Makers - 5 0 3 - 2 3 1 - 8 6 9 7
Fish Emergency Service - 5 0 3 - 2 3 3 - 5 5 3 3
Union Gospel Mission - 5 0 3 - 2 7 4 - 4 4 8 3
Food Box Ministry - 5 0 3 - 9 1 6 - 4 0 0 9
We Care Food M arket/Food Box Program - 5 0 3 - 2 8 7 - 6 3 4 3
Francis Center - 5 0 3 - 7 7 5 - 6 7 5 4
William Temple House - 5 0 3 - 2 2 6 - 3 0 2 1
Good Samaritan Center of North Portland -- 8 1 6 0 N Jersey Ave.
William Temple House North -- 5 0 3 - 2 8 3 - 3 5 1 1
Helping Hand Emergency Food - 5 0 3 - 2 9 2 - 9 2 9 3
YWCA Homeless Services - 5 0 3 - 7 2 1 - 6 7 6 0
Hope House Food Bank - 5 0 3 - 2 8 2 - 8 9 6 0
President-Elect Builds Team
from Front
and his six new est appointees.
W hile G ates will stay at the P en­
tagon, O bam a said the m ilitary’s
new m ission will be “responsibly
ending the war in Iraq through a
successful transition to Iraqi con­
He said a new ly com pleted
agreem ent between Iraq and the
Bush administration covering U.S.
troops signals “a transition pe­
riodin which our mission is chang­
ing.” He added: “It indicates we
are now on a glide path to reduce
our forces in Iraq.”
O bam a has now selected half
his Cabinet, including the high-
profile jobs at State, D efense,
Justice and Treasury. A week ago,
he nam ed his econom ic team , led
by T im othy G eithner as treasury
secretary. And soon he plans to
announce New M exico Gov. Bill
Richardson as com m erce secre­
tary and form er Senate M ajority
Leader Tom Daschle as health
and hum an services secretary.
O bam a's picks suggest he is
m indful o f his ow n relative inex­
perience; m ost o f the appointees
have decades m ore experience in
governm ent than he does as a
form er one-term Illinois senator.
T he selections also reflect his
long-voiced desire to invite di­
vergent view points to chart the
best course for the country.
"I assem bled this team because
I'm a strong believer in strong
personalities and strong o pin­
ions," he said. "I think that's how
the best decisions are m a d e .... So
I'm going to be w elcom ing a vig­
orous debate inside the W hite
H ouse."
"But understand I will be set­
tin g policy as p resid en t," he
added. He said he will be respon­
sible for "the vision that this team
carries out, and I expect them to
im plem ent that vision once deci­
sions are made."
Q uoting H arry S. T rum an,
O bam a said: "The buck will stop
Times are hard and money is tight. The follow­
ing numbers may provide some much needed
help. For a more extensive list, call 211.
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U .S. S e n . Hillary C linton with P re sid e n t-e le c t B a ra ck O bam a.
with me.'
"The tim e has com e for a new
beginning, a new daw n o f A m eri­
can leadership to overcom e the
challenges o f the 21st century,"
O bam a said.
Clinton will give up her seat as
a senator from New York to join
the Cabinet. H erappointm ent was
preceded by lengthy negotiations
involving her husband, the former
president, w hose international
business connections posed po­
tential conflicts o f interests.
Holder, a former Justice Depart­
ment official in theClinton admin-
istration, led Obama's vice presi­
dential search, while Rice was his
top foreign policy adviser. Jones,
meanwhile, advised both Obama
and Republican presidential nomi­
nee John McCain during the cam ­
paign on national security issues.
Last year he led a commission that
advised Congress on progress in
training Iraqi security forces.
C linton, H older, N apolitano
^ 'P o r tla n d QDbseruer
and Rice require Senate confirm a­
tion. Jones, as a W hite House
official, does no,. N or does Gates,
already confirm ed to his post.
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