December 3, 2008 PageAIO Leftovers F ood Turkey Sandwich Ingredients for life.® VVe ° grocery store«” FR ID A Y , SATURDAY & SUNDAY ONLY! Using serrated knife, slice 2 pieces of bread (thick enough so it is sturdy but thin enough so it won't get in the way of all other flavors). 2. Place bread on flat surface. Slather 1 bread slice with 1 tablespoon mayonnaise. Season with salt and pepper. Scat­ ter a couple of slices of onion over mayonnaise. Arrange sliced turkey on top of onions. Season with more salt and pepper. Press down gently. Set aside. 3. On remaining bread slice, slather more mayonnaise. Scoop avocado onto bread. Using tines of fork, gently mash avo­ cado so it adheres to bread. Spread over bread. Season with a bit of pepper. Arrange bacon on avocado, pressing it into avocado so it sticks. Working quickly, invert bacon-topped bread onto turkey-topped bread. Press top of sandwich gently. 1. • Italian or other dense, crusty white bread, warmed slightly • Mayonnaise (not nonfat) • Salt and freshly ground black pep­ per to taste • Paper-thin slices red onion (op­ tional) • Leftover turkey (preferably a mix of white and dark meat), sliced • 1/4 avocado • 6 slices bacon, fried •'arnec America s healthiest D ir e c tio n s In g r e d ie n ts ■MM SAFEWAY O Thanksgiving, a meal that keeps on giving, and the same goes fo r the Christmas feast. Too much turkey? Macho mashed potatoes? Can't eat any more cranheries? No problem! Try a gourmet turkey sandwich or a healthy turkey salad. Soup more your thing? We've got lots o f soup recipes! Use up those cranberries in a salad or even on a turkey sandwich. Leftover mashed potatoes are great casserole toppers or make potato patties. So many options - don't let the leftovers go to waste! * BOGLE CLUB PRICE Whole Boneless Pork Loin Sold-in the bag. SAVE up to $2.00 to RMB Caribbean Turkey Soup In g re d ie n ts • 4 cups turkey or chicken stock • 2 cups chopped cooked turkey • 1 cup orange juice • 1 large sweet potato, peeled and diced • 1 medium onion, chopped • 1 green bell pepper, cored, seeded, and diced • 1 teaspoon cider vinegar • 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme • 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger • 1/4 teaspoon ground allspice • 1/4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg • Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste • Chopped cilantro (coriander leaves) for garnish • Lime wedges for garnish Safeway CMckm Thighs, Drumsticks or Leg Quarters Thanksgiving dinner is over, but what to do with the leftover turkey carcass? Make soup o f course! There are endless varieties to choose from, and you'll fin d this Caribbean Turkey Soup Recipe especially delicious. Serves 4. D ir e c tio n s Combine all ingredients in a large pot and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat to low and simmer covered until the vegetables are tender,about 20 mins. Garnish with chopped cilantro and serve with lime wedges. Jumbo Raw Shrimp Large Hass Avocados 21 to 25-ct Or Ctooee Raw 18 to 20 ct.E2 Peel Shrimp Don't throw away those leftover mashed potatoes from Thanksgiving! Try some Leftover Mashed Potatoes Croquettes, or two-potato soup. Importai, dun Price: $1.25 ea. HttMt.lraaaMMrt. S iW E « to t2 4 8 a i4 SAVE up to UK «a. Potato Soup In g r e d ie n ts • 1 tablespoon oil • 1/2 onion, minced • 1 piece (1 inch size) ginger peeled, minced • 1/4 teaspoon turmeric • 1/8 teaspoon coriander • 1 cup mashed or baked sweet potatoes • 1 cup mashed potatoes • 2 cups chicken stock • 1 /4 cup sour cream • Salt and pepper to taste D ir e c tio n s 1. In medium saucepan, heat oil over medium heat. Add ginger, onion, turmeric, and coriander. Saute for 5 min­ utes until softened. 2. In a blender, add two potatoes, garlic and ginger mixture and chicken stock. Blend until smooth. 3. Return to saucepan, bring to a gentle simmer over me­ dium high heat. Reduce heat to low, stir in sour cream and adjust seasoning to taste with salt and pepper. Boss Hogg Christmas Tree Lot Lucerne* Milk Gallon. Whole. 2%, 1% Skim Supreme or Fat Free. Atcheckstand. first item win scan at regular price, second item will reflect savings EWRYDA t LOW VRK E Eating Right- Meals or Pizza 6 to 11.5-02. Selected varieties. Club Price: $2.00 ea. SAVE up to $4.95 on 5 CLUB » I « Potato Croquettes In g r e d ie n ts • leftover mashed potatoes • shredded cheddar cheese • egg • bread crumbs • oil C hunk ' Campbell’s Chunky Soup 18.6 to 19-02. Selected varieties CM> Price: $1.25 ea. SAVE up to $6 58 «14 Safeway Butter Top Breads Minute Maid Orange Juice 22-02. White or Wheat. Club Price: $150 ea SAVE up to $1.38 on 2 64-02. seweteo varieties Club Price: $2.50«. D ir e c tio n s I don’t have exact measure­ ments, but these are great! Mix leftover mashed pota­ toes with some shredded chcddar cheese. Flatten into patties. W hisk egg briskly. Dip in egg and then in bread crumbs. Fry on both sid es in oil until browned. Serves/makes 1 G reat gifts made simple. XMAS TREES A/zv Doug Fir 5-7 ft. $20.(X) Any Nobel Fir 5-7 ft. $30.00 6500 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. On the comer of: MLK Jr. & Rosa Park Shop all your favorite retailers here. aaaaaaa W ID THUW fe ll »A t »U N M OW n ie » Pro d u cts m«y n o t be available in all a t o m . See gift cards fo r d eta il!, te rm s and c o n d itio n !, w h ich may vary Prîtes in Ibis * d good throuqh Price» in to« ad are etfective 8 AM Wedmisdoy iwrember 3 Itwu luesday. Itocnmtwr 9,2008 to a» Safeway d or« m Oregon fenrepl Milton f reewareri and S W Wanhngton 9or« senenij Wartoakum Cowtb Ctor* Skamania and Kkckilai Counties dams offe>ed for sale are not avaiiaOfe to other dealers nr whofesafen Safes ot products cnntaminq ephedrine, peeudoephedni» or onenyloropanorainlne «unfed by law Quantity rtfrls resawed SOMF Ail'dnTSHt, ITFMS MAY NOT AF AVAH A « f IN All. SIOWS .erne adeertised prices may 1» «an fewer m some stores On Buy One, Bel One Free I ROBOT drier», customer mull purchase fee Hrsl ifem to mceiye die second item tree BOBO oilers ere nol 1/2 price safes It only a srngfe item purchased fee regjar price appfe-e Manufacturers uiuonns mar He used on purchased ferns only - nor on Iran items I end one coupon per purchased Item Customer mil fie responsible fer ran and detioans is required by few on fee orachaeed and tree Hems fed liquor safes in eecess ot 52 gallons Mo hqunr safes tor resale Ufluor safes at «censed Safeway stores only C 2008 Saloway Inc AeaiiahiMy ol items may »ary hy store po-oe