Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 26, 2008, Page 9, Image 9

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N ovem ber 26, 2 0 0 8
ortlanò ©hseruer
Page A 9
News and reviews on new motor vehicles
2009 Nissan Rouge
with a truck. It has a unitized body
K athleen C arr
The Nissan Rogue is mostly and chassis with fully indepen­
unchanged for 2009. U pgrades dent suspension, and it will be
include new doors that lock auto­ offered with front-w heel drive or
matically when the Rouge hits a single-range full-tim e all-wheel
certain speed, a fold-dow n front drive. In an im pressionistic way,
passenger seat and a dual-level the Rogue looks som ething like
cen ter console tray. "O verall, the M urano
Rogue's com petitors are quieter
The interior has a youthful look
and more refined, but this com ­ with a few helpful tw ists such as
pact Nissan gets points for sleek an auxiliary jack for iPods and
> styling and high levels o f interior large HUVA controls. The instru­
ment panel is trendy, but the bright
fu n ctio n ality .
T he engine is very responsive orange light from the gas gauge
with its 2.5-liter four-cylinder and the small fonts make them
pow erplant producing 170 horses very difficult to read quickly. The
and 175 Ib-ft o f torque. It com es tachom eter and speedom eter are
with four-wheel anti-lock brak­ about six inches and the fuel and
ing, Electronic Brake force Distri­ tem perature gauges two inches
bution, Vehicle Dynamic Control in diameterand reside in the middle
and Traction Control to help con­ o f the instrum ent cluster and has
trol your emotional outbursts. The a strange orange illumination. The
Rogue has m ore in com m on with seats are firm and need more lum ­
the typical sedan than it does bar and maybe a touch more pad-
Specifications: 2.5-liter DOHC 16-valve 4-cylinder engine; Xtronic CVT™(Continuously Variable
Transmission); 22 city mpg, 2 7 highway mpg; MSRP $
ding, but overall they feel good.
Buyers will he able to outfit Rogue
with luxury-grade am enities, in­
cluding heated leather seats, xe­
non headlights, universal o n ­
board garage door opener, and a
Bluetooth wireless cellular phone
interface with controls on the
steering wheel hub. The optional
Bose audio system features seven
s p e a k e rs an d a p o w e re d
subw oofer.
The Rogue's strengths are its
pleasant on-pavem ent ride, good
fuel econom y and good value
com pared to the com petition.
H ow ever, it falls short on engine
pow er because o f its lack o f a V6.
Perform ance also falls in the so-
so category, as we would want
better fuel econom y in exchange
for its lack o f power. But the con­
tinuously variable transm ission
gives its score a little boost. Fi­
nally, we like its design. The car
looks good and offers a lot o f
practical room inside.
Churches Extend Invite to Obama F amily
Many are easy walk
from White House
(A P) -- Churches in the nation's capi­
tal have started extending invitations to
President-elect Barack O bam a and his
family, touting their A frican-A m erican
roots, their ties to presidents past and to
O bam a himself.
The choices are abundant. N um er­
ous, thriving congregations are an easy
walk from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. J ust
across Lafayette Square from the W hite
House is St. John's Church, an Episco­
pal parish known as the "Church o f the
Presidents," w here presidents as far
back as Jam es M adison have w or­
shipped. St. John's has a standing invi­
tation: Pew 54 is the President's Pew,
reserved for the nation’s leader.
O r he could choose, as many presi­
dents have done, not to attend services
at all. President G eorge W. Bush, for
instance, has only infrequently attended
services in W ashington, occasionally
going to St. John's.
W hatever choice the O bam as make,
it is sure to be analyzed through the
President-elect Obama drops his daughters Malia (left) and Sasha, o ff at
school in Chicago. At right is a U.S. Secret Service agent. (AP Photo)
prism o f O bam a's relationship with the
Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who was Obama's
pastor for 20 years at Trinity United
Church o f C hrist in Chicago.
O bam a resigned from Trinity during
the presidential cam paign after inflam­
matory com m ents by W right from the
pulpit became a cam paign issue.
N ick S h ap iro , a sp o k esm an for
O bam a's transition, declined to discuss
which church the Obamas m ight attend.
O banja has spoken frequently about
the importance of his Christian faith. In
his 2006 book, "The Audacity o f Hope,"
he wrote that "the historically black
church offered me a second insight: that
faith doesn't mean that you don't have
doubts, or that you relinquish your hold
on this w o rld .... You needed to com e to
church precisely because you were of
this world, not apart from it."
Despite those words, O bam a has at­
tended church sparingly in the past
several m onths. Since winning the elec­
tion, he has spent Sunday mornings at
th e g y m . M an y W a s h in g to n -a re a
churches hope that will change after he
is inaugurated.
At Metropolitan AM E Church, a his­
toric, predominantly black congregation
six blocks from the White House, senior
pastor Ronald Braxton says parishioners
have been buzzing about the possibility
that the incoming president, his wife,
Michelle, and theirdaughters, — 10-year-
old Malia an<V-year-old Sasha — might
attend services with them.
Braxton said it would be good if Obama
resumed worshipping at a congregation
rooted in the black community.
"He's familiar with African-American
w orship traditions," Braxton said, refer­
ring to O bam a's m embership at W right's
church in Chicago. "M etropolitan AME
would be a wise a choice and a safe
haven in which to worship."
"Hopefully he and his family will pray
and find a place that works for them."
Randall Balmer, a professor o f Ameri­
can religious history at C olum bia Uni­
versity who wrote "God in the W hite
House: How Faith Shaped the Presi­
dency from John F. Kennedy to George
W. Bush," said there is no obvious
choice for O bam a as he searches for a
And while he said A m ericans gener­
ally like to know that their president
goes to church on Sunday, they tend
not to be concerned about the particular
denom ination. He hopes that same def­
erence will be extended to the Obamas'
“I’m sure he's going to be careful. He got
burned," Balmer said, referring to the
Wright controversy. “He probably will be
a little bit cautious with whom he associ­
( O b itu a r ie s
In Loving Memory
Services fo r Robert Moses, who
died Nov. 9,2008, were held Nov. 17,
Robert F. Moses
He found a special jo y in
a llo w in g his youngest A le xis to wrap
He was bom on Sept.
G ro w in g up in W est
Charles Fletcher
A graveside service fo r Charles
fishing. It was this great love o f the
Fletcher was held Friday, Nov. 21,
outdoors that w ill fuel m em ory upon
2(X)8 at W illa m e tte National C em ­
m em ory o f our beloved husband,
father, grandfather, brother,
and uncle.
He was bom i n the Happy
Charles has le ft to ce l­
He tru ly adored his c h il­
A tk in s , A rk . to Jones and
ebrate his legacy, his pre­
c o m m u n ity
Blanchie Fletcher on M arch
cious w ife ; devoted daugh­
Preceding him in death
7,1923. He was the eighth o f
ter; 2 grandchildren; D arryl
was his father. He leaves to
16 children and was named
L. Alexander, JaJuan(Javarr)
cherish precious memories,
fo r his grandfather Charley
Requena; 6 great gra n d ch il­
Philadelphia, he enjoyed
his w ife ; and children. Rob­
playing stick hall, w all ball
e rt, Joshua and A le x is
He was ade voted, lo vin g husband
hissiblings, Nithia Lee Upshaw, Jones
and tag fix,(ball.
Moses; his mother; broth­
and a stem but endearing father and
(June (Fletcher Jr., and L e o (C lo vise )
He was em ployed in
ers, Donald and Terrance;
grandfather w h o always went above
F le tc h e r-a ll o f Chicago, one brother-
several jo b s through the
sisters. Angela Saunders and
and beyond to provide an excellent
in -la w , James Powell o f L ittle Rock.
A rk
dren; 3 great-greatgrandchildren; and
years most notably as a m over fo r Joe
Yolanda Moses o f Portland, Debbie
q u a lity o f life fo r his fa m ily.
Smith & Sons M oving and Storage. He
Bevins and Teresa Saunders Shamik
smooth charm , q u ick w it and clever
hadenergy abounding and was blessed
Moses; Briana Moses, Dontae Moses
anecdotes w ill not soon be forgotten.
He was preceded in death by his
w ith the gi ft o f singing.
and Jaquan Moses o f Philadelphia;
He loved to laugh and sing the
pa re n ts; s ib lin g s , D o y le (R u th )
and one sister-in-law , L u c ille
In 1982, he moved to Portland, and
brother in-laws, Steven Saunders and
"dow n home blues" and often en­
Fletcher, C u llen (R adia) Fletcher.
Richard Saunders; sister in laws
couraged those in his company to
Douglas (Darlene) Fletcher,.Reuben
w hich began the start o f a relationship
M ich elle L. Moses, Teresa Gliden,
enjoy life and liv e it to the fullest.
Fletcher. M c K i ndra Fletcher. M iranda
that was inseparable through all o f
Jessica A llen , Becky Holm berg and
He was joined in marriage to Eunice
life's challenges. Rob and M ichelle
future sister in law Byanu; mother
and father in laws. C l i fford and Tamara
V irg in ia W ilso n in I960. From this
(B .J .) Ja m iso n , L i l l i e
(H u b e rt)
Hem phill. Peggy (George) Weaver,
blessed union, he gained a daughter,
M arycM aurinc Powell, Riley Fletcher.
B illie W . Finch.
N ew tic Fletcher, and W illis Fletcher;
fa m ily church in Clackamas County.
M oreland and Kathleen and Darryl
W ige; 36 nieces and nephews; many
He was a devoted husband and
loving aunts and uncles; in addition to
life that included tw o years in the U.
a host o f cousins and close friends.
S. A rm y d u rin g W o rld W ar II. 50-
M ichelle's m other Kathleen at their
father, enjoyed spending tim e w ith his
fa m ily, camping, and coaching fo o t­
ball, basketball and soccer for his sons'
Arrangements entrusted by Cox
& Cox Funeral Chapel.
Charles led a very fu ll and active
' £
T-shirt, w hile supplies last.
Because blood and platelets
have a limited shelf life, the dona­
tions collected at these events
help boost the blood supply go­
ing into the winter season, a time
when donations typically decline.
The Red Cross supplies life­
saving blood around the clock.
Blood is needed to treat cancer
patients, traum a and bum vic­
tims, premature babies, organ-
transplant patients, and those liv­
ing with chronic blood diseases.
Double J Tires
New & Used Tires
Overstock & Used Tires
$ 1 5 & u p PRICED TO SELL
All tires mounted & blanched on the car, out the door - no additives.
Free stock wheels w / purchase of any new or used tire-
limited to stock on hand 3 0 years in business
2 locations to Serve You
6841 NE MLK, Portland 503-283-9437
and tw o grandchildren.
Arrangem ents by T e rry F am ily
4510 SE 52nd & Holgate 503-771-1834
Funeral Home.
plus years as a M erchant Seaman
where he served as a hig h ly skilled
Caring hands in your time of need
This Thanksgiving, Nov. 27,
the Red Cross doors will be open
to collect the gift o f life.
Blood donation drives will be
held from 7 a.m. to Noon at the
Red Cross Portland donor cen-
ter,3131 N. V ancouver Ave.; and
from 7:30 a.m .to 12:30p.m.at the
new C lark County R edCross do­
nor center, located at 5109 N.E.
82nd Ave. in Vancouver.
All donors will receive a free
pumpkin pie from Thrift way and
aThanksgiving Day Blood Drive
Fletcher o f Chicago.
in 1989, he met M ich elle M oreland
were marred on Feb. 19, 1998 by
Red Cross Blood Drives
chef, and an avid love fo r hunting and
him around her little finger.
10, 1964 to Donald and
Vandora Moses o f Phila­
Devoted Husband, Father and Grandfather
1st Time Homebuyers
Now is a great time to buy! Why rent when you can ow n??
The US Government is offering a $7,500 tax credit to
Time home buyers.
Complete: Traditional Burial Package W/ Casket & Cemetery Gravespace
* Creamations Available*
I bis won't he available forever so, act quickly to take
About Pre-arrangements!
Call Todav 503.890.1181
John P. Pj fis
L e a rn h o w to u n d e rs ta n d a n d g e t a h a n d le o n G R IE F fro m a fa ith perspective.
W H EN : 10 AM Saturday, Nov 01,2008
W h e re : Allen Temple CME Church
4236 NE Eight Ave
Portland OR 97211
Phone: (5 03 ) 287-0261 for more Information
S po nsored By: A llen T e m p le CME Church
Cox and C om Funeral H om e
1 st Sunnybrivk iM\4 Surte ¿400 CbcMro)* OR’,
Office 50? 556 -6421 I ix 50? ??6 6621
// Hwrr frw/k-MÍ /.
Dr. Leory Haynes
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P o rtla n d M e 'r o c o ita n
2 7 3 6 N E R o d n e y,
. S tr n ts /y
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P o rtla n d O re g o n 9 7 2 12
Amx n tÍ Tr o f Ren to
Cell 503.890.1181
jparix n kw.com