Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 26, 2008, Page 8, Image 8

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    îlK JJnrtlanb ©hseruer
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C lassified /B id
Shop my store: youravon.com/llinder
Contact METoday!
Latoya Linder
Portland State
Assistant Coordinator
Position Announcement
Bubbling Brown Sugar: NEWS FLASH
With the passing of one of
our own, the Bubbles are
going to do something
different. We are going to
forgo our annual Thanks­
giving Dance. Instead we
are going to do a scholar­
ship in the name of Christa
B. Mullen. Christa had an
eye for just the right touch
in home decor. If you had
the opportunity to visit her
home you would know
what I mean.
Chitterlings or Baked
Chicken Feast
“Leave the Cooking to us"
Bethel’s Lay Organization
Saturday, Nov. 29
12:30 to 4:30 PM
Donation $ 10
Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church
5828 NE 8th Avenue Portland OR 97211
For More Information, contact:
Church Office: 503-288-5429
Church Fax: 503-288-4984
Church weh: wwww.bethelamechurchportlandoregon.com
Church email: bethelamechurch@comcast.net
Proper 8th Annual Thanksgiving Feast
admission is FREE
Po’Shine’s Café
8139 N Denver (& Kilpatrick)
<&> Portland State
City of Portland
School of Social Work
Assistant Professor: Child and
(One faculty position available
effective 9/15/2009)
Position Summary
A unique, shared, tenure-track
position between U niversity
S tu d ie s (P S U 's n a tio n a lly
re cogn ize d and accla im e d
general education program) and
Child and Family Studies (an
undergraduate major focusing
on developing professionals
who are prepared to be agents
of social change for children,
yo u th , and fa m ilie s ). The
position is a 1.0 FTE, 9 month,
te n u re -tra c k
aca d e m ic
appointment at the assistant
professor level.
Required Qualifications
• Ph.D. in Child and Fam ily
Studies, Family Studies, Youth
W o rk,
E d u ca tion ,
In te rd is c ip lin a ry S tu d ie s,
Social Work, or equivalent:
• Successful completion of a
background check (Oregon
Child Care Division Criminal
Registry entry);
• Ability to mentor/coach, teach,
and re la te p o s itiv e ly to
undergraduate students;
• Ability to teach as a part of an
interdisciplinary team;
• Ability to establish a research
program related to children,
youth, or families.
Educational and Community Supports
University of Oregon
To access the com plete job
announcem ent and required
application materials, visit our
website at www.oregonmetro.gov
or pick up a complete packet at
Metro Human Resources, 600
NE Grand Ave., Portland.
Beautiful Steel Buildings
Utility, Industrial, Commercial
Office of Commissioner Amanda Fritz
Discounted, Can Erect
Com m issioner-elect Amanda
Fritz seeks applications for three
(3) S ta ff R e p re s e n ta tive s:
C o m m u n ity
S p e c ia lis t,
Development Specialist, and
E n viro n m e n ta l S p e c ia lis t.
Please visit City of Portland
website www.ci.portland.or.us/
io b s / c o m m / fritzll2 5 0 8 .P d f
for additional information and
application requirements, or call
Local Consultant
Family S tu d ie s / University Studies
Posting 8 3 3 9
Educational and Com m unity
The Assistant Coordinator will Supports, a research unit in the
oversee the Women's Resource College of Education at the
Center’s Interpersonal Violence University of Oregon, is seeking
Prevention and Response work, a .NET Developer with service
co o rd in a te the p la n n in g of oriented architecture (SOA) and
re la te d e ve n ts , and sh a re data integration experience to
re s p o n s ib ility fo r ge n era l jo in a re se a rch team th a t
planning and oversight with the develops web applications for
p rim a ry
se c o n d a ry
Center’s Coordinator.
education institutions, including
Position announcem ent and
application s for (a) positive
application instructions can be
b ehavior su ppo rt (PB S), (b)
found at www.hrc.pdx.edu under
in te g ra tio n w ith s tu d e n t
th e h e a d in g “ F a cu lty and
information systems, (c) data
Administrative Positions.”
analysis, and (d) web surveys.
Position will remain open until Qualifications include a BA/BS
fin a lis ts are id e n tifie d and d e gre e . P re fe r d e gre e in
application review will begin com puter science, softw are
im m ediately. Portland State engineering or a related field.
co m p le te
p o sitio n
U n ive rsity is an A ffirm a tive For
go to the
A c tio n , Equal O p p o rtu n ity
Jo b s
in s titu tio n and w e lco m e s
a p p lic a tio n s from d ive rs e
candidates and candidates who
support diversity.
in vite a p p lic a tio n s from
qualified applicants who share
our view of diversity. Mail letter
o f in te re st, vita and th re e
pro fe ssio n a l re fe re n ce s to:
Educational and Com m unity
Supports, Attn: P. Phillips, 1235
University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
97403-1235. To insure full
consideration for this position,
applications must be received
Facility Engineer, Oregon Convention
by 5:00 PM on December 2,
Center. $27.26 hr, FT. Operates
2008. Position will remain open
and maintains heating, cooling, until filled. The University of
p lu m b in g, e le c tric a l and Oregon is an equal opportunity,
m ech a n ica l
e q u ip m e n t. affirm ative action institution
Providing utilities for events.
committed to cultural diversity
Secondary Education S p e c ialis t, and c o m p lia n c e w ith the
Sustainability Center, $45,591 Americans with Disabilities Act.
AA/EEO Employer
Announces An Open
Recruitment for
NET Developer/ Research Assistant,
-$58,356 annually.
Deadline: 12/8/08.
Nov. 27
Position Announcement for.
email: latoya_linder@yahoo.com
from 12pm to 4pm
November 26, 2008
5 0 3 -8 2 3 -3 9 8 8 .
A p plicatio ns
received by 4 :3 0 P.M. on Monday,
December 8th , will be considered
Old School
1985 SS Monte Carlo
Black w/ Red Trim
Garage Kept! Original Interior,
Excellent Condition!
$3,500. OBO Call Gary
@ 503-875-7152
Advertise with divei sity in
ffl’c |» ln r tla « b ( D b a c w r r
Call 503-288-0033
ails@pon landob sen er.com
Join th e
N a tio n s m ost
successful residential career
training program - Job Corps!
• FREE Career Training
• GED & High School Diploma
• Job Placement Assistance
• Housing, Meals & More
If you're 16-24 and a legal US
c itize n or re s id e n t, ca ll
We Pay for Your Fuel, licensing,
Ins. Road Taxes & Morel!
CDL-A 2yrs. Exp, Fluent English
w o rk
W ©
Worksystems, Inc. (WSI) is soliciting proposals for a Workforce
Audit in a te n -coun ty region in Oregon and Southw est
W a s h in g to n . W SI se e k s p ro p o sa ls from c o n s u ltin g
organizations and/or businesses able to identify current and
projected m anufacturing workforce demand, supply, and
training capacities. The project will identify skill and training
gaps and inform the Regional W orkforce Council, local
W orkforce Investm ent Boards (W IBs), and stakeholder
organizations. The Request for Proposals (RFP) will be available
on the WSI web site at www.worksystems.org by close of
business Monday November 17, 2008. Proposals must be
received by Wednesday, December 17, 2008.
For additional information please contact Cary Harkaway at
WSI at charkaway@worksystems.org.
Worksystems, Inc. is an equal opportunity em ployer/program .
Auxiliary aids and services are available
BID DATE: DECEMBER 12, 2008 AT 2:00 PM (PST)
J. E. Dunn Northwest, Inc.
4 37 N. Columbia Blvd.
Portland, Oregon 97217
Phone: (503) 978-0800 Fax: (503) 978-1034 CCB#
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from
all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women,
disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises.
o rtla n d C o m m u n ity C o lleg e Joftlaod Community College is a big part of a vibrant, urban
community and is a crossroads lor people with many destinations. PCC achieves educational
excellence by being accountable and committed to achieving diversity in its student, faculty
and start ranks We offer competitive salanes and a comprehensive benefits package designed
to provide employees ana their tamilies/domestic partners with, a broad range ot employer paid
benefit options
PCC otters competitive salaries and a comprehensive benefits package designed Io provide employees
and then families/domestic partners with a broad range ot employer paid benefit options. Employee
benefits include but are not limited to: Medical. Dental. Group Lifez'AD&D. Long lerm Disability. Long
lerm Care, Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan/PLRS, lax Deferred Annuity/403(b) plan, flexible
spending accounts sick leave/persoral leave accrual, and tuition waivers for employees, spooses/
domestic partners, and dependent children.
PCC Is currently accepting applications for the following full time faculty positrons tor
academic year 2009/2010.
Computer Application Systems
English (Writing/Comp/Lit)
Studio Art
position and application details, visit our website.
As an Altinnatw Action, Equal Employment Opportunity institution
The Urban Renewal Agency for the City of Portland, Oregon
Portland is internationally recognized for its quality of life,
distinctive neighborhoods, and robust transit system. Playing a
key role in keeping Portland, Oregon, one of America’s most
livable cities is the Portland Development Commission's mission.
PDC is the City's urban renewal agency, charged with bringing
together resources to achieve Portland's vision. We're currently
looking for qualified individuals to complement our workforce
for the following positions:
Lead Grant Program Coordinator
We offer a generous host of benefits as part of our efforts to
keep PDC a positive, healthy and productive place to work. PDC
values diversity in its work force and is committed to
Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action. •
Apply online at www.pdc.us/jobs
Portland Development Commission, 222 NW 5th Ave.,
Portland, OR 97209
Jobline: 503.823.3463
s y s t e m
upon request to Individuals with disabilities.
To place a free relay call in Oregon dial 7 1 1 .
Public Notice
This program funded in whole or In part
through the US Departm ent of Labor.
Worksystems, Inc. (WSI) is soliciting proposals for a Global
Competitiveness Assessment of a ten-county region in Oregon
and Southw est W ashington. WSI seeks proposals from
consulting organizations and/or businesses able to prepare
reports and presentations on (1) regionalism in workforce and
economic development; and (2) the region's economic strengths
and weaknesses in comparison to peer regions, including
appropriate benchmarks and strategic recommendations for
regional economic and workforce development planners.
See Full Posidon Announcement and
h ttp ://w w w .h r c .p d x .e d u /
openings/unclasslfled/lndex.htm .
The Request for Proposals (RFP) will be available on the WSI
web site at www.worksvstems.org by close of business Monday,
December 1, 2008. Proposals must be received by Friday,
January 2, 2009.
P o rtla n d S ta te U n iv e rs ity is a n
A A /E O institution a n d w e lc o m es
fro m
Portland Development Commission
in ^ ^ j j o r t l a n b (O h srrU cr
Call 5O3-288-OO3Ì ads@portlandob server.com
Advertise w ith diversity
Application Instructions at:
a p p lic a tio n s
Openings subiect to budget considerations and apprcval 2008/2009 Salary Range $45.406
$76,070. to r most positions, file review will begin on Monday, January 5,2009. Io obtain complete
Drivers-Owner Operators
www.scq-grp.com #ORD
Sub Bids Requested
d iv e r s e
c a n d id a te s a n d c a n d id a te s w ho
For additional information please contact Cary Harkaway at WSI
at charkawav@worksvstems.org.
s u p p o rt diversity.
A Absolutely New Queen Plllowtop
W orksystem s. In c. Is a n e q u a l op p o rtu n ity em p lo y e r/p ro g ra m .
M attress with Box Set. Still Sealed
A uxiliary aid s a n d services a re a v a ila b le upon re q u e s t to Individuals
w ith d is a b ilitie s . To p la c e a fre e re la y c a ll In Oregon d ia l 7 1 1 .
In Plastic. Can Deliver
$150. (503)828-8927
w w w . m u l t c o j o b s .o r g
This program funded In whole or In p a rt through the US D ep artm ent o f lab o r.