Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 26, 2008, Page 7, Image 7

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November 26. 2008
JJortlanb (Obseruer
Established 1970
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E ditor - in -C h ie i , P i
E d iio r
rusher :
M ic h a e l L e ig h to n
D is t r ir h i ion M anager :
International Week Widens Horizons
Crow ds jam m ed a dining hail and
auditorium at the Portland C om m unity
College Cascade Cam pus in north Port­
land last week for international extrava­
ganzas featuring entertainm ent, food
and crafts booths from people hailing
from countries all over the globe.
The events were part o f Interna­
tional Education W eek, designed to
honor PCC's international students,
faculty and staff. O ther activities raised
aw areness about study-abroad p ro ­
gram s to Am erican students as well as
to expose prospective international
students to the education and culture
o f the United States.
“ A lot o f people don't really know
ab o u t o u r c o u n trie s ,” said F ray a
SaQ uina, a PCC international student
from the Republic of Indonesia. ''In ter­
national E ducation W eek educates
them and helps share our experiences
without people having to go to the
Charles H. Washington
C reative D irecto r :
M ark W a sh in g to n
P aul N e u fe ld t
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3 1 1 NE K illingsw orth
Are You Ready?
Renee Dunn ~ Tarot Reader/Astrologer
Portland Metro - 5 0 3 -8 1 9 -1 9 0 1
An iruiepth session is Ihr. long and
includes your astrological birth chart
transits. Feel free to bring a cassette tape,
there's alot o f info!
The musical act Show Brazil introduce the sounds and movements of
Brazilian jazz, Carnival and Brazilian traditional music to students at
PCC’s Cascade Campus in north Portland.
Middle Eastern-style belly dance is performed by
Severin as part o f Portland Community College's
celebration o f International Education Week.
Jazz and Blues Fights Hunger
For the second time in as many years, jazz
pianist and recording artist Tom G rant has
organized a benefit concert to raise m oney for
P o tluck in the Park, a person to person,
grassroots Portland non-profit that has served
a free hot meal to anyone in need, every Sunday
for the past 17 years..
O perating without either office space or a perm anent kitchen
- m eals are prepared by individuals and groups who donate their
tim e and their ow n workspaces. Potluck in the Park is com pletely
volunteer-run. Every dollar raised is spent on providing m eals and
related services.
The concert will be held on Sunday, Dec. 7 at the A cadian
Ballroom , located at Northeast 19th Avenue and A lberta Street.
Joining Tom Grant on stage will be special guest blues harm onica
player, vocalist and G ram m y w innerC urtis Salgado,
for two sets o f music and a live m ini-auction during
the interm ission.
A lso on the bill are teen jazz sensation Kate
Davis, and legendary drum m er Ron Steen,
bossa nova-style vocalist N ancy Curtin, as
well as jazz/blues singers Toni Lincoln and
Shelly Rudolph. Bassist Dave Captein and
drum m er Jeff Frankel will round out the line-up.
Concert tickets are $45, which includes a pre-concert hors d'oeu vre
reception com plem ents o f the Acadian Ballroom, and com plem en­
tary beverages. VIP tickets, which include a private reception with
Tom G rant and V IP concert seating, are also available for $ 100.
T ick ets are av ailab le at M usic M illennium or on line at
Ghost of
Christmas Present
Ebeneezer Scrooge (Wesley Mann) and
the Ghost o f Christmas Present
(Julianna Jaffe) look on as Tiny Tim
(Madison Wray) charms a passerby in
Portland Center Stage's 2 0 0 7 adapta­
tion o f 'A Christmas Carol,' returning to
the downtown theater's main stage,
Tuesday, Dec. 2 through Dec. 28.
Tickets available at pcs.org/carol.
Gresham Holiday Celebration
T he 17th annual S pirit o f
Christm as Tree Lighting and Fire­
w orks Celebration, sponsored by
the G resham Dow ntow n D evel­
opm ent Association, will be held
on Saturday, Nov. 29 and Sun­
day, N ov.30 in Historic D ow n­
town Gresham .
Events wi 11 happen all day long
beginning at I p.m. on Saturday,
at the Main Stage at Third and
Main. Musical perform ances will
include the Harold O liver Inter­
m ediate C hoir & Latin Dance
Troupe, H ollydale Elem entary
Choir, Mt. H ood Dance A cad­
em y, East Hill Singers, Radio
Disney and the Portland C olum ­
bia Sym phony Brass Trio.
T hroughout the day families
can enjoy a free petting Zoo, hay-
rides, arts and crafts activities, a
phone call to the North Pole at
Cafe Delirium, and a photo’s with
Santa at the G resham History
M useum .
A candlelight parade will be
lead by Santa him self, from the
M ain Stage to a tree lighting and
holiday firew orks display at the
C enter for the Arts Plaza.
Uprootecf Productiows Presents
____ Come & Get
\ ln ,
4 «TV Celebration Jam
In Honor of President Elect
Dubbie OO JUMA
Da Champ
True Vibe [»«nee Crew
/ \
Kids can make phone calls to
Santa during this weekend'
Christmas Tree Lighting and
Fireworks Celebration in
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Wednesday, November 19,h 2008 at The Greek Cusin
Friday. November 21*1 2008 at Santorini's
The Greek Cuslna 404 SW Washington Portland. OR 97204
Santorini’s: 11625 SW Barnf s Rd Portland. OR 97225
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