Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 26, 2008, Page 2, Image 2

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    November 26. 2008
Holiday Fire Safety Tips
Turkey Fryers
W ith families making plans for
their holiday turkey and trimmings,
Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue
offers the follow ing safety tips:
Turkey fryers should alw ays
be used on a flat, non-com bus­
tible surface, outside aw ay from
buildings and items that can bum .
M ost units do not have ther­
m ostat controls and will heat until
the oil ig n ites. T o av o id oil
spillover and a resulting fire, do
n o t overfill the fryer.
M ake sure the turkey is com ­
pletely thawed and be careful with
marinades. A frozen turkey placed
in hot oil will splatter and can
cause an explosive fire.
Use w ell-insulated potholders
o r oven mitts w hen touching the
extinguish it. Leave your home
a n d c a ll9 -l-l from a cell phone or
neighbor's house.
If the fire is still the pan oroven
you may be able to extinguish it
yourself by putting a Lid on It.
Turn off the burner and from the
side carefully slide a pan lid over
the pan. The lid will "smother" the
fire, while turning o ff the burner
rem oves the heat.
N ever tran sfer a burning pan
from the sto v eto p to the sink or
out the back d oor. T he fire may
grow in size and burn you or
spread to co u n terto p or c a b i­
n ets.
A lso, never pour w ater on a
g rease fire. T h e flam es w ill
"splash," resulting in bum s to
your body and can spread to cabi­
nets and countertops.
pot or lid handle.
N ever allow children or pets
near the turkey fryer - the oil in­
side the cooking pot can remain
hot for hours.
N ever use w ater to extinguish
a grease fire. Call 9-1 -1 im m edi­
ately if a fire occurs.
Stovetop Fires
N ever leave food unattended
on the stovetop - turn off burners
or set a tim er if you leave the room
for any reason.
Heat cooking oil slowly and
never leave it unattended. Turn
down the heat if it begins to smoke.
Keep com bustibles away from
the stovetop and keep your cook­
ing area clean.
If the fire is large or appears to
be growing, do not attem pt to
Oil splashing over the sides o f an overfilled turkey fryer is ignited by the open flame beneath
the fryer.
Congress urged to Pass Jobs Bill
Obama cites
historic crisis
(A P)--C itingan "econom iccri­
sis of historic proportions,” Presi­
dent-elect Barack O bam a urged
Congress to pass a costly, job-
creating stimulus bill as quickly as
possible, a rare pre-inaugural cal!
to action delivered as the outgoing
Bush adm inistration approved
fresh billions to bail out one of the
nation's largest banks.
Stock prices surged higher —
the biggest tw o-day percentage
gain for the Dow Jones industri­
als in 21 years — as investors
took heart M onday from the ac­
tions and w ords o f the incom ing
and departing chief executives.
"If w e do not act sw iftly and
boldly, m ost experts now believe
that w e could lose millions o f jobs
next year," said O bam a, 57 days
shy o f taking office in the shadow
o f the w orst econom ic crisis since
the G reat D epression.
H e b le n d e d c r itic is m o f
Detroit's beleaguered Big Three
autom akers — General M otors
C o rp ., F o rd M o to r C o. and
C hrysler LLC — with a pledge o f
support for governm ent aid to
President-elect Barack Obama gestures as he answers
questions during his news conference introducing members
o f his economic team.
help them survive. "W e can’t al­
low the auto industry to ... van­
ish," he said, although he added
that a blank check for an industry
resistant to change was not the
solution to its long-term decline.
At a news conference in which
he introduced his administration's
topeconomic officials, Obama said
restoring the economy to health
took priority over deficit concerns.
Still, he said he would be looking
for "meaningful cuts and sacri­
fices" to restrain federal spending.
Obama and President George
W. Bush spoke by telephone dur­
ing the day, their first disclosed
conversation since a visit at the
W hite House more than a week
ago, and each man appeared eager
to show a transition proceeding
At the same time, the juxtaposi­
tion of the outgoing and incoming
chief executives grappling— pub­
licly and simultaneously — with
the economy underscored the se­
verity o f a crisis that has sent jo b ­
lessness rising, caused a large
spike in mortgage foreclosures and
crippled the credit markets.
Bush said his adm inistration’s
d ram atic ov ern ig h t rescu e o f
Citigroup Inc. was necessary to
safeguard the nation's financial
system and help the econom y
recover. He said more such moves
might follow if other institutions
need help. O fficials said the gov­
ernm ent might invest $20 billion
in the firm, and guarantee $306
billion in risky assets.
Encouraged by the action, in­
vestors sent the Dow Jones in­
dustrials up 397 points. Coupled
with Friday's gain, that m ean an
891 point increase over tw o trad­
ing days, the biggest percentage
gain since O ctober 1987.
O bam a made a point o f saying
his adm inistration "will honorthe
public com m itm ents m ade by the
current adm inistration to address
this crisis," w ords o f reassurance
to the financial markets.
Remarkably for a president­
elect, he said he wanted Congress
to act "right away" on a stimulus
measure that would blend spend­
ing and tax cuts. Asked for details,
he said without elaboration that he
wanted a measure "of a size and
scope that is necessary to get this
economy back on track.”
Oregon Institute o f Technology President Chris Maples
(left-) and Portland Community College President Preston
Pulliams exchange school-logo shirts to honor a new
dual enrollment agreement between the schools.
Dual Enrollment
Expands Options
Portland Community College
and Oregon Institute of Technol­
ogy in Klamath Falls have signed
a dual enrollment agreement that
will help hundreds o f technical
career students earn credits that
transfer between the schools.
The agreem ent will m ake it
possible for students to be co ­
enrolled in both schools, offer­
ing a seam less pathw ay for stu­
dents to begin and com plete a
four-year degree. Dual enroll­
ment also uses the resources of
both in stitu tio n s m ore effec­
tively, expanding options and
access for students.
In addition, Mt. Hood C om ­
m unity C ollege will sign a dual
enrollm ent agreem ent with O IT
next week.
PCC already has dual enroll­
ment agreem ents with Portland
State U niversity, O regon State
U niversity, C oncordia U niver­
sity, W estern G overnors U niver­
sity, M arylhurst U niversity and
Linfield College.
Columbia River
CRC. is a bridge, transit and highway improvement
pro/ect for l-S between Vancouver and Portland.
Join Us! Attend an Open House
We need your input on the number of lanes, light rail alignment
and interchange improvements.
Ttiesday, Decem ber 2
5 :3 0 -7 :3 0 p . m .
Hilton Vancouver Washington
301 W. 6th Street
Vancouver, WA 98660
Transit: www.c-tran.com or 360-695-0123
Wednesday, Decem ber 3
5 :3 0 -7 :3 0 p . m .
Portland Metropolitan Exposition Center
2060 N. Marine Drive, Hall D
Portland, OR 97217
Transit: www.trimet.org or 503-238-RIDE
Free parking
Keep the
To request a translator, please call the project office
three days in advance at 866-396-2726.
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Title VI Statement to Public W WSDOT ensures full compliance
with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by prohibiting
discrimination against any person on the basis of race, color,
national origin or sex in the provision of benefits and services
resulting from its federally assisted programs and activities. For
questions regarding WSDOT’s Title VI Program, you may contact
the Department’s Title VI Coordinator at (360) 705-7098.
Don'! turn your back on HIV/AIDS.
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D e p a rtm e n t