November 26, 2008 PageAIO F ood Glazed Roast Turkey with Cranberry Stuffing Stuffing • • • • • • • • • 1 cup butter or m argarine 3 m edium celery stalks (w ith leaves), chopped (1 1/2 cups) 3/4 cup finely chopped onion 9 cups soft bread cubes (15 slices) o r cornbread cubes 1/2 cup dried cranberries or raisins 2 Tbs. chopped fresh or 1 1/2 tsp. dried sage leaves 1 Tbs. chopped fresh or 1 tsp. dried thym e leaves 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. pepper 1 “The shiny, red- hued glaze will make this year's turkey even more special! ” Cranbeny-Apple Glaze Turkey • l can (8 oz) jellied cranberry sauce • 1/4 cup apple jelly • 1/4 cup light co m syrup • l w hole turkey ( 12 lbs.), thaw ed if frozen • 2 Tbs. butter or m argarine, melted Directions 1. H eat oven to 325°F. In 10-inch skillet, m elt 1 cup butter over m edium heat. C ook celery and o nion in bu tter, stirrin g fre ­ quently, until onion is tender. Stir in about one-third o f the bread cubes. Place in large bowl. Add rem aining bread cubes and re­ m ain in g stuffing in g red ien ts; toss. 2. Stuff turkey ju st before roast­ ing. Fill w ishbone area with stuff­ ing first. Fasten neck skin to back with skewer. Fold wings across back with tips touching. Fill body cavity lightly. (Do not p ac k -stu ff­ ing will expand w hile cooking.) Tuck drum sticks under band o f skin at tail, or tie together with heavy string, and then tie to tail. 3. Place turkey, breast side up, on rack in shallow roasting pan. Brush w ith 2 tablespoons butter. Insert m eat therm om eter so tip is in thickest part o f inside thigh m uscle and does not touch bene. D o not add water. 4. Roast uncovered, follow ing directions on packaging for ap­ proxim ate total co oking tim e. Thermometerwill read 1 SOT when turkey is done, and the drum stick should m ove easily w hen lifted or twisted. Roast until juice is no longer pink w hen center o f thigh is cut. T herm om eter placed in center o f stuffing will read 165°F when done. If a m eat therm om eter is not used, begin testing for doneness about 30 m inutes be­ fore T im etable indicates. (See Tim etable for Roasting Poultry for exact tim es.) 5. In 1-quart saucepan, mix all glaze ingredients. Cook over medium heat about 5 minutes, stirring occa­ sionally, until melted and smooth. Brush glaze on turkey about 20 minutes before turkey is done. Smooth and Creamy Peanut Butter Pie Easy Vegan Apple Pie Recipe Ingredients Ingredients *4-5 G ranny Smith apples, cored and thinly sliced *1/3 cup vegan m argarine, softened *1/3 cup packed brow n sugar * 1 Tbs. ground cinnam on There • 3/4 cup cream y peanut butter • 1 (3 ounce) package cream cheese • 1 1 / 4 cups confectioners' sugar • 1 (12ounce)containerfrozenw hippedtopping,thaw ed • 1 (9 inch) prepared chocolate cookie crum b crust s nothing like fresh home- made apple pie! ” *1 tsp grated nutm eg * 1 pre-m ade 9 inch pie crust Directions 1. In a large bow l, mix Directions together peanut butter, cream cheese and sugar. Then stir w hipped topping into peanut butter m ixture. W hisk until sm ooth and no lum ps remain. 2. Pour filling into pie crust and refrigerate for about 3 hours until pie is firm. 1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. 2. Places the apples in the crust. Dot with half the vegan m argarine. Stir the rest o f the m argarine into the brow n sugar and spices and crum ble this m ixture on top o f the apples. 3. Bake for 45 to 50 m inutes, or until apples are very soft when pierced with a knife. Homemade Refreshing Fruit Juice Recipes Fruit juices are an excellent refreshment and anyone that enjoys them will likely also enjoy fruit gifts. You can send friends and family a fruit gift basket and they can be perfect as birthday gifts or even as Holiday gift baskets. Fruit juices and fruit are important parts o f your diet and are great gift that promotes good health. Fruit Nectar Recipe Ingredients Ingredients • 1/2 cup raspberries, fresh or thaw ed • 1 orange, peeled and sectioned • 1 nectarine, pitted and sliced Directions Directions Process the fruit in a ju icer and serve. Process the fruit in a ju icer and serve. Blueberry Cherry Juice Recipe Ingredients Ingredients • handful o f grapes • 1 apple, cored and sliced • '/j inch fresh ginger (less if you find the taste too strong) • l/21ime • 1/4 lemon • sparkling mineral w ater • handful o f cherries, pitted • 3/4 cup blueberries • 1 apple, cored and sliced Directions Process the fruit in a ju icer and serve. Gingered Apple Cider Juice Directions R em ove the grapes from the stem . Ju ice the apple and g in g e r to g e th e r,, then ju ic e the rest o f the fruit. P our the ju ic e in a large g lass and fill to the top w ith sp ark lin g w ate r and serve w ith ice. Ingredients • 1 inch piece ginger • 3 apples or 1 cup apple cider Directions Process through a ju icer and serve. Strawberry Pretzel Salad "This three layer salad in­ cludes a pretzel crust, cream cheese center, and strawberry top. ” Ingredients • • • • • • • • • 1 1/2 cups crushed pretzels 4 1/2 Tbs. w hite sugar 3/4 cup butter, m elted 1 cup w hite sugar 2 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese 1 (8 ounce) container frozen whipped topping, thaw ed 1 (6 ounce) package straw berry flavored gelatin 2 cups boiling w ater 1 (16 ounce) package frozen straw berries Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F ( 175 degrees C). Mix together the pretzels, 4 1/2 tablespoons sugar and m elted butter. Press into the bottom o f a 9x 13 inch pan. Bake for 10 m inutes, or lightly toasted. Set aside to cool com pletely. 2. In a m edium bow l, beat the sugar and cream cheese until smooth. Fold in w hipped topping. Spread evenly over the cooled crust. R efrigerate until set, about 30 m inutes. 3. In a m edium bowl, stir together the gelatin mix and boiling water. Mix in frozen straw berries, and stir until thawed. Pour over cream cheese m ixture in pan. Refrigerate until com pletely chilled, at least I hour. Holiday Events Need License n S llh , ç r n -, h e t I 503-288-0033 „ .Z . w I 1 _ p m ill i O u t I & UU & Send ^ e n u T i o o : : diversity C hurches and organizations spon­ soring holiday events that serve food to the public m ust obtain a “benevo­ lent” tem porary restaurant license from M ultnom ah County H ealth D epart­ ment. Each year, county health inspec­ tors advise and consult with hundreds o f churches, schools, and other non­ profit organizations, know n as benevo­ lent organizations. O regon law re­ quires tem porary restaurant licenses for holiday events w hich help to en ­ sure safe food practices and reduce the likelihood o f food-borne illness. T o obtain a Benevolent Tem porary i I 4 w ,:S u b sc rip lio i,s.l> O B o x 3 n 7 ,| n—.■ — m O nm ins ■ Portland R 97208 | subscriptions are just $60 per year (please include check with this subscription form) | I N ame : ___________________ _______ T elephone : _____________ I j A ddress : _____________________ ____________________________ ____ _— j * or ema/7 subscriptions® J L icense, an application m ust be c o m p le te d and s u b m itte d to M ultnom ah County H ealth D e­ partm ent 15 days prior to the event. For m ore inform ation or to re ­ quest the application, call 503- 9 8 8 -3400 or visit the w ebsite m ’Print Participate in Democracy XSte M um P' L vl Lz "This pie is so smooth and creamy that it will melt in your mouth! It's always requested by my family members fo r its ultimate peanut butter flavor." Fruit Punch (Juice) • 6 straw berries, fresh or thaw ed from frozen • 1 apple, cored and sliced • 1/2 orange, peeled and sectioned Lemon-Lime Ginger Ale Place a tent o f foil loosely over turkey when it begins to turn golden. W hen tw o-thirds done, cut band o f skin or string holding legs. W hen turkey is done, place on w arm platter and cover with foil to keep warm. Let stand about 15 m inutes foreasiest carving. To serve, brush again with glaze be­ fore carving. xwr b tU d by n o ti O' f a f f *