Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 19, 2008, Page 9, Image 9

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    îl|e’JJortlanb ©bseruer
November 19. 2008
Page A9
P o r i la u ti O L s e rV e r A .uf© .R e v ie w
News and reviews on new motor vehicles
2009 Infiniti M35 AWD
K athleen C arr
T he Infiniti M 35 builds on this
successful foundation, it contin­
ues to be a great choice in the
perform ance-oriented luxury se­
dan segment. The Infiniti product
line has alw ays offer a excellent
ride with best reduction in road
T he Infiniti M does not drive
like a big car. Part o f the reason is
alum inum . T he hood, trunk lid
and doors are all alum inum , re­
ducing the body’s w eight and
helping low er its center o f g rav­
ity. Also, the electrically controlled
rack and pinion pow er steering is
precise, with good road feel.
The 2009 Infiniti M35 draw s
power from 3.5-lilerdohc 24-valve
V6 engine capable o f delivering
303 horsepow er at 6800 RPM and
252 pound-feet o f torque. The
engine has got 5-speed autom atic
transm ission system . T hanks to
5-speed autom atic transm ission
system , the 2009 Infiniti M 35 o f­
fers exem plary fuel econom y.
Enthusiast drivers will particu­
larly like Sport Package, w hich
features a firm er suspension and
active rear steering.
The 2009 Infiniti M 35 has got
an extensive range o f standard
features such as autom atic dual­
zone air conditioning w ith o ut­
side tem perature display, 10-way
pow er driver's seat, pow er w in­
dow s with express up/dow n, xe­
non h ig h -in te n sity d isc h a rg e
headlam ps, Infiniti Voice R ecog­
nition, tem porary spare tire, re­
m ote keyless entry, Bluetooth Specifications: 3.5 Liter DOHC 24-valve V6 Engine: Electronically controlled 5-speed auto­
technology, rear active steering, matic with drive sport (DS) mode: 16 city mpg, 22 highway mpg; MSRP $58,415.
A M /FM /cassette sound system
with M P3 and in-dash 6-disc C D
changer, air filtration system, dual
power heated mirrors w i th memory
and autom atic reverse tilt. Intelli­
gent Key with push button igni­
tion, 19-inchalloy wheels, climate
controlled front seats, alum inum
trim, leather-w rapped steering
wheel with wood trim and audio
co n tro ls. V ehicle Inform ation
System with 7-inch LCD screen
tire pressure m onitor etc. The
optional Journey Package con­
tains H om eLink, N avigation sys­
tem, RearV iew video m onitor,
Bose sound system, front pre­
crash seatbelts, com pass etc.
The M35 offers luxury, sports
sedan perform ance, and user-
friendly technologies that make
for com pelling packages. T hey’re
interesting, com fortable, and now
better-looking than ever.
Election Brings Unity in the Community
vance on “dry land.”
T he President- elect has an
enorm ous task before him. As a
people, we too have an unspoken
m andate and responsibility to be
supportive o f this D rum M ajor
The N A Ä C P and other activ­
w ho we are culturally and dem on­
strating w hat we can do together.
T his is our quest at the Port­
land Branch NAACP! W e seek
and encourage the involvem ent
o f the youth, the adult, and the
vintage as we support the na­
tional agenda and address local
ists m ust step up and step out by needs.
encouraging those enveloped in
Join us as we “press tow ard
the com ponent realities o f Mr. the m ark” to support P resident­
O bam a’s journey and the em o ­ elect O bam a as he seeks to actu­
tional im pact o f the m om ent,.
alize the fo u n d atio n o f “T he
We m ust not allow this un­ D ream ”. Rem em ber, all change
precedented achievem ent to lull and grow th takes tim e to becom e
us into a state o f com placency. It fam iliar w ith the process.
is im perative that as people of
You are invited to jo in us on
color and a country o f diversity, Saturday, Nov. 22, for the Port­
we m ust w ork to forge identity land B ranch In stallatio n C e r­
and unity based on appreciating em ony for the new officers. The
activists to
m eet Saturday
by B ishop H.
L. H odge
The election o f Barack O bam a
as President o f the United States
will be indelibly stam ped in the
m em ory o f all A m ericans and
etched in stone in the heart and
soul o f Black America.
Dr. M artin L uther King pro­
claim ed, “W e shall overcom e.”
Nov. 4,2008 was the day when the
“Red Sea” o f Black A m erica was
parted but not crossed. T here are
still som e spots that are not dry.
W e can and m ust begin to ad-
meeting will be held at Emmanuel
C O G IC United, 4800 N.E. 30th
A ve., beginning at 5 p.m.
D r. L eroy H ay n es, p asto r o f
A llen T em p le C M E , w ill serve
as s p e a k e r, an d M r. O s c a r
E ason, S tate N A A C P C o n fer­
en ce P resid en t, w ill d eliv er the
oath o f office. All local officials,
state, and reg io n al o fficers are
W e enco u rag e all N A A C P
m em bers and potential members
to attend. The N A A C P Portland
Branch lives! We need your em ­
brace and support. The com m u­
nity is strengthened by unity!
Bishop H.L. Hodge is presi­
dent-elect o f the Portland Branch
o f the NAACP.
She Loved her Family and Friends
Earlene Staples
In Loving Memory
Clarence Johnson
Funeral services for C larence
Johnson, who died Oct. 30, 2008,
were held Nov. 8.
He was bom in Portland on March
----- 27, 1971 to Debra
P a y to n
Lamoni Johnson
He was raised by
his m o th e r and
aunt Phyllis Roper.
-----— J y ea rs, C la re n c e
enjoyed playing basketball, pop danc­
ing, breakdancing, drawing and hang­
ing out with his friends. Later years
were spent listening to music, social­
izing with his friends and eating all
types o f good food. His daughters,
Clareesha and Shakia were the high­
light o f his life.
Clarence was smart, ambitious,
friendly and gifted. He was admired
by his family and friends for so many
things. He had a beautiful smile that
he carried with him at all times.
Before he left this world, Clarence
had made peace with God. Even
though he had challenges through­
out his life, he held o n io the values
in which his family instilled in him.
Preceding him in death, were his
grandm others, Irene Johnson and
Pearl Johnson; grandfather: Densber
Johnson and a brother, S haunte
He leaves tocherish their precious
memories, his wife. Kimia Johnson;
his daughters; mother and father; a
sister, Deanna H ampton-Johnson;
his a special aunt, and a host o f family
and friends who will miss him dearly.
Arrangements entrusted By Cox
& Cox Funeral Chapel.
Funeral services Jo r Earlene
Staples, w ho died Nov. 4,2008,
were held Nov. 12 at C alvary
C h r is tia n C e n te r
She w as bom on
June 26, 1946 to
G rant and Earline
Brown in Lexington,
M iss. She married
D avid Staples and
to this union five
children w ere bom .
In the late 60s, in
pursuit o f a better life, they
moved to Portland and found
employment. Earlene worked at
the Dell Nursing Home, which is
presently the M arquis Pied­
mont , for over 30 years, until her
retirement earlier this year.
Earlene w as a good mother.
Funeral services for
Annie Mae, Miller who
diedOct. 19.2008, were
held Oct. 31 at Fellow­
ship M issionary Bap­
tist Church
She was bom on
May 7, 1925 in Marshall, Texas,
one o f eight Chi Idren bom to James
and Surmentha Scott.
She was received her education
in Marshall and accepted Christ at
an early age. In 1964, she moved to
Oregon and becam e a member of
Vancouver Avenue First Baptist
Annie was a Hair Sty list at Dean
M ake W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver
High Achieving Student
Julian Massenburg of Grant High School holds a certifi­
cate that acknowledges his induction into the National
Honor Society. The honor is bestowed on students who
achieve the highest academic standards and personal
Weatherization Saves on Energy
T h e C o m m u n ity E n erg y weatherization materials worth $ 150
Project. 422 N.E. Alberta St., is after attending workshop.
Toget a 1 ist of the workshop times
offering a series o f w eatheriza­
tion w orkshops at locations and locations,call503-284-6827,exL
around (he city in December.
em ail
The workshops are geared for enetgy C« ux ni nunityet tergypn (jetting.
people in drafty homes. Qual ified You can also visit the website
participants receive a free kit of communityenergyproject.org
Bishop H.L. Hodge, Ph.I).
He was Well Known and Loved
“The Voice Sp ea ks"
Carl Camphell
W orship Service: Sunday 8:00 A M.
C arl O liver C am pbell died to be closer to his dad. W ilfred he w as tired and that he was
Oct. 29.2008. He was bom on Cam pbell. Carl had three beauti­ ready to go. He w anted to see
Sem inar: Bible Them es, W ednesdays 6:00 P.M.
F eb.20,1962to Edna W illiam ful daughters with Ann Badon; his m om and dad up above in
“God The Father,” “G od The Son," “( io d The Holy Spirit"
and W ilfred C am p b ell in C arla (too-too) Jeanette (girdie- H eaven.
Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite everyone
W e say rest in peace because
Lafayette, La., the sixth o f 12 g ird ie)an d Jan ita(n ita). He loved
to join us at our appointment with Jesus.
singing oldies but goodies. In the the A lm ighty G od know s what
He w ould recall how his com m unity, he w as well known was best for you, and we love you
We Reach,Teach, & Preach in Jesus’ Name!!!
and hope to see you in Heaven
m other was his second grade and loved by many.
Preceding him in death was his one day.
teacher in Louisiana, and how
T o inquire about our Training Ministry
A rrangem ents entru sted by
he decided to be the class m other and father. He leaves to
call 5 0 3 8 6 3 -6 5 4 5 or email: hodgehspks@ m sn.com
clow n and not do his hom e­ cherish their m em ories o f him, his Cox & Cox Funeral Chapel.
work. He though she would three d au g h ters; seven sisters
just automatically promote him and brothers, M argaret, Boo Boo,
to the third grade. Little did he W ilfred, M allory, W alter, Paul,
know that his m other would P au lette. T ina, E dna. D onna,
m ake him repeat the second Robin and Jam ie; and a host of
Now is a great time to buy! Why rent when you can own??
grade, because his m other uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews,
knew he had more in him then cousins and friends.
He had a talk w ith his sister in
he w as giving.
The US Government is offering a $7,500 tax credit to
He later m oved to Portland reg ard s to his d eath . He told her
Mother, Grandmother Remembered
Annie Mae Miller
photo by
She enjoyed cooking southern
Preceding her in death was her
food such as fried chicken and father and her grandson, Dennis
collard greens. She loved to go Utuk.
fishing, play bingo and w atch her
She is survived by her hus­
favorite soap opera band, David Staples; daughters,
"T h e Y o u n g and Denise Brown, Lisa Staples, Dor­
T he Restless".
othy Staples, Ann Staples, and
E arlier this year Daisy Staples; her mother, Earline
sh e w a lk e d in to D avis; sisters, M addie Staples,
Em m anuel Tem ple Lillie Issac (M itchell), Emma
Church o f G od In R u f f in ,
M a rie
Jo h n s o n
C hrist and gave her (R oosevelt), M artha Robinson
life to the Lord.
(Leand), Bobbie Brown, Ideal
In the end, her R a g la n d an d R o s ie P ilc h e r
heartfelt w ish was (W illie); brothers, John C. Brown,
to see Barack O bam a elected Presi­ L ester Brown (M arcia) G rant
dent o f the U nited States. Her Brown (M argaret) and Donnie
dream cam e true and she passed Brown; 14 grandchildren; I4great
quietly soon after his brilliant ac­ grandchildren and a host o f other
relatives and friends who will miss
ceptance speech.
M ore than anything she loved her dearly.
bein g aro u n d h e r fam ily and
A rran g em en ts entru sted by
C ox & Cox Funeral Chapel
Beauty Shop and later m em ories o f her, tw o sisters,
Beatrice Scott and Lillian Jones of
became a homemaker.
,n 1981, she returned Fortw orth, Texas; her children,
M c S w a in ,
Y vonne
toTexas with her grand­ L e o la
Lawrence ( Stevie ), and Surmentha
son, Leroy Johnson.
She was a loving and A nn M iller; a G od daughter,
caring mother, grand­ Jenese F ayson; grandchildren,
mother and friend who M arcella Lockett (Brad). Carla*
would be there to assist anyone. Sm alley ( Darry ), Leroy Johnson,
She loved cooking and canning.
J e a n e tte
M a n n in g ,
Ja n e l
Preceding her in death was her M c S w a in , W a rre n W a lla c e ,
mother and father; husband, Jacob W hitney and Brittney Bickham; 7
Miller; a son, Zebedee Manning; great grandchildren and a host of
three brothers. Fred Scott, Hay­ nieces, n ep h ew s, cousins and
ward Scott and James Scott Jr; and ex te n d e d fam ily and special
two sisters, Helen S. Murray and friends.
Arrangements entrusted by Cox
Alice Johnson.
She leaves to cherish their & Cox Funeral Chapel.
1st Time Homebuyers
Time home buyers.
This won’t be available forever so, act quickly to take
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