Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 19, 2008, Page 6, Image 6

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November 19, 2008
Prominant Writers Welcome a Literary President
Obama called a
peer, man of
his own words
(A P ) - L ast w in ter, N obel
laureateT o n i M orrison received
a phone call from Sen. B arack
O bam a.
O bam a
c o n ta c te d
M orrison to ask fo r h er su p ­
port. But b efore they got into
p o litics, the au th o r and the c a n ­
d id ate had a little ch a t ab o u t
"H e began to talk to m e about
one o f the books I had w ritten.
Song o f S o lo m o n ,’ and how it
h a d m e a n t a lo t to h im ,"
M orrison said in a p o st-e le c ­
tion interview from h e ro ffic e at
P rinceton U niversity .
"A nd 1 had read his first book
('D re a m s From My F ath er’). I
w as asto n ish ed by his ab ility to
w rite, to think, to reflect, to learn
and turn a good phrase. I was
very im pressed. T h is w as not a
no rm al p olitical b io g rap h y ."
C h ild ren 's T h eater at M t. H<x»d - The jo y s
and dilem m as o f childhood are celebrated in
the Mt. Hood C om m unity C ollege play
“ M agic T heater.” Perform ances, geared for
young children, ye, enjoyed by all, take
place at 10:30 a.m. on W ednesday, Nov. 19
and Friday, Nov. 21. A 2 p.m. m atinee is
scheduled Saturday, Nov. 22.
D a n ce M o sa ic - Experience a
rich variety o f dance w orks by gifted local
and nationally know n choreographers. A
repertory concert will be presented by M etro
D ancers, on Saturday, Nov. 22, at 2 p.m. and
7 p.m ., at Portland M etro Perform ing Arts,
9933 SE Pine St. For ticketing, call 503-408-
P r o p er T h a n k sg iv in g F ea st - T hursday,
Nov. 27, from noon to 4 p.m., P o 'S h in e’s
p resid en t or b ecau se the vast
m ajo rity o f w riters u sually vote
for D em ocrats. W riters w elcom e
children and families. The show runs through
Jan. 19.
O M S I A fter D ark - O M SI A fter Dark is a
Café, 8139 N. Denver, will host a free Thanks­
giving. meal featuring delicious food, per­
form ing arts and storytelling.
night at the m useum for the 21 and over
crow d filled with food, drink and science
fun; $ 10 fee. For m ore inform ation call 503-
797-4000.orvisitom si.edu.
A n n u a l T u rk ey T ro t - Thursday, Nov. 27,
the O regon Zoo invites runners and w alkers
o f all ages to jo in the annual T hanksgiving
Day four-m ile run and fitness w alk, begin­
ning at 8 a.m., with a one-kilom eter
to, trot beginning at 9:30 a.m.
Providence Festival o f Frees: Im ag­
in e — Friday, Dec. 4, kicks o ff the
holiday season with a gala evening,
dinner and tree auction; follow ed
with the public show on Saturday
and Sunday for the entire family.
O regon Convention Center-Exhibit
Hall C. For more inform ation, call 503-215-
T h e N u tcra ck er — Friday, Dec. 12 thru Sun­
day, Dec. 14, Portland Festival Ballet pre­
sents the N utcracker with over 1(H) children
from the Portland area at Portland C om m u­
nity C ollege's SylvaniaC am pusForuin T he­
ater, 12(XX)S.W. 49th St.
C o m in g H om e: Illu sion ist
J a ck so n R ayn e - Sunday,
J u n g le B ook - Tears o f Joy
Theatre presents “Jungle Book”
at the W inningstad Theatre in
the Portland C enter for the Per­
form ing Arts, dow ntow n, on
Saturday, Nov. 22 and Nov. 29
at 11 a.m. and Sunday, Nov. 23
and Nov. 3 0 at 2 p.m. an d 4 p.m.
For M o rriso n an d o th e rs, the
electio n o f O b am a m atters no,
because he w ill be the first black
N o rm a n S y lv e ste r B a n d - Friday, Nov. 21
and Saturday, Nov. 22, the Norm an Sylvester
Band will take the stage at 8:30 p.m., at
C ly d e’s in Portland; and on Saturday, Nov.
29 at 8 p.m. at H alibut’s in Portland. For more
information, call 503-281-5989.
Barack Obama
e st a i
O M SI H oliday M agic L a se r Show - Friday,
Nov. 28 through W ednesday, Dec. 31. Per­
form ances are at 3 p.m . T uesdays through
Fridays and at 11 a.m ., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.
w eekends and holidays.
U rb an H ip H op - C on­
tem porary dance and
u rb a n h ip -h o p jo in
forces when the W hite
Bird Uncaged dance se­
ries presents the C ana­
d ian d an ce co m p an y
K id d P iv o t. P e r f o r ­
m ances are at 8 p.m.,
currently through Saturday, Dec. 1 at Reed
C ollege’s Kaul Auditorium .
Toni Morrison
Dec. 7, at 7 p.m., the Illusion­
ist Jackson Rayne, alumni
o f Skyview High School, in
Vancouver. Tickets avail­
able at the door.
P oetry at M ira cles -- Local
and national artists and m u­
sicians share an evening of
spoken word and music at
the M iracles C lub, 4069 N.E. Martin Luther
King Jr. Blvd, each W ednesday’s, between
7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
B o b th e B u ild e r --T V s Bob the Bui Ider and
hisC an-D oC rew invite aspiring young build­
ers to help get the jo b done in a hands-on
traveling exhibit at the Portland C hildren's
M useum. The 2,(XX) square-foot, multimedia
exhibit invitesexplora,ion and team w ork for
hack speechw riters. If he were to
lie to us, he would really be be­
traying his deepest self."
"D ream s From My F ather"
and O b am a's "The A u d acity o f
H ope" h av e each sold m illio n s
o f co p ies and have been praised
as the rare w orks by p o litician s
that can actu ally be read for
p leasu re. O b am a's stu d en t p o ­
etry w as even lauded — and
c o m p a r e d to th e w o rk o f
L an g sto n H ughes — by the
m o st d is c e r n in g o f c r it ic s ,
H arold Bloom .
Embracing a
Place in History
Rapper says
he’s voice for a
(AP) - Kanye W est is to music
w hat M ichael Jordan was to bas­
8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the Third D egrees Lounge
ketball — at least that's what West
at the RiverPlace Hotel, 1510 S.W. Harbor
thinks, in his hum ble estimation.
W ay, will host the ongoing w eekend series
"I realize that my place and
featuring Portland’s rich jazz scene with no
position in history is that 1 will go
cover or m inim um purchase. For m ore infor­
dow n as the voice o f this genera­
mation, visitpdxjazz.com .
tion, o f this decade, I will be the
loudest voice," he said. "It's me
O p en M ic N ight - Every W ednesday night
settling into that position o f just
at 7 p.m.. Proper Eats Market and Cafe, 8638
really accepting that it's one thing
N. Lom bard St., host open mic night.
to say you w ant to do it and it's
S lidersG rill--SlidersG rill,3011N. Lombard,
another thing to really end up
features an eclectic assortm ent o f perform ­
being like M ichael Jordan."
ers on the main stage, accom panied by d e­
The G ram m y-w inning rapper-
licious food. Call 503-459-4488 for more in- . producer said Justin Tim berlake
had a chance to be m usic's MVP,
but hasn't put out enough m ate­
F ree F irst F rid a y N ig h ts — The Portland
rial. Tim berlake's last album was
C h ild ren 's M useum has partnered with Tar­
in 2(X)6, while W est released aC D
get to provide free adm ission toeveryone on
last year and is releasing his latest
the first Friday o f each m onth from 5 p.m. to
— "808s and Heartbreak" — on
8 p.m.
Nov. 24.
"There w ere people w ho had
O re g o n Z oo B uck T u esd a y s - O n the 2nd
Tuesday of every month, the zoo hosts 2-
Buck Tuesdays when guests can tour the
zoo during regular zoo hours for the dis­
counted price o f $2 per person!
L ive J a zz - Every Friday and Saturday from
Kanye Wesf
the potential to do it but they
went on vacation, so when Justin
went on vacation I m ade albums,"
he said. "And it ju st cam e out to
be that."
W est. 31, said life has been
difficult since his m other's death.
D onda W est died last N ovem ber
after having plastic surgery.
"I'm ju st going through bal­
ancing that. And I alw ays used to
have that support system , you
know. My mom w ould he there;
no m atter what, she was there
before everything," he said.
O M S I $2 D a y s - The first Sunday o f every
month can spark your passion for science at
the O M SI when adm ission is just $2. For
m ore inform ation, visit O M SI.edu.
M u sic M illen n iu m F ree S h o w s — T he M u­
sic M illennium , 3 158 E. Burnside, hosts in­
house live perform ances. Enjoy free music
and the opportunity to m eet local artists. Call
5 0 3 -2 3 1 -8926 for a schedule.
■ — — — — — — — — — n
! complus
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Michael E Harper
S u n d ay N ight Ja z z - Jazz enthusiasts can
enjoy listening to the cool sounds o f Mel
Brown, in the Rogue River Room at Chinook
W inds C asino Resort in Lincoln City. No
cover charge.
O b am a as a peer, a th in k er, a
m an o f w ords — h iso w n w ords.
"W h e n I w a s w a tc h in g
O b a m a 's a c c e p ta n c e sp e ec h
(Tuesday night), I was convinced
that he had w ritten it him self, and
th erefo re that he w as saying
things that he actually believed
and had considered," says Jane
Smiley, authorof the Pulitzer Prize-
w inning "A T housand A cres"
and other fiction.
"1 find that m ore convincing in
a politician than the usual thing of
speaking the w ords o f a raft of
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Journey into a
Remarkable Mind
Doug Tompos is Ft. Buckminster Fuller, the
engineer, designer, poet, and philosopher who,
among other things invented the geodesic
dome. R. Buckminster Fuller: The History (and
Mystery) of the Universe plays in the Ellyn Bye
Studio at Portland Center Stage through Dec. 7.
For tickets, information, blogs and more, visit