(Eh November 19, 2008 Page A5 H ealth matters Damper put on Obama Family Dog Quest Finding a hypoallergenic breed is a misconception ( AP) - Not to put a dam per on the O bam a family's canine quest, but allergists have a new s flash: T h e re 's no su ch th in g as a hypoallergenic dog. D octors w ho sp e cia liz e in children's allergies say kids who are truly allergic to dogs probably shouldn't get one. So M alia and Sasha, how about a fish instead? President-elect Barack O bam a has said his young daughters have been prom ised a dog with their m ove to the W hite House. A nd in his first post-election news conference, he announced that M alia "is allergic, so it has to be hypoallergenic." It's a com m on m isconception. In response, the A m erican A cad­ em y o f Allergy, A sthm a& Im m u- A puppy that goes by the name 'Ears' is a Peruvian Hairless Dog, a bald and often toothless breed that was popular among Incan kings. nology issued a statem ent say­ in g , "T h e re is n o tru ly 'hypoallergenic' dog." A n o th e r m isc o n c e p tio n is "that people are allergic to a dog's hair, and it is falsely believed that a dog that sheds less will not cause a reaction," the academy said. W hile som e people with dog allergies say som e breeds cause them more problem s than others, there isn't any scientific proof to back that up, said the academ y's Dr. Clifford Bassett, a New York City allergy specialist. All do g s produce p ro tein s that can cau se allergies. T h ese p ro tein s are found in dogs' d a n ­ d er — w hich is dead skin cells, not fur — and saliv a and urine, explained Dr. E lizabeth M atsui, a ch ild ren 's allergy ex p ert at Johns H opkins C h ild ren 's C e n ­ ter. G room ing and bathing can re­ move much o f the dander and cause few er allergic symptoms, and som e b reed s tend to be groom ed and bathed more often. But it’s that treatm ent rather than the breed that makes the differ­ ence, doctors say. People with general allergies but not a specific allergy to dogs will probably do fine with a dog, said Dr. Robert Naclerio, an al­ lergy specialist. But for those with a true dog allergy, diagnosed by a skin test, "then I w o u ld n ’t reco m m en d bringing it in," he said, "because you are going to have sym p­ tom s." T hose include a runny nose, teary eyes, sneezing and cough­ ing. Naclerio said people with pet allergies can "outgrow " them, though it takes years. That said, the al lergy academy offers tips for minimizing the prob­ lem. (W hite House cleaning staff, take note): • Clean the house often with vacuum s equipped with special filters and double bags. • Keep the dog out o f the aller­ gic child's bedroom. • R em ove carpeting, w here dander also can build up. • Bathe the animal weekly. N M M M M IN Test Could Detect Future Heart Disease A m ericans focu sed on c h o ­ lesterol and blood p ressu re as the m ain signs o f risk fo r heart attack s and strokes m ay have a new tool: a sim ple, low co st b lood test that rese arch e rs say m easures coronary in fla m m a­ tion. A m ajo r study p rese n ted at this w ee k ’s A m erican H eart A s­ s o c ia tio n s c ie n tific m e e tin g found that even am ong people in good health w ith relativ ely low ch o lestero l, the test is a strong in d icato r o f future heart d isease risk. D o cto rs look for elev ated levels o f C R P, a p ro ­ tein that can indicate in flam m a­ tion. R esearch sho w s those p a ­ tien ts can reduce th eir risk by taking a statin drug like C resto r W e all m ust do our part to responsibly protect the environ­ ment - including ensuring the safe disposal o f m edications. Sometimes, trace levels o f phar­ m aceuticals can be detected in our water supplies - prim arily as the result o f normal patient use or im proper disposal. W e can all further minimize this risk by learn­ ing how to safely dispose o f old or unused medicines. If you do not use all o f your prescribed or over-the-counter I know what y o u ’re thinking - tion into a sealable plastic bag. If the m edication is a you thought flushing medicines solid (pill, liquid capsule, was the safe way to go, right? etc.), crush it or add water to Y ou're not alone. Many o f my friends used to do this to help dissolve it. You can add kitty litter, keep m edicines away from their sawdust, coffee grounds to pets and children. We now know that there are the plastic bag or any m ate­ m edication, you can take a few rial that mixes with the medication sa fe r, m o re e n v iro n m e n ta lly small steps to make a huge impact to make it less appealing for pets friendly ways to dispose o f un­ w anted medicines. in safeguarding lives and pro­ and children to eat. As paren ts, we all w ant to tecting the environm ent by dis­ You should also remove and posing o f unused medicines prop­ destroy all identifying personal leave this w orld a little bit better erly. information from the prescription than w hen w e en tered it - for W ith a few exceptions, do not label from all medication contain­ o u r ow n ch ild ren , and for their flush unused m edications or pour ers before recycling them or ch ild ren . S afe, sm art disposal o f unused o r unw anted m ed ica­ them down a sink or drain. throwing them away. Always’ refer to printed m ate­ tions is one easy w ay to do ju st You can dispose o f unused m edication in household trash, rial accom panying your m edica­ that. Larry Lucas is a vice president but m ake sure to protect children tion for specific disposal instruc­ and pets from potentially nega­ tions and consult your pharm a­ fa r the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers o f America. tive effects by pouring m edica­ cist w ith any questions. Even if patient is healthy now o r Lipitor. Dr. A lison Fulm er, a K aiser P erm anente ca rd io lo g ist, says she plans to use the test for C R P for those p atien ts w ho d o n ’t show an o th er obv io u s risk fac­ tor. T he goal: find in flam m a­ tion. “ It has been clea r to m e for som e tim e that in flam m atio n is the big issue, and ch o lestero l is n o t,” said Dr. Fulm er. P h y sician s have know n for years that elev ated levels o f LD L ch o lestero l are associated w ith heart disease, and that low ­ erin g those levels can reduce the n um ber o f heart attack s and strokes. Som e p h y sician s say they can see a tim e w hen a C R P test is standard p ractice fo r ro u ­ tine physical ex am s for patients in th eir 4 0 ’s. T he test co sts $20. H eart d isease is the leading cau se o f death in the U nited S tates. H ealth W atch fitness and em otional stability. For more information, call 503-335-3500. health: educational material provided. For more information, call 503-261-6611. “G et M e Through the Holidays: 10 Strate­ gies for C oping with Loss” - Thursday, Nov. 20, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. This class will provide inform ation on coping with a loss o f a loved one during the holiday season and any other days that hold special meaning. For more information, call 503-512-8404. Accelerated One-Day Prepared Childbirth --Sunday, Dec. 14,9:30a.m. to6p.m .,expect- ant parents to prepare for a m ore com fort­ able labor add delivery; $100 per couple (includes lunch). T o register, call 503-256- 4000. Tenderfoot C a re -T re a t yourfeetwithasoak, nail trim, buffing and massage from a licensed nurse atone o f six clinics or at your home. Call 503-251 -6303 for more information. Introduction to Insulin Pum p Therapy - Friday, Nov. 21, from 9 a.m. to 10:30a.m., this small group class is designed to teach basic pum p functions and use o f basal insulin, bolus insulin and ways to troubleshoot high blood sugar levels. For more inform ation, call 503-221-0161, extension 2254. N ew born C are - T hursday, Nov. 22, from 6:30p.m . to 7:30 p.m., expectant parents will get a com plete-head-to-toe look at prepar­ ing tocare for their newborn. Topics include appearance, bathing, diapering, safety and more; $45 per couple. T o register, call 503- 574-6595. Breastfeeding Preparation - Saturday, Nov. 22, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m ., this class prepares parents for the first few weeks o f breastfeeding; $42 fee per couple. To register, call 503-574-6595. C hildbirth Preparation C lass - W ednes­ days, beginning Nov. 26, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., helps first-tim e parents prepare for a more com fortable labor and delivery through lectures, active practice and group discus­ sions; $85 per couple. T o register, call 503- 574-6595. Yoga for Fitness-D e c . 10thruJan.28,from 6:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., this 8-week class teaches true w ellness through a balance o f Polycystic Ovary Syndrom e Informational Class - Thursday, Feb. 5, from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. $20 fee. To register, call 503-221-0161, extension. 2254. Peer-to- Peer Recovery - Peer-to-peer edu­ cation recovery is a free 9 -w e ek course for mental health patients. M entors w ho are recovering from mental illness are trained to teach coping strategies to others. For more information,call 503-228-5692. Cardiac-Rehab Exercise Classes - A medi­ cally supervisedexercise program for people dealing with heart conditions. For m ore in­ formation, call 503-251 -6260. O steoporosis Screening - An ultrasound bone density screening with personalized education; fee $30. T o schedule an appoint­ ment, call 503-261-6611. Stroke A lert Screening - C heck your ca­ rotid arteries with a painless ultrasound to assess your risk. Fee $40. T o schedule a screening, call 503-251 -6137. C hronic Pain Support G roup - m eets the first W ednesday at 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and the third W ednesday o f each month, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. For m ore inform ation, call 503- 2564000. C holesterol Profiles - Keep an eye on your cholesterol and other indicators o f heart Senior A erobics - A low -im pact workout geared specifically toward seniors. Call 503- 449-0783 for current schedule. Better Breathers - An asthm a educational support group meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month from 1:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. at Adventist M edical Center. For more infor­ mation, call 503-251 -6830. Ireg A lert S creen in g - Check for peripheral arterial disease with this safe, sim ple screen­ ing using ankle and arm blood pressure. The fee is $40. T o schedule an appointm ent, call 503-251-6137. C an cer R esource C en ter - P rovidence St. V incent M edical C enter and the A m eri­ can Red C ross h av e jo in e d fo rces to c re ­ ate the first in -h o sp ital reso u rce cen ter providing books, p rin ted m aterial, co m ­ p u ter access and m ore for in d iv id u als and fam ilies dealing w ith cancer. T he cen ter is open M onday th ro u g h T h u rsd ay , 9 a.m. to 4 p.m . Free Body Basics - T his physician recom ­ m ended ec u s is appropriate for all ages and health conditions. Plan to attend this one- session clkss and learn the sim ple guide­ lines for safe exercises, including stretch­ ing. Call 513-256-4000 to register. Heart Talk Support G roup m eets - on the second Monday o f each month; from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. F^r more information, call 503-251 - 6260. Double J Tires New & Used Tires Overstock & Used Tires $ 1 5 & u p PRICED TO SELL All tires mounted & blanched on the car, out the door - no additives. Free stock wheels w / purchase of any new or used tlre- limited to sto ck on hand 3 0 years In business 2 locations to Serve You 6841 NE MLK, Portland 503-283-9437 4510 SE 52nd & Holgate 503-771-1834 Michael Tillery Broker 503.975.8004 michael@ bridgetownrealty.com Please call me, your neighborhood specialist, for any o f your Real Estate needs. My success is built on a com m itm ent to quality service. 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