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Inauguration Ticket Scams Warning Subscribe J
Buyers urged
to use caution
A record numberof Americans
want to be a part of history and
attend the inauguration of Presi­
dent-elect Barack Obama, but
unfortunately, only 250,000 tick­
ets are up for grabs and many of
those have already been reserved.
While many websites areclaim-
ing to sell tickets online, the Bet­
ter Business Bureau is advising
the p u b lic th at p u rc h a sin g
scalped tickets could leave you
out in the cold with empty pock­
ets on Inauguration Day.
The Joint Congressional Com­
mittee on Inaugural Ceremonies
is responsible for divvying out
tickets to Congressional repre­
sentatives. It is then up to the
Congressmen and woman to hand
out the tickets— which are free—
to constituents the day before
the inauguration.
Dear Deanna!
For five years I’ve been madly in
love with a good friend. W e’ve
talked about having a relation­
ship, but the timing was never
good. Next thing you know he
married a girl who was pregnant
because his family thought it was
the mature thing to do. After a
year he got into trouble with her
family and now he’s in jail for
seven years. We write and talk on
the phone and he knows J love
him. I respect his marriage but my
love is getting stronger. Should
I express my feelings to him? —
Very Confused; Las Vegas, Nev.
Dear Confused:
Let’s do the math. One man went
half on a baby with someone else
plus one wedding equals two and
you’renotintheequation. You’re
Some members of Congress—
who usually have several hun­
dred tickets to pass out at their
discretion— have received thou­
sands of requests.
can’t secure the tickets, the pur­
chaser will likely already be en
route to Washington, DC, before
they receive the bad news that
the broker couldn’t provide the
ficer for the Better Business Bu­
reau serving Oregon.
While there are a number of
issues associated with purchas­
ing inaugural tickets online, for
those that are willing to assume
the risk, the following steps
should be taken to reduce the
chances of being ripped off:
Paying with a credit card or
through PayPal will provide pro­
tection and the opportunity for
potential reimbursement if the
company is fraudulent. Consum­
ers should never pay with a
cashier's eheck or wire money to
a seller, as they will have no way
promised tickets.
“Considering these online bro­ to get their money back if the
kers won’t even know for certain tickets do not arrive.
they have tickets until just before
Because of the overwhelming
the Inauguration, an American requests for tickets, some mem­
looking to be a part of history bers of Congress are planning to
might travel all the way to Wash­ distribute tickets via a lottery sys­
ington, D.C. and spend Jan. tem. Constituents cancontact their
watching the swearing in from local Member of Congress or U.S.
theirhotel room,” said Robert W. Senators to request tickets and get
G. Andrew, chief executive of­ their name in the hopper.
\ ...an American looking to be a
part o f history might travel all the
way to Washington, D.C. and spend
Jan. watching the swearing in from
their hotel room.
The fact that tickets haven’t
even been distributed to the mem­
bers o f C ongress yet h a sn ’t
stopped online scalpers from try­
ing to rake in cash from patriotic
Americans. A CNN.com report
found that some online ticket bro­
kers were selling VIP seats for
upwards of $20,000 each. While
many online brokers offer a
money-back guarantee if they
Participate in Democracy Koto
1/ o ff a t anr aestgiuimd n.
A id a kicoa- «
|Ju rtian h © bseruer
: ,hrKnxsv
On Way
Dear Deanna!
heart that it’s worth it, get the
I just learned that my husband process started with your hus­
Real People, may be the fatherof my five 5-year band first. Ask him if he dated
old nephew. I found out by acci­ your sister and if h e’s the pos­
Real Advice dent. My husband was talking on sible father. Have the same
\ i i advice
the phone, laughing and joking discussion with your sister and
and I heard him say that he if th ey ’re on the same page,
known fo r
thought my sister’s son was his have a DNA test. The timing
reality bused
child but he neverdid a DN A test. between his relationships is cru­
I remember when we started dat­ cial but only time; faith and per­
ing he used to say he thought he sonal maturity can save your
infatuated and want what you left his ex-girlfriend pregnant. marriage and family relation­
can’t have. He wasn’t interested When my sister popped up preg­ ships if this is true.
when he was free because he nant, she said it was a one-night
married someone else. He’s inter­ stand. How do I investigate this Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
ested now because h e ’s on situation peacefully? -W orried M. Write Ask Deanna! Lniail:
askdeannal @yahoo.com or 264
lockdown. Remain as friends Wife; Columbus, Ohio
S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1282
because he can’t do nothing for
Beverly Hills. CA 90211. Website:
you but tell you what you want to Dear Wife:
hear. Save yourself some heart­ R eg a rd le ss o f the outcom e www.askdeanna.eoin
break because when he gets re­ people are going to be hurt and
leased he’s going to his wife and tru st am ong all p a rtie s d e ­
child and you’ll be crushed again. stroyed. If you feel in your
A sk Deanna!
People o f color
Und a political fit
Premiere kinds live theater to live basketball
To contact
^ J in r tla n h ODbserUer
Call 5O3-288-OO.33 ads@portlandobserver.com
“W e a r e a b o u t n e ig h b o r s
h e lp in g n e ig h b o r s im p ro v e
PCC Considers Smoking Ban
The board of directors of Port­ open to the public.
College officials announced in
land Community College will hold
a public hearing on the college’s June that PCC will go tobacco-free
recently revised tobacco policy. in the fall of 2009. PCC will be the
The board meeting is set for first community college in Oregon
7:30 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 20, in to prohibit the use of tobacco prod­
the auditorium o f the Moriarty ucts on its campuses. It will join
Building, on the Cascade Cam­ two tobacco-free schools, Oregon
pus, 705 N. Killingsworth St. It is Health & Science University and
t h e i r c o m m u n ity .”
Maty Harrell
at Friends of Trees
503 - 2S2- 8846
the Oregon College of Oriental
At the start of this fall’s term,
PCC reduced the num berof loca­
tions designated for smoking.
The tobacco policy affects stu­
dents, staff and faculty, as well as
all visitors to PCC’s campuses
and centers.
To order street trees, visit
Fnter the coupon code below to
ret ieve 10% o ff youi
yard or street tree order:
S O B S N 10
Thanksgiving for Homebound Seniors
Loaves & Fishes Centers, the
M eals-On-W heels People will
deliver more than 1,000 hot turkey
dinners to homebound seniors
on Thanksgiving Day next Thurs­
day. The organization will also
host community Thanksgiving
Dinners at several locations.
“A traditional holiday meal
with turkey and all the trimmings
will be delivered by volunteers to
our most frail and isolated seniors
on T hanksgiving D ay,” said
Loaves & Fishes Executive Di­
rector Joan Smith. “We are so
grateful for the community vol­
unteers who spend part of their
holiday making the day brighter
for these seniors.”
The community is invited to
join with others for a Thanksgiv­
ing Dinner at one of these loca­
tions between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.
on Nov. 27:
Beaverton Loaves & Fishes
Center, 5550 S.W. Hall Blvd.;
Belmont Loaves & Fishes Center,
4610 S.E. Belmont; Elm Court
Loaves & Fishes Center, 1032
S.W. Main St.; North Plains
Loaves & Fishes Center, 31450
N.W.Commercial and Vancouver
Salvation Army, E500N.E. 112th
Growing Healthy Communities
Ave., Vancouver.
For more information,call 503-
Oregon Electorate
from Front
fore moving to KPTV earlier this
He has done polling all over
the northwest for candidates so
obscure even he can’t remember
their names, to heavy-hitters like
former-M ayor Bud Clark and
fo rm e r-G o v e rn o r
N eil
Hibbitts estimates he’s called
over 900 hundred races, and
claims h e’s only been wrong
about two times, which is cor­
roborated by Bruce Williams,
KPTV’s managing editor.
“ He know s the areas, he
knows where the votes are.” said
Williams of Hibbitts.
Williams said that when the
station decided to hire a political
analyst, Hibbitts was only name
on their list.
KATU didn't return an inquiry
for comment.
“It’s a huge get," said Lynn
Siprelle, a former television re­
porter and proprietor of the blog
o r e g o n m e d ia in s id e r s .c o m .
Siprelleexplained that Hibbitts is
a formidable communicator who
can explain complex issues in
simple language.
Robert E isinger, associate
professor o f political science at
Lewis & Clark College, said that
since Hibbitts is not affiliated
with any campaign he's not “im ­
mersed in needing to win" and
can give more even handed
Barack Obama School
from Front
that the proposal have either a
sp e c ia l sig n ific a n c e to the
school com m unity, honor a na­
tional or state leader
who has
died, or be named after some
physical characteristic like a
flow er or geographical land­
Shelby said suggestions for
Clark K-8 <s> Binnsmead will re­
main open until Feb. 25 with the
ultim ate decision by the school
board com ing som etim e this
Y o u r f a v o r it e n e i g h b o r h o o d g r o c e r y s t o r e n o w d e liv e r s
g r o c e r ie s r ig h t t o y o u r h o m e o r o ffic e .