Literacy President Bongo Love Zimbabwe musicians introduce Portland to ‘Afrocoustics ’ Nobel laureate Toni Morrison and other writers welcome Barack Obama as a man of his own words See story, page A6 ‘City of Roses’ Committed to Cultural Diversity Volume XXXVIII, N um ber 45 .Week ¡n The Review New Attorney General Eyed President- elect Obama „1 has decided to lap Erie H o ld e i.o h is f B a tto rn e y , general, pul lin e KJH U H IB l eran W ash­ ington lawyer in place to become the first African-American to head the Justice Department, ac­ cording to two legal sources close to the presidential transi­ tion. Obama a Hit on 60 Minutes CBS' "60 Minutes" had its high­ est overnight ratings in nearly a decade with Sunday's episode featuring Steve Kroft interview­ ing the president-elect and fu­ ture first lady. Nielsen Media Research's preliminary estimate the show was seen by 24.5 mil­ lion people on Sunday. Torture Charges Unlikely Barack Obama's incoming admin­ istration is unlikely to bring crimi­ nal charges against officials who authorized or engaged in harsh interrogations of suspected ter­ rorists during the George W. Bush presidency. Obama, who has criticized the use O f torture, is being urged by some scholars and human rights groups to in­ vestigate possible war crimes. Automakers Plead for Billions Detroit's Big Three automakers pleaded with Congress on Tues­ day for a $25 billion lifeline to save their teetering industrial ti­ tans from collapse, warning of economic catastrophe for the nation as well as their once- proud companies if they are de­ nied. Pirates Hold Super-tanker Established In 1970 Obama Changed Oregon Electorate Pollster cites inroads with all voting groups by J ake T homas T he P ortland O bserver For decades, Tim Hibbitts has been watching Oregon elections about as close as humanly pos­ sible. But what he saw on Nov. 4 was unlike anything he has seen prior. Very rarely have Oregonians of such varying social segments coalesced around a candidate in the way they did with President­ elect Barack Obama, said Hibbitts. However, the new president has a rough road ahead of him. Hibbitts, a 55 jyear-old partner at Davis, Hibbitts, and Midghall Research, Inc., isone of Oregon’s most respected pollsters. From decades of crunching data from th ro u g h o u t th e n o rth w est Hibbitts has insights into the politics of the region that aren’t easily rivaled. Hibbitts said that Oregon and Obama was an easy match He explained that the man’s calm demeanor and substantial mental furniture made Oregonians ready to give the Illinois senator the state by a 16-point margin. "Oregon's got an electorate that's tailor-made for an Obama- type candidacy," said Hibbitts, who points to former Colorado Sen. Gary Hart, who had similar attributes that helped him carry dent in cherry-red JacksonCounty of southern Oregon. "Obama clearly changed the electorate to some degree," said Hibbitts, who explained that Obama brought out people who hadn’t been politically engaged, and he won young voters by 30 points. Kerry won by only 10. Hibbitts said that Obama wal­ loped Sen. Hillary Clinton by 20 points in Oregon’s May primary by tapping into frustrations over the Iraq War, and pointing to his early opposition to it. He then artfully pivoted his focus to the economy, which had soured in Oregon along with the rest of the country in time for the genera, election. However, Hibbitts points out that the honeymoon could be short lived'. Obamacould stumble as he’s putting together his ad­ ministration, and will have to bal­ ance competing demands from the broad coalition that elected him. If he doesn’t manage this task well, his support will crumble. Hibbitts came to Oregon with Tim Hibbitts, one of Oregon's most respected pollsters, says Barack Obama's election his parents a teenager. He at­ victory was one o f the most impressive he's ever witnessed. Hibbitts grew up in northeast tended John Adams High School Portland where he attended John Adams High School. in northeast Portland. He went on the state in the Oregon Demo­ Hibbitts. "Butthey don’tgetthem Obama received a bigger share of to Portland State University, the white vote than former Demo­ graduating with a degree in politi­ cratic Presidential Primary in 1984. all," he added. According to Hibbitts’ data, cratic Presidential candidates Ai cal science in 1976. Unsure of However, Obama has qualities that Hart (and most other candi­ the state didn’t hinge on one par­ Gore and John Kerry, added what to do next with his newly minted degree, Hibbitts started ticular social segment (i.e. the Hibbitts. dates) lack, said Hibbitts. "That's no small achievement," his own political consulting firm. Hibbitts explained that Obama much bandied-about “working Hibbitts found that he had an is rare in possessing impressive class whites.”) Instead, Obama said Hibbittsof the inroads Obama instinct for picking out trends in oratorical abilities, an easy-going successfully wooed men, women, made with white voters. Hibbitts also points to how data, and his polling work quickly demeanor that helps him connect whites, blacks, and Hispanics. Ofnote, ¡show the Illinois sena­ Obama nearly won the tradition­ took off. He worked polling and with voters, and legions of fer­ R e p u b lic a n -le an in g political analysis at KATU, be- tor won big with middle-aged and ally vent supporters. "Normal ly a candidate gets one older voters, Hibbitts said. It’s Deschutes County in central Or­ continued on page A3 or two of those things,” said also particularly impressive that egon, and made another big blue H B M M B H M H H I Excitement Grows for a Barack Obama School A hijacked Saudi super-tanker, canying 100 million dollarsof oil, anchored Tuesday off a notori­ ous Somali pirate port as sea gangs struck again and seized a Hong Kong cargo ship. The big­ gest act of piracy yet by the marauding Somali bandits has stunned the international com­ munity. MultnomahCounty Sheriff Bob Skipper has disconnected the Internet from most of the county jails while his office investigates allegations that deputies used a work computer to view pornog­ raphy. Jail employees will no longer be able to surf the Web from work computers unless they submit a written request. tiban Charged House Foreclosures Double A recent report shows foreclo­ sure rates in the Portland area have doubled in the last year, from .4 percent to .8 percent, still lower than the national average of 1.7 percent. Local home sales dropped by almost 20.3 percent, higher than the national average of 18.2 percent. Leftwich was advocating for Obama as his first choice sev­ eral weeks ago, but says he didn’t want to jinx anything before the election. Now he says the idea has caught on like wildfire. by M ichael L eighton The exceptionally diverse T he P ortland O bserver The excitem ent o f Barack school with African American, O bam a’s presidential election Asian, white and Hispanic kids is spilling over to a school in is midway through a re-naming southeast Portland that’s look­ process involving the school principal, parents, staff and stu­ ing for a new name. Scores of students at Clark dents. After a period of soliciting K-8 @ Binnsmead. a clumsy name that com bines the former feedback on possible names, names of two schools which the school will narrow a list of merged in the Montavilla neigh­ three to five names to be sent borhood last sum m er, have the school superintendent for stuffed a suggestion box advo­ review and a decision by the cating Barack Obama as the new Portland School Board. According to Matt Shelby, name for their school at 2225 school d is tric t sp o k esm an , S.E. 87th Ave. A day after the Nov. 4 elec­ there is a process for naming tion. they started chanting ‘O- schools in Portland. It requires ba-tna, O -ba-m a,” says Ralph continued on page A3 Leftwich, a school volunteer. Name suggested for diverse elementary Jailers Surf Pornography Federal regula­ tors on Monday charged Dallas M a v e ric k s o w n er M ark Cuban with in­ sider trading for allegedly using confidential information on a stock sale to avoid more than $750,000 in losses. Wednesday • November 19. 2008 photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver School volunteer Ralph Leftwich is generating lots of excitement over the suggestion to name a school in southeast Portland in honor o f Barack Obama, the first African- American elected president. Oregon Loses 14,000 Jobs in One Month May get worse before improving (AP) — Oregon's unemployment rate took a sharp jum p in October with major industries shedding more than 14,000 jobs. Oregon's seasonally adjusted jobless rate jumped from 6.4 percent in Septem­ ber to 7.3 percent last month, the highest jobless rate since August 2004 and well above the national average of 6.5 per­ cent. There are predictions that things could get worse before improving. "Its horrible," said Tom Potiowsky, the state economist. "The speed at which this economy is going down is just very surprising," he told The Oregonian. Potiowsky expects the state unem ­ ploym ent rate to reach or exceed 8 percent before this recession is over. "We really aren't going to see better g ro w th u n til 2010. O reg o n w ill suffer more than W ashington,” he pre­ dicted. Last month's unemployment rate trans­ lated to 134,096 Oregonians on the job­ less rolls — an increase of more than 40,000 over this time a year ago. The job losses were spread across most major industries. • Manufacturing cut 5,000 jobs at a time of year when a loss of only 500 is expected. • Transportation equipment manufac­ turing cut 1,500 jobs. • Computer and electronic product manufacturingcut 1.200jobsandisdow n 3,100 jobs since October 2007. • In a key sector, construction employ­ ment shrank again in October, dropping 2,000 for the month, more than double the typical seasonal decline of 900. Construction employment has been on a steady decline since July 2(X)7, when employment stood at 105,8(X). Since then, construction is down 13.900jobs or 13.1 percent. The state's widespread job losses have retailers bracing fo ra lackluster holiday shopping season that could result in reduced hiring of part-time workers at stores and malls, said Art Ayre, the stale em ploym ent econo­ mist. In recent years it's been common for retailers to add a net lO.(XX) workers statewide from September through De- cem ber, he said, "but this year it's likely to be lower, possibly around 5,000." The state's political leaders are watch- ing employment trends, too, for further signs o f a w o rsen in g econom y that could result in a continuing drop in tax revenue to fund state services and programs. Democratic Gov. Ted Kulongoski said Monday's jobless figures are a "call to action" for the state to keep investing in renewable energy and other sectors that can create jobs for the future. He again called on lawmakers to approve his $1 billion transportation package, which includes a 2-cent-a- gallon gas tax increase, to help pay for road and bridge im provem ents and create thousands o f family wage jobs. I