Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 12, 2008, Page 8, Image 8

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    November 12. 2008
C areers E ducation
Cosmos Explored in Science Café
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A professor of physics from
Columbia University will en­
gage in a question and answer
discussion with local high
school students about special
relativity and some enduring
unanswered questions in phys­
ics on Thursday, Nov. 13 from
1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Zion Lutheran
Church, 1015 S.W. 18th Ave.
Dr. Brian Green, the best­
selling author of The Elegant
Universe, will join than 1(X)
students for the Science Cafe
discussion sponsored by Port­
land Public Schools.
Green will talk about major
developments in the long search
to understand how the cosmos
began and how the theories of
general relativity and quantum
s make a difference
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The fabric o f space will be explored in Science Café, a
program o f Portland Public Schools on Thursday, Nov. 1 3 at
Zion Lutheran Church, 1 0 1 5 S.W. 18th Ave.
Local Leaders Help College Foundation
Larry Easter
Rick Takach
Three com m unity leaders have been named
to the Clark College Foundation board of
They are Larry Easter, a retired professor
from Clark College who taught psychology
and com puter science; Jason Joner, an attor­
ney with M iller Nash w ho has taught business
and corporate law in the Clark College para­
legal program; and Rick Takach. president
and chiefexecutive officer o f Vesta H ospital­
ity, a national hotel managem ent and develop-
nient firm.
Established in 1973, the foundation is a
nonprofit, tax-exempt public charity and serves
as the fundraising arm o f Clark College.
By bridging the gap between the aspira­
tions o f the college and com m unity and what
is possible through state and federal funding,
the foundation expands student access to
educational program s and services and culti­
vates com m unity, business, and governm en­
tal partnerships to support the college.
Economic Bright Spot: Green Jobs
Despite the gloom and doom
pouring out o f Wall Street, there
is at least one genuine bright
spot left in the U.S. econom y—
and it has a decidedly green
The U.S. had tallied than
750,000 green jobs in 2006 and
is set to add millions more in the
next few decades, according to
The report forecasts that by
a new report by the U.S. Con­
ference of Mayors and Global 2038, renewable electricity pro­
Insight, a Boston-based eco­ duction will create 1.23 million
jobs; alternative transportation
nomic research firm.
In fact, the green economy fuels, 1.5 millionjobs;engineer-
could soon become the nation's ing, legal, research and consult­
fastest-growing job segment, ac­ ing positions will be more than
counting for roughly lOpercent 1.4million;and commercial and
of new jobs over the next 20 residential retrofits at 81,(XX)
jobs, for a total o f 4.2 million.
Portland Schools Enrollment Grows
E n ro llm e n t in P o rtla n d cade, with 46,241 students than ex p ected gain o f 600
Public S chools is up for the en ro lled as o f O ct. I . S p u r­ stu dents in elem entary and
first tim e in m ore than a d e ­ ring the increase w as a larger m iddle grades.
C o n tin u in g a trend
from last year, PPS
saw tr ip le - d ig it in ­
creases in k in d erg ar­
ten enrollm ent.
S u p e rin te n d e n t
C a r o le S m ith w as
pleased to announce
the enrollm ent figures.
“ I n c r e a s in g e n r o l l ­
m ent is a sign that PPS
is on the right trac k ,”
Sm ith said. “ It is e x ­
citin g , esp e c ia lly as
m o re fa m ilie s w ith
y o u n g c h ild re n are
c h o o s in g P o r tla n d
P ublic S ch o o ls.”
PPS high school e n ­
ro llm ent d eclined this
y e a r as fo re c a s te d .
T he drop o f 447 stu ­
d en ts, how ever, was
low er than projected.
H igh sch o o l e n ro ll­
m ent is ex p ected to
level o ff in 2011 and
begin to rise as stu ­
d e n ts in elem e n ta ry
a n d m id d le g ra d e s
m ove upw ard.
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mechanics transformed our un­
derstanding of the universe.
Green succeeds in making
the most sophisticated concepts
in theoretical physics acces­
sible and entertaining, both to
professionals and to audiences
with no background in science.
Through his artful metaphors
and often humorous analogies,
Green takes audiences on a
journey through hidden dimen­
sions, superstrings, black holes,
and punctures in the fabric of
space-time in a quest to unify
all the laws of nature.
Greene's work on the uni­
fied theory of superstrings is
widely recognized for a num­
ber of ground-breaking discov­
eries in the field.