Page A 7 November 12. 2 0 0 8 V IMIIIAISMtM 6 Jungle B o o k ’ Returns to Local Stage T ears o f Joy T h eatre p re­ se n ts ' “Ju n g le B o o k ” at the W in n in g sta d T h e a tre in the Portland C enter for the P erform ­ ing A rts, dow ntow n. A dapted from K ip lin g ’sc las- sic, the sto ry ce n ters on an o r­ phan ch ild ado p ted by a w o lf pack w hodiscovers his true fam,- ily am ong the anim al friends w ho care for him. Tears o f Joy Theatre presents 'Jungle Book, ’ the story o f an orphaned child, opening Friday at the Winningstad Theatre, downtown. Street Saviors, Poets Make Mark As socially- conscious hip hop group A socially-conscious hip hop group will make its mark in Portland over the next few days w ith a film screening, concerts and an after­ noon discussion sponsored by the Black Studies D epartm ent at Port­ land State University. The group X -V andals features DJ Johnny Juice from Public Enemy an d N o t4 P ro fit fro m “Ricanstruction” and the indepen­ dent film “M achetero." Local rap talents, Syndel o f Siren’s Echo and Mic C renshaw and G ood Sista/Bad Sista, will join them for performances in both Portland and Eugene. N ot4Profut was born in Puerto Rico and raised on the streets of East Harlem in New York City. He Not4profit and DJ Johnny Juice are considered street soul saviors and poor man prophet poets from the slums. escaped a life o f hom elessness and law lessness to becom e "a poet from the projects.” DJ Johnny Juice was raised in the Bronx of New York City where he w itnesses the birth of hip hop right on his doorstep. By the tim e he was 17 he was w orking with Public Enem y on their debut re­ lease. X-Vandals’ will perform Wednes­ day, Nov. 12from6p.m. to9p.m. at the Portland State University Ballroomin Smith Memorial Union; and Thurs­ day, Nov. 13 at 8 p.m. at the University o f Oregon Living Learning Center, 1575 E. 15th St. in Eugene. The perform ers will also be fea­ tured during a free PSU Black Bag S e rie s p o litic a l d is c u s s io n , W ednesday, Nov. 12 at noon in the PSU M ulticultural Center. A screen­ ing o f the film M achetero, staring Not4Profit will be held Friday, Nov. 14 with a location and tim e to be announced. T ears o f Jo y ’s p o p u la r p u p ­ pet p ro d u ctio n p re m ie re d in 1997 and has e n tertain ed th o u ­ sands o f ch ild ren and fam ilies th ro u g h o u t the W est, in c lu d ­ ing A lask a and H aw aii. "Jungle Book" o p en s Friday, Nov. 1 4 a t7 :3 0 p .m . and co n tin ­ ues S atu rd ay s at 11 a.m . and S u ndays at 2 p.m . and 4 p.m. T he clo sin g p erfo rm an ce is S unday, N ov. 30 at 4 p.m. T ears o f Joy also w ill offer e x h i b its a n d a c t i v i t i e s to com plem ent the current p ro d u c­ tion in the W inningstad lobby. T ick ets are $14 for ch ild ren and $16 adults. For m ore in fo r­ m ation, and group rates, call 360-695-3050o r503-248-0557or visit the T ears o f Joy w ebsite at w w w C o m p u t e r R e p a ir W e F ix L a p to p s & D e s k to p s ÇQMFUTFR S l K V I t lS CPCS Screen replacement K eyboard Custom systems Data Backup/Recovery Virus & Spyware Removal Hardware/Software Installs 3 1 1 NE Killingsworth 503-247-3169 Z ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Z Z Z Z » ( A ll IAAM Stale Farm" Providing Insurance and financial Services Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61/10 Ernest J. Hill. Jr. Agent 4946 N Vancouver Avenue Portland, OR 97717 M 3 286 H03 fax 1)03 28b 1146 erme hill hijintiiSlsIatefariu tom 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® NORTHWEST VOICE OF CHRIST COMMUNITY CHURCH B ishop H.L. H odge, Ph.D. Pastor/Teacher/Revivalist "The Voice S p e a k s” W o rsh ip Service: Sunday 8 :(X) A M. S em in ar: Bible Them es, W ednesdays 6:00 P.M. “G o d T h e F ath er,” “G od T h e S on ,” “G od T he Holy S p irit” Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite everyone to join us at our appointment with Jesus. W e R each, Teach, & Preach in Jesus' N a m e !!! Rapper Goes From Hip to Hippo Will.i.Am stars in Madagascar sequel all these voices. Then I bum ped into Jeffrey Katzenberg at a G ram m y party who asked me if I'd like to do the music for this, and Justin who was also there said to Jeffrey, Man, you've got to hear this dude do voices.' So loved “ M adagascar"? A: "B ecause today's kids w ant to be older and today's adults want to be younger. And it's smack right in the middle for both of them.” As frontm an and producer o f the m ulti­ platinum , G ram m y A w ard-w inning group T he Black Eyed Peas, rapper W ill.i.A m is already a big success. But now he's bulked up his profile with a scene-stealing turn as the voice o f M oto M oto, the am orous but ro­ mantically-challenged hippo in "M ada­ gascar: Escape 2 A frica," the sequel to the $5(X) m illion grossing 2005 hit. Q: This was your first W ill.i.A m talked to Reuters about voice-over gig, and you the film and co-w riting, with Oscar- were joining experienced winning com poser Hans Zim m er, his stars such as Chris Rock, first m ovie score which includes Moto Ben S tille r and S acha M oto’s love song "Big and Chunky." Black Eyed Peas frontman Will. ¡.Am (right) nstars as the voice Baron Cohen. W ere you Q: Is it true that you got this gig o f the romantically-challenged hippo in 'Madagasca: Escape 2 n erv o u s? because o f a sleepy phone message Africa,' a sequel to the 2005 hit now playing in local theaters. A : "I was very nervous you le ft on Ju stin T im b e rla k e ’s when all the executives li ke Jeffrey were there they asked me in to read for some characters, voicemail? in the studio, and th e re 's no music and you A : "Y eah, we were w orking on his album, and I got the gig, and I was so happy as I have to imagine it all. So I was real stiff the loved the first film so much." and when he heard my m essage he called me first few tim es.” Q: W hy do you think kids and adults back in a silly little voice, so we started doing I T o inquire about our Training Ministry call 5 0 3 8 6 3 - 6 5 4 5 or email: hodgehspks@ m Michael Tillery Broker 503.975.8004 michael@ Please call me, your neighborhood specialist, for any o f your Real Estate needs. My success is built on a com m itm ent to quality service. BRIDGETOWN r REA LTY 1 It RFAi \