Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 12, 2008, Page 6, Image 6

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    November 12. 2008
Happy Birthday!
Shay Washington
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
Soul Man
Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710
is the
State Farm®
Michael E Harper
Sam Moore
inducted into
vocal hall
We m oved to our new location at:
9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR
Fax 503-227-8757
We flash & unlock cell phones
Cell Phone Repairs
Fix screen* Water damage • Powersupply
303 N.E. Killingsworth
Rea| DeaJ
Sam Moore, leadsingerof legendary R&B
duo Sam & Dave, was inducted last week
into the Vocal Group Hall o f Fame in Y oung­
stown, O hio along with Fleetw ood Mac.
Q ueen, Jo u rn ey , T he R ighteous B ros.,
Bread. The Pointer Sisters, Sly and The
Family Stone and other legendary musical
M oore. 73. and ljite partner Dave Prater
were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall o f
Fame in 1992.
In 2006. he released the G ram m y nom i­
nated "O vernight Sensational" produced
An undated historical photo shows Sam Moore (left) and Dave Prater o f the legend­
ary R&B duo Sam & Dave.
by Randy Jackson and featuring a raft o f his
pals including Sting. Jon Bon Jovi. W ynonna
Judd, and Bruce Springsteen.
The latter has called Sam "the greatest
soul singer on planet Earth."
M oore has been featured in the docum en­
tary, "O nly the S trong S urvive," "Tape
Heads," and the movie "Blues Brothers 2(XX),"
the sequel to the original "Blues Brothers"
m ovie which w as hom age to Sam & Dave.
Next month, to underscore that Sam Moore
is die Real Deal, Universal Home Video releases
"Sam & Dave: The Original Soul Men," which
features rare, vintage and previously unseen
footage o f the most popular duo ever to grace
Atlantic or Stax Records during their heyday.
*70% o f flashing with this coupon
O M S I T een N ight - Saturday, Nov. 15, from
55.00 Tees
Screen Printing
7 p.ni. to 10 p.m., O M SI, invites visitors ages
13-18 to enjoy a free evening featuring a live
DJ, Segw ay rides, and more.
N orm al) S y lv ester B and - Saturday, Nov.
15, the N orm an Sylvester Band will take the
stage at 9 p.m., at Roadhouse 101 in Lincoln
City; and on Friday, Nov. 21 at 8:30 p.m. at
C ly d e's in Portland. For more inform ation,
call 503-281-5989.
U rb a n H ip Hup -
C o n te m p o ra ry
dance and urban
hip-hop join forces
w hen the W hite
B ird
U ncaged
dance series pre­
sen ts th e C a n a ­
dian dance co m ­
pany Kidd Pivot.
Perform ances are at 8 p.m., W ednesday, Nov.
12 through Saturday, Nov. I atR eedC ollege’s
Kaul A uditorium.
Your Care
Our First Priority
and the rew ard o f patience during a period of
personal crisis. For tickets, call the box office
at 5 0 3 -2 4 1 - 1802 or visit portlandopera.org.
D an ce M osaic - Experience a rich variety of
dance w orks by gifted local and na­
tionally know n choreographers. A
repertory concert will be presented
by M etro Dancers, on Saturday, Nov.
22, at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m., at Portland
Metro Performing Arts, 9933 SE Pine
St. For ticketing, call 503-408-0604.
( on cord ia C oncert - The Concordia
U niversity W ind Ensem ble, Brass
Q uartet and String Ensem ble present
theirFall Instrumental Concert, M on­
day. Nov. 17 at 7 p.m. on the Concordia
University C am us at St. M ichael's Lutheran
Church, 6700 N.E. 29th Ave. The event is free
and open to the public.
ers to help get the jo b done in a hands-on
traveling exhibit at the Portland C h ild ren ’s
Museum. The 2,000 square-foot, multimedia
exhibit invites exploration and team w ork for
children and families. The show runs through
Jan. 19.
O M S I A fter D ark - O M SI A fter Dark is a
night at the m useum for the 21 and over
crow d filled with food, drink and science fun;
$10 fee. For more inform ation call 503-797-
4000 o r visit om si.edu.
S u n d a y N ig h t J a zz - Jazz enthusiasts can
enjoy listening to the cool sounds o f Mel
Brown, in the Rogue River Room at C hinook
W inds C asino Resort in Lincoln City. No
cover charge.
L ive J a z z - Every Friday and Saturday from
8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the Third D egrees Lounge
at the RiverPlace Hotel, 1510 S.W . H arbor
W ay, will host the ongoing w eekend series
featuring Portland's rich jazz scene w ith no
cover orm inim um purchase. For m ore infor­
mation, visit pdxjazz.com .
G u y s a n d D o lls — Perform ances of
Call toran appointment! (503)228-6140
Back by Popular Demand
O ld S chool M aster B arber Reggie Brown
Hours/Days: 1 l-7Tues-Fri • 10-7 Sat
Reggie ’s Barber Shop
3213 NE Martin Luther King. Jr. Blvd •
O p e n M ic N ig h t — E very
the classic "G uys and D olls” has
been extended to run through Sat­
urday, Nov. 15 at the Portland C en­
ter Stage.
• Automobile accident injuries
• Chronic headache and jo in t pain
• Workers Compensation injuries
Specialize in all hair types. Straight razor cuts/ lines /shaves;
Sheers, Clippers and Fades
W ednesday night at 7 p.m .,
Proper Eats M arket and Café,
8638 N. Lom bard St., host open
mic night.
C h ild r e n 's T h e a te r a t M t. H ood —
S lid e r s G r ill - S lid ers G rill,
The jo y s and dilem m as o f child­
hood are celebrated in the Mt. Hood
C om m unity College play "M agic
T heater." Perform ances, geared for
young children, yet enjoyed by all,
take place at 10:30a.m. on M onday’s
W ednesdays and Fridays through
Nov. 2 1. A 2 p.m. m atinee is sched­
uled Saturday, Nov. 22.
3011 N. L om bard, fea tu re s an
e c le c tic a sso rtm e n t o f p e r­
fo rm ers on the m ain stage, a c ­
co m p an ied by d elicio u s food.
Call 503-459-4488 for more in­
form ation.
- Thursday,
Nov. 27, from noon to 4 p.m.. P o 'S h in e's
Cafe. 8 139 N. Denver, will host a free Thanks­
giving meal featuring delicious food, per­
form ing arts and storytelling.
P rop er T h a n k sg iv in g F east
S a m p lin g o f C la s s ic s --S atori M en's Chorus
presents a sam pling o f classics from m adri­
gals. barbershop, spirituals, the Beatles and
even opera. One show only at The Old Church,
1422 S.W . 11 th Ave., Saturday, Nov. 15 at 8
p.m. Tickets available at the door.
A n n u al T u rk ey T ro t - T hursday, Nov. 27,
the O regon Z oo invites runners and walkers
o f all ages to jo in the annual T hanksgiving
Day four-m ile run and fitness walk, begin­
ning at 8 a.m ., with a one-kilom eter tot trot
beginning at 9:30 a.m.
Poetry at M iracles - Local and national artists
P o rtla n d O p era C la ssic - Portland O pera
presents Beethoven s first and only opera,
Fidelio. aclassic story o f faith, determ ination
Celebration Jam
In Honor of President Elect
True Vlbc l>«nce Clww
t/x «* *Cr«r M «if f ir H w
H m rz
illr illp tn .
B ob th e B u ild er - T V s Bob the Builder and
his Can-D o Crew invite aspiring young build-
O reg o n Z oo B u ck T u esd a y s - On the 2nd
Tuesday o f every month, the zoo hosts 2-
Buck Tuesdays when guests can tour the
zoo during regular zoo hours for the dis­
counted price o f $2 per person!
O M S I $2 D a y s - T he first Sunday o f every
month can spark your passion for science at
the O M SI when adm ission is ju st $2. For
more inform ation, visit O M SI.edu.
M u sic M ille n n iu m F r e e S h o w s — T he
M usic M illennium , 3 158 E. B urnside, hosts
in -h o u se live p erfo rm an ces. E n jo y free
m usic and the o p p o rtu n ity to m eet local
artists. C all 5 0 3 -2 3 1 -8926 for a sch ed u le.
Rapper Hosts Reality Show
« & Get
Dubbie OO
Da Champ
and musicians share an evening o f spoken
word and music at the M iraclcsClub.4069 N.E.
M a rtin L u th e r K ing Jr. B lv d , each
W ednesday' s, between 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
F ree F irst F riday N ig h ts - The
Portland C h ild ren 's M useum has partnered
with T arget to provide free adm ission to
everyone on the first Friday o f each month
from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Wednesday, November 19,h 2008 at The Grech Custn
Friday. November 21s' 2008 at Santorini s
The Greek Cusina 404 SW Washington Portland OR 97204
50 Cent has a new
show on M TV , where
business-savvy contes­
tants compete for a shot
at fame and a huge cash
prize. But the rapper says
he's not following the path
o f that other famous real­
ity show hosted by Donald
"Im m ed ia tely when
you say a reality show
that has a business spin
to it, they think The A p­
prentice.' and the d iffe r­
ence is these people
don't actually want to
work for me." the 32-
50 Cent
year-old said. "They have their own busi­
ness ideas that they created and they're
competing for $ 100,000
in seed money."
"50 Cent: The Money
and the Power" features
14 contestants compet­
ing to show that they are
the best entrepreneurs.
50 Cent w ill chop down
the number o f contes­
tants until the winner is
People w ill be seeinga
lot o f 50 Cent in the next
few months. Besides the
M TV project, he is re­
leasing his latest album,
"Before I Self Destruct,”
on Dec. 9. The CD in­
cludes an accompanying feature-length film
with the same title.
Santorini s, 1 1525 SW Barnes Rd. Portland. OR 97225