Æl’e JJn rtlan h © hserucr Page A4 O pinion November 12. 2008 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to news@portlandobserver.com. Basking in the Glow of Victory by B enjamin Toon J ealous Last T uesday, w e ushered in a new era. W e destroyed the rem nants o f Jim Crow, abolished a one-color-fits-all definition o f leadership, and declared that our nation wouId rise above the politics o f the past. W e witnessed the most inclu­ sive election, enjoyed by the larg­ est, most informed and most moti­ vated electorate in our nation's history. On Nov. 4, we elected an African-American man as Presi­ d ent o f the U nited S tates o f N AACP, and N A ACP leaders and members a ro u n d the c o u n try rose to the challenge. T his election saw mobilization efforts pre­ viously unimaginable. We registered thousands of vot­ ers. on the ground and on the web, but it didn't stop there. Our ground game delivered voters to the polls and defended them once they were there. That's why we were incourt­ rooms across the country, chal­ lenging laws and policies that x The election is over and the a result is incredible, but the movement has only just begun. America. We congratulate P resident­ elect Barack O bam a and his wife M ichelle on their historic win. This m om ent is 232 years in the making. In this moment, we honor the m em ory o f freedom fighters like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Ida B. W ells, M edgar Evers, Rosa Parks, and so many others who gave their lives so that the prom ­ ise o f Am erica can be real for all people. It is their sacrifice that made this m om ent possible. Full electoral participation has always been a driving goal o f the served to prohibit eligible voters on Election Day. from casting ballots. T he election is over and the This election wasn't perfect. result is incredible, but the m ove­ There were still far too many re­ ment has only ju st begun. As we bask in die glow of Barack ports of voter disenfranchisement and harassment. There were still Obama's stunning victory, we ac­ far too many problems with the knowledge that the battles are still inequitable distribution o f re­ many. Nonetheless, we have proof sources that resulted in long lines, that an inspired nation can come faulty machinery, insufficient bal­ together across racial, cultural, and lots, and racially motivated voter generational boundaries to bring challenges at polling locations in about even greater change. Benjamin Todd Jealous is low-income and minority com m u­ nities. There were still loo many president and chief executive eligible voters who stayed home officer o f the NAACP. ManMMMSMMMMf Voting for Hope over Fear Obama renews promise of equal opportunity has ju st been elected the 44th President o f the United States. The Urban League of Port­ land congratulates President­ elect Barack Obama, Vice- by M aim us C. M undy A fter the longest an d h a rd e st fo u g h t presidential cam paign in A m erican history, Barack Obama ! S i i h s c r i h e ! ’ 7 7 " ~s" " 'J U U d U I U L ' Fill Out & Send To: l ^Jlorilanb (ftbseruer | Attn: Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 I s u b s c r ip tio n s are ju s t $ 60 p e r y e a r (please include check with this subscription form) N ame :__________ ;____________________ T elephone :__________________________ A ddress : ------------------------------------------ I or email subscriptions® portlandobserver.com I k _ — —— — — —— — — ——— — — — — — — J Researchers in the Department of Psychiatry at OHSU are seeking participants for a study to identify how visual and auditory information processing may be affected in ADHD/ADD. We are looking for participants between the ages of 18-35 who have received a diagnosis of ADHD, but no history of other neurological or psychiatric diagnoses. The study will involve two parts. During the first visit we will ask you questions about your attention, your mood, and other background information. The second visit, will involve visual and auditory attention computer tasks. Subjects will be reimbursed at $25/ hour. President-elect Joe Biden and their families for turning what began as an im probable journey into an historic victory for their party and our country. We welcome the new vision they bring to W ashington and pledge to work with them to tackle the nation’s deepening domestic challenges, including the epidemic of home foreclosures, the crisis in public education, as well as rising unemployment and poverty that have hit middle class and urban Americans especially hard in re- N ever again will any young boy or girl o f color in Am erica be shackled with the awful certainty o fn o t in my lifetime. The Urban League o f Portland stands ready on day one to work with the new A dm inistration, es­ pecially in the effort to craft a com prehensive urban agenda that expands o p p o rtu n ity and um, leashes the trem endous untapped potential in our cities. We also congratulate our new ­ est U.S. Senator-elect from O r­ egon, Jeff M erkley. We look for­ ward to w orking with him on his agenda for change in Oregon and the country that seeks to end disparities in health, education and em p lo y m en t for A frican Americans and all working people. Marcus C. Mundy is chief ex­ ecutive officer o f the Urban League o f Portland. Election Can’t Cure Racial Injustice But it can change perceptions B y J udge G reg M athis T he world celebrated when Sen. Barack O bam a ascended to the p resi­ d e n c y o f th e U n ite d States, the first African- A m erican to do so. His election not only marked a new era in American politics but also a giant leap forward for race relations. O bam a, his cam paign staffers and his supporters have done what many thought was im pos­ sible. Collectively, we all worked together and made history. Now it is tim e for us to individually do our parts to make sure we as A f­ rican A m erican s co n tin u e to progress forward. T h ere are certain m om ents in U.S. history that have signaled a p o s itiv e sh ift in th e w ay A m ericans view race and in ju s­ tices. T he 1955 k id n ap p in g and m u rd er o f 14-year E m m ett Till for allegedly w histling a ta white w o m an b ro u g h t to lig h t fo r m any w hite A m ericans the co n ­ stant fear blacks in the South lived in. In l965,ft(X)peacefulmarchers For further information, please contact Lesley at: (503) 494-6494, or email stiffler@ohsu.edu. were attacked with billy clubs and tear gas by state and local police on the Edm und Pettus Bridge in Selm a, Ala. T elevision cam eras captured the at­ tacks and broadcast them to the nation. Many were horrified by w hat they saw and becam e active in the civil rights movement. If you are a father, be responsible. Support yourchild financially and emotionally. Young women: Turn o ff the radio w hen a sexist and dem ean­ ing song com es on. It doesn’t m atter if the ‘beat is h o t,’ you m ust have m ore respect for your­ selves. If you d o n ’t, how can o th ers? P arents: R aise y o u rch ild re n . D o n ’t let the telev isio n o r video gam es replace family tim e - time that can be used to gu id e and ed u c ate y o u rc h ild . B ecom e a c ­ tive at th eir school and get to know their friends. Studies show that children with fully involved p aren ts do b etter in school and are less lik ely to go to prison. A m erica is far from perfect an d O b a m a ’s e le c tio n alo n e w o n ’t ‘c u re’ racial injustice. But the idea of a black person leading it can ch an g e p ercep tio n s. If this nation. This show s that old w h ites are already b eg in n in g to stereotypes are — if not erased — see us d ifferen tly , it is high tim e w e begin to see o u rselv es d if­ .fading. We can help eradicate these ferently. A nd w e m ust act a c ­ stereotypes by not playing into co rd in g ly . Judge Greg Mathis is vice them. Young men: Put dow n your president o f Rainbow PUSH and guns, pull up your pants and pick a board member o f the Southern up a book. Take your education Christian Leadership Confer­ seriously and aspire to greatness. ence. hope. But he needn’t stand alone. As individuals we have a re­ sponsibility to ourselves and our com m unities to guide this coun­ try in the direction o f openness and fairness. F orthe m ost part, white people have, at a very basic level, done theirs. Sixty-one percent o f those who voted for O bam a were white. It has taken centuries, but now', final ly, the majority of white people in Am erica are com fortable with Now it is time fo r us to individually do our parts to make sure we as African Americans continue to progress forward. M ore re c e n tly , H u rric a n e Katrina and its afterm ath and the governm ent's failure to assist the people o f New O rleans renewed discussions around racial, social and econom ic injustice. Along the way, there have been leaders who have represented each step in A m erica’s move tow ard true racial equality. President-elect O bam a is that latest symbol o f Advertise with diversity in Call 503-288-0033 OHSU IRB #252 T erry F amily cent years. We would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Am erican people for voting hope over fear and electing the first African American president in our nation's history. This is a w ater­ shed m om ent that renew s the nation’s founding promise o f free­ dom , equality and opportunity for all. Thiselection has shattered what was once considered an unbreak­ able glass ceiling that has kept so many generationsof minorities and women from dreaming big dreams and reaching their lull-potential. Never again will any young boy or girl o f color in America be shackled with the awful certainty o f not in my lifetime. (O bôC tA U 'V ads@port!andob server.com Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC 2337 N. Williams Ave. Portland, Or 97227 503-249-1788 Zchon R. Jones, DC 333 NE Russell St., #200, Portland, OR. 97212 (503) 284-7838 We make the service personal, You make the tribute personal. Every time wc arrange a personalized funeral service, we take special pride going the extra mile With our online Memorial Obituary, now we can do even more Friends and family can find out service information, view photos, read obituary, order flowers and leave personal messages of condolences from anywhere, anytime Simply go to our website. www.terryfamilyfuneralhome.com Truly making a difference in the lives of Auto Accident victims and Injured Workers for 16 years. If you or someone you know has been in an accident, call us so we can help you with your needs. 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