Page A3 November 12, 2 0 0 8 O Ingredients for life.» SAFEWAY grana opening CELEBRATION Shafia Monroe and her daughter Nia attend a program to learn about lead safety. Family Safety Issues Tackled 1303 NW Lovejoy St., Portland Addressing lead poisoning, domestic violence D o m estic violen ce an d o th e r fam ily safety issues w ere the topics o f a recen t fam ily stren g th ­ en in g p ro g ram h o sted by the Im m ig ran t and R efu g ee C o m m u n ity O rg an izatio n . IR C O ’s c o m m u n ity ro o m w as filled w ith w o m en , ch ild ren an d m en fo r “ U n m ask the S ilence,” a program geared tow ard raising aw are­ ness o f d o m estic v io len ce, w h ich cro sse s all eth n ic and so cio -eco n o m ic lines. E scap in g d o m estic v io len ce is alw ay s d iffi­ cu lt, but it is e sp ecially so fo r im m ig ran t and refu g ee v ictim s w h o face sig n ifican t b arriers o f lan g u ag e , im m ig ran t statu s, lack o f reso u rces, no jo b sk ills and lack o f legal rep resen tatio n . Ju d g e K eith M e ise n h e im e ro f the M ultnom ah C o u n ty F a m ily L aw C o u rt a n d M a ry L i, M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty S ch o o l an d C o m m u n ity P artn ersh ip s p ro g ram m an ag e r, w ere k ey n o te sp eak ers, a d d ressin g h o w the c o m m u n ity can su p p o rt v ictim s o f sex u al an d fam ily vio len ce. A lth o u g h , as the ju d g e p o in ted ou t, p rev en tio n is b e tte r than in terv en tio n , an d in terv en tio n is p re ferab le to ju d ic ia l action. Dear Deanna! Ask Deanna\ O ne o f my friends has the bad habit o f talking about people. I d o n ’t have a problem until she starts being loud and the per­ son she talks about can hear. W e ’ve had quite a few fights an d e m b a rra ss in g s itu a tio n s because o f her mouth. Now that she has this reputation of being a trouble m aker, people are thinking I’m the sam e way. My friends step aw ay when 1 show up and they think I gossip and start trouble as well. I'm tom betw een two sets o f friends and need help. —A nonym ous; V entura. Calif. Real People, Real Advice \n advice column known for reality based subjects ! pass surgery and h e’s a new man. T he only problem with this is the fact h e’s a new man for everyone but me. He has becom e so confident, o u tspo­ ken and charm ing that he seem s like a different person. W hen I say so m eth in g about his b e ­ havior he gets upset. He ac­ cuses me o f keeping him fat all through the years and that I d o n ’t w ant him to be happy. O ur m arriage is headed for d i­ saster and 1 d o n ’t know how to get through to him . -F ra n tic W ife; Baton R ouge, La. Dear Frantic Wife: T here w ere problem s in your m arriage before your husband stopped being a fat boy. Now that the w eight is no longer an issue, h e 's confident and co m ­ ing out o f y o u r shadow , his insecurities arc gone and h e's doing things he enjoys. You should celebrate his w eight loss and be proud to start on a new journey and new chapter in both your lives. O therw ise, y o u ’ll be in the co m er with a silly look on your face and when he leaves you w o n 't know what hit you. Dear Deanna! I w as the other w om an in a relationship and now that I have the m an it’s not all w h at I thought it w ould be. W e arc living together and I've learned that h e 's a slob, his finances I F riday, November 14th, 8am to 8pm Lucerne* Large Eggs S a fe w a y Sugar 5-lb Granulated. Limit 1. 12 et Grade AA Limit 1. CLUB PRICE aren ’t right and I got fooled by w hat I thought was a fan­ tasy. 1 see his wife all the tim e and she looks happy and I feel m iserab le b ecau se o f what I did to her as well as the situation I’m in. I want to tell this man to go back to his w ife but he thinks things arc fine. How do I tell him my true f e e lin g s ? --T h e O th e r CLU B PRICE ggc Nabisco Premium Saltines CLUB PRICE 11 to 16.5-01. Selected varieties Limit 2. CLUB PRICE Q uilted N orthern Ultra Plush Bath Tissue 4-roll. Limit 2. Dear Other Woman: You know good and well that y o u ’ve tossed your tw o cents into the gam e a few tim es and now you w ant to run and hide. The best thing you can do is tell your friend to grow up and have som e discretion if she ch o o ses to talk about people. If she c a n 't take your advice,, sh e 's not a friend and you should only deal with her one-on-one o r on the phone u nless you w ant to borrow trouble. A lso, if she ca n ’t say anything good about peo p le, she should be q u iet. Dear Deanna! 12 HOUR SALE W om an; O n-L ine R eader Dear Anonymous: M y h u sb an d had g astric b y ­ Friday, November 14th Store Opens at 8am A n o th er sp eak er w as a su rv iv o r o f d o m estic v io len ce w h o sp o k e o u t ab o u t w hat sh e had e x p erien ced and th e p ro cess that ev en tu ally to o k h er to a p lace o f relativ e safety , in the hope th at h e r sto ry w o u ld h elp o th ers w ho need to m ak e d ecisio n s to p ro tect th eir safety. T h e fo llo w in g d ay , S atu rd ay , O ct. 25, the IR C O g y m w as ag ain filled w ith fam ilies, this tim e fo r learn ab o u t lead p o iso n in g . F ree b lo o d tests to d e term in e e x p o su re to lead w ere p er­ fo rm ed on p reg n an t w o m en and ch ild ren b e ­ tw een 6 m o n th s an d 6 y ears. W o rk sh o p s w ere p resen ted and tran slated into sev eral lan g u ag es. In ad d itio n , each fam ily w h o had a ch ild tested receiv ed a free lead -safe toy fo r e ach ch ild an d a free d u st kit to test fo r lead in th eir hom e. T h e Jo siah Hill III C linic also p ro v id ed a free lunch to p articip an ts. A total o f 59 ch ild ren an d p reg n an t w o m en w ere tested by the clin ic fo r lead p o iso n in g . O f th o se, o n ly tw o retu rn ed w ith p o sitiv e re a d ­ ings, b o th y o u n g ch ild ren . T h e p aren ts w ere then co u n seled on th e next steps. Boy oh boy, did you get fooled thinking some­ body else’s grass was greener on the other side. Actually you got what you bargained for because you had no business with som eone else’s hus­ band. You should feel bad because you wrecked som eone’s home, m essed up your life and he’s probably on his way to cheat with someone else. As for the wife being happy, you did her a favor by making it easy to get rid o f him. You made your bed hard now sleep in it! You could bo a Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverly Hills. CA 90211. Website: 200 < New Prices Effective May 1 ,2 0 0 7 Martin Cleaning Service will be given away! V Friday and Saturday, 8am to 8pm Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services Minimum Service CHG. $45.00 * MO P'/ACMASf NKOAARY Mw»« p'otuhdMt <»<*«. twn*» CM*'*' Ruttn Uw to«» iy O-* Ori «nd y r* a 'Mme to wrn tontfntty tPrd' * 4 m ç » I ftadem ♦-». of Api*'* <**»»<*I**?». Af n0hr. r«Mtrv*d App* A rwt • Carpet Cleaning 2 Cleaning Areas or more $30.00 Each Area Pre-Spray TiafTic Areas (Includes: I small Hallway) o< tWf trenxjH-on of SAFEWAY O A We invite you... 1 Cleaning Area (only) $40.00 (Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • Hallway Extra) to experience the very best of Safeway Stairs (12-16 stairs) $25.00 (With Other Services) Heavily Soiled Area: INSTANT WINNER through a delicious journey of free food tastings throughout the store. Sample Soups, Salads, Panini, Rancher's Reserve*, Desserts and more! Additional $ I ().(X) A D D ITIO N A L SE R V IC E S Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning Deodorizing & Pet Odor Treatment Spot & Stain Removal Service Scotehguard Protection Pharmacy at SAFEW AY 0 UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Sofa Loveseat Sectional Chair or Recliner Throw Pillows (With Other Services) $79.00 $59.00 $109 - $139 $35 - $49 $5.00 f Pharmacy Hours: Mon-Fri: 9am - 8pm Sat: 9am - 6pm Sun: 10am - 4pm Phone: (503) 205-6751 PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION voucher i See Flyers for Additional Prices Call For Appointment (503) 281-3949 ), Ingredients for life,. N SAFEWAY O