e|Jnrtlanb ©bsertxer PageAI2 November 12. 2008 www.multnomah.edu/preview College Degree Programs Offered: A d u lt Degree Com pletion Bible & Th eology Biblical Hebrew Educational M inistry Elem entary Education English M inor Historical Studies Intercultural Studies Intercultural Studies - TESO L Journalism Master of Arts in Teaching Master o f Arts in TESO L M issionary A viation Music New Testam ent Greek Pastoral M inistry Psychology M inor Speech Com m unication Youth M inistry i "ù w Want Seminary? . Check out the wide range o f online classes, master's degrees, and grad certificate programs available at k Multnomah Biblical Seminary. zr >** « w Ik 4» s' £ - w-- **, > M ultnomah '• I W W W accredited by NWCCU A8HE, K ATS Portland, Oregon 800.275.4672 admiss@multnomah.edu I *