Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 12, 2008, Page 11, Image 11

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November 12. 2 0 0 8
C areers E ducation
Career and Technical Opportunities
The demonstration was part
of the second annual Career
and Technical Opportunities
Day last Friday at PCC's Rock
Creek Campus, 17705 N.W.
Springville Rd.
More than 5Û0 high school
students and 50 of their teach­
ers from Beaverton, Hillsboro,
Portland and Tigard participated
in the event, which showcases
Portland Community
College students Amanuel the college programs like Vet­
Ocbaslassie of- northeast
erinary Technology, Aviation
Portland (left) and Alfredo
Science, Auto CollisionRepair,
Rivera of Hillsboro activate a
M icroelectronics, W elding,
fuel injection system. The
Computer Science, and more.
two second-year Diesel
The programs put on inter­
Service Technician students
active workshops to help the
were assisting their instruc­
students see some of the op­
tors in demonstrating what
tions they have as they head
their program has to offer
toward high school graduation
future college students.
and college.
P o rtlan d
C o m m u n ity
College’s Diesel Service Tech­
nician program showed how a
fuel injection system fires up
within a diesel engine and pro­
pels the valves within the cylin­
ders during an open house for
prospective students.
PSU Outreach for Small Businesses
The Portland State University Business
Outreach Program provides educational op­
portunities for students and small business
ow ners.
The mission is to help small businesses
including, em erging, minority and women-
owned businesses, achieve theirpotential while
providing students with opportunities for com ­
munity based learning.
Services include in-depth market research,
business plan developm ent, interactive work-
shops, one-on-one business consultation, and
more. The program also matches skilled and
determ ined undergraduates specializing in a
business discipline with small business clients
to assist them in sustaining and growing their
Projects can range from bookkeeping to
m arketing a new product.
To learn more about getting involved with
the PSU Business Outreach Program, Email
bop@ sba.pdx.edu or call 503-725-9820.
World Cultures Celebrated at Clark College
C lark C ollege in V ancouver will w el­
com e the co m m unity and celeb rate the
w orld by hosting a w eek o f special events
in h onor o f International E ducation W eek.
“ B ridging C ultures and C om m unity " will
take place from M onday, Nov. 17 through
F riday, Nov. 21. T he celebration is c o ­
sponsored by the c o lle g e ’s O ffice o f Inter­
national Program s and the O ffice o f Stu-
dent Life and M ulticultural S tudent A f­
W orkshops, presen tatio n s and cultural
activities will take place each day.
C lark C o lle g e ’s m ain cam pus is located
at 1933 Fort V ancouver W ay, D riving d i­
rections and m aps are available on the
c o lle g e 's W eb site at clark .e d u /m ap s. For
m ore inform ation, call 360-992-2390.
If your idea of fashion is a pair of blue
jeans, a sweatshirt and high top
work boots; and your perfect day
includes spending time outside, then
a career as an operating engineer is a
dream come true. Life is too short
not to pursue your passion.
City of
At the City of Vancouver, we understand that everyone views the
world differently. Diversity is the uniqueness each individual brings
to our organization and community based upon their background
and identification with various groups, cultures and perspectives,
Our employees are proud to serve in an open, supportive environ­
ment where we are empowered to create solutions and outcomes
that exceed the expectations of the citizens we serve.
Check out the City of Vancouver...
We Respect, Support and Value diversity.
We’re all about that
Tonya Smith, Operating Engineer Local 701
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