Jungle Book An orphaned child discovers his true family See Arts & Entertainment, page A7 www.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity Volume XXXVIII, N um ber 44 .Week ¡n Thc Review Veterans Day Pledge Transition to Power President-elect O bam a honored fallen troops Tuesday by plac­ ing a wreath at a m em orial in C hicago and making a Veterans D ay pledge. "Let us rededicate ourselves to keep a sacred trust with all w ho have worn the uni­ form o f the United States o f America: that Am erica will serve you as well as you have served your country," O bam a said. Obama triumph culminates with tears, embraces Bush Thanks Veterans by J ake T homas T he P ortland O bserver President Bush thanked veter­ ans T uesday for serving their country, noting w istfully that he'll "miss being com m ander in chief o f such a fabulous group." Bush marked his last Veterans Day as president with a visit to a New York pier that is hom e to the W orld W ar II aircraft carrier In­ trepid. ‘Mama Africa' Remembered \i.ik j * " I a "Ma,na rjc a " w j,ose ■the country w as grip p ed by apartheid, died M onday o f a heart attack. She was 76. M akeba per­ formed with musical legends from around the world — ja zz mae- stros N ina Sim one and Dizzy G illespie, Harry B elafonte, Paul Simon — and sang for world leaders such as John F. Kennedy and N elson M andela. Wednesday • November 12. 2008 In living room s and election parties across Portland people shed tears and em braced one a n o th e r in d is b e lie f as they learned that Barack O bam a would be their next president. For many, the election trium ph was a cathar­ tic culm ination o f past milestones that overcam e racial barriers. T w enty-four years ago state Sen. Margaret Carter was celebrat­ ing a sm aller m ilestone after hav­ ing becom e the first A frican- A m erican w om an elected to the O regon Legislature. On election night last T ues­ day, Carter was holding a “re­ elect Carter and an elect Barack O bam a" party at Club Lexus ip the Rose Garden with 300 people from her north and northeast Portland district. “It was absolutely crazy," said C arter o f the event. C a rte r w as in tro d u c in g a speaker to the crow d when she noticed that no one was listening to her. Puzzled, she looked up at the screen behind her to see that CN N had ju st called the election for Obama, the first African Ameri­ can to win the presidency. “W e were all A m ericans,” said Carter o f the event, who described the room breaking into jubilation with no dry eyes in sight. Roy Jay, an African-American entrepreneur whose nam e has been bandied about as a future mayor, was also at C arter’s elec­ tion party. "They we re scream ing, they were crying, they were hugging. It was like Am erica had won the biggest W orld Series ever," said Jay, w ho added, “and this is the W orld Series because we have a new pitcher on the m ound." “ It sort o f makes you feel ex ­ trem ely well and excited because o f the fact that Am erica fought past color,” said Jay o f his linger­ ing im pressions o f the election. State Rep. Chip Shields, who represents parts o f north and northeast Portland, was at the Convention Center where the lo­ cal Dem ocratic Party was waiting President George Bush welcomes President-elect Barack Obama to the White House on Monday, visiting for nearly two hours and offering the nation a glimpse o f a new first family at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. for the election results to trickle in when he found out O bam a had won. “ I th in k peo p le w ere p ro ­ foundly moved by the historical nature o f the speech, not only for the potential for the country, but also the potential of taking a step from a very dark past when it com es to race in this country," said Shields, an early O bam a backer. Shields had to leave early to relieve the babysitter watching hiseight-m onth-old daughter. On the drive up Martin Luther King ‘It was a historic night,' ‘We’ve made It to that mountalntop,’ - Lolenzo ‘The ancestors are proud and smiling, ’ - State Sen. Poe, county policy advisor AvelGordly continued on page A2 Dean to Step Down D e m o c r a tic N a tio n a l C o m m itte e C h a irm a n Howard Dean plans to step down from his post when his term expires in •January, wrapping up a tenure in w hich the party heavily invested in all 50 states for a payoff that helped elect Barack O bam a presi­ dent. ‘America fought past color,’ ‘People were profoundly moved,' - State Rep. Chip - Roy Jay, African American Chamber executive Shields - Bob Boyer, Obama alternate delegate Airport’s Lost Dog Found A dog that bolted from its kennel at the Portland A irport last week has been reunited with its ow n­ ers. A Horizon Air baggage han­ dler let the 6-year-old blue heeler named B earou, of his kennel and the dog b o lte d . A b u sin e ss ow ner near the airport spotted the dog ahd recognized him from a photo he saw on the news. Brother Charged in Death A so u th e a st Portland man w as charged w ith m urder M o n d a y in the stabbing death o f his sister who was found in his apart­ ment Friday. A week earlier, Theresa Ann Rockwood, 52, had gone to visit her brother, Joseph Rockw ood, who suffered from a mental illness, and was not heard from again. Gas Prices Keep Falling T he price o f gas in O regon plunged another 19 cents in the past week to $2.38. The price is about $ I a gallon cheaper than it w as ju st one m onth ago and nearly $2 a gallon less than its July peak. Tax Proposal for Roads, Jobs M otorists would see a 2-cent-a- gallon increase in the state gaso­ line tax and higher vehicle fees under a plan proposed Monday by Gov. Ted Kulongoski to pay for road and bridge im prove­ ments and create thousands of new construction jobs I Presidential Dreams: 6Yes they Can’ by J ake T homas T he P ortland O bserver W hen B arack O bam a clinched his ascendance to the presidency last week, grow nups were not the only ones sw ept up in the fervor. In fact, the enthusiasm has trickled down to Portlanders who are a decade a way from voting. The kids at Rosa Parks School, one o f P ortland's more di verse schools, know th a t th e ir c o u n try has changed. Their faces light up at the mention o f the new president's name, and when a s k e d to s h a re th e ir thoughts on the election their hands sfuMit into the air as their eyes open wide. They know that som ething historic has occurred, and are eager to share what they know. Calvin Jackson, an A fri­ c a n - A m e r ic a n se c o n d - grader at Rosa Parks, said the election has him think­ ing big. “ I want to be like O bam a and run for president and lower the prices on stuff. I want to build houses for people,” said a beam ­ ing Jackson. “ I want to be in the White House with my family too," he added Second g ra d e r M a la y a M cGrant said she learned that “a black person, a Chinese person or a white person can be president." Her classm ate. Leslie Cabal­ lero said O bam a would represent all Americans. “O bam a, h e 's not ju st a person for blacks, but w hites too." she said. The kids al&o have a general idea o f how O bam a's election fits in with the struggles forequality led by Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. Lawyer, veterinarian, secret agent, and president are all pro­ fessions called out by the kids when asked what they aspire to be. “People can do stuff. They d o n 't have to sit in the back. They can go places,” says second- grader T eya Shear. “It's not just a dream for them an y m o re,” says th e stu d e n ts’ teacher Daphne Bussey, who has worked hard to make sure her students understand the signifi­ cance o f the Illinois S enator's election. B ussey ex p lain s that the electio n cam e at an ideal tim e. She has a field trip to Portland S tate U n i­ v ersity p la n n ed , w hich aim s to get thc kids th in k ­ ing a b o u t th e ir fu tu re education by having them sit in on a class. Lori Ann M artin, the principal's secretary, says she has been im pressed with how closely thc stu­ dents have follow ed the election. She recalls one student who knew the ex ­ act electoral vote count O bam a received. M artin promptly gave the student a piece of candy. M art i n also mentions that the election has been par­ ticularly important for Afri­ can immigrants who have children at Rosa Parks. She recalls Somali and Kenyan PHOTO BY J a KE T ho MA s /T i IE PORTLAND OBSERVER parents being moved to tears Second graders at Rosa Parks School in north Portland are learning the significance of the election o f by th c e le c tio n o f th e Barack Obama as the first black president. They actually believe and know they can be president. ’ Kenyan-bom Obama. said Rose Parks second grade teacher Daphne Bussey. Local kids know country has changed