Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 05, 2008, Page 9, Image 9

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November 5, 2008
P o r tla n d
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rt lattò ffibseruer
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Page A9
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News and reviews on new motor vehicles
2008 Volvo S80 T6 AWD Sedan
Turbocharged Scandinavian Luxury
K athleen C arr
Volvo's S80 is getting on in
years, but the latest redesign did
much to keep the model youthful
and aggressive looking. The 2008
S80 gives all the more bang for far
less buck.
The new S80 turbocharged, all­
wheel-drive T6 model adds a more-
affordable perform ance-oriented
alternative to the S80 lineup.
The new 3.0-liter turbocharged
engine offers an im pressive pair­
ing output with a fat, flat torque
curve, Volvo's turbocharged six
is a brilliant piece o f work that
literally rivals the V8 for enthusi­
astic real-w orld perform ance and
establishes the new T6 AW D as
the most desirable m em ber o f the
The new S80 T 6 A W D uses a
3.0-liter turbocharged variation
that develops 281 horsepower and
295 pound-feet o f torque. All S80
engines are backed by an elec­
tronically controlled six-speed
G eartronic autom atic transm is­
sio n w ith a m a n u a l- s ty le
Sportshift mode.
C lassically understated but
with detail refinem ents that re­
flect a new interpretation o f tradi­
tional V olvo styling cues, the S80
has a lean, w ell-tailored appear­
ance. Its subtle w edge shape is
effectively reinforced by a sw eep­
ing roofline and prom inent shoul­
der ridges. At the rear, the S80's
short deck is fram ed by large
ta illa m p s and ac ce n te d w ith
chrom e exhaust tips. Although
Volvo has shaken the boxy look it
made famous, the S80 is still un­
mistakably Volvo.
Highlighting the S80's stan­
dard features are numerous power
assists, including eight-w ay ad­
justm ent for the front seats, a tilt
and telescopic steering colum n,
dual-zone clim ate control, 160-
w att/eight-speaker A M /FM /CD
audio system with an auxiliary
input and MP3 capability, pow er
sunroof, Volvo's anti-whiplash
(W HIPS) and side-impact protec­
tion (SIPS) systems. D ynam ic
Traction and Stability Control,
anti-lock disc brakes with Elec­
tronic Brake Assistance and front,
f ro n t- s id e an d s id e -c u r ta in
airbags. The T6 and V8 models
include all-wheel drive w hile the
top-line S80 also gets the Interior
A ir Quality System (IA Q S) and
the Personal Car C om m unicator
(PCC) with keyless starting that
notifies you if the vehicle has
been tam pered with or if an in­
truder is inside.
The S80's options start with
fourkey groups: TheClimate Pack­
age, the D ynaudio Package, the
Sport Package and the Collision
A voidance Package. Single op­
tions include D V D-based navi-
Specifications: 3.0-Liter, Turbo, 6-Cylinder, 281-hp @ 295 Ib-ft. torque engine; AWD; 6-Speed automatic transmission; 15-City
23-Highway MPG; $49,025. MSRP
gation, dual-screen rear-seat DVD
entertainm ent system, front and
rear Park Assist, Blind Spot Infor­
mation System and the Personal
CarCom m unicator security moni­
toring system.
The S80's well-appointed cabin
reflects a Sw edish-m odern m en­
tality, with limited flash but lotsof
fu n ctio n . A ll v ersio n s m atch
leather, wood and brushed alum i­
num trim with legible analog
gauges, w ell-placed controls and
V olvo's elegant slim-line center
stack that houses the audio and
clim ate control switchgear.
The S80's som ew hat firm front
seats feature eight-w ay pow er
assist and "ortho-posture" d e­
sign to provide long-range co m ­
fort, w hile its 60/40 split-folding
rear bench has sufficient head
and leg room to take on a pair of
average-sized adults o r a trio of
kids, or it can be dropped to reveal
a large pass-through opening that
significantly increases the cargo­
carrying capability over that of
T he com m unity is invited to hear black veterans share real life
stories from their experiences in the armed forces during a Veterans
Day observance, Tuesday, Nov. 11 fro m 3 p .m .to 5 p .m .a tT alk in g
D rum Bookstore, 446 N.E. K illingsworth St.
T he public discussion is sponsored by the N ational A ssocia­
tion o f Black V eterans and Talking Drum.
Students from the Univer­
sity o f California at Davis
Medical School attend a
regional conference
focusing on the needs and
concerns of medical
students o f color, Oct. 24-
26, at Oregon Health
Sciences University.
Pictured are Brooke Vuong
(from left), Tracy Burns,
Karina Melgar, Omar
Washington, Laura
Guadiana, Manuel Tapia
and Kelly Kahari. Former
Oregon Gov. John
Kitzhaber was the keynote
Bishop H.L. Hodge, Ph.D.
"The Voice Speaks"
W orship Service: Sunday 8:00 A.M.
Sem inar: Bible Them es, W ednesdays 6:00 P.M.
“God The Father,” “God The Son,” “God The Holy Spirit"
Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite everyone
to join us at our appointment with Jesus.
We Reach, Teach, & Preach in Jesus’ Name!!!
A sk Deanna!
I’ve spent quite a bit o f money on
dates and dining trying to get a
B k Real People,
relationship but I get nothing in
Real Advice
return. I try to hold on to chivalry
1 \ il lu l l i n '
and follow the rules on dates. I’m
1 lllllllllll
a perfect gentleman at the movies,
1 tuuli il Jar
at dinner and I pay for everything.
1 reality based
I’m tired and now feel that women
need to get with the program and
spend as well. I’m tired o f watching date have a money discussion and
other men do the same. How do I let determine who’s paying or if you ’ 11
a woman know I want to date her go. It’s none of your business how
but I’m not willing to part with my other men spend their money and
money too soon? -R o y e r Davis; you shouldn’t hate the player or
Atlanta, Ga.
the game.
Dear Roger:
Dear Deanna!
If you’re complaining then it’s
obvious you’re trying to be im­
pressive by spending money you
don’t have. If “getting something”
drives your motivation for dinner
and dating then you got what you
deserved. Nothing. You should
lead by example. Before your next
My 20-year-old daughter had
been living with her dad and his
wife. He inform ed her that she
would have to m ove out at the
end o f year so she d id n 't pay her
car paym ent for two months. She
has a jo b but her car got repos­
sessed and although I’m in a bad
C aring
T he V olvo S80 is an excellent
choice am ong luxury sedans. It’s
surefooted stance and solid on
the highway. The all-wheel-drive
system that com es on most m od­
els adds to an im pressive safety
W e think the S80 is the best
overall car ever to com e out o f
Sweden, slick, m odem , pretty but
understated, quick and powerful.
It’s relatively sporty and there
aren't any rough edges on this
package anywhere.
Veterans at Talking Drum
Medical Students of Color
Dear Deanna!
the som ew hat m odestly-scaled
14.9 cubic-foot trunk.
S ta n d a rd s a fe ty f e a tu re s
across the S80 line include an
advanced, reinforced passenger
com partm ent w ith en erg y -ab ­
sorbing frontal structure, w hip­
lash protection seating, a tire pres­
sure monitor, four years o f road­
side assistance, anti-theft sys­
tem, daytim e running lights, anti­
lock brakes with electronic distri­
bution, anti-skid control, intelli­
gent air bags, and more.
place m y self w ith tw o m inor
daughters, 1 tried to support her.
My daughter is now angry with
me, which is making me feel guilty.
Am I wrong to feel guilty about
my d a u g h te r ’s s itu a tio n ? —
Anonymous; Los Angeles
Dear Anonymous:
Your husband had the right idea of
making yourdaughter responsible.
At age 20, there's noexcuse for not
paying her own bills so losing the
carisherfault. A sam otheryou feel
her pain but as an adult you have
to allow her to mature, make m is­
takes and grow up. Realize that
yourdaughter is an adult whi le you
focus on the small kids. On another
note, your daughter should be in
college so she can become inde­
pendent and eventually not rely
on anyone for financial support.
now I realize that the temptation
o f the flesh is making me weak. I
w as sexually active before my
walk of faith and now I feel as if I’m
going to slip into fornication again.
How do I stay strong with this
and not give in to this sinful plea­
sure? —Douglas; Omaha, Neh.
( -------------------------------------------
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Ernest J. Hill, Jr.
Dear Douglas:
The act o f celibacy requires prayer
and d iv in e in terv en tio n from
above. This is a w orldly sin that
ca n ' t be conquered alone by m an.
Pray for steadfast guidance and
determ ination toabstain from sex
as you strive in faith to guard
your temple until you have a wife.
There will certainly be some rough
days and long nights.
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
askdeanna I @ yahoo.com or 264
Dear Deanna!
S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283
I’m a young man and I’m saved. I Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website:
love the Lord with all my heart but w h h ’, askdeanna. com
hands in y o u r tim e o f need
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WHEN: lO AM-Saturday, Nov 01,2008
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