Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 05, 2008, Page 5, Image 5

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    Æl’1'fJnrtlanh ©bseruer
November 5, 2008
S enior L iving
Exceptional Health in Old Age
E lderly people w ho have a
p o sitive o u tlo o k , low er stress
levels, m oderate alcohol c o n ­
sum ption, abstain from tobacco,
and have m oderate to h ig h er
incom es w ith no chro n ic health
co n d itio n s are m ore likely to
th rive in their old age, ac co rd ­
ing to a study in the O cto b e r
issue o f the Jo u rn als o f G e ro n ­
to logy, M edical S ciences.
R esearchers from P ortland
S ta te U n iv e rsity , the K aiser
P erm anente C e n te r for H ealth
Research, O regon H ealth & S ci­
en ce U niversity, and S tatistic s
C an ad a surveyed 2,432 o ld e r
C anadians ab o u t th eir qu ality
o f life. T he few w ho m aintained
ex cellen t health ov er an entire
w e re c o n s id e r e d
“th riv e rs.”
‘'Important predictors of ‘thriv­
ing’ were the absence o f chronic
jllness, income over $30,(XX), hav­
ing never sm oked, and drinking
alcohol in moderation,” said Mark
Kaplan, lead author and PSU pro-
fessorof com m unity health. "W e
also found that people who had a
positive outlook and lower stress
levels were more likely to thrive in
old age.”
“ M any o f these facto rs can
be m odified w hen you are young
or m id d le-ag e d ,” said D avid
Feeny, co -a u th o r and sen io r in ­
v estig ato r at the K aiser health
research center. “ W hile these
findings may seem lik eco m m o n
sense, now we have ev id en ce
about w hich factors co n trib u te
old age.
Medicare Change Letters Due
one or more o f their prescriptions
or that the am ount they pay for
prem ium s orco-pays will change
in 2009. Reading and understand­
ing this information now will help
avoid costly surprises later.
People w ith M edicare may
change plans during an open
enrollm ent period that begins
Nov. 15 and goes through Dec.
31. M e d ic a re s u g g e s ts th a t
people make any changes by early
Decem ber toexperience a smooth
M e d ic a re r e c ip ie n ts w h o
have to find a new plan may
w ant to call th eir cu rren t plan
first to understand theirch o ices.
T hey m ay also call O reg o n ’s
S en io r H ealth Insurance B en­
e f i t s A s s is t a n c e p ro g ra m
(S H IB A ) at I -800-722-4134 for
free and u nbiased co u nseling
and en ro llm en t assistance.
T erry F amily
F u n er a l ,
St. Johns and University Park.
REACH is recruiting appli­
cants, volunteers with trade skills,
and seeking cash and material
donations for special workdays.
W ith support from M etro, the
Portland Bureau o f H ousing and
C om m unity D evelopm ent, area
businesses and local volunteers,
REACH will help the homeowners
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Home Repairs Bring Safety
Some local hom eow ners will
soon get the help they need to
live safely in their homes.
Volunteers from the REACH
Com munity Builders Programare
providing free hom e repairs for 20
elderly and disabled homeowners
living in the neighborhoods o f
A rbor Lodge, Portsm outh. C a­
thedral Park, Kenton, Overlook,
to ex cep tio n al health d u rin g re ­ sified as “non-thri vers.” J ust over
h alf o f the respondents started
tirem en t y ea rs.”
as “thrivers”, but by the end
Study participants filled out
10 years, only 8 percent of
an extensive health survey every
other year, starting in 1994 and the respondents were considered
continuing through 2(X)4. O ne thrivers. At the end o f the study
m easure, called the Health U tili­ period, 47 percent o f the respon­
ties Index, asked people to rate dents w ere classified as non-
their abilities in eight categories, thrivers. Thirty-six percent had
including vision, hearing, speech, died and 9 percent w ere institu­
am bulation, dexterity, em otion, tionalized.
“Even though the study was
cognition, and pain.
“T hrivers" were those w ho conducted in C anada, the find­
rated them selves as having no or ings are certainly applicable to
only mild disability in all eight the United States and other in­
categories on at least five o f the dustrialized nations,” says Dr.
B entson M cFarland, co-author
six surveys.
If respondents reported m od­ and professor o f psychiatry, pub­
erate or severe disability on any lic health and preventive m edi­
o f the six surveys, they w ere clas­ cine at OHSU.
4 positive outlook can lower stress and contribute to healthy
M edicare Advantage or M edi­
care Part D prescription drug cov­
erage enrollees w ere scheduled
to receive A nnual N otice o f
Change letters last month describ­
ing any changes in coverage and
costs for 2009.
O regon Insurance D ivision
officials say it's very im portant to
read and save this letter. Some
people will learn that the plan
they have will no longer cover
Study looks at factors that can help
with clogged gutters, leaking fau­
cets, rotting steps, minor electri­
cal repairs, and improving acces­
sibility in and around o f their
T o volunteer, donate or to re­
quest an application, call Barrett
Ebright at 503-231 -0682extension
142 or visit the REACH website at
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and superior care o f your loved one ”
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OR 11/08