Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 29, 2008, Page 8, Image 8

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    cl’l' | J o r t l a u h (O h s e r Her
Page A 8
To Place Your Classified
C lassified /B id
New Hope for the Holidays
A re
d e a lin g
w ith
depression, anxiety, grief or
suicide ideation? Find hope for
th e h o lid a ys th rou gh grie f
w o rk sh o p to be held on
Saturday, November 1, 2008,
10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Allen
Temple C.M.E. Church, 4236
N.E. 8th Street, Portland, OR.
The workshop is sponsored by
Allen Temple C.M.E. Church
and Cox Funeral Home. The
w o rk s h o p is fre e to th e
com m u nity. For a d d itio n a l
in fo rm a tio n , c o n ta c t Allen
Temple at 503-287-0261.
City of Portland - Concrete Finisher
Hourly: $23.77 to $25.83
Concrete Finishers perform a
v a rie ty of s k ille d c o n c re te
finishing and allied trades work,
including surface preparation,
b u ild in g c o n c re te fo rm s ,
stru c tu ra l
re in fo rc e m e n t,
materials preparation, masonry
and p la s te rin g . C o n c re te
F in ish e rs m u st be ab le to
operate a variety of concrete
fin is h in g
m a so n ry
equipment, and power and hand
tools. For more information or
$2,664 $3,314
• P u rc h a se
s u p p lie s ,
products and services in the
State Capitol
• P re p a re
re vie w
• M aintain inventory using
c o m p u te rize d
in v e n to ry
• Provide excellent customer
• Prefer State Certification in
A p p lica tio n inform ation is
a va ila b le on our w eb site:
Karen Hupp
Employee Services
900 Court St. NE, Rm. 140-B
Salem, OR 97301-4043
(503) 986-1373
Deadline November 1 4 ,2 0 0 8
to apply, go to http ://
www.ci.portland.or. us/jobs
Be In your new home by
Factory Deals
Can Erect
www.scg-qrp.com Source#16T
Phone: 503-714-9983
5 BEDROOM/ 2 BATH, 1600 Sq.
Job Opportunities
Ft. Sunnyside Neighborhood, SE
NOW HIRING No exp needed.
41st and Lincoln. Fenced back
Good pay and ben-efits, paid
yard, energy efficient windows
training, prom otions, regular
W/D Hook up, on street parking,
raises. HS grads ages 17-34. Call
Mon-Fri 800.914.8536
See our website at
www.reachcdc.org for
Call 503-231-0682 ext. 160
to view.
■ M M M M N M N IM i
Purchasing and Contract
A gricultural
Rated by Oregon Business magazine as one of Oregon's top
companies to work for, SAIF Corporation has been helping
workers and businesses in Oregon for more than 90 years. We
are committed to hiring and retaining employees who represent
Oregon's ethnic, cultural, and geographic diversity. We are
recruiting for a variety of positions including:
Portland, Oregon
w w w .s a if.c o m
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Portland Development Commission
The Urban Renewal Agency for the City of Portland, Oregon
Portland is internationally recognized for its quality of life,
distinctive neighborhoods, and robust transit system. Playing a
key role in keeping Portland, Oregon, one of Am erica’s most
livable cities is the Portland Developm ent Com m ission's
mission. PDC is the City's urban renewal agency, charged with
bringingtogether resources to achieve Portland's vision. W e’re
currently looking for qualified individuals to complement our
workforce for the following positions:
General Counsel
Business Systems Analyst II
We offer a generous host of benefits as part of our efforts to
keep PDC a positive, healthy and productive place to work. PDC
values diversity in its work force and is committed to
Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action.
Apply online at www.pdc.us/jobs
Portland Development Commission, 222 NW 5th Ave.,
Portland, OR 97209
Jobline: 503.823.3463
Public Notice
Sunrise Project: 1-205 to Rock Creek Junction
The O regon D epartm en t of Transportation (OD OT) and
Clackamas County propose to build a new, east-west oriented,
lim ited-access highw ay- called the Sunrise Project-from
Interstate 205 (1-205) to the Rock Creek Junction in Clackamas
The Sunrise Project Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact
Statem ent (SDEIS) is now available for public review and
comment. The comment period is open until November 28,
2008. Two Section 4(f) de minimis impact findings are also
proposed for the Sunrise Project.
Two public hearings will be held to receive public comment and
testimony: Wednesday, November 12, 2008, at the Milwaukie
Center, 5440 SE Kellogg Creek Drive, Milwaukie, OR 97222
from 4:00pm-7:00 pm; and Thursday, November 13, 2008. at
Clackamas High School, 14486 SE 122nd Avenue, Clackamas,
OR 97015, 6:00pm-9:00pm.
To download and review the SDEIS, please see the project
website: httD://www.sunrise-proiect.org/.
For additional information, contact Emily Moshofsky at (503)
731-8535. or emilv.a.moshofskv@odot.state.or.us.
Natural Resource Specialists
Advertising Draft
To Place Your
Contact; Kathy Linder
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
Portland State University
Associate Professor or
Professor of Social Work
(One faculty position available
effective 7/1/2009)
The Fa cu lty o f D istin c tio n
position is awarded to a highly
accomplished scholar who has
an e xte n s iv e re cord of
e xtra m u ra l re search and a
commitment to supporting the
culture of scholarship in the
S ch o o l of S o c ia l W o rk at
P o rtla n d S ta te U n ive rsity.
R e s p o n s ib ilitie s
in vo lve
maintaining an ongoing program
of fu n d e d re se a rch and
supporting the development of
early career faculty researchers
in topical areas such as child
welfare, mental health, youth
development, fam ily support,
crim inal justice, traum a and
violence, aging, and disability.
Applicants must have an earned
Doctorate in Social W ork or
related d iscip lin e . We seek
a p p lic a n ts w ho have an
e s ta b lis h e d
extram urally-funded, applied
research with experience in
m e n to rin g ju n io r fa c u lty
re s e a rc h e rs and d o c to ra l
students. We are e specially
interested in applicants who
d e m o n s tra te d
com petencies in com m unity-
e n g a ge d
re se a rch
multicultural issues.
M ust see fu ll p o sitio n
announcement and application
instructions at:
h ttp ://w w w .h r c .P d x .e d u /
Contact: Kathy Linder
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
e-mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.com
School of Social Work
Drivers-Owner Operators
We Pay for Your Fuel, licensing,
Ins. Road Taxes & More!!
CDL-A 2yrs. Exp, Fluent English
<&> Portland State
The Oregon Dept o Agriculture is
re c ru itin g to fill a N atural
Resource Specialist 3, Survey
E ntom ologist 3 in the Plant
division located in La Grande. To
qualify you m ust have three
ye a rs o f e xp e rie n c e in
entom ology or o th e r closely
related experience. At least one
year of the experience must be
at a technical or professional
level performing activities such
as researching and analyzing
data, conducting investigations,
applying pertinent laws and
regulations or coordinating and
m onitoring project activities
AND a Bachelors degree with
m ajor
c o u rs e w o rk
entomology or three additional
years of related experience.
S a la ry is $3,437 - $5,026/
m onth. See c o m p le te jo b
An n ou ncem ent #LE0 80 4 09
online at www.oregonjobs.org
OR http://oregon.gov/ODA for
other duties and instructions for
applying, or contact Agriculture
Human Resources at 503-986-
4584. Mail to 635 Capitol St. NE,
Salem, OR 97301-2532. Closes:
October 31, 2008. AA/EOE
October 29. 2008
Portland State University is an
AA/EO institution and welcomes
applications from diverse
candidates and candidates who
support diversity.
Regulatory Division Manager
Apprx. Monthly Salary
$6,016 - $8,015
Approximate Monthly Salary:
Deadline: 4:30 pm, 11/17/2008 $5,077 to $6,779
♦ P osition : The R e g u la to ry th e Parking Garages Program
D ivisio n M a n a ge r plans, M a n a ge r plan s, o rg a n ize s ,
organizes and integrates the provides controls and evaluates
program a c tiv itie s o f th e the operation and maintenance
R e g u la to ry D ivis io n of the of the City's parking garages by
Revenue Bureau and oversees implementing and monitoring
staff with prim ary duties to w ork p la n s fo r c o n tra c to rs
e nforce regu lations, colle ct o p e ra tin g C ity ga rages and
revenues and provide customer evaluating their effectiveness in
service for various regulatory delivery of services as outlined
programs. To apply, please visit in their contracts. Experience
o u r w e b site at: h t t p : / / managing parking facilities is
www.cl.portland.or.us/lobs and preferred. Applications will be
for questions contact Jarvez accepted through 4:30 PM on
H all, Sr. Hum an R e sources Monday, November 17, 2008. For
Analyst, (503) 823-5738. The more information or to apply, go
City of Portland is An Equal to http://www.ci.portland.or.us/
Opportunity Employer
<&> Portland State
D irectory-
Reclaiming Futures, an initiative
of the Robert Wood Johnson
F o u n d a tio n and based at
Portland State University (PSU),
seeks to hire a part-time Grant
and Partnership Development
This new position is to transform
Reclaiming Futures into a self-
sustaining nonprofit by 2012.
The position requires over 10
years experience fundraising,
g ra n t w ritin g , p a rtn e rsh ip
d e ve lo p m e n t, and revenu e
generation; and a Bachelor's
d e g re e
e q u iv a le n t
e xp e rie n c e . S a la ry is $ 40 -
$48,000 for half-time work. For
www.reclaimingfutures.org or
h t t p :/ / w w w .h r c .P d x .e d u /
o p e n in g s /u n c la s s ifie d / R R I-
002.htm. PSU is an Affirmative
A c tio n , Equal O p p o rtu n ity
A Absolutely New Queen Pillowtop
Mattress with Box Set. Still Sealed
in Plastic. Can Deliver
Oregon Institute of Technology
Village for Sustainable Living
Student Housing - Bid Package # 3
Bids due 2:00 P.M., November 13, 2008
Advertisement for Bids
Bid Package 3 - All Work as listed in Project Manual
Excludes previously awarded scope: Earthwork, Utilities,
Structural Concrete, Survey, & Rough Carpentry/Wood Framing
HSW Builders, LLC., Construction Manager/ General Contractor
(CM/GC) requests subbids for the above listed Bid Packages
on behalf of the Oregon Institute of Technology for the new
Village for Sustainable Living project.
Subbids will be received via facsimile at the main office of the
CM/GC, located at 730 Bonnett Way, Suite 3000, Bend Oregon
97701 @ 541-388-2898 (fax), no later than 2:00 P.M local
time, November 13th, 2008. Bids shall be clearly labeled "Bid
Package # 3 - OIT, Sustainable Living" and must be executed
on the form s bound in the package. Prior to bids being
considered for award, the CM/GC will require each bidder to
satisfactorily comply with all CM/GC subcontractor qualification
requirements outlined in the bid package.
City of Portland - Parking Garages
Program Manager
$1 50 . (5 0 3 )8 2 8 -8 9 2 7
<&> Portland State
Portland State University is
recruiting for a STEM Coordinator
to p ro vid e scie n ce & math
in s tru c tio n to high sch oo l
students in its TRIO Upward
B ound P ro g ra m . M inim um
q u a lific a tio n s : B a c h e lo r’s
Degree in STEM, three years
experience with high school
students, eligibility for Oregon
Teaching Certification.
P le ase
h ttp ://
w w w .hrc.pdx.edu/openin gs/
u n c la s s ifie d / in d e x.h tm or
w w w .u b e ts .p d x .e d u
complete job description and
instructions on how to apply.
"PSU is an AA/EO institution and
w elcom es application s from
d ive rs e
c a n d id a te s
c a n d id a te s w ho su p p o rt
HS grads ages 17-34. Full pay,
b e n e fits , tra in in g , 30 days
vacation/yr, $ for school. No exp
needed. Call Mon-Fri 800-914-
Oregon Institute of Technology
Village for Sustainable Living
Student Housing - Bid Package # 2
Bids due 2:00 P.M., November 4, 2008
Advertisement for Bids
Bid Package 2 - Wood Framing - Excludingsupply of all 'I'Joist.
T Joist shall be supplied by HSW Builders and installed by Bidder.
HSW Builders, LLC., Construction Manager/ General Contractor
(CM/GC) requests subbids for the above listed Bid Packages
on behalf of the Oregon Institute of Technology for the new
Village for Sustainable Living project.
Subbids will be received via facsimile at the main office of the
CM/GC, located at 730 Bonnett Way, Suite 3000, Bend Oregon
97701 @ 541-388-2898 (fax), no later than 2:00 P.M local
time, November 4th, 2008. Bids shall be clearly labeled "Bid
Package # 2 - OIT, Sustainable Living" and must be executed
on the form s bound in the package. Prior to bids being
considered for award, the CM/GC will require each bidder to
satisfactorily comply with all CM/GC subcontractor qualification
requirements outlined in the bid package.
Bidding Docum ents for the work have been prepared by
Söderström Architects, Portland, Oregon. Documents for this
bid package may be obtained at Ford Graphics - Bend, OR.
with a $ 100 deposit for a full set, or reviewed at Klamath Falls
Builders Exchange, Central Oregon Builders Exchange, Eugene
B uilders Exchange, M edford Builders Exchange, Salem
Contractors Exchange, Contractor Plan Center in Clackamas,
DJC in Portland or HSW Builders Office. Documents are also
available online at wwwplansonfile.com. Documents shall be
made available October 29th.
Bidding Docum ents for the work have been prepared by
Söderström Architects, Portland, Oregon. Documents for this
bid package may be obtained at Ford Graphics - Bend, OR.
with a $ 100 deposit for a full set, or reviewed at Klamath Falls
Builders Exchange, Central Oregon Exchange, Eugene Builders
Exchange, Medford Builders Exchange and Contractor Plan
Center in Portland, or HSW Builders Office. Documents are also
available online at wwwplansonfile.com. Documents shall be
made available October 21st.
Q u e s tio n s sh a ll be d ire c te d to Rob K e lle h e r (e m a il:
Robk@hswbuilders.com) or faxed to 541-388-2898. Bidders
are directed to NOT contact the Owner or Architect or any other
consultants directly with questions regarding clarifications,
substitutions, exception, or exclusions involving the bid.
Q u e s tio n s sh a ll be d ire c te d to Rob K e lle h e r (e m a il:
Robk@hswbuilders.com) or faxed to 541-388-2898. Bidders
are directed to NOT contact the Owner or Architect or any other
consultants directly with questions regarding clarifications,
substitutions, exception, or exclusions involving the bid.
All bids shall be in compliance with ORS prevailing wage laws
which went into affect July, 2008.
All bids shall be in compliance with ORS prevailing wage laws
which went into affect July, 2008.
All successful bidders must furnish a Performance and Payment
Bond in an am ount equal to one hundred (100%) of the
Subcontractor sum as security for the faithful performance of
the Subcontract and also as security for the payment of all
persons performing labor and furnishing materials under the
Subcontract. The performance and payment bonds must be
provided within five (5) days of Contract Award or the project
may be awarded to the next responsive bidder.
All successful bidders must furnish a Performance and Payment
Bond in an am ount equal to one hundred (100%) of the
Subcontractor sum as security for the faithful performance of
the Subcontract and also as security for the payment of all
persons performing labor and furnishing materials under the
Subcontract. The performance and payment bonds must be
provided within five (5) days of Contract Award or the project
may be awarded to the next responsive bidder.
Bidders must be currently registered and in good standing with
the Oregon Construction Contractors Board at the submission
of bid.
Bidders must be currently registered and in good standing with
the Oregon Construction Contractors Board at the submission
of bid.
HSW Builders is an equal opportunity employer and requests
bids from all qualified firms including disadvantaged, minority,
women, and emerging small business enterprises. CCB #
HSW Builders is an equal opportunity employer and requests
bids from all qualified firms including disadvantaged, minority,
women, and emerging small business enterprises. CCB #