il!l ^JortÌattÒ (©bserUer October 29. 2008 Page A3 Planned Parenthood Shadowedby Protesters continued ward, especially after so much opposition in the community.” Som e church leaders who spoke o f "building bridges to others, including those who are opposed to our presence,” defended Planned Parenthood during the groundbreaking cer­ emony. from Front tice. "We d o n ’t want a center for death in our neighborhood,” she said. Ruesink and the other pro­ testors also accused Planned P arenthood o f prom oting a sexualized life style to young people. D elapoer countered that teens need factual infor­ m ation to m ake responsible decisions. Representatives o f the M us­ lim Community Center, located next door to the future build­ ing, have been outspoken crit­ ics o f Planned Parenthood. “We c a n ’t w orship w hile bab ies are being m urdered next d o o r,” A m ir S haheed Haumid told the Portland O b­ server. "A s M uslims we don’t feel at all com fortable with this. W e're really dismayed by PD C ’s decision to move for- Roxy Monroe and Jasmine Carver gather inside a tent for a groundbreaking ceremony for Planned Parenthood, the family planning organization dedicated to women's health issues, but also controversial abortion services. The group is building a new clinic and administrative offices at 3727 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. photos by M ark W ashington / T he P ortland O bserver mnmmmmmr Record Turnout Expected continued from Front " V o lu n te e rs are o n the phones, at people's doorsteps and talking to their friends and neighbors," Democratic Party spokesm an Marc Siegel said. D espite D em ocrats' voter registration edge. Republicans aren't giving up. "We are making phone calls and knocking on doors state­ wide to turn out our voters," said O reg o n G O P s p o k e s­ woman Brianne Hyder. B oth sid es are try in g to p e r s u a d e v o te r s w h o 'v e m ade up their m inds about the various races and m ea­ sures to not w ait until the Nov. 4 deadline but to send them in now. U n d e r O re g o n 's u n iq u e vote-by-m ail system , local election officials keep ru n ­ ning lists o f registered vot­ ers w ho have cast ballots. C a m p a ig n s a n d in te r e s t groups often purchase those lists during the voting period Ceasefire Gun Turn-in Saturday to help them contact people as part o f th eir g et-out-the- vote efforts. To anyone w ho w ants to avoid being called or contacted by the cam paigns, Bradbury has som e advice: "It’s very simple — if you don't want to get those calls, mail in your ballot immediately." The C easefire O regon Edu­ ca tio n F o u n d atio n h o sts an Annual Gun Turn-In on Satur­ day, Nov. 1 to provide a place where gun ow ners can dispose o f unwanted firearms. The event will be held from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 5933 S.E. 92nd A venue and W oodstock Street Election Office Assists Voters M ultnom ah C ounty Elections officials are reminding voters who have not yet received their bal­ lots to contact them. V oters who have other questions can also seek assistance by calling 503- 988-3720 or visiting the elections office located at Southeast 10th A venue and M orrison Street. Voters registered in other through this Friday; Saturday, Oregon counties should call from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Monday their county elections office. from 8 a.m . to 6 p.m .; and The Multnomah County Elec­ Tuesday, Election Day, Nov. 4 tions Office will be open to the from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Ballots must be received at public and available to answer calls during extended hours, in­ any Oregon county elections cluding from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. office or an official drop site location by 8 p.m. on Nov. 4 in order to count. Ballot drop boxes are located outside the M ultnomah C ounty Elections O ffic e , an y M u ltn o m a h County Library and other lo­ cations. A com plete list is lo­ cated m that she’s exposing her children to adult lyrics and content. Her chil­ dren are now beginning to repeat the lyrics and she gets upset and shouts at them. She can't see that they’re simply repeating and sing­ ing the songs. O ther than turning o ff her music, what other options are there? —Anonymous; Seattle art. In this case, the bad art of explicit lyrics. W rite the lyrics to som e o f her music and give it to her on a sheet o f paper. W hen she looks at this mess in black and w hite, p erh ap s sh e 'll h av e a change o f heart and be m ore o f an adult when it com es to w hat she listens to around her children. Dear Anonymous: Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: askdeannal @ or 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website: F or each w o rk in g fire arm turned in, residents receive a $75 m erchandise certificate for Fred Meyer. C easefire O regon hopes the event will raise aw areness o f the risks and responsibilities o f gun ow nership, including the im por­ tance o f safe storage. Be a part of the conversation. Join the Portland Plan Community Involvement Committee MMMMNM Ask o as a w i fe and won ’ t respect you as a hom ey lover friend. Learn from your m istakes and if you m ust have a man, be a better ju d g e of character and find one that will respect you more than your hus­ band and keep it moving. Dear Deanna! Real People, Real Advice An advice column known fo r its /earless approach to reality based subjects! Dear Deanna! In the middle o f a bad divorce and I’m still intimate with my ex-hus- band. Although w edidn’t get along, couldn’t build a life or raise our family together, we were able to bond physically. The reason w e’re divorcing is due to outside affairs with other people, financial prob­ lems and m arryingtoosoon. I want to move on with my life but for some reason, manage to keep this part o f the relationship going. Am 1 wrong fordoing this? -Worried Divorcee: Atlanta Dear Worried: Sex is the fuel for a relationship and not the glue. If y o u ’re divorc­ ing your husband, you need to im m ediately cut all physical ties. Y o u're short changing yourself by giving him your body because it's obvious he did n ’t respect you S llh ^rrih e f My girlfriend is a w oman w ith a cute face but sh e’s voluptuous and doesn’t understand that all fashions aren’t suitable for her. I love her and think she looks good in m ost things but not every­ thing. It’s hard for me in public when people stare at herorsnicker and m ake rude remarks. W hen 1 ad d re ss this issu e w e argue. Please give me som e options b e­ cause I'm tired o f being em bar­ rassed and my suggestions aren't w orking? —Matthew: Boston Y our sister is ignorant and using b adjudgm enton this simple com ­ m on se n se issu e. O b v io u sly she’s not a rocket scientist and should see her kids are imitating Help guide public involvement for the planning project that will direct how Portland grows over the next 20 years. PORTLAND PLAN For an application form , go to: http:/A/wvw.portlandonhne com/ portland pldn / Click on: "M em bers for Comm unity Involvem ent Comm ittee W anted! Apply N o w !" PLANNING Or contact Christine A ppleberry at: ch ri sti ne a ppl eberr y ©c i po rt land or us 503-823-9907 *-------- NEW S E A S O N S ___J M A R K E T Dear Matthew: Your partner has a mental prob­ lem because she probably has a size 18 shape with a size 5 outlook. This is not cute and you need to offer Jenny Craig or a shopping spree. If she still refuses then you need to flip the script and ap ­ proach her w eight issue from a health perspective and encour­ age her to lose weight. If not, just be there because her feelings will get hurt really good one day if she still insists on w alking around looking like a sausage. NO W D E L IV E R IN G Y o u r fa v o rite n e ig h b o r h o o d g r o c e r y s to re n o w d e liv e rs g r o c e r ie s rig h t to y o u r h o m e o r o ffic e . Dear Deanna: My sister listens to music that is vulgar and explicit. She listens to any type music and doesn’t care I I □ U U d U lU V ; 5O3-288-OO33 Fill Out & Send To: I I iliie JJnrtlanb (fihseruer I I Attn: Subscriptions, PO Box .31,37, Portland OR 97208 I s u b s c r ip tio n s are ju s t $60 p e r y e a r I (please include cheek with this subscription form) I I N ame :_______________________________ I T elephone :__________________________ I I A ddress : ____________________________ I I or entail subscriptions® I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t.c o m you click, we deliver, (or pull up for pick up)