Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 29, 2008, Page 2, Image 2

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    October 29, 2008
Page A2
Miracles A.G. Candidate Blasts Opponent on Prisons
by J ake T homas
F or i he P ortland O bserver
T h e r e c o v e r y g ro u p
M iracles Club is hoping for
an election m iracle to change
the world.
M iracles and com m unity
m em bers are hosting a pot­
luck supper to w atch elec­
tion returns on T uesday, N ov.
4 a t6 :3 0 p .m .
T he free com m unity and
fam ily event will be held at
the M iracles C lub site on the
com er o f N ortheast Martin
Luther King Jr. Boulevard
and M ason Street.
Participants are invited to
bring a dish o f your choice
and a serving utensil. Bever­
ages, cups, plates, and other
accessories will be provided.
D em o c rat Jo h n K ro g e r is
coasting to victory in a rem ark­
ably anti-clim atic race for Oregon
A ttorney G eneral. He has been
endorsed by a slew o f new spa­
pers and has no Republican op­
position. He says h e’ll go after
scam artists, drug dealers, and
w hite-collar criminals.
However. Walt Brown, a former
state senator and longtime advo­
cate for the underdog is running
on the Pacific G reen Party ticket
for the state's top cop, and says
K roger’s approach still d oesn't
meet muster.
“ His concern is to lock up as
many bad people as possible,”
said Brown o f his o p p o n en t’s
priorities. Brown argues that O r­
egon spends far too m uch on
incarceration and that he wants
to keep people out o f jail by using
the bully pulpit to push the L eg­
islature to enact m ore anti-pov­
erty m easures, like better access
to health care, jobs and educa­
He also thinks there should be
a better focus on rehabilitation.
Brow n said that O reg o n has
good law s that p ro tect m inority
rights, but d o e s n ’t think th e y ’re
p roperly en fo rced . O f p a rtic u ­
lar co n cern for B row n is racial
profiling. He w ould rem edy it as
d e p u ty d is tric t a tto rn e y fo r
M alheur County, Navy lawyer,
and attorney for the O regon C o n ­
sum er League gives him better
insights into how to use the pow ­
ers o f the office to help regular
“ H e’s not afraid to go against
the status quo and do w h at’s
right for the people,” said Skipper
O sborne, a form er president o f
the local chapter o f the N A A C P
and current head o f civil rights
group T ruth and Justice for All, o f
O sborne said that he is weary
o f K roger’s closeness to police
and prosecutors and fears that he
offers more “business as usual.”
atto rn ey g en eral by c re atin g a
C ivil R ights D iv isio n in the O r­
egon D ep artm en t o f Ju stice to
uphold the civ il and c o n s titu ­
tional rig h ts o f the s ta te ’s c iti­
He also added that he w ouldn’t
shy away from going after preda­
tory police officers if he felt a
grand jury was wrong in letting
them off the hook, w hich Brown
contends happens too often.
“ M inorities in P ortlandend up
on the short end o f the stick,” said
Brown pointed out that Kroger
has spent much o f his career as a
federal prosecutor, and argues
that his ow n experiences as a
Walt Brown
Vancouver NAACP Election Watch Tuesday
T he V ancouver B ranch o f the ing on T u esd ay , N ov. 4 from 6
N A A C P invites its m em bers, p.m . to 10 p.m . at P h o en ix Inn
su pporters and frien d s to a t­ Suites, 12712 S.E. Second Circle,
tend an electio n w atch gath er- ju s t o ff o f N o rth east 126th Av-
e n u e a n d M ill P la in in
V ancouver.
T he free fam ily event will take
place in the H o sp itality R oom ,
o f the g ro u p is w elcom e.
For more information, call Carol
C ollier at 503-880-5807 or em ail
carolcollier@ m sn.com .
w hich is eq u ip p ed w ith a large
screen TV. The N A ACP will pro­
vide lig h t refresh m en ts. A n y ­
one w ho su p p o rts the m ission
at SEI
Thousands o f elementary and
middle school kids and families
will enjoy free candy, fun and
entertainment duri ng the 12th an­
nual Self Enhancement, Inc. Har­
vest Fest on Friday, Oct. 31 from
5:30p.m. to7:30p.m .
The event is a safe com m u­
nity alternative to neighborhood
trick-or-treating. A ctivities in­
clude balloon artistry, the very
popular Haunted House, gam es
and prizes, fun bounce houses
and a reptile room tilled with
gators, snakes and more!
SEI is located at 3920N. Kerby
For more inform ation, call
BradMillay at 503-249-1721, ex­
te n s io n
2 63
o r E -m a il
bradm @ selfenhancem ent.org.
Murder Suspicions Point to Hudson Relative
Missed parole
meeting on
day of murders
(A P ) - T he estran g ed h u s­
band o f Je n n ife r H ud so n 's sis­
ter m issed a p aro le m eetin g the
sam e day that H u d so n 's m o th er
and b rother w ere killed, parole
records show . W illiam B alfour,
w ho is in custo d y and co n sid ­
ered a person o f in terest, had
been arrested in Ju n e fo r co ­
cain e possession , but state o f­
ficials did no, rev o k e his parole
on an ea rlier conviction.
T he records su rfaced as o f­
ficials declared that H udson's
7 -y e a r-o ld n ep h ew w.as also
the victim o f a h om icide, h av ­
ing been sh o t sev eral tim es.
Julian K ing's body w as found
Balfour is being held on an
unrelated parole violation.' No
one has been charged with the
Hudson, the Academy award
winning actress and pop singer
was among seven family mem­
bers and close friends who cried
and held hands as they identi­
fied Julian King's body from a
live image on a television screen
at the Cook County Medical
Examiner's office Monday af­
The boy was found dead
earlier Monday in the back of
an SUV, ending a frantic search
that began after the shooting
deaths of Hudson's mother and
brother three days earlier.
Police said a motive remained
unclear, but characterized the
slayings as "domestic related."
Neighbors on Monday night hold a candlelight vigil for Jennifer Hudson and her family
outside the Chicago home.where her mother and brother were killed
u Communication broke down...
it got out of control.”
“If someone’s gambling is hurting
you, make the call.”
in the Department
of Psychiatry at OHSU
are seeking participants for a study to
identify how visual and auditory information
processing may be affected in ADHD/ADD.
We are looking for participants between the
ages of 18-35 who have received a
diagnosis of ADHD, but no history of other
neurological or psychiatric diagnoses. The
study will involve two parts. During the first
visit we will ask you questions about your
attention, your mood, and other background
information. The second visit, will involve
visual and auditory attention computer
tasks. Subjects will be reimbursed at $25/
“It was so refreshing to be around
people who were experiencing the
same thing I was.”
For further information, please contact Lesley
I1'f P o rtla n d (Pbseruer
“ There is help."
“It made me feel really good
and positive.”
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