500 Clocks Turn Back 1 Hour |VOTE!VOTE!VOTE! Daylight Savings Time ends Sunday at 2 a.m. « ‘City of Roses’ Established In 1970 ©bsertier www.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity Volume XXXVIII, Number 42 T lWeek ¡n The Review Ballots Due Tuesday, Nov. 4 Wednesday • October 29, 2008 Record Turnout Predicted Cam paign's Final Stretch Barack Obama and John McCain fought for votes Tuesday on critical ground in Pennsylvania, the only D em o cratic state McCain is still contesting on a national political map growing increasingly daunting. With just one week to go, GOP doubts about his chances for the presi­ dency grew louder. Plot Not Fully Formed Two white supremacists from Tennessee charged with plotting to behead blacks across the coun­ try and assassinate Barack Obama while wearing white top hats and tuxes were likely too disorganized to carry out the plot, authorities said, and their planning was riddled with blunders. Clue Points to Relative The convicted felon suspected in the Chicago slayings of Os- car-winner Jennifer Hudson's mother, brother and nephew missed a parole violation hear­ ing on the day of the murders. He is in custody, but hasn’t been charged in the murders. See story, page A2. Saltzman Heads Police Bureau photo by M ark Vote could eclipse Nixon- Kennedy race Mayor-elect Sam (AP) — Oregon voter turnout for Adams on Mon­ the Nov. 4 election will set a m od­ day named City ern record, eclipsing the 86.5 per­ C o m m issio n e r cent turnout the state saw in the Dan Saltzman to head the Port­ 1960 Nixon-Kennedy presidential land Police Bureau. Police Chief ra c e , S e c re ta ry o f S ta te B ill Rosie Sizer praised the appoint­ Bradbury is predicting. ment. She had earlier objected to "There are a lot o f people out the possibility o f City Commis­ there working to.make sure every­ sioner Randy Leonard running one votes. It's going to be an in­ the police bureau. B Portland Hom e Prices Fall Home prices in Portland, once considered untouched by the natio n 's housing d ow nturn, posted another record low in August with a 7.6 percent drop compared to August 2007, ac­ cording to a new report by Stan­ dard & Poor's. Detroit M ayor Sent to Jail Form er D etroit M ayor Kwame K ilpatrick was sent tojail for 120 days T uesday, the finale to a sex scandal that de­ stroyed his reign at City Hall and threw local government into dis array for months. W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Rev. Charles McLeoud o f northeast Portland turns in his election ballot at an official drop site outside the Multnomah County Elections offices at Southeast 10th and Morrison. The office will be open extended hours, including Saturday in advance of Tuesday’s Nov. 4 election. His prediction came as the latest tally showed the rate of mail ballot returns is running slightly ahead o f this time in the 2004 presidential campaign, which had the second- highest turnout in Oregon history at 86.4 percent. In O regon's 1960 presidential contest, Republican Richard Nixon d e fe a te d D e m o c ra t Jo h n F. K ennedy. T hat w as back w hen Oregon was considered one of the m ost reliably R epublican states west o f the Mississippi. It's a different story this year. Spurred by aggressive voter signup efforts by Democratic presidential contender Barack O bam a's cam ­ There are a lot o f people out there working to make sure everyone votes. It's going to be an incredibly high turnout. credibly high turnout," Bradbury said. - Secretary of State Bill Bradbury paign and other groups. Democratic voter registration has surged well past Republicans in a state that has been trending m ore Dem ocratic blue in recent years. Still, both Republicans and Demo­ crats have been waging strong get- out-the-vote efforts since local elec­ tion officials began mailing ballots to voters’ households Oct. 17. A coordinated effort involving the O b am a c a m p a ig n , D em o cratic U .S. S e n a te c a n d id a te J e f f M e rk le y ’s c a m p a ig n and the Democratic Party o f Oregon has been up and running in all 36 coun­ ties, a spokesman said. continued on page A3 MLK Clinic Shadowed by Protesters Planned Parenthood groundbreaking draws two sides by L ee P erlman T he P ortland O bserver Supporters o f Planned Par­ enthood, the family-planning o rg a n iz a tio n d e d ic a te d to w om en’s health issues, but also controversial abortion ser­ vices were shadowed by pro­ testers at a groundbreaking cerem ony last week for a new P lan n ed P are n th o o d h e a d ­ Stephens W on ’t Drop Out After his convic­ quarters at 3727 N.E. Martin tion Monday on Luther King Jr. Blvd. The protesters were outside seven felo n y charges that he o f a cyclone fence that sur­ lied about free rounded the construction site, hom e re n o v a ­ protected by security guards tions and other gifts who from a politely challenged those wealthy oil contractor, Alaska seeking to enter. Inside were Republican Sen. Ted Stevens, m em bers and supporters o f 84, refused to drop out of his re- P lanned P arenthood o f the election race. Columbia Willamette. D og Killed on TrIM et The organization scheduled A woman's small Pomeranian the Oct. 22 ceremony to break was bitten by a 50-pound Rott­ g ro u n d on a new 4 0 ,0 0 0 weiler mix without warning on a sq u a re fo o t h e a d q u a rte rs Tri Met bus in north Portland Sunday. The attack broke the building that will increase its small dog's neck and it bled to service while bringing 140 jobs death in his owner's lap. The and retail facilities to the neigh­ owner of the big dog, Leroy borhood. Morley, was banned from riding Planned P arenthood pur­ T riM etfor30days. chased the vacant property from the Portland D evelop­ ment Com mission. It will al­ low them to consolidate admin­ istrative functions, now d i­ vided between rented offices. The top two floors will be •'com m unity service H photos by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Odessa Mangum carries an anti-abortion message to the dedication o f a new Planned Parenthood clinic in northeast Portland. devoted to Planned Parent­ hood adm inistrative offices, together with meeting space and classroom s w hich, ac­ cording to the group’s market­ ing director Liz Delapoer, will be available for com m unity use. On the ground floor there will be 5,000 square feet o f re ta il s p a c e , in c lu d in g a daycare facility. A new 5,000 square foot w om en’s health clinic will replace one about half this size that has operated for years at N ortheast 15th Avenue and Fremont Street. Delapoer said the old clinic treated 10,000 patients last year and was “ maxed out" in terms of capacity. She said abortions accounted for about 5 percent o f its ser­ vices or about 17 abortions a Lolenzo Poe (left) and other supporters of Planned Parent­ hood attend a groundbreaking ceremony for a new Planned Parenthood headquarters building at 3727 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. The site will be home to administrative staff and a new health center. month. Other Planned Parenthood services include annual health e x a m s, c e rv ic a l c a n c e r screening, breast cancer ex ­ aminations, contraception via both birth control pills and sur­ geries such as tubal ligation and vasectomies; testing and treatment for sexually trans­ m itted diseases and AIDS; pregnancy testing, and sexual education. Therese Ruesink o f north­ east Portland and a mem ber o f the National 40 Days for Life coalition and the ad hoc local P recious C h ild ren o f P o rtlan d , called the future clinic an “abortionary." She objected to PDC using public property to support the prac- continued yf on page A3