Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 22, 2008, Page 7, Image 7

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    October 22.2008
JJ a r t lattò ® b seru v r
Page A7
Happy 90lh Birthday Mom
S ustainable L iving
Preparing for Cold Winter Heating
Space heaters
not very efficient
With cold w eather ahead and
news o f increasing heating costs,
you m ay be tem pted to buy a
portable electric space heater.
"We are seeing lots o f adver­
tising for portable space heaters,”
said Dave Brook, energy ana­
lyst with the O regon D epartm ent
o f Energy.
“ But we advise O regonians to
spend their money making their
hom e more energy efficient first.
P o rtable space heaters can be
expensive and can lead to mold
p roblem s if h o m eow ners turn
dow n their overall heat too much
and use a portable heater in one
small area.”
Brook advises hom eow ners to
first call their local utility and
schedule a free energy audit to
see if th eir hom e is insulated
enough or if their heating ducts
need testing and sealing.
Residents who heat with elec­
tric heat through Portland G en­
eral Electric or Pacific Pow er or
natural gas through N W N atu­
ral, can call Energy Trust o f O r­
egon at 1-866-368-7878 to arrange
for an energy audit.
W hile portable electric heaters
may be appropriate for some lim-
With c lo s e a tte n tio n p a id to sa fe ty , p o rta b le electric h e a te r s m a y
b e appropriate for s o m e lim ite d situ a tio n s, b u t en e rg y e x p e r ts
s a y th e y are u su a lly a ban d -a id to a m u c h b ig g er p ro b lem .
Assistance for Heat Bills
T he federal g o v ern m e n t is
sending $51 million to O regon
to help the poor pay for w inter
heating bills this year.
T h e U .S . D e p a rtm e n t o f
Health and Human Services said
that $45 million will be allocated
to Oregon under its regular block
grant and $6-million will be allo­
cated as em ergency contingency
funds for 2009.
The federal Low Income Home
Energy A ssistance Program pro­
vides financial assistance but is
also aim ed at reducing the risk o f
health and safety problem s m ade
w orse by exposure to extrem e
tem peratures.
M any o f th o se se ek in g a s ­
sistance are disabled, elderly or
ited situations. Brook stresses
that they are not efficient as the
sole healing source for a home
or in hom es with "open” floor
plans or high ceilings.
“U nfortunately, they are not
going to cut your energy bill in
half as the advertising would lead
you to believe," Brook said. “ Us­
ing a p o rtab le space heater is
usually a band-aid solution to a
much bigger problem ."
Insulating your home and seal­
ing your ducts can be a better
way to conserve energy, accord­
ing to Brook.
Many Oregon homes over time
develop leaky ducts that lose 15
percent to 30 percent of the heat
a hom eo w n er pays for, Brook
said. Since heating ducts may be
in hard-to-access places in your
h o m e (c ra w l s p a c e s , e tc .),
hom eow ners should have a tech­
nician w ho uses special equip­
m ent to check their ducts.
T h e O reg o n D ep artm en t of
Energy offers residents an en ­
ergy tax credit o f up to $250 to
have ducts tested and sealed. You
must use a technician trained to
meet the tax credit program to
qualify for the tax credit.
For m ore inform ation on, visit
the Web site Oregon.gov/energy
or call
1 -800-221 -8035 o r503-378-4040.
On October 11,2008 A Birth­
day Celebration was held with
family and friends at S aylor's
Old Country Kitchen given by
her daughters D ora
H ill,
T a q u e tta
M itchell, P atricia
T h o m p s o n , an d
g ra n d d a u g h te r
C y n th ia
H ill-
B e n n ie
Manuel was bom on
O ctober 10, 1918 in
Vicksburg, M issis­
sip p i to Jo e and
Dora Johnson. She is the wife of
the late, Rev. Percy N Manuel Sr.
The m other o f five children, a
grandmother, great grandmother,
great great grandm other and aunt
Bob Leighton
You're looking great on
your 80th birthday!
Happy Birthday!
fam ilies w ith young children.
P articip atin g agencies include
the O reg o n E nergy O ffice at
5 0 3 -8 2 3 -7 2 2 2 ; H um an S o lu ­
tions at 503-548-0200; Project
Im pact at 5 0 3-988-6000 or the
St. V incent D ePaul at 503-235-
Bicycle sale and repair shop with a full line of
accessories for all your cycling needs
122 N. Killingsworth St
Kids Fair Focuses on Lead Safety
Free testing
A dults and children attending
a free Lead-safe Kids Fair will dis­
co v e r that learn in g ab o u t the
very serious topic o f lead poison­
ing can be fun.
Presented by the Josiah Hill III
Clinic, the will be held at the Im­
migrant and Refugee Community
Organization (IRCO), 10301 N.E.
Glisan St., Saturday, Oct. 25 from
11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
A d u lts c a n le a v e th e fa ir
loaded with ideas on preventing
le ad e x p o s u re alo n g w ith an
arm load o f lead-safe cleaning
supplies, lead poisoning preven­
tion m aterials and testing kits.
The Portland Development C om ­
mission will provide information
on grants, available to eligible
households, to prevent or co r­
rect household lead.
Children will take hom e color­
ing books, lead-free toys and art
projects featuring sw irls o f their
favorite colors created in lead-
free paint.
“ E veryone can benefit from
reducing or elim inating their ex-
p o s u re to le a d ," sa y s E rin
McNally, executive director o f the
Josiah Hill III Clinic. The non­
profit clinic’s m ission is to pro­
tect children from environm ental
hazards and prom ote com m unity
action for healthy homes.
Young children and pregnant
w omen attending the fair will be
able to have his or her blood lead
level tested and screened using
a sim ple capillary finger-prick
"Probably one to three percent
o f kids in Portland have blood
lead le v els o f c o n c e rn ,” say s
W illiam E. Lam bert, chair o f the
board o f directors o f the Josiah
Hill III Clinic and an associate
professor o f public health and
preventive m edicine at O regon
Health and Science University.
“Because many kids are not get­
ting sc re en e d d u rin g d o c to rs ’ A p h ysicia n u s e s a sim p le finger-prick t e s t to c h e c k b lo o d
checkups, free blood lead screen­ le a d le v e ls in kid s.
m odeling work in older hom es,”
ing, such as that provided by the erages will also be served.
Lam bert points to the im por­ he says. "Recently we have seen
Josiah Hill Clinic, becomes essen­
tance o f lead testing and preven­ lead ex p o su res from toys and
O ther activities during the fair tion.
earthenw are pottery.”
If discovered, families can take
“ Lead poisoning in kids has
include a beanbag gam e for kids
and w orkshops on renters' rights not gone away. In large part it sim ple and inexpensive actions
and lead poisoning prevention p e rsists b ec au se o f lead d u st to protect their kids from further
for adults. Healthy food and bev- from deteriorating paint and re­ exposure and harm, Lambert said.
\ilv c r lis e w it h d iv e i nx in
Energy Trust Helps Oregon Businesses
to many, Bennie was baptized at
eleven years old on M other's Day
79 year ago, during her Christian
journey she served as ac h ild ren ’s
S unday
T e a c h e r, M is sio n
S e c re ta ry , an d she
love signing in the
choir. She was a m em ­
ber o f Mt. Zion Bap­
tist Church founded
by late h u sb an d in
a u g u s t 1 982. sh e
w orked for Lockheed
A ircraft for several
y e a r s an d at th e
M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty H o sp ital
now know n as O regon Health
science U niversity. We love you
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1 1 K t A G O O D N E IG H B O R
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0 P n r t b n b 09hf.eruer
at :
Positively Im pact the Bottom Line
Josiah Hill III Clinic Presents...
Burgerville to o k advantage of incentives from
I -
ru '
FREE Lead-Safe Kids Fair
Energy Trust and installed higfi performance
pre-rinse sprayers in 19 Portland-area locations.
Fun A c tiv itie s & R esources to P ro te c t Kids From Lead H azards
For Burgerville, that adds up to savings of
$7,600 every year. W ith energy costs on the
rise, now is a great time to take advantage of
Energy Trust incentives for your business.
Let Energy Trutt help lower your energy costs
► Lead-free to y giveaw ay & kid s a c tiv itie s
► Lead scre e n in g fo r to y s /p o tte ry <4 items per family)
► Lead p o is o n in g p re v e n tio n w o rk s h o p
and improve your bottom line. Call Energy
► Tenant rig h ts w o rk s h o p
Trust today.
► H ealthy foo d & beverages
Event S/<i>ii.\iir.\ I'ln th n n l II 'tiler lìnretin A ttH ( I)
Energy Trust progi ams serve O reg o n
customer» of Poi tland General Electric.
Pacific Power N W Natural. Avista and
Cascade Natural Gas
e n e rg y tru s t.o rg
S aturday, O c to b e r 2 5th, 11 a m -2 p m
IRCO C o m m u n ity Room 10301 NF G lisan P ortland OR 97220
Rondell Sango. General Manage
of the NE Martin Luther King ]
Boulevard iu rg e rv ille . puts a new
pre-rinse » ra y e r to work
> B lo od lead te s tin g fo r c h ild re n
o f Oregon. Inc.
T* * T + T
Protecting children front ertrirontttcntul hnzttrds
< .»nf.wt u s .»I i 5(G ) M .I? - ' »X‘ >
u nd prom oting t otnm nnit\ action fo r healthy homes. I n r x ix ii »vxxw | |n lk lin n '» M t