il!e^4ortlanù © bseruer October 22. 2008 PageA5 O pinion McCain is Panicking Repeating a lie doesn’t make it true by M aude H urd , We appreciate that Senator M cCain's ef­ fort to stir up the Republican base by at­ tacking a com m unity organization working to increase public participation in our dem ocratic process. H ow­ ever, these attacks reflect an in­ creasingly panicked candidate. The Sen. M cCain we saw in last w eek’s debate is very differ­ ent than the Sen. M cCain who stood shoulder to shoulder with ACORN at a Feb. 20,2006 immi- • ■ - gration reform event. It is clear for us to see that John M cC ain w as fo r A C O R N before he w as against A C O R N ; he w as for reform before he was ag ainst reform ; and he w as a m averick be­ fore he b ecam e erratic. W hat is really going here is that Sen. M cCain and his allies are part o f a coordi­ nated effo rt to engage in w hat appears to be an un­ precedented effort to sup­ press v o te r tu rn o u t. R e­ peating a lie doesn't make it true, and the M cCain cam ­ paign has resorted to the w orst type o f deceptions in It is ACORN that has reported alm ost all o f the issues regarding voter registration cards. Invalid voter registration cards do not constitute voter fraud. Even Republican National Com m ittee General Counsel Sean C aim cross has recently acknow ledged he is not aw are o f a single im proper vote cast as a result o f bad cards subm it­ ted in the course o f an organized voter registration effort. A C O R N hired 13,000 field w orkers to re g iste r peo p le to vote. In any en d eav o r o f this size, som e people will engaged in i n a p p r o p r ia te c o n d u c t. A C O R N has a zero to leran ce policy and term in ated any field w orkers caught engag in g in q u estio n ab le activity. At the end o f the day, as ACORN is pay­ ing these people to reg ister voters, it is ACORN that is defrauded. What is really going here is that Sen. McCain and his allies are part o f a coordinated effort to engage in what appears to he an unprecedented effort to suppress voter turnout. y. regards to ACORN. The Facts: ACORN has helped 1.3 million citizens from all parties and all walks o f life apply for voter registration. In m ost states, ACORN is required by law to turn in every voter registration card - even in cases w here the cards are not valid. by M arc M oriai . In the last few weeks, I h av e u n d e rta k e n an aggressive cam paign di­ rected at the nation's fi­ nancial leaders to dispel the dangerous and grow ­ ing m yth that m inority borrow ers are prim arily respon­ sible for our cou n try 's current econom ic crisis. In le tte rs to T re a s u ry S e c ­ r e t a r y H e n r y P a u ls o n a n d F e d e ra l R e s e rv e C h a ir m a n , B e n ja m in B e rn a n k e , I h av e a sk e d th a t th e y b o th p u b lic ly re fu te c la im s by som e c o n s e r­ v a tiv e p u n d its and p o litic ia n s th a t m o s t o f th e d e f a u lte d su b p rim e lo a n s at th e ro o t o f th e c ris is w ere m ad e to A fr i­ c a n A m e r ic a n s , H is p a n ic s an d o th e r s o - c a lle d " u n p r o ­ d u c tiv e b o rro w e rs." As the New York Times recently pointed out, while subprime loans deeply penetrated low-income and minority groups, a new study sug­ gests that more upper-income bor­ rowers and more whites took out such loans than any other groups. It is becom ing clearer every­ day that a large num ber o f people w ho en d e d up w ith sub p rim e loans could have qualified for a p rim e loan. T h a t's w here the abuse lies. In the face o f these facts, we have heard conservatives - from Fox N ew s co m m entator, N eil C a v u to to A B C N ew s analyst G eorge W ill to W ashington Post colum ­ n is t C h a rle s K ra u th a m m er say that governm ent efforts to in­ crease ho m eo w n ersh ip "p u t p e o p le in h o m es they could not afford" and are "at the root o f our current calam ­ ity " Rep. M ichele B achm an, R- Minn., added weight to this myth Rakeem (Rocco) A. Washington Attorney at Law — From Your Loving Family Maude Hurd is ACORN’s national presi­ dent. Don’t Blame Minorities Ugly scapegoating shifts blame Congratulations co u n try . In stead o f h av in g a healthy debate on w hat must be d o n e to c u rb too m uch Wall Street greed and too little Wash­ ington oversight, too many are willing to waste precious time and energy blam ing the victims. Second, history provides too many lessons about the conse­ quences o f singling out only cer­ tain segments o f the population as culprits for a country's woes. On the basis of hearsay, rumors and misinformation, seeds o f divi­ sion are being sown all across the Seeds o f division are being sown all across the U. S. in a volatile political environment where Americans are terrified by the economic situation. w hen she quoted an Investor's U. S. in a volatile political environ­ Business Daily article from the ment where Americans are terrified flo o r o f th e H o u se th a t sa id by the economic situation. That is why I have called on banks made loans "on the basis b o th S e c re ta ry P a u lso n an d o f race and little else." In m y v ie w , th is b la ta n t Chairm an Bernanke to quell this scapegoating is an ugly attem pt false and unnecessary tempest. The National Urban League is by the rich and pow erful to shift the blame for this crisis from Wall also once again calling on the Street and W ashington, w here it m ajor broadcast and cable TV belongs, onto m iddle class fam i­ networks to increase racial diver­ lies on Main Street and Martin sity in their new sroom s as a way Luther K ing Boulevard who are to prevent the dissem ination o f most victimized by their excesses. this and other dangerous m yths I have taken up this issue for by c e rta in co m m en tato rs and several reasons. First, now more politicians. Marc Moriai is president and than ever, Am erica needs unity chief executive officer o f the Na­ and real solutions to fix the eco ­ tional Urban League. nomic mess that has engulfed our Pastor's Willie X. Hurst II & Peggie R. Hurst "Bringing Out The Victory In You" 2 Corinthians 4:7 Sunday Service - Sunday's @12:00pm Mid-week Service - Wednesday's @ 7:00pm 1 5 6 0 NE 1 7 2 nd A v e . P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 3 0 (Off of 172nd and Halsey) Pacific Northwest Region 32nd Annual Holy Convocation CHURCH of GOD in CHRIST UNITED Bishop Artice L. Wright Entrenched Racial Divisions Presiding Bishop, Pacific N orthw est Region s quest doesn’t mean racial parity exists rd O bam a's candidacv ployed," said Obam; Obama. R eed candidacy didn’t didn't rep- rep­ are unem ployed,” At the root o f the nation’s racial W hether he wins resent as much change for black A m ericans as much as it repre­ disparity is economics. For all our o r lo s e s , B a ra ck O bam a's quest for sented A m ericans an o p p o rtu ­ existence in America, blacks have nity for atonem ent o f our racial been last and least on the misery the U.S. Presidency hurt African-Ameri­ p a st. T h e “c h a n g e ” B a ra ck index. American capitalism starts can c a u s e s and e n a b le d e n ­ O b a m a re p re s e n ts is c o s tin g each child where its parents left trenched racial divisions to con­ black descendents o f slaves as off. For descendents o f slaves, tinue and W hite A m ericans to much as $8 trillion. O bam a o p ­ that capitalistic paradigm has been claim that racial parity exists. The poses reparations, auguring that blatantly unfair. Judging from w hat we have gains that M alcolm and Martin g o v e rn m e n t ca n c o m b a t th e made in their movements are be­ legacy o f slavery by im proving seen and heard, even if there is a ing reversed on our watch under sc h o o ls, h e a lth c a re an d the President O bam a in the W hite the guise that such was M L K 's econom y for all. “ I have said in House in 2009 Black A m ericans’ “dream". The presidential cam ­ the past - and I'll repeat again - struggle for equity will hardly paign o f Barack O bam a has set that the best reparations we can have been met. William Reed is a national race relations back 20 years and provide are good schools in the inner city and jobs for people who commentator. cost blacks billions o f dollars. The “dream " o f a black being president o f the US has caused NORTHWEST VOICE OF CHRIST COMMUNITY CHURCH black Am ericans to throw good B isho p H . L . H o d g e , P h .D . sense to the wind. W hen O bam a Paslor/Tteache r/Revi valist becam e the presum ptive D em o­ "The Voice Speaks” cratic presidential nominee, many A frican-A m ericans cried saying W o r s h ip S e rv ic e : Sunday 8:00 A M. they never thought they would S e m in a r: Bible Them es, W ednesdays 6:00 P.M. liv e to se e su c h a day. “ G o d T h e F a th e r ,” “ G o d T h e S o n ," “ G o d T h e H o ly S p ir it " O b a m a m a in a am o n g A fric an A m ericans evolved into a taunt Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite everyone that - "If you are black you must to join us at our appointment with Jesus. vote for O bam a, it's your duty." Black m edia and political com ­ We Reach, Teach. & Preach in Jesus’ Name!!! mentators that warned O bam a's candidacy suppressed the push T o inquire about our Training Ministry for racial equality were met with call 5 0 3 8 6 3 - 6 5 4 5 or email: outrage. by W illiam I This Celebration will Commence October 18th with a Pre-Convocation Musical and Continue October 22 through October 26, 2008 WORKSHOPS, WORSHIP. & PRAISE Workshops 6:00-7:15 PM Praise & Worship: 7:30 PM Nightly Host Church: Emmanuel COGICU Bishop A.L. Wright, Pastor Bishop L. Tellis, Co-Pastor 48(X) N.E. 30th Avenue Portland, Oregon 9 7211 General Invitation: TO ALL Pastors, Supervisors, Missionaries Sainis Pastors Please Join Us In This Holy Convocation As We “Assemble Ourselves Together For Christ” For More Information Contact: Bishop Lamont Tellis, Co-Pastor (503) 335-8772 Bishop H.E. Hodge, Ph.D Executive Secretary (503) 334-6239