îl!e$Iortlanb (©bseruer Page A IO C lassified /B id OREGON ColuwbiA OREGON DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE W NOUTH PORTIAND S PORTSMOUTH NtIGMtORHOOO Natural Resource Specialist 3 Opportunities at New Columbia T h e H o u s in g A u th o r ity o f P o rtla n d is lo o k in g fo r com m unity based organizations to provide career enhancement, e d u c a tio n a l a nd fa m ily s tr e n g t h e n in g s e rv ic e s fo r residents of New Colum bia and th e s u rro u n d in g P ortsm outh neighborhood. In exchange for p ro vid in g these services, the Housing Authority of Portland will p ro v id e o ffic e s p a c e at a reduced rate. These services will be based at the New Columbia O pportunity Center at 4610 N. Trenton Street. For information on how your organization can be in v o lv e d in th is e x c itin g opportunity, please call Arlene G re gory at (503) 943-5607. (Sales) ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE The Oregon Dept o Agriculture is re c ru itin g to fill a N a tu ra l Resource S pecialist 3, Survey E n to m o lo g is t 3 in th e Plant division located in La Grande. To q u a lify you m ust have th re e y e a rs o f e x p e rie n c e in e n to m o lo g y o r o th e r clo se ly related experience. At least one year of the experience m ust be at a technical or professional level perform ing activities such as researching and analyzing data, conducting investigations, a p p lyin g p e rtin e n t la w s and regulations or coordinating and m o n ito rin g p ro je ct a ctiv itie s AN D a Bachelors degree with m a jo r c o u rs e w o rk in entom ology or three additional ye a rs of re la ted e xp e rien ce. S a la ry is $ 3,4 37 - $ 5 ,0 2 6 / m o n th . S e e c o m p le te jo b A n n o u n c e m e n t # LE 0 8 0 4 0 9 online at w w w .oregoniobs.org U nited W ay of the Colum bia- W illam ette has an opening for an Account Executive - a highly other duties and instructions for s k ille d in d iv id u a l w ith applying, or contact Agriculture e x p e rie n c e in s a le s and Human Resources at 503-986- fu n d ra is in g - to c re a te and 4584. Mail to 635 Capitol St. m a in ta in e ffe ctiv e cu sto m e r NE, Salem , OR 97301-2532. re la tio n s h ip s and d ire c tin g Closes: October 24, 2008. AA/ fundraising efforts in assigned EOE a c c o u n ts a n d c o m m u n ity partnerships. Additional info: Be in your new home by w w w . u n i t e d w a y - p d x . o r g . Thanksgiving F o rw a rd c o v e r le tte r and 5 BEDROOM/ 2 BATH, 1600 Sq. resum e, referencing Job #100, Ft. Sunnyside Neighborhood, SE to e m p lo y m e n t@ u n ite d w a y - 41st and Lincoln. Fenced back pdx.org. Position closes 10/26/ yard, energy efficient windows 0 8 . An E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity W /D Hook up, on street parking, NO DOGS Employer. INCOME RESTRICTIONS APPLY Drivers-Owner Operators See our website at We Pay for Your Fuel, licensing, Ins. Road Taxes & Morel! CDL-A 2yrs. Exp, Fluent English 8 00-215-9883 qualifications Call 5 03 -23 1 -0 6 82 ext. 160 to view. Tea cup yorkie puppy for adoption.i want to give out my lovely baby out to som eone that is god fearing and will take good care of her.if you are intreste please contact me via em ail saintkelvin38@ gm ail.com Insurance Rated by Oregon Business magazine as one of O rego n’s to p com panies to w ork for, SAIF Corporation has been helping w orkers and businesses in O regon for m ore than 90 years. We are com m itted to hiring and retaining em ployees w ho represent O regon's ethnic, cultural, and g e og raph ic diversity. We are recruiting for a variety of positions including: CLAIMS ADJUSTERS CLAIMS ADJUSTER TRAINEES DEPARTMENT O ctober 22, 2 0 0 8 To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Kathy Linder Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.com OF TRANSPORTATION Highway Maintenance Specialist (Transportation M aintenance Specialist 2) JOIN the Milwaukie ODOT Team as a H ig h w a y M a in te n a n c e S p e c ia lis t. O u r h ig h w a y m a in te n a n c e cre w s o p e ra te light and heavy equipment, clear snow from the roadw ays and perform m anual labor to help maintain, repair and reconstruct ro a d w a y s , h ig h w a y s , and free w a ys. S a la ry is $ 2 ,3 8 8 - $ 3 ,4 3 7 / m o n th + e x c e lle n t benefits. For details please visit www.odotiobs.com or call 866- ODOT-JOB (TTY 503-986-3854 for the h earing im paired) for Announcem ent #0CD T8632 and a p p lica tio n in form a tion . Opportunity closes on October 2 3 ,2 0 0 8 . ODOT is an AA/EEO Employer. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS METRO RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING DIVISION Radio Ad Buys to Generate Calls to Metro Recycling Information RFP 09-1340 -SWR M ETRO Science and Stewardship Division Manager Sustainability Center $77,801 - $110,501 annually Resum e review begins on 11/ 5/08 Project Assistant - Temporary Sustainability Center $18.00/hr, PT Open until filled Secretary/ Receptionist New Hope for the Holidays A re yo u d e a lin g w ith depression, anxiety, grief or suicide ideation? Find hope for th e h o lid a y s th ro u g h g rie f w o rk s h o p to be h e ld on Saturday, Novem ber 1, 2008, 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Allen Temple C.M .E. Church, 4236 N.E. 8th Street, Portland, OR. The w orkshop is sponsored by Allen Tem ple C.M .E. Church and Cox Funeral Hom e. The w o rk s h o p is fre e to th e c o m m u n ity. For a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n , c o n ta c t A lle n Temple at 503-287-0261. A Absolutely New Queen Pillowtop Mattress with Box Set. Still Sealed In Plastic. Can Deliver O re g o n C o n v e n tio n C e n te r PT, job share $12.65 - $16.44 hr Deadline: 10/28/Q8 To a cce s s th e co m p le te jo b a n n ou n cem en t and required a p p lic a tio n m a te ria ls , v is it our w e b s ite at up a com plete packet at M etro H um an R e s o u rc e s , 6 0 0 NE Grand Ave., Portland. AA/EEO Employer NOW HIRING No exp needed. Good pay and ben-efits, paid tra in in g, prom otion s, re gula r raises. HS grads ages 17-34. Call Mon-Fri 800.914.8536 Portland Development Commission The Urban Renewal Agency for the City of Portland, Oregon Portland is internationally recognized for its quality of life, distinctive neighborhoods, and robust transit system. Playinga key role in keeping Portland, Oregon, one of Am erica's most livable c itie s is th e Portland D evelop m e nt C o m m issio n 's mission. PDC is the C ity’s urban renewal agency, charged with bringing together resources to achieve Portland's vision. W e’re currently looking for qualified individuals to com plem ent our w orkforce for the follow ing positions: An Equal O p p o rtu n ity Employer Alberta Simmons Plaza PORTLAND DEVELOPMENTCOMMISSION (PDC) 6611 NE Martin Luther King Blvd Portland, Oregon 97211 Request for Proposals ( RFP) for Affordable Rental Housing with focus 503*240-4198 City of Portland, Oregon on Permanent Supportive Housing One-Bedroom Apartments with Tull Sized Kitchens and Living Areas ■ Planned Activities, Laundry Facility, Conference & M eeting Room, Elevator and Library - Conveniently Located to Shopping, Restaurants, Pharmacy and M edical Offices October 2 2 ,2 0 0 8 The Portland Developm ent Com m ission and its partners at the Bureau of Housing and Comm unity Development (BHCD) would like to announce the release of the 2008-09 Affordable Rental H ousing Developm ent/Perm anent Supportive Housing RFP. Approxim ately $5 million in federal and local resources will be a v a ila b le to h e lp m e e t th e C it y 's a ffo rd a b le h o u s in g developm ent goals. 6404 SE 23rd Avenue ♦ Portland 97202 503*233*5671 Marshall Union Manor All successful bidders must furnish a Performance and Payment Bond in an a m ount equal to one hundred (1 0 0 % ) o f the Subcontractor sum as security for the faithful perform ance of the Subcontract and also as security for the paym ent of all persons perform ing labor and furnishing m aterials under the Subcontract. The perform ance and paym ent bonds must be provided within five (5) days of Contract Award or the project may be awarded to the next responsive bidder. 503*225*0677 Kirkland Union Manors 3530 SE 84th Avenue ♦ Portland 97266 ¿x Kirkland Union Plaza 1414 Kauffman Avenue ♦ Vancouver 98660 Mary Welch 3 6 0 *6 9 4 *4 3 1 4 ¿x Portland Development Commission Bidders m ust be currently registered and in good standing with the Oregon Construction Contractors Board at the subm ission • Studio & One-Red room Apartments with Kitchens • Affordable Rents with No Buy-In or Application Fees of bid. • Garden Areas & Planned Activities • Easy Access to Bus Lines & Shopping • Federal Rent Subsidies Available for those that qualify T D D 5 0 3 *7 7 1 *0 9 1 2 www.theunionmanors.org I HSW Builders, LLC., Construction M anager/ General Contractor (CM /GC) requests subbids for the above listed Bid Packages on behalf of the Oregon Institute of Technology for the new Village for Sustainable Living project. All bids shall be in com pliance with ORS prevailing w age laws which went into affect July, 2008. 2020 NW Northrup Street ♦ Portland 97209 5 0 3 *7 7 7 * 8 1 0 1 Bid Package 2 - Wood Fram ing - Excluding supply of all ‘I’ Joist. ‘I’ Joist shall be supplied by HSW Builders and installed by Bidder. Q u e s tio n s s h a ll be d ire c te d to R o b K e lle h e r (e m a il: Robk@ hsw builders.com ) or faxed to 541-388-2898. Bidders are directed to NOT contact the Owner or Architect or any other consultants directly with questions regarding clarifications, substitutions, exception, or exclusions involving the bid. Westmoreland's Union Manor Details of the design, federal funds compliance, development program and other aspects of the RFP can be found on the website at www.pdc.us. Please direct telephone or fax requests to: I Oregon Institute of Technology Village for Sustainable Living Student Housing - Bid Package # 2 Bids due 2:00 P.M., November 4, 2008 Advertisement for Bids B idd in g D ocu m en ts fo r th e w ork have been prepared by Söderström Architects. Portland, Oregon. D ocum ents for this bid package m ay be obtained at Ford Graphics - Bend, OR. with a $ 100 deposit for a full set, or reviewed at Klam ath Falls Builders Exchange, Central Oregon Exchange, Eugene Builders Exchange, M edford Builders Exchange and Contractor Plan Center in Portland, or HSW Builders Office. Documents are also available online at w w w plansonfile.com . Docum ents shall be made available October 21st. Retirement Living Inform ational Meeting: An inform ational m eeting will be held on Thursday, October 23, 2008 from 9:00 am - 11:00 am at the Portland Developm ent Com m ission at 222 NW 5th Ave. in the Com m ission Room. The Portland Developm ent Com m ission values diversity in our contracting partners, developm ent projects and our workforce. W e encourage our partners to do the same. Metro may accept or reject any or all bids, in whole or in part, or waive irregularities not affecting substantial rights if such action is deem ed in the public interest. Subbids will be received via facsim ile at the main office of the CM /GC, located at 730 Bonnett Way, Suite 3000, Bend Oregon 97701 @ 541-388-2898 (fax), no later than 2:00 P.M local tim e, N ovem ber 4th, 2008. Bids shall be clearly labeled “Bid Package # 2 - OIT, Sustainable Living" and m ust be executed on th e form s bound in th e p ackage. Prior to bids being considered for award, the CM /G C will require each bidder to satisfactorily com ply with all CM /GC subcontractor qualification requirem ents outlined in the bid package. for Seniors 62 years and older Fax: 503 823 3368 M etro and its contractors will not discrim inate against any person(s), em ployee or applicant for em ploym ent based on race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, physical handicap, political affiliation or martial status. M etro fully com plies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes and regulations in all program s and activities. For more information, or to obtain a Title VI Com plaint Form, see w w w .m etro-region.org or call (503) 797-1536. W e offer a generous host of benefits as part of our efforts to keep PDC a positive, healthy and productive place to work. PDC values diversity in its work force and is com m itted to Equal Em ploym ent Opportunity and Affirm ative Action. Affordable Quality Retirement Living Phone: 503-823 3403 All proposals m ust conform to the RFP form at and be com plete including the use of any required form s. M etro m ay accept or reject any or all bids, in whole or in part, or w aive irregularities not affecting substantial rights if such action is deem ed in the public interest. General Counsel SsLsaif Portland OR 9720 9-38 59 This project comprises negotiating, purchasing and placing radio advertising to increase caller traffic to the M etro Recycling Information (M RI) hot line, “503-234-3000.” In operation since 1981 and handling m ore than 100,000 calls a year, the hot line serves people throughout M ultnom ah, W ashington and C lacka m a s counties, p ro vid in g in form a tion , re fe rra ls and m aterials on recycling, disposal, waste reduction and toxics reduction in the Portland m etropolitan area. Business Systems Analyst II www.saif.com 222 NW Fifth Avenue Any questions that, in the opinion of Metro, w arrant a written reply or RFP am endm ent will be furnished to all parties receiving this RFP. Metro will not respond to questions received after Oct. 29, 2008 $150. (5 0 3 )8 2 8 -8 9 2 7 Portland, Oregon Policy targets for City funding available in this process will focus on accom plishing the housing goals of the City's Ten Year Plan to End Hom elessness by developing Perm anent Supportive H ousing (PSH) units. This year, the goal is to have PSH units leased up by the end of the 2008-09 fiscal year. Therefore, reprogramm ing, restructures, and rehabilitation projects will be prioritized above new construction projects. This R equest for Proposals represents th e m ost definitive statem ent M etro will m ake concerning the inform ation upon which Proposals are to be based. Any verbal inform ation which is not addressed in this RFP will not be considered by M etro in evaluating the Proposal. All questions relating to this RFP should be addressed to Shareefah Abdullah at 503-797-1599 or shareefah.abdullah@ oregonm etro.gov. Job Opportunities Apply online at w ww.pdc.us/jobs Portland D evelopm ent Com m ission, 222 NW 5th Ave., Portland, OR 97209 Jobline: 503.823.3463 y f corporation The Resource Conservation and Recycling division of Metro, a m etropolitan service district organized under the laws of the state of Oregon and the Metro Charter, located at 600 NE Grand Ave., Portland, OR 97232-2736, is requesting proposals for radio ad buys to generate M etro Recycling Inform ation calls. Proposals will be due no later than 3 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 5. in Metro's business offices at the address listed within this paragraph. D etails on th e project and proposal are contained in this docum ent. a HSW Builders Is an equal opportunity em ployer and requests bids from all qualified firm s including disadvantaged, minority, wom en, and em erging sm all business enterprises. CCB # 162215