1 ^Jortlanò ©hscruer October 15. 2008 PageA7 4 W ’ Oliver Stone’s Take on Bush Controversial movie opens Friday ‘W ’ Oliver Stone's film portrait of President George W. Bush was al­ ways going to be controversial given the director's liberal leanings. So Stone decided to open "W." in U.S. theaters less than three weeks before Americans select their next president -- a calculated move aimed at prodding voters to think about the past eight years and the future. The movie is part drama, part sat­ ire, yet the director of "JFK" and "Nixon" argues it is no hatchet job on Bush — and so far, critics agree. The final verdict awaits the Friday, Oct. 17 debut for one of this fall's most widely anticipated films. "W hoever w ins this election, B ush's im pact has changed the world," says Stone. "This man has left us with three wars - in Iraq, Afghanistan and the war on terror - - and the legacy of the pre-emptive strike. "These are legacies that will haunt his successor for years. It's good for people, before the election, to think about who they elected eight years Oliver Stone ago and about where we are as a country right now," the three-time Oscar winner said. With Josh Brolin in the title role, "W." is a rare movie about a sit­ ting U.S. president, made by a di­ rector whose past films have been criticized for mixing fact and fic­ tion. Yet Stone says audiences will not Halloween Guide Halloween at the Zoo Saturday - Sunday, Oct. 25-26 from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. T rick-or-treaters at the O regon Z oo get to participate in a scavenger hunt. The hunt will J send them to different Hallow- een activities within the zoo and they will be rew arded with prizes and candy. Saturday, Oct. 18 through Thursday, Oct. 30, B un­ galow Rose, 7545 N.E. Sandy Blvd., invites every­ one to jo in the fam ily-friendly pum pkin patch fea­ turing: music, gam es, refreshm ents and lots o f fun. Storm Large ‘Halloweener’ Storm Large will perform with keyboardist Jam es Beaton, fo ra special “H alow eener’ cruise, T hurs­ day, Oct. 30 from 9 p.m. to midnight aboard the Portland Spirit. $20 per per­ son. Call 503-2224-3900. Portland Corn MAIZE T he Pum pkin Patch, 16525 N.W . G illihan Rd. on Sauvie Island is open through Oct. 31, Sunday through T hurs­ day, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Fri­ day and Saturday 10 a.m. until 10 p.m. Texas T ’s Barbershop Shanghai Tunnel Ghost Tours “Home o f the Best Cuts in Town ” 1611 NE Killingsworth T he S h an g h ai T u n n els, 120 N.W . Third Ave., are located beneath the streets o f Portland. A tour guide will lead guests through the tunnels and will tell the history o f them as well as telling about ghost stories o f Old Town Portland. For more inform ation, call 503- 622-4798. 503-753-6799 Walk-ins only, no appointments Bring your GIRLFRIENDS, SISTERS, MOTHERS and DAUGHTERS. Frite Lites Located at the W ashington County Fairgrounds in H i 11 sboro, Fri te Lites runs from nightly through H alloween. A ctivities include tw o haunted houses, one o f w hich is in 3-D, light displays, M onster land, and trick-or- tr e a tin g on H a llo w e e n night. T H E BUZZ IS O U T The Secret Life o f Bees is SMART SASSY and deliciously sweet. The Davis Graveyard Prairie Miller, W BA I RADIO Halloween haunts will be sure to scare you at the David Graveyard, 8703 S.E. 43rd A ve, the corner o f Johnson Creek and 43rd Avenue. Halloween Fantasy Trail Fright Tow n with three haunted houses returns to the underground o f the Rose Q uarter with new haunts and horrors through Nov. 1. The 1031 product w e’ve sold.” she continued. "We have ord ered and re-ordered O bam a soaps. Women ju st love him and they buy 20 or 30 bars at a tim e,” Speakm an said. W hile she would not declare her per­ sonal political preference, Speakm an said the store also sells a soap b ar that's engraved with the word, “Vote.” “T his soap appeals to the In d ep e n ­ dents,” she explained. As so o n as the e le c tio n is o v er. Sesame and Lilies will begin selling holi­ day so a p s e n g ra v e d w ith “ W ish ,” "Peace,” and “Noel,” T he luxury soaps are all-w h ite, fre esia-sce n ted , w ith richly engraved typefaces and sell for $6 each. Hours 10-7 Tuesday - Saturday O pen through Oct. 30 at 19754 South Ridge Road in Oregon City. For more information, call 503-631-2047 Fright Town at the Rose Quarter No political poll is needed for Diane S p e a k n ia n to p re d ic t th a t B a ra ck O bam a will win the presidency by a “soapslide.” D iane and her h u sband Jay ow n Sesam e and Lilies, a home furnishings and decor shop in the O regon coastal com m unity o f C annon Beach. A hot seller this year has been “engraved" political soaps— one bearing O bam a's n am e an d th e o th e r o n e Jo h n M cCain's. As o f Oct. 1, O bam a soap had o ut­ sold M cC ain soap 4 5 0 to 24. T he triple-m illed French soap is made and engraved in Ohio. “T h e c o m p a n y h as b een p re tty amazed at what a large quantity o f their All ages and runs from 7pm to 9pm on Saturday, O ctober 25th Hay rides, acorn maze and animal bam are featured through Halloween at K ruger’s Farm Market. 171 (X) N.W . Sauvie Island Rd., from 9 a.m. to sunset. Children aged 7-11 are invited to a Halloween Sleepover at the O regon Coast Aquarium in N ew ­ port on Oct. 24 and Oct. 25. To register, cal 1541 -867- 3474, extension 5301. Obama Wins by a Soapslide Creatures of the Night Kruger's Farm Oregon Coast Aquarium Youth Halloween Sleepover Customers at a Cannon Beach boutique overwhelmingly are favoring a soap engraved with Obama. C om m unity T heater worked year-round on the planning and design so.that fear aw aits you at every turn. Tickets are $20 at the door. ; Bungalow Rose Pumpkin Patch find the partisan portrait his critics might expect from the director of Vietnam war film "Platoon" and Cuban documentary "Looking for Fidel." "It was not our intention to bring malice or judgment on George W. Bush and his administration. He and his administration clearly speak for themselves," Stone said. A m ong early rev iew s, show business paper Daily Variety says the movie is a "clear and plausible take on (B ush's) psychological makeup, and, considering Stone's reputation and B ush's vast un­ p o p u la rity , a re la tiv e ly ev en - handed, restrained treatm ent of recent politics." "W." traces Bush's transform a­ tion from a privileged, hard-drink­ ing frat boy to religious convert; his rise from Texas governor to U.S. president; and to his deci­ sions in the weeks ahead of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. "The movie tries to understand Bush and make him a human be­ ing," Stone said. "I have tried to be fair and balanced. I have tried not to take sides." a JOYFUL film that will leave a lump in your throat. Its ALTOGETHER WONDERFUL, and you II want to bring a friend. Jeff Craig. SIXTY SECOND PREVIEW M A G N IFIC EN T! A movie experience Plumper Pumpkin Patch EVERYONE W ILL LOVE 11435 N.W. O ldC om elius Pass Rd. O pen9a.m . to 5:30 p.m. daily through Oct. 31 Shawn Edwards. FOX-TV Untimely Departures Tour of Untimely Departures at Lone Fir C em ­ etery - Friday, Oct. 31, guests will experience the history o f the cemetery and the unfortunate end of some residents. Guests will ‘depart’ at the Southeast 26th Avenue and Stark Street en­ trance: $5 fee. Forinformation.call 503-224-9200. FEATURING AN ALL-STAR CAST Q UEEN LA TIFA H DAKO TA Don Laughlin's Riverside Resort Hotel & Casino F A N N IN G Air & Room Packages to Laughlin, Nevada! $249* (Includes All Taxes & Fees) JENNIFER HUDSON A L IC IA Portland, OREGON To Laughlin, NEVADA KEYS SOPHIE BtSNOvtv OKONEDO November 1 3 - 16 (Thursday - Sunday) 1 -8 6 6 -2 2 8 -2 7 2 3 riversideresort.com («»IMiSw iHH ¡IWII/WS x r« Ä ilR IM pÌ"Ìp»M»F«rs$TiMW4»cauno» iO W Il91 IR ? « r a llin i www.foxsearchlight.com S T A R T S F R ID A Y , O C T O B E R mwMK 17 C H E C K L O C A L L IS T IN G S F O R T H E A T R E S A N D S H O W T IM E S