October 15. 2008 Page A4 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to news@portlandobserver.com. . W tL Ìo N T o Y INVEST ÍNNEVJ ÖREfcN TECHNOLOGIES T o SAVE THÈ PLANET AND C R Q O e TONS OF 3O SS ? / y 2 û O BILLION T o rebuild rpads B «it>6E S AND PUT AMERICA BALK T o \N O K K V . 2 35 BILLION F p R health CARE FOR A O R T A 'S P oor B il l io n a ir e s CEOs fail in every catagory \N E CANT AFFORD NOT To DO tt ; 2. , XX HO WRECKED ZV Y THE ECONOMY/ I bailout children ? The Truths about Class Warfare Spare us the offensive rhetoric B ob K eener W hy do right-wing com m en­ tators get to say it’s class w ar­ fare to su g g e st th a t w ea lth y people should pay more in taxes? I’ll tell you w hat’s class w ar­ fare. It’s class w arfare to pass two sets o f m assive tax cuts that ben­ efit mostly the w ealthy as Presi­ dent Bush did during his first term. These two frontal assaults on working folks, transferred almost $100 billion to the top I percent, w hile helping to turn a $5.1 tril­ lion 10-year federal budget sur­ plus into a $3.7 trillion deficit. This devastating debt is already a crushing burden on future gen­ erations o f average taxpayers. It’s class warfare for presiden­ tial candidate Sen. John M cCain to propose making the Bush tax cuts perm anent - a coup de grace for struggling Americans who al­ ready saw the median household income go dow n from 2000 to 2007. This proposal would give raises next year o f 4.4percent in after-tax income to the top 0.1 by percent and 3.4 percent for the top 1 percent. Com bat pay, we assum e? It’s class warfare to spend years deregulating the financial se r­ v ic e s in d u s try as B u sh an d M cCain have done and then he "sh o ck ed " w hen a speculative zeppelin-sized balloon, fueled by outlandish greed, bursts like an atomic bomb, putting the entire global econom y at m ajor risk. It’s class w arfare to prop up a few irresponsible Wall Street g i­ b u sin e ss e x e c u tiv e s ta x p a y e r subsidies totaling more than $20 billion per year that in truth en ­ courage unlim ited pay packages. It’s class w arfare to oppose the E m ployee Free C hoice A ct as both Bush and M cCain do. This law would begin to bring a small am ount o f pow er balance back into the w orkplace by making it a bit easier than it is now to form a labor union. F urther, it w ould com pel mediation and arbitration if m an ag em en t and the union don’t agree on a contract in 90 days. Let's put the suggestion that wealthy people should pay more in taxes in perspective. ants with $200 billion in aid pack­ ages in the form o f brand new taxpayer-supplied loans, while the A m erican H ousin g R escue & Foreclosure Prevention Act, d e­ sig n e d to a s sist h u n d re d s o f thousands o f hom eow ners suf­ fering under subprim e loans is blockaded. It’s class w arfare to give big It’s class w arfare to oppose in­ creasin g the federal m inim um w age as both Bush and M cCain have done. By 2006, w hen a proposed in­ crease was last voted down, the value o f the m inim um wage had fallen to its low est level in over 50 years. Even today, after in­ creases pul in place in 2(K)7, there Palin Around with Terrorists even though the W eather U nder­ ground that O bam a's buddy Bill Ayres helped found n ever tar­ geted civilians. T he only person they ever killed was one o f their own in a fatal bom bm aking blun­ d e r in a G re e n w ic h V illa g e tow nhouse. Check out your own pals, Sarah by T om H . H astings Sarah Palin is right to criticize Barak O bam a for ’palling around with terrorists,’ as she puts it. A smart politician would nol hang around w ith people w ho have been connected to bom bs that might have hurt civilians. A f r ic a n A m erican A l l i a n c e f o r H om eow nership (AAAH) Presents 10 th annual HOMEOWNERSHIP FAIR Ms. Avila The Johnson's J ohn B ernard T he w o rld ’s m ost pow erful econom y is in peril thanks to an ­ other bout o f deception, denial, greed and collusion. Tw o pow erful forces - the p ressu re to c o n tin u a lly grow earn in g s co u p led w ith w ildly c o m p e titiv e m a rk e ts s u p e r ­ charged by the internet -h a v e revealed a fissure a mile w ide in C E O m orality, leadership and m anagem ent skills. W hat happened at W ashing­ ton M utual that caused its co l­ lapse? And, what w as going on at C hase that has allow ed them to prosper in the m ortgage loan crisis? T he price o f those who failed will affect every American, so I believe we m ust understand the root cause. P re ssu re to grow q u arte rly earnings dem ands organizations c o n tin u a lly im p ro v e p e r f o r ­ mance - and one o f a CEO s most important jo b s is to put in place an engine to drive that perfor­ mance. If the CEO s expectation is that everyone w orks harder as o p ­ posed to smarter, the top has set the tone. W hen the organization honors and rew ards the top per­ form er based purely on numbers - w ithout regard to how they were achieved - th e real moral ex­ pectations are revealed. Com peti­ tive pressures are great at reveal­ ing every ethically grey twist and turn, and after aw hile, norm ally ethically people begin to q u es­ tion their ow n sense o f right or wrong. W hen we set our moral com pass by looking at what our com petitors are doing w e're in trouble. T he internet has done n o th ­ ing but heighten the com petitive pressure, but it also has added another dynam ic. T he w eb has c r e a te d th e e ra o f m a ss custom ization; today as buyers we have m any m ore sellers to choose from and so to com pete, the sellers custom ize their solu­ tions to m eet our needs. C o m ­ peting in this environm ent d e­ mands flexibility - and that flex­ ibility com es in many forms. I believe that in the mortgage crises, the com petitive pressures by $ 4 T R ILLIO N y ? T o FUR THER. FEATHER THE NESTS OF 'WALL. S T R E E T / CANT AVPOKD v r/r Capitalism without Ethics CANbr /\TVoKV if . is no state in the nation w here a family or even an individual can cover the basic cost o f living on a full-time minimum wage. So let’s put the suggestion that w ealthy people should pay more in taxes in perspective. It’s a tac­ tic to address econom ic inequi­ ties. It was em ployed after the robber baron days o f the early 20th century and served us well as a society until it was repealed bit by bit, starting in the 1970s and increasingly in recent times. W hat’s good about it is that it’s em bedded in how we pay for governm ent - a benefit we all share. It’s based on the u nder­ standing that w e’re all in this to ­ gether and that extrem e inequity is bad for a dem ocratic society. D isagree with the idea if you want to, but spare us the offen­ sive rhetoric. Average Americans arc on the front lines o f the real class w ar and have been losing long enough. Bob Keener is communica­ tions director fo r United fo r a hair Economy, an independent organization raising awareness about the dangers o f growing economic inequality. O f course, those bom bs o f the W eather U nderground hack in the late 1960s and early 1970s were a stupid but understandable response to the infinitely larger n u m b e rs o f b o m b s th at w ere d ro p p e d on p u rp o se by Jo h n M cCain and others into civilian neighborhoods and w orkplaces in Vietnam. In d e e d , M c C a in w as sh o t dow n as he was bom bing Hanoi, a city, not a m ilitary base nor a m ilitary supply line such as the Ho Chi M inh Trail. This was pa­ tently illegal then and it’s illegal now. It s a war crim e. It was a war crim e when it w as done by Japa­ nese to Chinese and M ongolians, when it was done by G erm ans to the British, and in turn when we ta rg e ted c iv ilia n s in D resden, H am burg, C o lo g n e, F rankfort, Tokyo. Hiroshima, and Nagasaki. were so great that mortgage loan professionals began to “look the other way” with regards to finan­ cial qualifications o f their buy­ ers - after all, everyone else was doing it. So, how does the pressure to make earnings combined with the mass custom ization realities of the internet point to a failure in C E O m orality, leadership and m anagem ent? It’s pretty simple: it’s their jo b to understand these sophisticated dynam ics and to lead their com panies through the maze. I believe the pressure to grow earnings each quarter, com bined with a m ass custom ization m ar­ ketplace, dem ands a new kind of organizkBk4 • www.aaah.org Sponsors: Portland Development Commission, Bureau of Housing and Community Development, The Scanner News Group, Oregon Department o f Veteran Affairs, Legacy Emanuel Hospital, Albina Community Bank, Safeway Food and Drug. I th u d KEUJEl WILLIAMS it P M A F <»f ke.rto-« Irn-.0».v70l5 [0 M IS ( ell 503.X90.11XI ¡ p a r ís « k » .c o m