Page A 3 O c to b e r 15. 2 0 0 8 Master of Arts in Teaching Oregon State I College of Education U N IV E R S IT Y ' Information Session: October 16 Learn more about the MAT Immersion Program in Portland and Salem Please come to an Informational meeting on the 2009-2010 Professional Teacher Education Ecampus Immersion Program. P ortland C o m m u n ity C ollege P a n th e rs b a s k e tb a ll p la y ers M ike R ich (left) a n d Willie L ee M isso u ri dribble with PCC C a s c a d e C a m p u s P re s id e n t Algie G a tew o o d d o w n th e h o m e s tr e tc h o f a Dribble-A-Thon fundraiser. Panthers Dribble-A-Thon A Portland Community College Dribble-A-Thon raised more than $3,000 for PCC athletics, includ­ ing generous support from Carol and Skip Collier. M ore than 10 p lay ers from both the m e n ’s an d w o m e n ’s bask etb all team s d rib b led b as­ k e t b a ll s d u r in g th e r e c e n t e v e n t fro m P C C ’s S o u th e a st C e n te r c a m p u s on 8 2 n d A v­ e n u e a n d D iv is i o n to th e C a s c a d e C a m p u s , 7 0 5 N. K illingsw orth St. Both team s begin their 2008- 09 season this m onth w ith all hom e gam es play ed at the C a s­ cad e C am pus gym nasium . Volunteers Make Home Repairs Som e local residents will get the help they need to live safely in their homes. T h e R E A C H C o m m u n ity Builders Program is mobilizing volunteers to provide free hom e repairs for 20 elderly and disabled hom eow ners living in the neigh­ borhoods o f A rbor Lodge, Ports­ mouth, Cathedral Park, Kenton, O verlook, St. Johns and U niver­ sity Park. O ne o f the repairs will be for Joseph and Christine Pennington to rebuild their rotted back porch deck. “I ’m afraid to go on the porch. T here’s a hole in it,” said Ms. Pennington. “It's so im por­ tant to get this w ork done, b e­ cause we aren’t able to do it our­ selves and couldn’t afford to pay som eone else.” With support from M etro, Bu­ reau o f Housing and Com m unity D evelopm ent, area b u sin esses and local volunteers, REACH will help with clogged gutters, leak­ ing faucets, rotting steps, m inor Search is on for Next Miss Black Oregon USA T he usa Scholarship Foundation is searching tor M i s s Black Oregon I SA 2009. Arc you I , . ' the next African American I B - 'K . Queen'.’ fl*®- She must have a 2.5 GPA [ B , or more, he talented, a have I M L t a consuming desire lo rep- ■ w Collaboration within a cohort model of MAT students Time: 4 PM - 5 PM Where: Reflections Coffee House and Talking Drum Bookstore at 446 NE Killingsworth St. Placement in a culturally/ linguistically diverse school in Portland or Salem (Killlngtworth and King) Support and guidance of a mentor teacher Preparation enabling effective teaching strategies in our increasingly diverse world For m o re In fo rm a tio n , c o n ta c t: Jean Moule, Ph.D. OSU College o f Education 503-931-6885 • k n h c r r ih p l 503-288-0033 extending worldwide ^Portiani» (Dhsmier Attn: Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 l J U U d l l l U C ; Fill Out & Send To: I subscriptions are just $60 per year (please include check with this subscription form) I N ame : T elephone : I I A ddress :. or email subscriptions @ I Fly high. Go far. Yes, the future looks brighter with u s . H iBBB g lion lor the people. The winner is awarded a i $3.500college scholarship j and a year reign with pro­ motional and endorsem ent o p p o r tu n itie s . T h e to p contestant also represents O re g o n in th e N atio n al Com petition for the Miss Black USA 2009 Crown. The foundation will ac­ cept applications, W ednes­ day, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Urban League o f Port­ land building, 10 N. Russell St. and W illiams Avenue. F or m ore inform ation, call 971 -409-8687 or visit m electrical repairs, and improving accessibility in and around o f the hom e and more. To volunteer, donate or to re­ quest an application, call Barrett Ebright at 503-231 -0682, extension 142 or visit the REACH w ebsite at Date: T h u rs d a y , O c to b e r 1 6 , 2 0 0 8 Our full time immersion program offers: ' paym ent processing, w ealth m anagem ent, trust, and co n su m e r banking services. W e’ve delivered a d ivid e n d every year fo r th e pa st 145 years. A nd o u r stable financial position, resulting from our prudent approach to banking, strong balance sheet and solid capitalization, has put us in a position to better serve our clients today and in the years to come. If w e can d o this w ell fo r o ur business, im agine to w h a t heights, together, w e can take yours. Yes, the future looks brighter with us. M ichelle W a sh in g to n curren tly h o ld s th e title o f M iss B lack O regon USA. NW Natural Files Rate Increase N o rth w est N atural G a s has filed for a rate increase to co v er h ig h e r w h o le sa le n atu ra l gas c o s ts . T h e co m p an y is req u e stin g a 14 p e rc e n t rate in c re a se in O reg on and a 20 p ercent rate increase in W ashington, w hich is sig n ifican tly below p ro je c ­ tions m ade last July. C o m p a n y o ffic ia ls say d e ­ spite the recent declines in natu­ ral gas prices, an increase is re­ qu ired because prices are still h ig h e r than they w ere at this tim e last year. "N atural gas prices reached all-tim e highs in July w hen w e m ade o u r initial rate increase p rojection, but recen tly w e've se e n p r ic e s d e c r e a s e ," s a id R andy F riedm an, N W N atural directo r o f gas supply." A ny changes to rates will take effect Nov. 1. An O reg o n resid e n tia l c u s­ to m e r u s in g 5 6 th e rm s p e r m o n th w o u ld see an av e rag e m onthly bill increase o f about $10. A residential cu sto m er in W a sh in g to n u sin g 62 th e rm s per m onth w ould see an a v e r­ age m onthly increase o f about $15.