Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 15, 2008, Page 12, Image 12

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Î,!‘’JJortlanb Öf)bseruer
October 15.2008
C lassified /B id
Retirement Living
To Place Your Classified Advertisement
Contact: Kathy Linder
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
e-mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.com
W .
Paul A . N e u fe ld t
5 0 3-8 75-169 5
Quality Design and Business Support
Graphic Design
Company Identity
Outdoor Events
Ad Design
City of Portland
Wastewater Operator II
Bureau of Environmental services
Approx HrWage: $21.58 at entry
to $26.10 after 3 years.
T h e W a s te w a te r O p e ra to r II
w o rk s in th e o p e ra tio n and
routine maintenance of a large,
activated sludge, w astew ater
tre a tm e n t plant. A p p lica n ts
m ust possess a valid sta te 's
driver's license and acceptable
driving record. For more info and
to a pply online, go to h ttp ://
call Keri Caffreys, Sr. Hum an
Resources Analyst, (503) 823-
4 0 3 4 An Equal O p p o rtu n ity
Em ployer
M ental Health
Organization M anager
Multnomah County
Recruitment #9360-32
For full job posting please
Visit our website at:
Web Design
City of Portland
Facilities Maintenance
Approxim ate
M onthly Salary:
$3,363 to $5,176
T h e F a c ilitie s M a in te n a n c e
Dispatch/Scheduler provides for
the day to day maintenance and
operation o f City buildings by
s c h e d u lin g and d is p a tc h in g
F a c ilitie s
M a in te n a n c e
T e ch n icia n s , b u ild in g tra d e s
w o rk e rs , a n d e q u ip m e n t;
p ro g ra m m in g
tr o u b le s h o o tin g
lig h tin g ,
h e a tin g , v e n tila tio n , a ir-
conditioning, security and other
s ys te m s u s in g d ire c t d ig ita l
controls. Successful candidates
must be able to pass a thorough
Police Bureau Background
Police Desk Clerk
Apprx. Hourly Salary $13.01 -
or our jobs center located
Deadline: 4:30 pm, 10/24/08
at 1120 SW 5th Ave., 1st floor lobby
*Position: The Police Desk Clerk
downtown Portland.
provides a variety of support to
o ffice rs on th e stre e t and in
p re c in c ts by a c c e s s in g and
p r o v id in g
c o n fid e n tia l
in fo rm a tio n as n e ed ed and
p ro vid in g reception services,
w hich include re sp o n d in g to
inquiries and com plaints from
A Absolutely New Queen Pillowtop
the public, both in person and
Mattress with Box Set. Still Sealed
over the phone. Please visit our
in Plastic. Can Deliver
w e b s ite
a t:
h t t p : //
$150. (5 0 3 )8 2 8 -8 9 2 7
Advertise with diversity in
fl" jJn rtU u tò (O bfcrrurr
Now R
www.cl.portland.or.us/lobs or
contact Jarvez Hall, Sr. Human
Resources Analyst, (503) 823-
5738. T h e C ityo f Portland is An
Equal Opportunity Em ployer
e n t in g
WestShore Apartments
S m it h T o w e r
515 Washington Street
Vancouver, Washington
S ta r P a rk is lo o k in g fo r
in d iv id u a ls w ith e x c e lle n t
custom er service skills and a
p o sitive a ttitu d e to jo in our
te a m o f p a rk in g f a c ility
operators. Positions include:
A tte n d a n t, T ra ffic D ire c to r,
C a s h ie r, a n d V a le t, w ith
Opportunity for advancem ent.
No experience necessary, must
be dependable.
8 .5 0 + / h r, m e d ic a l, d e n ta l,
401k w/match, sick & vacation
610 SW Alder Street Suite 1221
Portland, OR 9720 5
M etro
U tility Maintenance Specialist,
Portland Expo Center, $19.14 -
$20.97/hr, 2 FT, 1 PT positions.
Deadline: 10/20/08. Perform s
re p a ir a n d m a in te n a n c e ,
including carpentry, plum bing
and painting.
To a cce s s th e c o m p le te jo b
a n n o u n ce m e n t and required
a p p lic a tio n
m a te ria ls ,
v is it
w e b s ite
up a com plete packet at Metro
H um an R e s o u rc e s , 6 0 0 NE
Grand Ave., Portland.
AA/EEO Employer
POSITION: Community Police Officer
Apprx. Monthly Salary $3,545 at
entry to $5,808 at 5 years
Deadline: 4:30 pm,
♦Position: This is a uniform ed,
e n try -le v e l law e n fo rc e m e n t
p o s itio n w ith e m p h a s is on
Com m unity Policing. The City of
P o rtla n d C o m m u n ity P o lic e
Officer works with all citizens to
preserve life, maintain human
rig h ts, p ro te c t p ro p e rty and
p ro m o te
in d iv id u a l
responsibility and com m unity
com m itm ent. Please visit our
w e b s ite
a t:
h ttp ://
www.lolnportlandpollce.com for
more inform ation and to apply.
The City of Portland is An Equal
Opportunity Employer
Tea cu p y o rk ie p u p p y fo r
adoption.i want to give out my
lovely baby out to som eone that
is god fearing and will take good
care of her.if you are intreste
please co n ta ct m e via em ail
saintkelvin38@ gm ail.com
Position Announcement for
Research Assistant
Educational and Community
University of Oregon
• Studio & One-Bedroom Apartments
• Federal Rent Subsidies Available
• No Buy-In or Application Fees
• Affordable Kent includes all Utilities
except telephone & cable television
• Ideal urban location near shopping,
bus lines, restaurants, and much more!
Posting: 8324
Research Assistant (1.00 FTE)
to work within the Educational
and C o m m u n ity S u p p o rts
research unit in the College of
Education at the University of
Oregon. W ork with a research
team focused on the design,
tra inin g, im plem entation and
"evaluation of the School-wide
In fo rm a tio n
S ys te m
(www.swis.org) and PBS Surveys
( w w w .p b s s u rv e y s .o rg ) w ith
schools throughout the United
States. The position will include
c o o rd in a tio n * of lo g is tic s fo r
trainings, collaboration on the
d e s ig n and d e v e lo p m e n t o f
training materials, assistance in
the recruitm ent and set up for
sch ools a d o p tin g w eb-based
in fo rm a tio n s y s te m s , and
collaboration in the evaluation
and professional dissemination
of inform ation use in schools.
Minimum qualifications BA/BS
and relevant experience. For
c o m p le te
p o s itio n
announcem ent please go to the
U n iv e rs ity o f O re g o n Jo b s
W e b s ite
h ttp :/ /
h r .u o r e g o n .e d u / jo b s /
unclassified.php?id=2455. We
in v ite
a p p lic a tio n s fro m
qualified applicants who share
our view of diversity. Mail letter
o f interest, vita and references
to: Educational and Community
Supports, Attn: P. Phillips, 1235
University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
9 7 4 0 3 -1 2 3 5 . To in s u re fu ll
consideration for this position,
applications must be received
by 5:00 PM on Novem ber 10,
2008. Position will remain open
until filled. An equal opportunity,
a ffirm a tive actio n institution
com m itted to cultural diversity
a n d c o m p lia n c e w ith th e
Am ericans with Disabilities Act.
Pastor and wife's Appreciation Dr. T
celebrating 14 years of service
on October 2 6,2 00 8 @ 3:30pm
location: M aranath Church of
G o d 4 2 2 2 N E 1 2th A v e ,
Portland, OR.
Retirement Apartments
S u m m e r Run
■ Studio & One-Bedroom Apartments
1 Affordable Rent with No Costly
Buy-Ins or Application Fees
1 Federal Rent Subsidies Available
1 Ideal Urban location near shopping,
bus lines, restaurants, and more!
■ Enjoy our small community
atmosphere that’s relaxed
and friendly!
7810 SE Foster Road
Portland, Oregon 97206
5 0 3 ‘ 7 7 4 ‘8 8 8 5 a
Portland Development Commission
The Urban Renewal Agency for the City of Portland, Oregon
Portland is internationally recognized for its quality of life,
distinctive neighborhoods, and robust transit system. Playing a
key role in keeping Portland, Oregon, one of Am erica’s most
livable citie s is th e Portland D e ve lo p m e n t C o m m iss io n 's
mission. PDC is the C ity's urban renewal agency, charged with
bringing together resources to achieve Portland's vision. W e’re
currently looking for qualified individuals to com plem ent our
w orkforce for the follow ing positions:
Business Systems Analyst II
W e offer a generous host of benefits as part of our efforts to
keep PDC a positive, healthy and productive place to work. PDC
values diversity in its w ork force and is com m itted to
Equal Em ploym ent Opportunity and Affirm ative Action.
J f. ,
Apply online at w w w .pdc.us/jobs
Portland D evelopm ent Com m ission, 222 NW 5th Ave.,
Portland, OR 97209
Jpbline: 503.823.3463
Portland International Airport
Headquarters and P2 Parking Garage (HQP2)
Bid Package #5
Pre-Bid M eeting: October 15 at 10am
Bids Due: October 30, 2008 at 2:00pm
Bid Docum ents - Precision Im ages (503/274-2030) or
w w w .bxw a.com
Hoffman Construction
Company of Oregon
Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 2 1-8 811 - Bid Fax: (5 0 3 ) 2 2 1-8 888
80 5 SW Broadway, Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 97205 - CCB LIC# 28417
Questions concerning Subcontract/Purchase Agreement Terms and Conditions,
Insurance. Bonding, a n d /or M /W /ESB requirements should be directed to: Jon Grasle,
Tel 503/221-8811. Fax 5 0 3 /2 2 1 8 8 8 8 . or E-mail: Jon-Grasle€Hoffmancorp.com.
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including
disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises ■
Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://www.hoffmancorp.com
Oregon Department of Transportation
Special Invitation to Bid
Oregon 217: Sunset Highway-Tualatin Valley Project
Beaverton-Tigard Highway Section, Beaverton
Become a contracting partner with the Oregon Department of Transportation on a $20 million to $30 million project in
Beaverton! Subcontracting opportunities are available for minority- and woman-owned firms in the following work areas:
A REACH C ommunity
D evelopment P roperty
WestShore has immediate openings
in our studio apartments.
• Spacious Floor Plans
• Professional Mngmt & Resident Svcs.
• On-Site Laundry
• On multiple bus lines and close to MAX
Studio Apartments
s ta r t a t J 535
Income Restrictions Apply
Erosion Control
This project contains a 6 percent Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal and a 14 percent Minority, Woman and Emerging
Small Business (MWESB) aspirational target. P lea se atten d a pre-bid m e e tin g to learn m ore about th is project:
Monday, October 27, 2008
1:30 p.m. - 4 p.m.
ODOT Region 1 Headquarters
123 N.W. Flanders St., Portland, OR 97209
The meeting is mandatory for all prime contractors interested in bidding on this project.
> Meet the design team to learn about subcontracting opportunities for the project.
> Meet and network with all prime contractors who might bid on the project and who may need your quotes. Please bring
information about your company.
> Discover how to market your company to prime contractors through electronic bidding, and learn about possible subscription
• scholarships offered by ODOT.
x Spend time with ODOT procurement staff to find out about other ODOT contracting opportunities and small business
programs available to you.
> Learn the latest status of ODOT’s DBE Program and how it applies to this project.
> Sign up for notification of future subcontracting opportunities for ODOT projects.
Prime contractors will be submitting sealed bids by 9 a.m. on Tuesday, November 18, 2008. Please consider collaborating with
ODOT on this important construction project.
Additional information can be found at: www.oregon.gov/ODOT/CS/CONSTRUCTION/contractorplans/NTC.shtml
w w w .reachcdc.org
For project-specific information, please contact Assistant Project Manager Rick Smith at (503) 641-8723, ext. 234.
222 SW P ine S t .
ODOT is an Equal E m ploym ent O pportunity and A ffirm ative A ction E m ployer