PageA7 October 8, 2008 Arts X X Chicken Sausages INTUI IMIIIAISHISI Pork B eet Dreamgirls Star Puts Focus on Singing Jennifer Hudson is used to defying expectations (AP) — Two years ago, the big­ gest question surrounding Jen ­ n if e r H u d s o n 's c a r e e r w as w hether she could act. Everyone knew she could sing; after all, it was her soaring, gos­ pel-inflected voice that made her famous during her finalist run on "American Idol" in 2004. The ques­ tion was whether her considerable talent extended to acting when she was cast in the drama-filled role of Effie in the movie adaptation of the musical "Dreamgirls." An O scar win for best support­ ing actress answ ered that hand­ ily, and roles in the summer block­ buster "Sex and the City" and the upcom ing "The Secret Lives of Bees" have only reaffirm ed her new found gift. But as H udson puts the focus back on her sing­ ing with her self-titled debut CD, she has to answ er m ore q u e s­ tions — like w hether w inning an A cadem y A w ard last year has Academy Award winner Jennifer Hudson has put the focus m ade it easier or harder for her to back on her singing with a self-titled debut CD. be seen as a singer. "Harder!" she declares with a huge too.' So it's magnified, and "I don’t believe in limits so I laugh. a lot o f attention on it and from wasn't allowing m yself to be lim ­ "The pressure is m ore on the what I hear it's extrem ely antici­ ited and 1 w anted to show other music than on the film side, which pated — so it's like, (sighs) 'OK!'" sides o f me, and to say 'Well, if is odd," Hudson muses. "It's like But Hudson is hardly harried you like this side o f Jennifer, let everything is expected to be big about the current release o f "Jen­ m e in tro d u c e you to a n o th e r com ing from me and so it's like, nifer Hudson." She's used to d e­ side,"' says Hudson. "I used to 'OK, we know this is going to be fying expectations. co n sid er my voice a tree with many branches and that's what to me this album d isplays, all these different sides o f me." T h o se sid es w ere o b sc u re d her during acting ascent: W hile she had spent most o f her adult life singing, once her acting ca­ reer took off, she shelved her dream o f making an album while making movies. "If I'm acting I’m acting, if I'm singing I'm singing," says the Chicago native. "There's no do­ ing both, because I don't w anna split my focus ... so one had to give way for the other." W h ile H u d so n c o u n ts W h itn ey H o u sto n am o n g her chief influences, she was careful not to make a C D full o f torch songs to show case her powerful voice: "I didn't want to be type­ cast as ju st a big ballad singer." W hile "Jennifer Hudson" does contain soaring ballads and even h e r d e v a s ta tin g re n d itio n o f "And I'm Telling You I'm Not G o­ ing" from "Dreamgirls," it also f e a tu re s a ra p v e rse fro m Ludacris, a collaboration with T- Pain, production help from Ne- Yo and T im baland and even a duet with fellow "American Idol" alum Fantasia. "W ith her, she has such an am azing voice, you can pretty much pick any song, and she can sing it," said Harvey M ason Jr., one of the songw riters and pro­ d u c e rs on th e C D w h o also w o rk e d w ith H u d so n on the "Dreamgirls" soundtrack. "It re­ ally gave us a freedom to be re­ ally creative." K M H D 89.11 M PLEDGE DRIVE OCTOBER 10— 19 Louis Armstrong said, "Jazz is music that's never played the same way once." Jazz is noise Jazz is music that's always different Jazz is an American art form Jazz is revolutionary Jazz is the same as bebop, hip-hop, and the blues Jazz is new and old CONTRIBUTIONS CAN BE MADE AT ANY TIM E B Y /M A Il/P H O N E or INTERNET a t W W W .K M H 0.FM S aturday , O ctober h, 2 0 0 8 10 am - 2 pm vega D ance L ab 1322 S6 W ater A ve . P ortland , OR 87214 Please Dring a headShot and a Dio or resume. You will also De required to prepare a 1 minute solo piece to perform fo r the judges. If you have any questions in regards to the Urban A rts Dance Company Auditions, please feel fre e to co n ta ct us a t 503-442-5617, or email us directly a t You can also visit our myspace page a t http://w w w .m /urpanartsdancecom pany Urban Arts, Inc. P.0.11443 Portland, OR 97211 (503)442-5817 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■I Free O M SI Teen N ight The Oregon Museum o f Science and Industry will offer teenagers ages 13-18 a free night at the museum filled with special programming and fun activities created just for them. OMSI's first ever Teen-Only Night will feature cheap eats, a live DJ, Segway rides, a Science Cafe' discussion, and the o pportu n ity to peruse the new brainteaser-ftlled exhibit Mindbender M ansion. Music for the evening will be pro­ vided by DJ DM oeFunk who in addi­ tion to providing entertainm ent will teach guests how to spin and the tech­ nical secrets behind the art of DJ-ing. Teen-Only Night at OMSI will beheld Saturday, Oct. 18 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Adults are not permitted to attend, but OMSI will provide security and adult supervision throughout the evening. Admission is completely free. Low cost fixxJ and beverages will be avail­ able for purchase. GRAND OPENING T h a i F o o d C a fé 1H( UlTIMRTt 833 North Killingsworth Street. Portland, Oregon 97217 • Tel.(503) 285-8745 RII RMfRICHN tXPfRIfNGt r IE Lffi i n r n 1ni A linea 1 T ill Business hours Lunch Monday- Friday 11 :OOam-3:3Opm Dinner Monday- Friday 3:00-pm—9:00pm Saturday-Sunday noon-9:00pm North Portland Michael Tillery Broker 5 0 3 .9 7 5 .8 0 0 4 michael@ Im ported Shoes. Suits. Hals. S hirts & ,-V«essories Ci. I S u rm a n . I h e D i f f e r e n c e is t h e ( J i l . i l i l l S a le s R e p r e se n ta tiv e Tel: ( W l ) » N l/lf> l SITO M M l k B o u le v a rd Fa»: ( M l ) »Nt NS5\ P o r ll.n n l 0 r e < |o n 'I7»tl n n w .A S le p A » o v e P D A c o m SUMMERS WINTER CLEARANCE it while SALE! its Get hot! Please call me. your neighborhood specialist, for any ol your Real Estate needs. My success is built on a com m itm ent to quality service. •V Bin^galoW Rose Floral & Gift Shop 7545 NF Sandy Blvd. 503-255-6221 I st Annual Pumpkin Patch O ctober 19-30 All are invited to join in the family-kin autumn harvest celebr ation! There will be Refreshments. Live music and more! Please call Debbie for more information at 503-255-6221. BRIDGETOWN r REALTY 1 □ I The Bungalow Roxe in conjunction m lh The Portland O bserver w ill sponsor a parts for I I k loca l Head M arl children « mi O ctober I K ill from 2-4 p m Ibex I, enjos games food and fun I reals w ill be donated b \ local mere hauls h