il Page AG ^Jnrtlanb (Observer O ctober 8, 2 0 0 8 through O ct. 14 at various afternoon and evening tim es in the c o lle g e ’ s a d m in istra ­ tio n b u ild in g , room 110. A ll film s are free and open to the p u b lic. O M S I A lte r D a rk - O M S I A fte r Dark is a night at the museum fo r the 21 and over crowd tilled w ith food,drink and science fun; $ 10 fee. For more inform ation call 503-797- 4000or visit G u ys a n d D u lls — Perform ances o f the classic "G u ys and D o lls ” runs through N ov. 2 at the P ortland C enter Stage w ith B roadw ay p e rform ers, the best local ta l­ ent, o ve r 80 costum es, 258 props and ev­ ery single b e ll and w h is tle intact. exhibit invites exploration and teamwork fo r children and families. The show runs through Jan. 19. L iv in g G re e n E xpo - Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 11-12,at O M S I. the L iv in g Green Expo features more than 30 com m unity partners offering inform ation, ideas, resources and m otivation to I i ve green and maintain a more sustainable lifestyle. For more inform ation, visit om Church G irls - Church G irls, a musical about teenage girls who go through the same universal issues other girls go through, exploring who they are wand want to be and the standards they choose to or not to live by, opens Thursday, Oct. 9 and continues through Oct. 24 at the Interstate Firehouse C ultural Center in north Portland. I lot-down and Auction - Friday, Oct. 10, from 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m., at the Portland A rt Museum, K ridel B allroom , 1219 S. W. Park Ave. Sponsored by Sisters o f the Road, this annual fundraiser is to assist people experi­ encing homelessness. For more inform ation and tickets, call 503-222-5694, extension 19. L iv e Jazz — E very F rid a y and Saturday fro m 8 p.m . to 11 p.m ., the T h ird Degrees Lounge at the Ri verPlace H otel, 15 10 S. W. H a rb o r W ay, w ill host the on g o in g w eek­ end series fe a tu rin g P o rtla n d 's rich ja zz scene w ith no cover o r m in im u m purchase. For more in fo rm a tio n , v is it p d xja m . O p e n M ic N ig h t - E very W ednesday n ig h t at 7 p.m .. Proper Eats M a rke t and Café, 8638 N. Lom b a rd St., host open m ic Bungalow Rose1 P um pkin Patch - Saturday, Oct. 18 through Thursday, Oct. 30, Bunga­ low Rose, 7545 N.E. Sandy B lvd., invites everyone to jo in the fam ily-friendly pumpkin patch featuring: music, games, refreshments Power of Love n ig h t. S lid e rs G r il l — S liders G r ill, 3011 N. Lom bard, features an e cle ctic assortment o f perform ers on the m ain stage, accom pa­ nied by de licio u s food. C a ll 503-459-4488 fo r more in fo rm a tio n . and lots o f fun. Orpheus gifts the sky, birds and stars as a sign o f his love to Eurydice in Artists Repertory Theatre's production o f “Eurydice" by Sarah Ruhl now playing through Oct. 26 on the Alder Stage. For tickets and information, call 503-2411278. Hack by Popular Demand S u n d a y N ig h t Jazz — Jazzenthusiastscan enjoy lis te n in g to the cool sounds o f M el B ro w n , in the Rogue R iv e r Room at C h i­ nook W inds C asino Resort in L in co ln C ity. No co ve r charge. Poetry at M ira c le s — Local and national artists and m usicians share an evening o f spoken w o rd and m usic at the M iracles C lub, 4069 N .E. M a rtin L u th e r K in g Jr. B lvd , each W ednesday’ s, between 7:30 F ree F ir s t F rid a y N ig h ts — The Portland C h ild re n ’ s M useum has partnered w ith Target to pro vid e free adm ission to e ve ry­ one on the firs t F rid a y o f each m onth fro m 5 p.m . to 8 p.m. p.m. and 9:30 p.m. O ld S chool M aster B arber Reggie Brown Hours/Days: 11-7 Tues-Fri • 10-7 Sat Reggie ’s Rcirber Shop W atching A rtists at W o rk — Be a to u rist in yo u r ow n co m m u n ity as 98 local artists open th e ir studios to the p u b lic d u rin g the annual Portland Open Studios tours, Sat­ urday and Sunday, Oct. 1 l-1 2 a n d O c t. 18- 19. A $ 15 to u r guide comes w ith tw o tic k ­ ets fo r a ll fo u r days, maps to the studios and a handy 2009 calendar. For more in fo r­ m ation, v is it . 3213 NE Marlin Luther King, Jr. Blvd • 503-280-0222 Specialize in all liair types. Straight razor cuts/ lines /shaves; Sheers, Clippers and Fades Ask about our Special tightwad Tuesday Boh the B u ild e r - T V s Bob the Builder and hisCan-D oCrew invite aspiring young build­ ers to help get the jo b done in a hands-on traveling exhibit at the Portland C hildren's Museum. The 2,(XX) square-foot, multimedia LICENSED BARBER'S W A N TE D O re g o n Z o o B u c k T uesdays - On the 2nd Tuesday o f every m onth, the zoo hosts 2- Buck Tuesdays w hen guests can to u r the zoo d u rin g re g u la r zoo hours fo r the d is­ counted price o f $2 per person! O M S I $2 D ays - The firs t Sunday o f every m onth can spark yo u r passion fo r science at the O M S I w hen adm ission is ju s t $2. F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , v is it O M S I.e d u . F ir s t T h u rs d a y A r t G a lle ry O p e n in g - E very firs t Thursday in the Pearl, meet the artists and jo in the street party fo r g a lle ry receptions and openings in tro d u cin g the w orks o f many artists; th is is a free event. T o u ro f U ntim ely Departures at Lone F ir C em etery — Friday, O ct. 31, guests w ill experience the history o f the cem etery and the unfortunate end o f some residents. Guests w ill 'd e p a rt' at the Southeast 26th Avenue and Stark Street entrance: $5 fee. For more in fo rm a tio n, call 503-224-9200. M u s ic M ille n n iu m F re e Shows — The M usic M ille n n iu m , 3 158 E B urnside, host m any in-house liv e perform ances. E n jo y fre e m u s ic and th e o p p o r t u n it y to meet local artists. C a ll 503-231 -8926 fo ra D iversity F ilm Festival — The firs t d iv e r­ sity film fe stiva l at the V ancouvercam pus o f W ashington State U n iv e rs ity , 14204 N.E. Salm on C reek A v e ., takes place schedule TWO SMASH HITS ON ICE! Feld Entertainm ent ’ and Kenny O r t e g a Present it I Dubbie 0 0 Da Champ • r v /v r i O p t a e • U m h f C v Z i r f f !C: II n r n ■ i f l n U n n i . I S ir i'tn r Sponsored By < nU^HaMI DRUMMERS l.u tt r ll Ir ftk ef ■ b W im i Jesse L. Martin ni s Friday, October 17, 2008 Act One 11525 SW Barnes Rd. Portland, OR 97225 ON MARCH 11. B 008 THE GOVERNMENT SEALED OFF AN APARTMENT COMPLEX IN LOS ANGELES. |R E C UNTIL NOW. SCHOOL MUSICAL SCHOOL MUSICAL THE RESIDENTS WERE NEVER SEEN AGAIN. NO DETAILS. NO WITNESSES. NO EVIOENCE HIGH HIGH V SCREEN GEMS. I N V I T E S YOU TO EN TER FOR A CHANCE TO W IN A C O M P L IM E N T A R Y S C R E E N IN G PASS FOR TWO FOR W EDNESDAY-, OCTOBER 5 T H . P IC K - U P YOUR PASS A T : OCT. 2 3 -2 6 il!r | J o r t k n t b ( O b s e r v e r Thu. OCT. 23 * 7:30 PM 4747 NE MLK JR. BLVD. OPENING NIG HT TICKETS $ 1 2 ! PORTLAND, OR 97211 (Excludes Front Row and VIP seats Mo double discounts ) Entries are duo by October 5 at 4 pm Winners will be chosen at random from all entries received. The Portland Observer and its affiliates are not responsible for lost or misdirected entrres. The decision of the fudges are final One entry per person TH IS F IL M IS RATED R R E S T R IC T E D U nder 17 Require« A ccom panying P a ren t Or Adult Guardian | Fri. | Sat. | Sun. OCT. 25 OCT. 26 12 NOON 12 NOON 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 7:30 PM 7 30 PM 7:30 PM OCT. 24 Buy tickets at, c o m c a s t ( J , .c o m i The Rose Garden Box Office Martin Eyes New TV Role Five months after he turned in his "L a w & Order" badge, Jesse L. M a rtin is returning to N B C w ith a role in the drama series "The Philanthropist." A fte r a lengthy courtship by the netw ork. M artin is in nego­ tia tio n s to c o -s ta r on the midseason show opposite James Purefoy. "P h ila n th ro p is t" centers on Teddy Rist (Purefoy), a renegade b illio n a ire w ho uses his wealth, connections and power to help people in need around the w orld. M a r tin w o u ld p la y P h ilip M a id s to n e , T eddy's business partner and lifelong friend. M artin also co-stars in NBC's upcom ing holiday special "L e t­ ters to Santa - A Muppets C hrist­ mas." or call 1 -8 7 7 -7 8 9 -R 0 S E . •’- • " o a m w i i i w B W i i - ’BJtinititm n»coplc>fl and consent to a poy»“ •* w a n k o( your betvoynq« ana poeton Ar y attempted use ot record oy d e v « « w»t r« u H n mmedtete removal from the theatre, torte turn and may srrfi(er.t you in cammei and cm harirWy ll e g v •How ertdrtw-r-at ten» lor herg» teneri «ecurtty Vbo can mawt ua by taavng «M nonAsaenruK bags at home or r your vehicle yyy.CONTAINTHETXUTH.fon ContetnTheTruthxom IN THEATERS lO - lD - D Ô IN THEATERS I O C TO B ER 10 Vlvertise with divei rsity in TICKET PRICES: $16 - $ 2 0 - $35 VIP - $ 6 0 Front Row I trolled number nf Front Row and VIP seats available Call for details (Service charges, facility and handling fees may apply I ].ln rt la ttò (O lii sein et- C all 503-2880 I lU