October 8, 2008 Page A5 H ealth matters Federal Drug Plan Changes Coming Seniors urged to shop around (AP) — Federal health officials have encouraged Medicare par­ ticipants to shop around for their prescription drug coverage next year because it could include sig­ n ific a n t price in c re a se s or changes regarding which drugs the plans will cover. For those enrolled in the 10 most popular drug plans, cost increases will range from 8 per­ cent to as much as 64 percent, according to an a n aly sis by Avalere Health, a consulting firm. The monthly premium for the most popular Medicare Part D plan, the A ARP Medicare Rx Pre­ ferred Plan, will increase 15 per­ cent, from $32 to $37. The next most popular plans come from Humana Inc. The premium for the standard Humana plan will go up 60 percent, from about $25 to $40, while the premium for the en­ hanced Humana plan will go up Supporting Breast Cancer Research Dr. Walter Urba (left), director o f research at the Providence Cancer Center and Steve Frisby, Portland division president for Safeway, discuss the research potential of a new Safeway Breast Cancer Research Laboratory at the center. Safeway pledged $1 million toward development of the research lab. in ^L hirilattb ( O h s m ie r Call 5O3-288-OO3B ads@portlandobserver.com Advertise with diversity H ealth W atch Cancer Prevention and Survival Cooking Courses -Thursday, Oct. 9, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m..learn how to live longer by eating healthier; free. To register,call 503-256-4000. Infant CPR Class - Monday, Oct. 13, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.. this class will address issues specific to infant CPR. including rescue breathing, CPR and choking maneuvers fro infant I to 12 months. This is a non-certifying adult-only class; $34 fee. To register.call 503-574-6595. Stress and the Working Parent - Tuesday, Oct. 14, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m..learn how to balance juggling a career and family while dealing with the special challenges and concerns it presents for working parents; $20 fee. To register, call 503-574- 6595. Shoulder Spoilers-T hursday, Oct. 16, from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., learn about the most common cause of shoulder pain and dysfunction including bone spurs, labral tears and rotator cuff tears, and the latest minimally invasive treatments presented hy Dr. David Huberty. free. To register, call 503-692- 2411. Expectant Couples, New Parents - Legacy Goixl Samaritan Hospital offers the workshop Lasting Relationships for New Parents, helping couples keep their relationships strong and happy in the transition to parenthood. Presented by Northwest • Arc you a Woman with Asthma?’ Receive $65 to test a computer-based Asthma Management Program • For African .American women • Answer 3 surveys • • • Use one of 2 computer programs (random assignment) Northeast Portland location in late October, location & date TBD Part of a research study to test a computer-based program to help women manage their asthma W elcome to M edicare — Thursday, Oct. 23, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., this tw o-hour class will help people who are eligible to receive Social Security D isability benefits or nearing age 65, to make informed decisions regarding M edi­ care options; free class, for more information call 503-988-3646. Stroke Alert Screening - Check your carotid arteries with a painless ultrasound to assess your risk. Fee $40. To schedule a screening, call 503- 251-6137. Chronic Pain Support Croup — Meets the first Wednesday at 4 p.m. Io 5:30 p.m. and the third Wednesday of each month, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. For more information, call 503-256-4000. “ It's NEVER too late to get in shape!!“ 4545 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. PDX, 97211 503.288.4717 »cade yding Bicycle sale and repair shop with a full line of accessories for all your cycling needs 503-281-0255 122 N. Killingsworth St www.cascadecycling.com Help shape public policy on health equity Please join us at a Health Equity Initiative solutions workshop. Learn what your neighbors and community leaders think about health issues and help shape Multnomah County's health equity agenda. Report Back Sessions will be held: Oct. 11 Oct. 28 Smoking Cessation — Beginning Monday, Oct. 20,from7p.m.to8:30p.m.,this 11-week series will teach a systemic approach toquit smoking through behavior modification techniques, coping skills, social support and more. Eight weeks of nicotine patches will be provided free to participants; fee $225.Toregister.call503-574-6595. Extremely Competitive Monthly Membership Kates! th Equity itiative Oct. 1 Heart Savers CPR/AED — Saturday, Oct. 18, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., this American Heart Asso­ ciation course will teach participants CPR forall ages, AED operations, relief o f airway obstruc­ tion. Course meets OSHA requirem ents for workplace CPR certification; $45 fee. To regis­ ter.call 503-335-3500. Gresham Library New Columbia Community Center Central Library Multnomah Arts Center Multnomah Building PCC Cascade Campus Midland Library • r 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm 10:30 am - 12:30 pm 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm For more information and screening locations, visit www.mchealth.org/healthequity or call 503-988-3030 Ext. 22068 • «a s. Consumers are warned of chemical contamination in White Rabbit Candy. Chinese Candy Contaminated O regon health officials are warning consumers to avoid eat­ ing W hite Rabbit Candy be­ cause it may be contaminated with the chemical melamine. The U.S. Food and Drug Ad­ m inistration reported that the candy, imported from China, is distributed to retail stores in Or­ egon. W ashington and o th er states. The distributor. QFCO Inc., of Burlingame. Calif., has voluntar­ ily recalled the product. C onsum ers who have p u r­ chased White Rabbit Candy are urged to return it to the place of purchase for a full refund or dis­ card it in their trash. AIDS Traced Family owned/operated. Research study funded by the National Institutes of Health Program dev eloped by Oregon Center for Applied Science (Eugene) 20 27 29 30 ticipants will have access to pre­ scription drug coverage for the same amount or for less than they’re paying now. They will, how ever, have to do som e searching to find those offerings, said Kerry Weems, acting admin­ istrator for the Centers for M edi­ care and Medicaid Services. The nation's 44 million Medi­ care beneficiaries can choose a drug plan only, or they can choose to get all of their health benefits through a Medicare Ad­ vantage plan. The drug-only plans offering standard coverage will rise from $27 to $32 next year, on average. Meanwhile. Medi­ care Advantage plans will rise from $ 18 to $ 2 1 on average. CMS officials said. Also, the poor are eligible for drug coverage with no monthly premiums. Medicare participants can be­ gin enrolling in drug coverage for next year from Nov. 15 through Dee. 3 1. Family Services, upcoming sessions are sched­ uled Oct. II and Oct. 18. To register, visit lastingrelationshiips.org. O L V M PUS GYM CALL toll-free 1-877-366-3119 (press 4 for Asthma project) Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. from about $23 to $38. Still,*the vast majority of par­ Back 100 Years (AP) — The AIDS virus has been circulating among people for about 100 years, decades lo n g er than sc ie n tists had thought, a new study suggests. Genetic analysis pushes the estimated origin of HIV hack to between 1884 and 1924. with a more focused estimate at 1908. Previously, scientists had es­ timated the origin at around 1930. AIDS wasn't recognized formally until 1981 when it got the atten­ tion of public health officials fn the United States. Josiah HU I H I Clinic Presents... FREE Lead-Safe Kids Fair n 1 ■ “ Fun Activities & Resources to Protect Kids From Lead Hazards r ► Blood lead testing for children ► Lead-free toy giveaway & kids activities ► Lead screening for toys/pottery (4 items per family) ► Lead poisoning prevention workshop ► Tenant rights workshop ► Healthy food & beverages Saturday, October 25th, 11am - 2pm IRCO Community Room, 10301 NE Glisan, Portland, OR 97220 Event Sponsors: Portland Water Bureau BHCD ■■HI** * * * * * * * * * * P ratt firm < h th h e n fro n t e n v iro n m e n ta l ha a rth I t