i,K^Iortlanb (©hseruer Page A l2 F ood Squash and Z ucchini Recipes Sum m er squash, particularly the yellow va­ riety, is a very popular vegetable in the South. You'll find it fresh, frozen, or canned at any tim e o f the year. Easy to grow and prolific, sum m er squashes are perfect for any size garden. For best flavor and m ost len d er seeds, squash sh o u ld be pick ed yo u n g , from 6 to 10 inches long. Pattypan, a saucer-shaped squash, should be no more than 4 inches in diameter. Sum m er squash can be served raw w ith other vegetables as part o f a vegetable platter with dips, in salads, grilled, broiled, steam ed, stir-friedrdeep-ffied, boiled, baked, or stuffed. Because o f its m ild flavor, it can be added to alm ost any m ain-dish recipe or pasta sauce lo r texture, flavor, and color. Zucchini is sim i­ lar to summ er squash for recipe usage, though with its ow n unique flavor. The following pro­ October 8. 2008 O ff Ingredients for life.« SAFEWAY .c o r n S e e a' s a v in g s vided by Christ Lutheran Women's Group "Our Best to You" cookbook O n lin e c ,e o k ly Stuffed Acorn Squash Ingredients • • • • • • • 1 acom squash (double recipe for 2) 6 oz. ground turkey *4 C. chopped celery '4 C. chopped onion *4 tsp. salt 14 tsp. cinnam on ‘4 tsp. curry pow der • l/ j C. unsw eetend applesauce • I slice raisin bread, cubed _ « - EXIR EM Í VALUE • A fu ll meal in one tasty dish. Directions Preaheat oven to 350; spray a 1 0 x 6 ” baking dish with nonstick cooking spray. Cut the squash in half lengthwise; remove and discard seeds; place cut side dow n in prepared baking dish; bake for 50 minutes. Com bine turkey, celery and onion in a large skillet; cook over medium-high heat stirring frequently until turkey is brow ned and crum bly (about 8 minutes); drain. Add salt, cinnam on and curry powders to turkey m ixture; cook stirring frequently for 1 minute; stir in applesauce and bread cubes. Turn over squash in baking dish; spoon equal portions o f turkey mixture in each squash half; bake for 20 minutes. Serves 2. Summertime Squash Rancher’s Reserve* Beef London BroM Boneless. Extreme Valus Pack. SAVE up to $3.001». S e e w e e k ly in s e r t This recipe is good for fall as well. C L U B C IU C I “A Ground B m < Ingredients • 2 small zucchini • 2 small yellow squash • 1 small red bell pepper • 2 cloves garlic • 2 tsp. cornstarch • *4 tsp. salt Directions 1. Cut ends off zucchini and yellow squash and cut diagonally into *4 inch thick slices; cut red bell pepper lenthw ise in half; remove stem and seeds; rinse and cut into *4 inch thick strips; finely chop garlic. 2. Com bine cornstarch and salt in small cup; stir in vegeable broth until m ixture is smooth and set aside; heat lard nonstick skillet over m e­ dium -high until hot; drizzle vegetable oi into • 14 C. vegetable broth • 1 tsp. vegetable oil • 1 tsp. butter skillet; add butter; swirl to coat bottom and heat for 30 seconds; add zucchini and yellow squash; cook and stir 6 m inutes or until crisp-tender; stir in red bell pepper and garlic; cook stirring con­ stantly for 1 minute. 3. Stir broth mixture until smooth and add to the skillet; cook and stir until sauce boils and thick­ ens; garnish with yellow bell pepper rings and green onion brushes if desired. Serves 4. SATURDAY X SUNDAY O NI yi Squash Ring Frozen Tilapia or —-------«- -----o n « - « - rresn nocKnsn rutéis lain n th n» - i 111 latin li weatner penwranQ. A simple side dish fo r any meal. 1 free 0 Organics "Salads 5tott-«z.peckiQi Selected Berietet Ingredients • • • • • • *4 C. m elted butter *4C.milk 3 eggs, well beaten salt, pepper, cayen 1 T. grated onion *4 C. buttered crum bs jusivelyai satcwaY SAVE up to $2.011) V CLUB PBtCE SATURDAY & SUNDAY ONI y l Directions 1. Mix: 3 C. cooked sum m er squash (drained and put through a coarse sieve before m easuring) CLUB M I C I 2. Spoon into a buttered 1 -quart ring mold. Set in a pan o f hot water. Bake at 350 until firm (about 25 minutes). Turn onto a serving dish. Fill with buttered peas, tiny white onions or cream ed mushrooms. Serves 6. Stuffed Zucchini Ingredients • Vi small zucchini per person. • bread crum bs • sauteed mushroom • stock, consum e or gravy Pristine Grapes • • • • • Salt pepper Grated cheese M inced Parsley M arjoram or Thym e 2-a.G hm nl SAW Io $2.01«. m 12-Pack Pepsi Fridge Mates Directions 1. Cook lOm inutes inboiling saltedw ater. D rainandcool. C ut in two lengthwise. Scoop out the pulp, chop and add an equal quantity o f bread crum bs or crum bs and chopped sauteed mushrooms. Classic stuffed Zucchini, 2. M oisten with stock, consom m e or gravy and season with salt and pepper. Add grated cheese m inced parsley, easy to cook and serve. m arjoram or thym e to taste. 3. Stuff the zucchini with the mixture. Sprinkle with buttered crum bs and grated cheese. Bake at 350 until the zucchini is tender (about 30 m inutes). Participating Product Chicken-and-Summer-Squash Kebabs Ingredients • I orange, juiced, plus zest • I lemon, juiced, plus zest • I lime, juiced, plus zest • 2 teaspoons ground cum in • 2 teaspoons chili powder • 1/2 cup olive oil • I 1/2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into I • I / 2 - i n c h chunks (16 pieces) • 1/4 cup balsam ic vinegar • I red onion, halved, cut into I-inch w edges • 2 large zucchini, halved, cut intoeighths • 2 yellow squash, halved, cut into eighths • Coarsely ground black pepper • V egetable oil cooking spray • 5 cups arugula (or other salad greens) • 2 cups cherry tom atoes, cut in half Selected vaneties Plus Deposit in Oregon SAVE up to $5.99 on 3 9 to 13.5-oz. Selected varieties SAVE up to S3 79 on 2 Participating Product Breyers IceC ream Folgers Coffee 278 to 34.5-02. Selected varieties SAVE up Io $2 00 ea Lean Cuisine One Dish Favorites 24-Pack Coors, Bud or M iller Or Ealing flight ’ Meals 5.25 to 11.5-oz. Selected vaneties CU Price $2.00 ea. SAVE to 56.45 on 5 12-02. cans. Selected varieties. Plus deposit in Oregon SAVE up to $4 00 n CLUB PRICE gasa P a r t ic ip a tin g P ro d u c t I. If using w ooden skewers, soak in w ater at least 20 minutes. W hisk first 5 ingredients and 1/4 cup oil in a bowl. Add chicken, arranging to m ake sure liquid covers all pieces. 2. Cover with plastic wrap. M arinate I hour. M eanwhile, whisk together re­ maining 1/4 cup oil and vinegar and brush liberally on vegetables; reserve rem aining liquid to use as salad dressing. On a wooden or metal skewer, thread (in any order you lik e) a piece each o f onion, zucchini, chicken and squash, then repeat for re­ maining skewers. Season with pepper. 3. Coat grill with cooking spray. Heat grill to m edium -high heat. Cook kebabs about 7 1/2 m in­ utes per side or until chicken is firm and cooked through. 4. Toss greens with rem aining oil and vinegar mixture. Add salt and pepper. Divide greens among 4 plates. Place 2 kebabs on each plate. G arnish with tom atoes and serve imm ediately. Tostitos Tortilla Chips 1.5to1.75-gt. Selected varieties. SAVE up to $6 49 on 2 Shake up your standard skewer with a smoky, tangy marinade created by Elissa Meadow, chef-owner o f Solar Harvest in Beverly Hills, California. This recipe fills 40 percent o f your daily potassium needs and supplies vitamins C and B6, as well. Makes 4 servings. Preparation 12-oz cans. i»iBe 1 1 4 Family Style Savings Get 2 FREE Boxes o f Barilla Pasta when you buy 2 jars ol C.iassko* I ‘,ista Same B alilla ) J iitl Us b B. < Tne SetOne free ' BOGO > offers, customer must purchase the test item to receive the second item tree BOGO offers are not 1/2 price sales if only a single item purchased the regular price apf»tes Manufacturers enupor» may he used on pnrthaaad lemr. only not on free itenw I mrit one coupon per purchased item Customer will he rwponstok? lor fa» and deimsrts as required t»y law on tot- purchased and trr»»> items Nn liquor sates m encess of 5? gaiter» No iHjtmr '«ties ft* resat»; I iquor sates at hcenaed Safeway stores only 0 2006 Safeway Irtt Avaiiabjiity of items may vary by store Per serving: 5 lO calories, 26.8 g fat (4 g saturated). PO OB I