Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 01, 2008, Page 9, Image 9

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    il!l |J o rtla n b (Rbseruvr
October I. 2008
Portland OL s e r v e r
2009 Nissan Titan 4X4 Pro 4X
K athleen C arr
T he N issan T ita n g e ts tw o
notew orthy additions and a host
o f detail im provem ents for 2008,
delivering m ore o f the truck ca­
p a b ility w h ile ta k in g o ff ju s t
enough o f the tough-guy truck
im age to ap p eal to a b ro ad e r
range o f drivers and occupants.
New long-bed m odels have been
added, and are longer than most
com petitors, along with more bed
space, payload, and fuel capac­
ity ..
Titan's proven and powerful V8
and autom atic is the only choice,
nothing like this gets good gas
m ileage and if you have no plans
to haul stuff around or tow any­
thing, the Titan will be overkill. If
you decide to haul and tow, you'll
find the features added for such
activities very useful and that it's
surprisingly capable for a half­
ton pickup.
The 2008 Nissan Titan line has
been expanded to include the new
lo n g -w h e e lb a se m odel. M ore
than 25 variants are available.
C hoose from tw o cabs (K ing,
Crew ), two w heelbases (short or
long bed), tw o- and four-wheel
drive, and four trim levels (XE,
SE, Pro-4X, LE) in virtually any
com bination with these excep­
tions: Pro-4X m odels are 4W D
only, and the King C ab Pro-4X is
s h o rt w h e e lb a s e o n ly . F o u r-
wheel drive adds about $3000; a
long w heelbase adds about $400,
and figure $25OO-$3OOO to m ove
up from King C ab to C rew Cab.
A u f© R e v i e w
News and reviews on new motor vehicles
Specifications: 5.6L DOHC 38-vavle V8 engine; 5-speed automatic with Tow Haul Mode: 12
City mpg, 17 Highway mpg; $41384 MSRP
co n tin u ed
The 2008 Nissan Titan's most
notable change is the new long-
w heelbase variant that provides
a bed length o f alm ost 7 feet, 3
inches on Crew Cabs, the biggest
b ox on a h a lf- to n c re w c a b
pickup; this model also have the
largest fuel tank at 37 gallons.
S u b tle c h a n g e s to th e g rille ,
lamps, bum pers and .wheels have
so fte n e d th e e d g e s a b it b ut
T itan's in-your-face attitude is
still prevalent. A tow package (up
to 9500 pounds) that includes
extendable dual-elem ent mirrors
In Loving Memory
Josephine Jenkins
S ervices fo r Josephine
Jenkins were held Sept. 26 at
N ew H ope M issionary Bap­
tist Church.
A ffectionately called Jo,
she was bom M ay 23, 1925
to K.C. and M ary Virgil in
M arigold, Miss.
Intheearly 1940s,sheand
her family moved to Portland
so her parents could obtain
W orld W ar II em ploym ent in the shipyards. This
was when she met W illie B. Jenkins, a young
m ilitary gentlem an at the USO, and shortly there­
after, they w ere united in marriage.
She retired from Em m anuel Hospital w here she
worked as a surgery assistant. She was known
affectionately by her colleagues for a beautiful.
and tra n sm issio n tem p eratu re
gauge ranks am ong the best in
half-ton pickups, the locking tail­
gate is dam ped and assisted for
easy open and close, and avail­
able features like the cargo track
retention system (bed sides and
floor) and storage box in the rear
fender ideal for wet low straps or
chains are unm atched in class.
D ash and d o o r p an e ls are
easy -to -w ip e-o ff plastic yet no
lo n g er g iv e the im pression o f
cost-cutting in m aterials, and the
new instrum ent layout provides
warm sm ile that she w ore to work every day.
She was a loyal friend and her treatm ent of
others m ade a lasting im pression. W hen she said
som ething, she m eant it and often with som e sur­
prising w ords o f w isdom. Friends and family spent
many o f days sitting around the table listening and
laughing to her stories from childhood.
She enjoyed each and every grand child and
always kept tabs on w hat they were doing. She also
loved sports and w atching her favorite team s com ­
pete in basketball, baseball and football.
She was preceded in death by her husband. She
leaves to cherish her m em ory her sister, Nettie
Friday o f Los A ngeles; her children, t)o ro th y
Daw son, Earline Penson, W illie B. Jr., Yvonne,
Don, Joanne, Carol, Carl, D w ayne, and Terrell
Jenkins; a step daughter, LaTonya; 19 grandchil­
dren, 11 greatgrandchildren, and many other fam ­
ily m em bers and close friends.
A rrangem ents by Cox & Cox Funeral Chapel.
Home Going Celebrated
William ‘Bill’ Bentley Sr.
Services for W illiam “Bill” Bentley Sr., who died
Sept. 17, 2008, were held Sept. 24 at C om er Stone
C hurch o f G od in C hrist in northeast Portland.
He was bom Sept. 11,1 9 2 4 to Bee Bentley Sr. and
U nderee (How ell) Bentley in Stephenville, Texas.
He joined the United States Army in 1943, fought
battles in Norm andy, N orthern France, A rdennes,
Rhineland and Central Europe. During his tour o f
duty, he was decorated with five bronze stars and
three overseas bars. He also was a cham pion in the heavyw eight
division o f the United States Arm y boxing team.
He m arried C lara B. Lewis in Stephenville on Aug. 18, 1945. The
O ur econom y needs sharp-
m in d ed A m erican s like Sen.
Obam a. W e need a president that
will put A m erica back to work
again and support that labor with
tax cuts for w orking class A m eri­
O ur economy needs a presi­
dent with the fortitude to regulate
Wall Street with system sof checks
and balances to ensure the near
fatal collapse o f the stock market
does not become a reoccurrence.
We need a president with thought­
fulness and foresight surrounded
by sharp-m inded advisors. We
need a president that will listen
before they take action.
The educational com m unity
needs Barack Obama. He believes
that te ac h ers should be paid
higher salaries for the important
work that they perform by im pact­
ing young lives on a daily basis.
W e need a president that sup­
ports college tuition breaks for
people entering the field o f ed u ­
cation and com m it to teaching for
several years. Senator O bam a
understands that Am erica needs
som e o f its best and brightest
citizens to enter the field of ed u ­
cation. To com pete globally in
the 21st Century, quality educa­
tion is a must and quality teachers
are in demand.
The health care com m unity
needs Barack Obam a. In a coun­
try with the w orld's highest stan­
dard o f living al I Americans sh< >u Id
have access toquality health care
regardless o f econom ic, educa­
tional or social status.
As with education, O bam a
supports alternative w ays o f co v ­
ering college tuition for people
entering the field o f m edicine. He
believed that by the end o f his
first term as president, this nation
will be headed in the direction o f
health coverage for all Americans.
On the world stage, the U.S.
foreign policy under the Bush
adm inistration has com prom ised
all the same, com plete inform a­
tion but has a more coherent so­
phisticated look to it. On Pro-4X
m o d els the g au g es are w h ite­
f a c e d , an d L E m o d e ls h av e
enough w ood-like acreage to fit
in a luxury utility.
Titans can be equipped with a
six-person bench seat interior or
with captain's chairs in front for
a five-seat capacity. If you need
a full-size pickup with pow er to
perform and plenty o f room, the
Nissan Titan should be on your
shopping list.
of Animals
In ho n o r o f St. A nthony,
the patron saint o f the anim al
k in g d o m , G ra ce M em o rial
E piscopal C h u rch , 1535 N.E.
17th A ve., w ill hold th e ir an ­
nual b lessin g o f an im als on
S unday, Oct. 5.
T here will be tw o services,
one at 9 a.m . geared tow ard
fam ilies and an o th er at 10
a.m ., at w hich sm all anim als
m ay be brought into the sa n c­
tuary. F o llo w in g the service
at 11 a.m. there will be a b less­
ing for all an im als and pets in
the co u rty ard .
the trust o f A m erica in the eyes of
the w orld co m m u n ity . M any
countries w orldwide have q ui­
etly sanctioned A m erica through
"econom ic m isdirection". The
devaluation o f the dollar versus
other currencies is not an acci­
dent. I, is a direct o f President
B ush’s global m issteps and in­
considerate foreign policies.
Senator O bam a has shown a
w illingness to talk with our part­
ners in the w orldcom m unity. And
com m unicate with world leaders
regardless o r o u r differences.
Am erica cannot afford to con­
tinue on the path o f isolation. We
must change our course and work
with the world community tocarve
out a new direction for our nation.
In the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. who was adrum major for
peace. Sen. Barack O bam a has
becom e a drum m ajor for change.
America needs Barack O bam a!
Jimi Johnson is member o f the
Jefferson Hiyh School Alumni
fr o m F ront
many-layered large-scale sculp­
tural installation.
Hague uses her skills to ed u ­
cate and prom ote an understand­
ing o f differences and sim ilari­
ties that can break dow n the
stereotypes and judgm ents that
saturate our lives.
Ming Wei and Shu-Ju Wang
who are originally from China
paint very differently. Wei paints
landscapes in the traditional C hi­
nese tradition, but with a twist,
the subject m atter is now O r­
egon. W ang uses her heritage's
icons to develop abstract per­
sonal im ag ery in p ain tin g s,
prints and artist-m ade books.
W ood tu rn er M arjin W all
grew up in the West Indies. Paint­
ers Chris Haberman, Natalie Ball
and A drienne Fritz have Native
A m erican roots.
M artin O w ino com es from a
long lin e o f Kenyan batik artists.
He enjoys sharing stories o f his
hom eland, using his batiks to
better describe the people and
culture o f East Africa.
Robin Bown is influenced by
d esig n so f Ukrainian E astereggs
and uses the over 2,000 year old
process o f painting eggs with
wax then dipping them in dye.
Five artists have spent tim e
south o f our border and are bilin­
gual asaresu lt. They are T upper
M alo n e, A llen S c h m e rtz le r,
Lorraine Dowty, M organ M adi­
son, and Robin Schuett-Ham es.
W hether you travel by b i­
cycle, car, bus or walk, you will
be transported to the land o f
im agination, craftsm anship and
beauty during Portland O pen
Studios. The event is held over
two weekends, Oct. 11-12 and
Oct. 18-19.
The $ 15 tour guide comes with
two tickets for all 4 days, maps
to the studios and com es in the
format o f a handy 2009 calendar.
The guides are available at New
Seasons, Art Media, Brian Marki
Gallery on Northeast Broadway,
G um bo Gallery on North Missis­
sippi. Children under 18 are free.
For more information, visit the
O pen
S tu d io s
w e b s ite ,
portlandopenstudios.com .
G e t R e a d y! G e t R eady!
I t ’s R e v iv a l T im e !!
W ednesd ay th ro u g h F rid a y ,
O c t. 8 -1 0
7 :0 0 P .M . N ightly
Bishop H.L. Hodge, Ph D.
Pastor/T eacher
Dr. Alvin Ellerby. Revivalist
Pastor, Calvary MBC,
family returned to Portland in 1957, which was the location
where he was discharged from the Army. He moved to D en­
ver in 1961 w here he joined the King Baptist Church and
becam e a m em ber o f the deacon board, sang in the choir and
taught Sunday school.
He loved hunting, fishing, playing bid w hist and dom i­
noes (bones) with his friends and family.
He was preceded in death by both his parents and 9 sib­
lings. He leaves to cherish his memory, his wife o f Portland;
a sister, Odell Phillips o f Stephenville; two sons, Wayne and
William; six daughters, Barbara Bentley. Patricia Beasley, Lois
W illiams, Erma Johnson, Valerie Bentley and Delores (Gary)
Clark; 24 grandchildren; many great grandchildren and other family
m em bers, loved ones and friends.
A rrangem ents by Cox & Cox Funeral Chapel.
Obama: A Drum Major for Change
fr o m A 4
Artistsat Work
Robin Bown uses a 2 ,0 0 0 year-old process of painting
eggs and ten dipping them in dye.
R eligio
co n tin u ed
Them e: Salvation; lib e ra tio n F or E veryone
(Romans 10:1-13)
Don’t Miss This Holy Spirit Filled Revival
3 Days!!!
In The Name o f Jesus A Powerful Revival
Join us at 4X00 N.E. 30th St
For m ore information call
T erry F amily
2337 N. Williams Ave.
Portland, Or 97227
We make the service personal,
You make the tribute persona,.
Every time we arrange a personalized funeral service, we take special pride going
the extra mile Wilh our online Memorial Obituary, now we can do even more
Friends and family can find out service information, view photos, read obiluaty,
order flowers and leave personal messages of condolences from anywhere, anytime
S im p ly go to o u r website.