Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 01, 2008, Page 8, Image 8

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    October I. 2008
C lassified /B id
To Place Your Classified Advertisement
Contact: Kathy Linder
Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015
e-mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.com
City of Portland
City of Portland
Portland Parks & Recreation
Open 09/22/08-10/20/08
Zone Manager is responsible for
developing, im plem enting and
m a n a g in g a w id e v a rie ty o f
programs and activities. Ability
d e v e lo p
in n o v a tiv e
c o m m u n ity p a rtn e rs h ip s is
strongly desired.
Public Works Inspector
50th Wedding Anniversary fo r Deacon Arthur Potts Sr. and
Doris I. Bryd-Potts. O f this union are four children. Rene
(Jackie), Sharon. Arthurs Jr. and Charlotte, all o f Portland;
seven grandchildren, one great granddaughter, and one
God son, the Rev. Johnny Pack IV. The only time the state of
Virginia ran into Arkansas by the way o f Portland, Oregon.
Paul A. Neufeldt
Quality Design and Business Support
Graphic Design
Company Identity
Outdoor Events
Ad Design
Web Design
Approx Mo. Sal.:
$4,557 - $5,207
FFD: 4:30 p.m., 10/13/08
R e s p o n s ib le
fo r
o n -s ite
inspection to enforce the terms
of plans and specifications for
p u b lic w o rk s c o n s tru c tio n
p ro je c ts . In s p e c tio n a re a s
in c lu d e w a te r a n d s e w e r
pipelines: underground utility
re s p o n s ib le fo r s u p e rv is in g ,
installation; water connections:
d e v e lo p in g a nd m a n a g in g
water or w astew ater treatm ent
c o m m u n ity
re c re a tio n
p la n ts :
pum p
s ta tio n
programs. Current vacancy is for
construction: roads, curbs and
a large community center serving
driveways; bridges or structures;
one of Portland's most diverse
light rail systems; reservoirs and
ra p id ly
c h a n g in g
water quality features. For more
info and to apply online go to
h ttp :/ w w w .c i.p o rtla n d .o r.u s / For complete details go to htto:/
jobs/ or call Keri Caffreys, Sr HR /w w w .ci.portland.or.us Or call
Analyst at (503) 823-4034 An 5 0 3 -8 2 3 -4 0 3 4
An E q u a l
Equal Opportunity Em ployer
Opportunity Employer
OfficeMates, LLC
The Port of Portland is a regional gove rnm e nt op era ting
airports, m arine term inals and industrial parks in the greater
Portland m etropolitan area, to fulfill its mission of providing
com petitive cargo and passenger access to world markets
while enhancing the region's quality of life.
To view current jo b openings and to access the application
form , visit the Port’s w ebsite at w w w .portofportland.com or
call (503) 944-7400.
The Port of Portland is an AA/EEO em ployer com m itted to
workforce diversity and affirm ative action.
4747 NE Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd
Portland Oregon 97211
Phone: 503-281-1568
OUS - Governor’s Market Place Connection
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
I M I we AMC «
Professional Consultants - Construction Related Contracting Workshop
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
University Place at PSU
310 SW Lincoln Street
Portland, OR 97201
Cost - Free
We moved to our new location at:
9713 S .W . C a p ito l, P o rtla n d , O R
Registration form may be found at:
Fax 503-227-8757
Looking for Testers:
Revolutionary Nail Polish System
This revolutionary system is the first to offer
maximum color from minimal bottles. Six
bottles lets you create 18 fantastic shades.
Looking fora stylish mom wearing bright colors,
a hip teanager, and a professional manicurist as testers.
NoCost-exchange for opinions.
Call NOW! 503.348.2083
Fast Track Marketing
Supplying Northwest Cooking Woods
Special Events Coordinator
Apprx. Monthly Salary
$ 4 ,8 3 4 - $ 6 ,4 4 6
Operations Manager, P ortla n d
E xp o C e n te r. $ 6 2 ,4 0 0 -
$ 9 3 ,6 0 0
a n n u a lly .
T h is
o p p o rtu n ity is op e n to First
Opportunity Target Area (FOTA)
residents - Colum bia Boulevard
on the north; 42nd Avenue on
the east; the Banfield Freeway
on th e s o u th , a n d N o rth
Chautauqua Boulevard on the
west, whose total annual income
does not exceed $25,000 as an
individual, or $40,000 for an
entire household, for the past
12 months.
To a c c e s s th e c o m p le te jo b
a n n o u n ce m e n t and required
application m aterials, visit our
w e b s ite
www.oregonmetro.gov/jobs and
go to the FOTA jobs page or pick
up a com plete packet at Metro
H u m a n R e s o u rc e s , 6 0 0 NE
Grand Avenue, Portland.
(503) 254-0774 — P o rtlan d , OR
Ask for Paul
$5.00 Tees
B u reau o f P u rch ases
1120 SW Fifth Ave. Room 750, Portland OR 97204
503-82 3 -6 8 55
Portland Development Commission
The Urban Renewal Agency for the City of Portland, Oregon
Portland is internationally recognized for its quality of life,
distinctive neighborhoods, and robust transit system. Playinga
key role in keeping Portland, Oregon, one of Am erica’s most
livable citie s is th e Portland D e ve lo p m e n t C o m m iss io n 's
mission. PDC is the C ity’s urban renewal agency, charged with
bringing together resources to achieve Portland's vision. W e’re
currently looking for qualified individuals to com plem ent our
w orkforce for the follow ing positions:
Financial Investment Team Division M anager
Business and Industry Division M anager
Trim Systems Administrator
Business Systems Analyst II
IT M anager
W e offer a generous host of benefits as part of our efforts to
keep PDC a positive, healthy and productive place to work. PDC
values diversity in its w ork force and is com m itted to
Equal Em ploym ent Opportunity and Affirm ative Action.
Screen Printing
Apply online at w w w .pdc.us/jobs
Portland D evelopm ent Com m ission, 222 NW 5th Ave.,
Portland, OR 97209
Jobline: 503.823.3463
Oregon Institute of Technology
Village for Sustainable Living
Student Housing - Bid package #1
Bids due 2:00 P.M., October 7 ,2 0 0 8
Advertisement for Bids
Deadline: 4 :3 0 pm, 1 0 / 0 6 / 0 8
*Position: The Special Events
C o o rd in a to r
(P ro g ra m
Coordinator) fo r the Revenue
B u re a u is re s p o n s ib le fo r
perm itting street and sidewalk
usage activities such as walks,
m arches, parades, or athletic
e v e n ts .
D u tie s
in c lu d e
c o o r d in a t in g s p e c ia l e v e n t
planning, review and approval
in consultation with the Street
a nd S id e w a lk U se A d v is o ry
Comm ittee and other interested
parties. Please visit our website
at: h ttp ://w w w .c l.p o rtla n d .o r.u s /
jobs or contact Jarvez Hall, Sr.
H u m a n R e s o u rc e s A n a ly s t,
(503) 823-5738. The City of
Portland is An Equal Opportunity
Em ployer
Steel Buildings
Factory Deals, Can Erect
www.scg-grp.com Source# 16T
5 4 1 -9 9 3 -4 9 2 4
HSW Builders, LLC, Construction M anager/ General Contractor
(CM /G C) requests subbids for the above listed Bid Packages
on behalf of the Oregon Institute of Technology for the new
Village for Sustainable Living project.
Subbids will be received via facsim ile at the main office of the
CM /GC, located at 730 Bonnett Way, Suite 3000, Bend Oregon
97701 @ 541-388-2898 (fax), no later than 2:00 P.M. local
tim e, October 7th, 2008. Bids shall be clearly labeled "Bid
package #1 - OIT, Sustainable Living” and m ust be executed
on th e form s bound in th e package. P rior to bids being
considered for award, the CM /G C will require each bidder to
s a tis fa c to r ily c o m p ly w ith a ll C M / G C s u b c o n tra c to rs
qualification requirem ents outlined in the bid package.
B idd ing D ocum ents fo r the w ork have been prepared by
Söderström Architects, Portland, Oregon. Docum ents for this
bid package may be obtained at Ford Graphics - Bend, OR.
W ith a $100 deposit for a full set, or reviewed at Klamath
Falls Builders Exchange, Central Oregon Exchange, Eugene
Builders Exchange, Medford Builders Exchange, and Contractor
plan Center in Portland, or HSW Builders Office. Docum ents
are also available online at w w w .plansonfile.com .
Q u e s tio n s s h a ll be d ire c te d to B re t M a tte is (e m a il:
Bretm @ hsw builders.com ) or faxed to 541-388-2898. Bidders
are directed to NOT contact the Ow ner or Architect or any other
consultants directly with questions regarding clarifications,
substitutions, exception, or exclusions involving the bid.
All bids shall be in com pliance with ORS prevailing wage laws
which w ent into affect July, 2008.
All su cce ssfu l b id de rs m ust fu rn ish a P e rform a n ce and
paym ent in an a m o unt equal to one hundred (1 0 0 % , of
Subcontractors sum as security for the faithful perform ance of
Subcontract and also as security for the paym ent of all persons
p e rfo rm in g la b o r a nd fu rn is h in g m a te ria ls u n d e r th e
Subcontract. The perform ance and paym ent bonds must be
awarded to the next responsive bidder.
Bidders m ust be currently registered and in good standing with
the Oregon Contruction Contractors Board at the subm ission
of bid.
HSW Builders Is an equal opportunity em ployer and requests
bids from all qualified firm s including disadvantaged, minority,
w o m e n , a n d e m e rg in g s m a ll b u s in e s s e n te rp ris e s .
AA/EEO Employer
A Absolutely New Queen Plllowtop
M attress with Box Set. Still Sealed
100% Mesquite Charcoal, Mesquite Wood,
Hickory, Pecan, Wild Cherry, Oak,
Maple, Plus Other Woods & Supplies
Call For Appointment
City of Portland
Bid package 1A - Construction Surveying
Bid Package I B - Sitework and Utilites
Bid Package 1C - Concrete and Reinforcing Steel
State Farm®
Michael E Harper
• Typing
• Data Entry
• Notary Services
• Calendar Management
• Appointment Management
• Email management
Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710
For contracting opportunities with the City of Portland and for
valuable information on how to do business with the City, please
lo g o n to the Bureau of Purchases W eb Page:
in mastic. Can Deliver
(5 0 3 )8 2 8 -8 9 2 7
Do you h a ve w h a t it ta ke s?
Learn to be a h ig h ly s kille d
f ire fig h te r. N o e x p e rie n c e
re q u ire d . Paid tra in in g w ith
excellent benefits. M ust be 17-
34 with H.S. diplom a. Call M-F,
\dverlise with diversity in
T lu r tla n h (O b s e rv e r
Call 503-288-0033
it Is <n p »rt I andob sen er.ct >i 11
Y q , u
ih Hotline: 503-988-5035
TTY: 50.3-988-5170
i equal opportunity employer