Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 01, 2008, Page 2, Image 2

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    œi'1 ÍÜnrtlanb © bserucr
Texas T ’s Barbershop
H ours 10-7 Tuesday - Saturday
“Home o f the Best Cuts in Town”
1611 NE Killingsworth • 503-753-6799
Walk-ins only, no appointments
Are you a Woman with Asthma?
Receive $65 to test a computer-based
Asthma Management Program
October I, 2008
Delta Jazz Supports Center
The Portland alum nae chapter
of Delta Sigm a T heta Sorority is
undertaking a m ajor renovation
project to establish a new June
Key Com m unity C enter serving
north and northeast Portland.
To ra ise d o n a tio n s to s u p ­
port the p roject, they are h o st­
ing "D elta’s Sunday Jazz at Jax ”
f e a tu r i n g P o r t l a n d ’s o w n
N ’T ouch. T he m u sician s c o m ­
bine R & B , L atin, G ospel and
o th e r s ty le s c r e a tin g an u p ­
tem po ja z z beat.
The fundraiser will take place
on Sunday, Oct. 5 from 2 p.m. to 6
p.m. on the 3rd floor rooftop o f
Jax R estaurant, lo c ate d 1 in the
Yamhill M arketplace, 826 S.W.
Second Ave.
Tickets are $25 and tax deduct­
ible. E-mail Mrs. Tiffany Dempsey
Tiffany. R. Dempsey © Intel.com .
Obama Office Vandalized
For African American women
.Answer 3 surveys
Use one of 2 computer programs (random assignment)
Northeast Portland location in late October, location & date TBD
Part of a research study to test a computer-based program to help
women manage their asthma
CALL toll-free 1-877-366-3119 (press 4 for Asthma project)
Research study funded by the National Institutes of Health
Program dev eloped by Oregon Center for Applied Science (Eugene)
R FPN O . 109550
Bureau of Purchases
2008 Disparity Study
Proposals Due By: 4:00 p.m., October 15, 2008
Follows effigy
at George Fox
(A P) — The FBI says it is in­
vestigating an act o f vandalism
that occurred at a Barack O bam a
campaign office in Gresham.
According to authorities, cam ­
paign staff m em bers discovered
a sw a stik a and racial e p ith e t
drawn on the office window Sept.
17 w here an O bam a poster ap­
The FBI is also investigating
an incident tw o days earlier at
G e o rg e F o x U n iv e r s ity in
N ewberg where a cardboard cut­
out o f O bam a was found hang­
ing from a tree.
FBI spokesw om an Beth Anne
Steele w ouldn't speculate as to
w hether the two incidents are re­
Students and school leaders at
G eorge Fox expressed outrage at
the discovery o f a life-size card­
board effigy o f the Dem ocratic
presidential candidate.
T h e h an g in g o f th e e ffig y
around the neck is seen as racist
sym bolism because it harkens
back to lynchings o f black men
by w hite mobs, especially in the
U.S. South, decades ago. O bam a
is aim ing to becom e Am erica's
first black president.
"We will not tolerate such dis-
p la y s an d c o n d e m n it in th e
stro n g est term s," G eorge Fox
P re sid e n t R o b in B a k er said .
"George Fox University is com ­
mitted to becom ing a place that
m o re b ro a d ly re p re s e n ts th e
Kingdom of God — a place where
stu d e n ts fro m d iv e rs e b a c k ­
grounds com e together to live
out the teachings o f Jesus in our
Taped to the cardboard cutout
o f O bam a was a sign that read
"Act Six reject." Act Six is a schol­
arship program geared tow ard
increasing the num ber o f m inor­
ity and low -incom e students at
several Christian colleges, mostly
in the Northwest.
Building College
The City o f Portland, Bureau o f Purchases and
Portland D evelopm ent C om m ission request proposals from qualified firm s experienced
in conducting disparity studies and having com prehensive know ledge o f procurem ent-
related affirm ative action program s for m inorities and women to update the C ity and
P D C ’s construction contracting disparity study perform ed in 1995/96. The R equest for
Proposals may be obtained from the City o f Portland w ebsite at:
http: city o fp o rtlan d .eb id sy stem s.co m public so lic ita tio n s.a sp .
Scholarship Fund
Portland Community College President Preston
Pulliams (right) celebrates making a six-foot
putt with teammate David Osborne, senior
vice president ofSkanska, at Thursday's PCC
Foundation Golf Invitational Tournament at
Heron Lakes Golf Course in north Portland.
The fifth annual event featuring leaders and
workers from the building construction
industry, helped raise $128,000 for student
scholarships, a record for the tourney.
Proposals shall be received at City o f Portland, Bureau o f Purchases, 1120 SW Fifth
Ave, room 750, Portland, (JR 97204 until 4:00 p.m ., O ctober 15, 2008. D irect any
questions regarding this solicitation to: Christine Moody, Purchasing M anager,
cm oodv u ci.n o rtla n d .o r. u s .
Proposals shall be review ed by an evaluation com m ittee in accordance with C hapter
5.68 o f the City Code Proposers shall com ply with the C ity 's M inority. Women, and
Em erging Small B usiness and Equal Em ploym ent O pportunity Programs. The City o f
Portland is com m itted to increasing contractin g , sub-contracting and em ploym ent
opportunities for m inority, women and em erging sm all businesses. Proposers are
required to evaluate project requirem ents to m axim ize use o f minority, women, and
em erging small business firms. Proposers are encouraged to conduct pre-subm ittal
conferences and are advised to investigate all potential sources o f m inority, women,
and em erging small business and maxim ize outreach to increase participation.
A ttention is called to C hapter 3.100 o f the City Code relative to certification as an
Equal E m ploym ent O pportunity Em ployer and com pliance with the Equal Benefits
Program. EEO certification and Equal Benefits Program com pliance requirem ents
arc available on the Bureau o f Purchases w ebsite at
w w w .portlandonline.com o m fp u rc h a s in g .
Stimulus Check Filing Deadline
T h e In tern al R e v en u e S e r­
vice re p o rts th a t, as o f early
S ep tem b er, m ore than 6 4 ,0 0 0
elig ib le O reg o n ian s — m any o f
them lo w -in co m e sen io rs, d is­
a b le d v e te ra n s an d d is a b le d
ad u lts — still had not filed the
tax return necessary for g etting
a stim u lu s ch e ck fo r at le ast
$300. T he d ead lin e for filin g is
Oct. 15.
" F o r so m e O r e g o n ia n s , a
s tim u lu s c h e c k m ig h t m ean
h aving en o u g h food to eat or
m aking a h eatin g bill p aym ent
this fall, so it is im p o rtan t to
ge, the w ord o u t to th o se w ho
have n ot y et filed," said Janet
Bauer, policy an a ly st w ith the
O regon Center for Public Policy.
M ost o f those w ho have not
su b m itted a tax retu rn despite
being eligible for a stim ulus pay­
ment have incom es so low they
usually would not file tax returns.
M any are seniors who have not
file d fo r y e a rs, a c c o rd in g to
T h e n o n -p ro fit g ro u p has put
to g eth er a reso u rce page on its
o c p p .o r g w e b s ite th a t lis ts
w here to seek help in filin g a
tax return.
Please Join
^rrrtíanit (Ohsctucr Newspaper
Community Service Awards Banquet
Celebrating Mayor Tom Potter
Friday, Nov. 21
7 p.m to 10 p.m.
This celebratory event will include music from local talent, awards of scholarships,
and community service awards for those in the community that realize the potential
in our city and communities who strive to continually give of themselves.
Charles Washington, the Publisher of the Portland Observer Newspaper carries on
the legacy of his mother’s hard work in the community and her efforts in helping
those in the community.
for tickets or table information contact:
Kathy Linder email kathyl@portlandobserver.com or call 503-288-0033