September 24, 2008 Page A24 F ood SAFEWAY 0 H Ingredients for life,. German Cuisine German cuisine reminds us of American food in its emphasis on meat and potatoes, but the focus on sweet and sour flavors is strictly German. .com S e e all th e O n lin e uucnfclV »P®c l A Taste for the Tuber Sweet and Savory Popular sw eet and sour dishes w hich com bines a sour m arinade with a sw eet sauce reveal a taste for flavors that hearken back to m edieval cooking, w hen such com binations w ere popular across Europe. Vinegars, sugar and fruits provide popular piquant sauces. r e c ip « » an d m o re The G erm an love o f p o tato es-en jo y ed in salads, dum plings and pancakes—is rivaled only by the Irish. T H IS W E E K E N D O NLY! Meat Is Major Roasted meats, schnitzels and sausages are star players o f the G erm an dinner plate. Jaeger Schnitzel “This is wonderful. Breaded and fried cubed pork with mushrooms and hunter gravy over a bed o f noodles. Serve with a salad and a hunk o f thick crusty bread. ” HOUR Directions 1. Pound out cubed pork, and cut in half. 2. H eat oil in a large skillet o r D utch oven over m edium heat. Dip pork in egg, then bread crum bs, and place in hot oil. C ook, turning, until golden brown. Rem ove to a w arm plate. 3. Prepare gravy mix according to package directions. Stir in m ushroom s, and cook with gravy. 4. M eanw hile, bring a large pot o f lightly salted w ater to a boil. Add the egg noodles, and cook until done, about 8 to 10 m inutes; drain. 5. Serve pork over noodles and sm other with gravy. Ingredients • 2 pounds boneless pork chops, cubed • O ilfo rfry in g • 2 eggs, beaten • Plain bread crum bs • 3 ( 1 ounce) packages dry m ushroom gravy mix • 1 pound fresh m ushroom s, coarsely chopped • 1 ( 1 6 ounce) package dry egg noodles German Baby “Quick, easy and delicious. Serve with lemon wedges, warm maple syrup and jam. ” Ingredients • • • • • 3 eggs 3/4 cup m ilk 3/4 cup all-purpose flour 1/4 cup butter 2 Tbs. confectioners' sugar Directions 1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C). Place butter in a 10 inch cast iron skillet and heat the skillet in oven. , 2. Beat eggs at high speed with an electric mixer. Slow ly add the m ilk and flour. 3. Pour batter intohot skillet. Return skillet tooven and bake for 20m inutes. It will rise lik e a souffle, then fall when taken out o f oven. Lightly dust with pow dered sugar and serve. Bacon-Butter Potatoes “These potatoes are rich and savory and par­ ticularly delicious when eaten alongside beer- cooked sausages." Ingredients • • • • • • • 2 bottles (12 oz. each) m edium -bodied ale (3 cups) 4 pounds red-skinned potatoes 8 slices thick-cut bacon 1/4 cup butter 1 small onion, chopped 1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper Salt Preparation 1. Bring beer to a boil in a 5- to 6-qt. pot that can hold a steam er basket snugly. M eanw hile, cut potatoes into bite-size pieces and put them in a steam er basket. W hen beer boils, put steam er basket o f potatoes in pot, cover, reduce heat to low, and steam until potatoes are tender when they are Lucerne* 12-Pack Pepsi pierced with a fork, about 15 m inutes. 2. M eanwhile, cook bacon in a frying pan over m edium heat until crisp. Drain bacon on paper towels, chop, and set aside. Pour off fat in pan, but don't w ipe out or rinse. Return pan to m edium heat and add butter and onions. C ook, stirring occasionally, until onions start to brow n, about 10 minutes. 3. M eanw hile, put potatoes in a serving dish, reserving beer in bottom o f pot. Add 3/4 cup beer and reserved bacon to onions, scraping up any brow ned bits from bottom o f frying pan. 4. Pour bacon mixture over potatoes, add pepper, and stir gently to coat. Add sal, to taste. Serve hot o r warm. Amazing German Red Cabbage Fridge Mates General Mills Cereal 12-oz. cans. Ctieenos 8 9 - 0 2 ., Cinnamon Selected varieties Selected varieties Toast Crunch 12.8-02. or Clut) Price: 5 5 « ea Plus deposit n Oregon Lucky Charms 11.5-02. SAVE up to $ 2 .5 0 on 10 SAVE up to $11.96 on 4 SAVE up to $251 Yogurt 6 -0 2 Lucerne' Chateau Ste OvenJoy Sandwich Shredded or Chunk Cheese iVilvIHJiIc, Breads 32-02. Selected sires. SAVE up to $ 2 .0 0 Meridian or Columbia Crest Selected varieties 7 50-m l. Selected varietals. W hite or W heat “This yummy, sweet and sour German red cabbage is easy to m ake!’’ Ingredients • • • • 2 Tbs. butter 5 cups shredded red cabbage I cup sliced green apples 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar • 3 Tbs. water • 1/4 cup w hite sugar • 2 1/4 tsp. sal, • 1/4 tsp. black pepper • 1/4 tsp ground cloves Directions 1. Place butter, cabbage, apples, and sugar into a large pot. Pour in the vinegar and water, and season w ith salt, pepper, and clove. 2. Bring to a boil over m edium -high heat, then reduce heat to low, cover, and sim m er until the cabbage is tender, 1 1/2 to 2 hours. )J o r tla n b < 0 b * r r u r r 1 J Subscribe U U D V I I U V ' t 503-288-0033 Fill Out & Send To: i v. SAVE up to $ 4 .0 0 REFRESHING SAVINGS on Cases o f Pure Bottled Water 24 Pack 16.9 oz. Cases • Rpfreshe • Aqttafina • Dasani • A rrow head MIX & MATCH Attn: Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 I subscriptions are just $60 per year (please include check with this subscription form) I N ame : _______________________ T elephone :_______________ I A ddress : __ __________________ ________________________ I ________________________ ___ __________________ or email subscriptions® I k _ _ _ _ ———— made simple. Shop all your favori»* hoe«. Produrti may not be waitable m aN »to m See grit rardi ter d e U ik termi Get groceries delivered to your home. S a fe w a y .c o m Prices in this ad good through Sopta m bor 3Oth r ™ Sk«™* ' « I K ¿ * i 1K n , i l « 1 ¿ . i 8 nÜ/ad m S » I , ottw M k « M v ^ l e s Sam d m » « a d .» » - k M M hy ow UuauM» ' » » r« n ..c l M l AOVtmcJNIi ItlM i. MAY NOt M AVAW Afllf IN AU. S W S ÿ m « W n w rl may l » « ¡ » W » - HtXirn odes < u a ta w n«»l punJwse tiw llrst itam le faceva II» «envi itnm liaa Brir.0 oilers Are un U? fut« sues H jr*, ,1 muo » .tam nirUas. . munia mavì» naurin ni .au-, (a»- na ou trae «m s un»» » m p n patpurrrawonom ' ¿ m Nu Vouer «Vas • ’ ■ n u * » *> " ’ Nu honor sam In 'usak' l u»"* sam «t Vrensod -al-waY n * i C ?n(W > * ■ * « * * * W * « * Y » * • P0-08