$ Minority & Small Business Week PagpAI8 SHARED OBJECTIVES Come Bid With Us bring DePaul Industries Together with Albina Community Bank I Portland Public School District welcomes interest and participation by MBE, WBE and ESB companies in our contracts for goods and services. Throughout the year, we purchase a variety of items including office equipment, school supplies, paper products, maintenance services, construction projects and more. Please contact our office for additional information on bidding opportunities. Dave Fajer Director of Procurement and Distribution Portland Public Schools 501 North Dixon Portland OR 97227 (503) 916-3576 (503) 916-3109 fax dfajer@pps.k12.or.us We encourage and appreciate your interest in doing business with Portland Public Schools. The N ational Association of M in o rity C ontractors (NAMCO) Celebrates the Accom plishm ent of all M in o rity Businesses I COME TO A GREAT COM M UNITY CELEBRATION BLOCK PARTY Historic Billy Webb Elks Lodge Six North Tillam ook Street II. We invite EVERYONE (c o m m u n ity m em bers, civic/socia l organizations, p u b lic agencies), lU. lo in us, c o n trib u te or volunteer as we renovate the Historic A frican Am erican ow ned Billy Webb Elks Lodge. Special In vite d Guests from the City of Portland, PDC and other fo r each event. Come; Make Your C on trib u tion s and V olunteer to Support this C om m unity Project Saturdays and Sundays 7am to 4:30pm October 4th and 5th October nth and 12th October 18th and 19th October 25th and 26th Special Thanks to our Partners Northwest Natural N W Carpenters Portland Developm ent Commission City o f Portland Legacy Health System Cl Jackson Construction Hoffman Construction W orkhorse Construction Champion Sweeping and Striping Island Landscape City o f Roses Drop Boxes and Recycling FM Burch and Associates, Inc. Ham ilton Construction Slayden Construction S eptem ber 24. 2 0 0 8 ,|| DePaul Industries, a local 5 0 1 (c)3 non­ profit corporation, has recently team ed up with A lbina C om m unity Bank for their banking relationship. “W e are very excited about our new banking relationship with Albina. They are providing us with com ­ petitive and com prehensive credit, cash m anagem ent and corporate banking pro­ gram s along w ith personalized custom er service and local decision making. Besides the X ’s a n d O ’s.A lbina’sactive support o f ou reo m m u n ity ’s social well being really sealed the deal for us. W e both recognize the greater good that can com e from orga- nizations that recognize both good busi­ ness and actively support a social m ission" stated Dave Shaffer, C h ief Executive Of- ficerofD ePaul Industries. In addition to being the N orthw est’s most com prehensive outsourcing special­ ist, DePaul Industries has a social mission to help people with disabilities have the opportunity to work. “DePaul Industries is different than most other not-for-profits,” Shaffer noted. “W e operate businesses— -businesses that operate using sound busi­ ness practices and employ and give prefer­ ence to individuals with disabilities. As our busi nesses grow — so does the fui fi II m ent o f our mission.” As a like-minded local business, Albina Com m unity Bank also understands that a businesscan be financially healthy, while also being strongly com m itted to a social m ission. A lthough regulated the sam e as any bank and focused on strong share­ holder return, A lbina also offers a mission tocreate hope and financial opportunity for those who care most about our local neigh­ borhoods. “ W ith their shared m ission to m ake a m eaningful difference in our local neigh­ borhoods, w e’ re proud to welcome DePaul Industries to Albina,” stated Scott Bossom, A lbina Vice President and C om m ercial Relationship M anager and new Am bassa­ do r C lub M em ber o f D ePaul Industries. “ A long with the bank’s top m anagem ent, Teri K arren-K eith, Vice President and M LK Branch M anager and her branch relationshipteam .w e’lldoeverything we can to support their banking efforts and theirorganization.” W ith approxim ately 431 nonprofit or­ ganization custom ers, Albina Community Bank offers banking expertise by under­ standing the changing funding cycles o f these organizations and their fundraising challenges. One o f the unique benefits for nonprofitorganizationsistheAlbina’swill- ingness to open their website tocustom er’s fundraising efforts and volunteer calls. About DePaul Industries D ePaul Industries has been helping people with disabilities have the opportu­ nity to work since 1971. The organization has played a m ajor role in positively im ­ pacting the lives o f people, w ho are ca­ pable of m aking a substantial contribution to the com m unity. These O regonians are doing real w ork and contributing to the econom ic life o f ourcom m unity. DePaul Industriesisdevotedtom aking a significant im pact to im prove the trou­ bling statistics and standard o f I i v ing asso­ ciated with people with disabilities: • The unemployment rate throughout the U nited States and greater Portland for people w ithdisabilitiesexceeds 65% • Nearly 200,(XX)Oregonians have dis­ abilities that present barriers tocom petitive employment • “ People w ith disabilities are nearly three tim es m ore likely to live in poverty than people without disabilities” (Associ­ ated Press: 2(X)6) « I ■! Emerging Industries Grow with PCC continued from A l l qualified technicians in renew­ able energies as well. "The option has been very well received by the local industry and our community, and it is a timely and w el­ comed response to the en­ ergy situation confronting us," said John M cKee, dean of the Science and Engineer­ ing Division at Sylvania. The need is clear. Port­ land General Electric, an in­ vestor-ow ned u tility that serves the majority of O r­ egon customers in the Port­ land m etropolitan area, is actively building one of the larger wind farm s in the state. The Biglow Wind Farm, lo c a te d w ith in S herm an County (in North Central Oregon), will have 217 tur­ bines with a total installed capacity of 450 megawatts. One of the critical issues for PGE and other wind farm owners is an acute shortage of workers: it takes one wind turbine technician to service every 10 turbines. For the Biglow project alone, PGE estimates it needs more than 22 wind techni­ cians plus about 10 m anage­ ment and support workers when fully built out. "Regionally, the projected need for wind turbine tech­ nicians is over 300 in the next five years," said Gary Hackett, plant manager of PGE's Biglow Canyon Wind Farm. "As the demand for new wind projects continue to increase, as driven by cus­ tomer demand and regula­ tory requirem ents, the need for new wind turbine techni­ cians will continue to be high. One of the problems is a lack of training programs to meet the present needs. From my perspective, the community colleges that can offer wind technician training programs will play a critical role to help meet the increasing demand for wind turbine." For more information, con­ tact Sandu W illiams, instruc­ tor and department chair of E le c tro n ic E n g in e e rin g Technology at 503-977-4527 orsanda.w illiam s@ pcc.edu. More information can also be found online at pec.edu/ p ro g ram s/electro n ic-en g i- neering/. M cDonald Excavation NW Infrastructure Inc. Stacy Witbeck Inc. General Engineering ■Hill Professional Minority Group Inc. Kaleidoscope Construction Carleton Hart Architect IBEW Local 48 O'Neill Electric Elks Membership DEPAUL IN D U S T R IE S NAM CO Members* DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO HELP YOUR COMMUNITY Business Services AND ENJOY FOOD FUN AND ENTERTAINMENT Packaging sihamco I. Security Services Include: * Security Officers * Club Store Packaging * Short & Long-Term Staffing * Accounting Asst. * Dry Fill Co Packing * Contract Staffing * Security Access Control * Customer service & * Temp-to-Hire Staffing * Blending Services * Pouch Sealing 5 O 3 .7 3 5 .9 4 4 O «’ Shrink Wrapping * Bundling Services * Kitting I Fulfillment NAMCO is a Non Profit (501c) O rganization* Security Clerical « Light Industrial: Co-Packing Services Include: For more details contact: n a m c o -p o rtla n d S ya h o o .co m or lilt Staffing Employment Opportunities * Hand Assembly Reception * Admin. Asst. * Call Center * Asset Protection The R ig h t Person fo r th e R ig h t Job. * Data Entry * Foot and bicycle patrol * Receptionists * Short & Long-Term * Word Processor W “ take cate o f the recmiting, * Security Presence 24/7 * Flaggers llcivie w in g , screening, testing, * Complimentary security anil HR needs fqr your temporary evaluations * Supply Chain Management employees Portland Portland, Eugene, Salem Corvallis Portland, tugtne Salem www.depaulpackaging.com www.depaulstaffing.com wwwdepaulsecurity com * Forklift Operators * Janitorial Workers * Laborers Advertise with diversity in |J o rtIa n b 0i)hßerbrr C all 5O3-288-OO33 » ads@ portlandoh8crvcr.coin I Call DePaul Today (503) 281-1289 www.depaulindustries.com / * Material Handlers * Production Workers * Shipping & Receiving * Warehouse Workers