PageA9 September 17. 2008 Arts X Cool Nutz Kicks off Hip-Hop Radio Show I Ml IIAINMIM Featuring hottest Northwest artists Portland hip-hop mainstay Cool N u t/ is teaming up w ithCBS Radio’ s K X JM (Jammin 107.5 PM ) to bring Northwest Breakout Radio to Portland's airwaves. The broadcast w ill feature the hottest in Northwest hip-hop and urban radio ready music, and w ill give artists from the region the opportunity to gain further exposure fo r their music on one o f the regions hottest urban radio stations. The show w ill feature artist interviews, classic, new and exclusive music from lop Hight artists from Oregon, Idaho. Montana and Northern C alifornia. The broadcast w ill also feature a Bar 4 Bar segment to give Northwest artists the opportunity to enter into lyrical combat in head to head com peti­ tion over today's hottest instrumentals, and winners w ill be given the chance to defend their wins in a week to week competition. Northwest Breakout Radio w ill also fea­ ture celebrity music reviews o f submitted music that w ill not serve as a voice o f hate, but a tool fo r constructive criticism to help bring regional artists closer to receiving regular airplay w ith feedback from some o f today's hottest urban artists. Lo o k fo r special guest D J's to feature exclusive mixes from Northwest artists on the show, as w ell as up to date inform ation on upcoming live performances from N orth­ west artists, club nights, album release dates, and com m unity affairs and events. The show w ill premiere on Friday Oct. 3 P ortland H ip Hop e xtra o rd ina ire Cool Nutz w ill te a m up w ith J a m m in 1 0 7 .5 (K X JM ) to s t a r t th e N o r th w e s t B r e a k o u t R adio S how , fe a tu rin g th e h o tte s t in N o r th w e s t ra p a n d u r b a n r a d io . from 9 p.m. to 10p.m. and w ill airevery Friday follow ing. The promoters said they are looking fo r­ ward to receiving music from all Northwest artists w ith the proper material that fits the form at o f the show. A ll music can be sent to Jammin 107.5, in care o f the Northwest Breakout Show, 2040 S.W. First Ave. Portland, OR 97201. A ll music must be radio edited (clean), mastered and from a currently released or upcoming album. Full albums are welcome as w ell, so that show producers are able to get more fa m ilia r w ith the artist. For more information, pageToddGobeille o f Hogwash Publicity and V ision M arketing S o lu tio n s at 5 4 1 -4 1 0 -5 1 4 3 o r E -m a il H ogwashPuh@ Ballet meets Martial Arts W hite B ird la u n che s its n ew se a so n w ith an extra o rd ina ry co lla b o ra tio n c a lle d Long River, High Sky by A lonzo K in g 's LINES B a lle t w ith the S haolin M o n ks o f C hina op W ednesday, Sept. 2 4 a t 7 :3 0 p.m . th e A rlene S c h n itze r C oncert Hall. The p e rfo rm a n ce s yn th e sis o f e a ste rn a n d w estern fo rm s o f m o v e m e n t th a t is s u b tle a n d explosive, a th le tic a n d sp iritu a l. Carrying on the Vibe The tra g ic passing o f D ennis Brow n in 1999 left an irreplaceable hole in the w orld o f reggae, but w hile no one can replace him. several young artists continue to carry on his vibe. One that you may not have heard o f is K att I, also known as A lson “ D elroy” Burton, a Jamaican crooner who has worked his way up from the hotel circu it in Jamaica to an opening act fo r m ajor stars like Michael Rose. M utabaruka, and T oots and the Maytals. Katti I and Roots R evolution with special guest Pablo I w ill perform Saturday, Sept. 27 at 9 pm. at the Blue M onk, 3 3 4 1 S.E. Belmont Ave. The concert is the I ()"' in a m onthly reggae event to benefit K B O O com­ m unity radio. K a tt I a n d R oots R evolution w ill b rin g Ja m a ica n reggae th e B lue M onk, 3 3 4 1 S.E. B e lm o n t St. on S aturday, S ept. 2 7 . Underground Hip-Hop Films Benefit Food Bank Donate three cans o f food at any Regal Cinemas on Thursday, Sept. 25 and receive m ovie admission anti pop­ corn. The o ffe r is good at any local Regal fo r al I shows except A showcase o f Portland's finest hip-hop musi­ cians w ho’ s names includes Libretto o f the home grown L ife Savas and M ik e y Vegas and Ilia j o f the F li b o i's w ill gather at B erbati's Pan on Wednesday, Sept. 24. The w ho's who o f Portland’ s underground hip- hop w ill congregate to welcome back rising star Luck O ne.adazzling perf ormer w ho articulates p o litic a lly relevant topics w ith a visceral flo w w h ile painting them w ith metaphor that can be understood at all levels. D oor w ill open at 8:30 p.m. A dm ission is $8. The show is 21 and over. Advance tickets are available. June June June June June 1 8 15 22 29 no pass attractions. “ Cans F ilm Festival is your chance Io see a great film for a great bargain, ju s t three cans o f foo d ," says Rachel Bristol, Oregon Food Bank c h ie f executive officer. “ As the cost o f food and fuel rises, more people seek emergency food. The food that moviegoers donate during Cans Film Festival helps regional food banks o f the OFB N etw ork fig h t hunger in their local com m unities." I f you don", have tim e to see a movie, you can still help fig h t hunger by donating nonperishable food at any Regal Cinemas location on Thursday, Sept. 25. from 11:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. A ll food donations benefit the Oregon Food Bank N etw ork in the com m unity where it was collected. Reggie Houston & $5.00 Tees 5 Janice Scroggins &/or special guest Screen Printing 503-762-6042 Sundays 5-8pm at Cannon’s Rib Express lin New Season's shopping center) A Sunshine, BBQ and a free, all-ages, outdoor show by a (N ew Orleans' sax legend and ' some'of the'best p layersin - town! »„W hat could be better? Musicians are welcome to sit in for a jam, ,¿1, so you never 1 ,, , „k n o w .w h o . w ill show 3 I < vs M a rk e t (formerly The Old Bee Company) 6728 NE MLK Blvd Corner of MLK & Dekum Mon-Sat 10am-6pm State Farm* Michael E Harper P r t t» n t» 4 by i*y wyy. re g g ie houstonTcom fÑiwQZXIZO Advertise with diversity in ü o vtlanb (JiXiaewer Agent We m oved to our new location at: 9713 S .W . C a p ito l, P o rtla n d , O R ¿»€3-283-8818 Discount Foods, Cleaning Supplies, Fresh Produce Daily Cannon's Rib Eipross and IH tU tiM C I Home Office. Bloomington. 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