S e p te m b e r 17. 2 0 0 8 P agcA7 H ealth MATTERS New Doctors Skip Primary Care Mixed Bag on Illegal Drug Use Cocaine and methamphetamine use among young adults declined s ig n ifi­ cantly last year as supplies dried up, leading to higher prices and reduced purity, the government reports. O ver­ all use o f illic it drugs showed little change. A b o u t one in fiv e young adults last year acknow ledged i llic it drug use w ith in the previous m onth, a rate s im ila r to previous years. But cocaine use declined by o n e -q u a r­ ter and m etham phetam ine use by o n e -th ird. Drug use increased among the 50- 59 age group as more baby boomers joined that category. T heir past month Raising worry about looming shortage (AP) -- Only 2 percent of gradu­ ating medical students say they plan to work in primary care internal medicine, raising worries about a looming shortage of the first-stop doctors who used to be the back­ bone of the American medical sys­ tem. The results of a new survey sug­ gest more medical students, many of them saddled with debt, are opt­ ing for more lucrative specialties. Just 2 percent of nearly 1,200 fo u rth -y ear students surveyed planned to work in primary care internal medicine, according to re­ sults published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. In a similar survey in 1990, the figure was 9 percent. Paperwork, the demands of the chronically sick and the need to bring work home are among the factors pushing young doctors away from careers in primary care, the survey found. "I didn't want to fight the insur- Cardiac-Rehab Exercise ( ’lasses — A m edically supervised exer­ cise program fo r people dealing w ith heart conditions. For more information, call 503-251 -6260. Osteoporosis Screening - An ultrasound bone density screen­ ing w ith personalized education: fee $30. To schedule an appoint­ ment, call 503-261-661 I. Stroke Alert Screening—Check your carotid arteries w ith a pain­ less ultrasound to assess your risk. Fee $40. To schedule a screening, cal 1503-251 - 6 137. Chronic Pain Support Croup - meets the first Wednesday at 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and the third Wednesday o f each month, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. For more in fo r­ mation, call 503-256-4000. W om en's intuition can be a p o w e rfu l thing: E very tim e I squeeze in a round o f g o lf instead o f running errands, my w ife knows it by the time I'v e walked in the frontdoor! This kind o f sixth sense isn’ t just useful Io your marriage, but also to your health. It’ s im por­ tant that we all listen to that little voice that whispers, “ Hey, some­ thing isn't right here." For women, it could save your life when it comes to ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer causes more deaths than any other cancer o f the female reproductive system. The reason is because many women aren’ t catching it early. This is particularly true in (he A frican American com m unity - in general, people in our com m u­ n ity are diagnosed w ith various cancers at later stages than our white counterparts due to lack o f screenings and other obstacles. Put it this way: I f ovarian can­ cer is found and treated before the cancer has spread outside the ovary, the 5-year survival rate is over 90 percent. U nfortunately, less than 20 percent o f all ovarian cancers are found at this early stage. Early symptoms o f ovarian cancer include abdominal sw ell­ ing or bloating, pressure or ab­ dominal pain, d iffic u lty eating or feeling fu lI q u ic k ly , and having to urinate urgently or often. Sound fa m ilia r ? These are the same symptoms you m ight have when you eat too much spicy food, or have an easy-to-treat (and com m on) urinary tract infec­ tion. But when the symptoms are caused by ovarian cancer they tend to be more severe and are a change from how a woman usu­ ally feels. And that's the critical drug use rose fro m 4 .3 percent in 2006 to 5 percent in 2(X)7. "The baby boomers have much higher rates o f self-destructive behavior than any parallel age group we have data from ,’’ said John Walters, director o f the W hite House O ffice o f National Drug C ontrol Policy. Overall, about 20 m illio n people 12 or older reported using illic it drugs w ithin the past month. M arijuana was the most popularby far, w ith 14.4 m illion acknowl­ edging use o f marijuana in the past month. Am ong adolescents, age 12 to 17, drug use dipped from 9.8 percent in 2(X)6 to 9.5 percent last year, continuing a ftve-yeartrend. T h e ir use o f alcohol and cigarettes also fell Study Questions Knee Surgeries Dr. Alexis Dunne talks with patient Michael McCoy at North western Memorial Hospital, in Chicago. ance companies," said Dr. Jason Shipman, 36, a radiology resident at Vanderbilt University Medical Cen­ terin Nashville, Tenn., who is carry­ ing $ 1 50,000 in student debt. Primary care doctors he met as a student had to "speed to see enough patients to make a reasonable liv­ ing," Shipman said. Dr. Karen Hauer of the Uni­ versity of California, San Fran­ cisco, the study’s lead author, said it’s hard work taking care of the chronically ill, the elderly and people with complex diseases "especially when you’re doing it with time pressures and inadequate resources." The salary gap may be another reason. More pay in a particular specialty tends to mean more U.S. medical school graduates fill resi­ dencies in those fields at teaching hospitals. H ealth W atch ( AP) — T w o studies cal I into ques­ tio n w hether many people w ith ar­ th ritis are needlessly undergoing one ot the most com m on operations in A m erica: arthroscopic knee sur­ gery. One finds that surgery is no bet­ ter than m edication and physical therapy fo r re lie v in g the pain and stiffness o f moderate o r severe a r­ th ritis . The other reveals that tears in knee cartilage — w h ich often prom pt such surgeries — are very com m on w ith o u t causing sym p ­ toms. Experts said the new studies and o th e r evidence show a rth ro sco p ic knee surgery s till has a place, such as a fte r a recent in ju ry , but sh o u ld n ’ t be done ro u tin e ly fo r oste o a rth ritis. “ A lo t o f people w o u ld p re fe r physical therapy and th e ir doctors w o u ld as w e ll," said D r. E. A n th o n y R ankin, spokesman fo r the A m erican Academ y o f O rthopedic Surgeons. Nearly 27 m illio n Americans have osteoarthritis, a top cause o f disability. Symptoms usually begin after age 40 and progress as a breakdown o f ca rti­ lage on the end o f bones causes them to rub together at jo in ts, leading to s tiff­ ness and pain and lim itin g movement. The fee is $40. T o schedule an appointment, call 503-251 -6137. Dentures Worth Smiling About! Managing Chronic Hepatitis C - Expectant Couples, New Parents Hospice Volunteer Training - - Legacy Good Samaritan Hospi­ tal offers the workshop Lasting Relationships fo r New Parents, helping couples keep their rela­ tionships strong and happy in the transition to parenthood. Pre­ sented by Northwest Fam ily Ser­ vices, upcom ing sessions are scheduled Oct. 11 and Oct. 18. To Providence offers a free compre­ hensive course o f training to pre­ pare people who are interested in becoming hospice volunteers. No previous experience is required. For more inform ation or to re­ quest an application packet, call M elinda Smith, hospice volun­ teered »rdinator, at 503-215-5774. register, v is it the w ebsite at lastingrelationshiips.org. Mammography Screening - Early Bereavement Support Groups - Free, safeconfidential group meet­ ings fo r those who have experi­ enced the death o f a loved one offered on various nights and locations. For inform ation and registration, call 503-215-4622. point: know ing and lis te n in g to y o u r body close enough to distinguish a d if­ ference. When it comes to ovarian can­ cer, it's important to know your risk factors. The most significant risk factor fo r ov arian cancer is having an inherited mutation in one o f tw o genes called breast cancer gene I ( B R C A I) and gene 2 ( B R C A 2 ). In addition tocausing ...that's the critical paint: knowing and listening to your body close enough to distinguish a difference. some breast cancers, they're also responsible for about 5 percent to 19 percent o f ovarian cancers. Other risk factors include your age. whether or not you've had children, a history o f in fe rtility and childhood obesity. Few th in g s cause patients more fear and uncertainty than a cancer diagnosis. But today ova­ rian cancer increasingly can be managed and even beaten, espe­ c ia lly when it's detected early. detection is a key factor in the prevention o f breast cancer. Call 503-251-6137 to schedule your high-tech, soft-touch mammogram. Leg Alert Screening -C h e c k for peripheral arterial disease w ith this safe, simple screening using ankle and arm blood pressure. - T hird Wednesday o f each month at 5 p.m., the inform ative session led by a registered nurse to help manage side effects o f medica­ tions and dosage preparations and adm inistration; doctors re­ ferral required. T o register, call 503-251-6313. C ancer Resource Center -- Providence St. Vincent M edical C enter and the A m erican Red Cross have jo in e d forces to cre ­ ate the firs t in -h o sp ita l resource center p ro v id in g books, printed m a te ria l, com puter access and m ore fo r in d iv id u a ls and fa m i­ lies dealing w ith cancer. The center is open M onday through BY L akky L l ( AS Patients w ho need help access­ ing their prescription medicines fo r ov arian cancer and other con­ ditions can turn to the Partner­ ship fo r Prescription Assistance fo r inform ation. Since its launch in A p ril 2905, the program has helped connect more than 5 m il­ lion patients in need to programs We are located on the corner o f MLK and Russell Street, on the second floor above the coffee shop. that provide either free or nearly free medicines. For more inform a­ tion about how to apply, call I- 8 8 8 -4 P P A -N O W or v is it www.pparx.org. Barack t Jbama's m otherdiedof ovarian cancer at age 53. Gilda Radner, the beloved “ Saturday Night L iv e " comedian, died o f the disease in 1989 at the age o f 43. Leam from these women: Visit your gynecologist regularly and alert him or her to any changes you've noticed, and to any important facts about your fam ily health history. Lastly, listen to yo u r body when you're feeling a little “ o f f - it might just be telling you some­ thing. •X P w Signage Company Identity • • O utdoor Events Ad Design • Web Design r. P m kins Aiea 333 NE Riiteli *200 Russell St S I t ' s H a p p e n in g EVERY S unday at MATT D ISH M A N C O M M U N IT Y C EN TER F R E E S oup & S a l a d B ar @ 2 pm C o m m u n ity C hurch S ervice @ 3 pm Larry Lucas is a vice presi­ dent for Pharmaceutical Re­ search and Manufacturers of America. Quality Design and Business Support • Portland, O R 9 7 2 3 2 Free parking Tmly making a difference in the lives of Auto Accident victims and Injured Workers for 16 years. If you or someone you know has been in an accident, call us so we can help you with your needs. (503)284-7838 S p o n s o r e d b y R oyal P riesthood M inistries I n D is h m a n ’ s A udito rium 77 NE K no tt panndrw@yahoo.com logos 2 0 0 N .E . 2 0 " ’ A v e ., S te 100 Auto Injury Clinic, PC Listening to Chiropractic Zchon R. 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