PageA5 September 17, 2008 PCC Levy Hints at Expansion continued Parking lots at Portland Community College's Cascade campus in north Portland are mostly empty during summer, but can fill up quickly when school opens for fall term. from front residential and com m ercial uses. All options for future developm ent are on the table with the com m unity involvement coming after the bond levy is decided. Pulliams said. Echoing those rem arks, hut going further to say some college developm ent will reach beyond the current Cascade cam pus boundaries, w as PCC Vice President Randy M cEwen. W hile anticipating the future growth and an expanded greenw ay on cam pus, M cEwen said he d id n ’t want to com m ent on "w here things are sited and w hat they’re going to look like. “ Land use plans are enorm ously expensive and developing plans now is getting ahead of the voting,” he said. Com m unity activist Sylvia Evans, an African A m erican resident who has lived in the Humboldt neighborhood since the 1980s and fought two other college expansions, calls the Nov. 4 levy "a P hoto by M ark W ashington / T he P ortland O bserver blank check w ithout a public process. “This is a blind bond m easure,” Evans said. “A fter they get the money, they can do w hatever they want. They have no real plan.” Evans recalls the three black church properties in Humboldt lost to the college over the past few years. She rem em bers how she cried when her long time African Am erican neighbors lost their housing to the college. A L O N Z O K IN G 'S LINES B A L L E T W ITH THE S H A O L IN M O N K S Proposal to serve more students BALLET MEETS MARTIAL ARTS! continued “EXQUISITE DANCERS... PROPELLER-LEGGED JUMPS AND LIGHTNING- FAST PUNCHES" - San Francisco Chronicle WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 24 „o p « responder and allied health stu­ dents. Dental program s and energy technical training would be added to the PCC Sylvania cam pus in southw est Portland, along with more classroom s and space for student services, an expanded ch i Id-care facil ity for students and upgraded autom otive, m achine m anufacturing and photography facilities. At the PCC Rock Creek cam ­ pus in northw est Portland, space would be added for nursing and health care program s, along with an increase in classroom s, and renovations in the welding, auto collision and repair, diesel repair and building construction tech­ nology facilities. Child-care facil­ ity for students, arts facilities and students services would also ex­ pand. The bond measure would also allow the college to m ake invest­ ments in the Southeast center, the Willow Creek workforce train­ ing facility to be built on the Max transit line in W ashington County and add facilities and career train­ ing opportunities in Newberg and Sherwood. A national educational.leader who broke though barriers as one of the first in his family to receive a college education, beginning with Muskegon Community College in Michigan. Pulliams is a strong be­ liever in the power o f lifting people up through education. At PCC, he said, “W e’re fo­ cusing on those who don’t have the opportunity. T h at’s our m is­ sion.” Ballot Measure 26-95 would assess 32.9 cents per $ I ,(XM) as­ se ssed p ro p erty v alu e. T h at com es to about $92 a year for a resid e n ce that p ay s p roperty taxes on an assessed value of $280,000. - and view the art gallery, to name a few. "W e have so m uch to offer “We exist for them and because o f them, and this open house is a here, and w e’re so proud to be chance for us to show ju st how making a positive difference in much we appreciate their sup­ the lives o f the people in our neighborhood,” G atew ood said. port.” Music, gam es, activities and a “ It's our goal to be the educa­ range o f information on the cam ­ tional anchor and the econom ic pus' academ ic offerings, clubs engine o f this com m unity, and I truly believe we are and services will be doing that.” available. A ttend­ G a te w o o d ees also will even a d d e d th a t he have a chance to h o p e s th e o p en apply on the spot house will help to for fall term adm is­ expose m o re sion, which begins people to the o p ­ on M onday, Sept. portunities avail­ 22 able to them at Cas­ A student o u t­ cade Cam pus, par- reach sq u ad will ticularly with re­ lead tours o f the gard to w orkforce ca m p u s th ro u g h ­ developm ent. out the day, which “Our students w illfeatureexhibits Algie Gatewood .. .. .. 6 cometromallwalks an d d e m o n s tr a ­ tions from many o f the cam pus’ o f life, and all phases o f life," he academic programs. Visitors will said. “W e have young people have the chance inexperience the ju st out o f high school, and some cam pus’ state-of-the-art m ultim e­ who are still in high school. We dia lab, see its em ergency ser­ have working people who are look­ vices training facilities - where ing to change careers, and we P o rtlan d 's next g eneration of have people who are simply inter­ pol ice officers, firefighters, para­ ested in broadening their hori­ medics, em ergency medical tech­ zons. We really are a cam pus o f nicians, 9- I - 1 operators, and em er­ the com m unity, not ju st aeam pus gency m anagers learn thcirtradcs in the com m unity.” Friday tours, barbecue planned 20% discount for students/seniors. S03.7S0.27S7 - All tx *e tm a {K r outlets including PCPA Box Office. G roup Discounts/Info. 503.245.1600 e x t 201 SPONSORED BY: A free com m unity event is set for Friday, Sept. 19 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. to tour Portland C om m u­ nity C ollege’s north Portland cam ­ pus. have a bite to eat and get a firsthand look at all that PCCC as- cade has to offer. “W e would be nothing w ith­ out the support o f the people in th is c o m m u n ity ,” said A lgie G atew o o d , cam pus president. (N E W S E A S O N S J1 MARKET j N O W D E L IV E R IN G Y o u r f a v o r it e n e i g h b o r h o o d g r o c e r y s t o r e n o w d e liv e r s g r o c e r ie s r ig h t t o y o u r h o m e o r o ffic e . S'.’«» from front Cascade Hosts Campus Open House white) ARLENE SCHNITZER CONCERT HALL TICKETS: $ 2 0 -$ 5 0 “This is what happens when you support higher education. Houses are dem olished for surface park­ ing. This is not cool," she said. “People buy into the American Dream of homeownership and it’s busted and PCC doesn’t care.” Pulliams said he was very proud o f the college district making Cascade a com prehensive college cam pus to better serve students and for creating an institution that is a service to the com m unity. Your Care Our First Priority A **' I)r. Marcelitte Failla Chiroprut tic Physician WT orc located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 / Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) Automobile accident injuries Chronic headache and joint pain Workers Compensation injuries y * i i Call for an appointment! (503)228-6140