Page A7 September IO, 2008 ‘History Detectives’ Examine Cannons Vancouver. G reg Shine, Fort V ancouver National Historic Site’schiefranger and historian, met with the show 's host, Dr. G w endolyn W right and opened his research files to the History Detectives team. He provided details essential to their investigation, including first-hand accounts of the Shark's personnel locating debris and carronades from the schooner in PBS series examines beach find The popular PBS television series "History Detectives" will feature the Fort V ancouver N a­ tional Historic Site and the work o f park staff in helping uncover the story o f two carronades (short cannons) recently found on the Oregon Coast. T heepisode will airon Oregon Public B roadcasting's Channel I Oat 9 p.m. on M onday, Sept. 15. Last w inter, storm s unearthed a pair o f carronades on the beach at Arch Cape. Many reports as­ so c iated them w ith the U.S. Schooner Shark, a U.S. Navy ves­ sel wrecked on the Columbia River bar in 1846 after departing Fort An encrusted cannon believed to be from the USS Shark sits in the sand during low tide Feb. 19 on the beach at Arch Cape. The PBS television series "History Detec­ tives " has examined the evidence in an upcoming broadcast. Getting Political with New CD Rapper puts in his two cents (AP) — Young Jeezy may seem like an unlikely political com m en­ ta to r, g iv e n h is s ta tu s as a gangsta rapper. But on his new CD , "The Recession," he talks about more than just hustling, putting in his two cents about the econom y, struggling tim es and Dem ocratic presidential candi­ date Barack Obama. The platinum-selling, Atlanta- based rapper is broadening his subject m atter as he also tries to appeal to a w ider audience. Solar, it seems he's achieving that goal: He appeared on Usher's No. I hit, "Love in This Club," and got a boost when Michael Phelps gave him props in Beijing, noting he jam m ed to the Jeezy hit "GoGetta" before bringing hom e a record eight O lym pic gold medals. Sitting back while wearing an O ham a T-shirt and studded dia- YoungJeezy mond chain, the 30-year-old talked about his third album with The Associated Press. How was w riting and record­ ing "The Recession"? Jeezy: I think I came up with the name like m idstream into the al­ bum because when I looked up at the songs I had, like "My Presi­ dent" and "Crazy W orld." 1 was with good music. W e're going to like, maybe I'm paying too much party our way through it; we can ­ attention to w hat's going on, and not sit here and cry about it. How was it recording the single I didn't want my music to com e out in a depressive (or) negative "Put On" featuring Kanye W est? Jeezy: I had been all over the way. So I looked at what I had and I was like, "The rest of the songs world and I never had one song that I am going to do are going to that everybody was into.... I put on be those 'W e Shall O vercom e' for Atlanta. I don't care what no­ anthem s that were always made, body says — if you're in Atlanta for more than two days, you're but were more street." W hat's the overall m essage going to see me. in the streets, the you're trying to send with the new clubs, the mall. So I felt like I put on for my city but everywhere I went, album? Jeezy: We as people, we have everybody else felt like that. I to stand. We have to get together reached out to Kanye because my as far as voting, we have to get element o f it was so street (that) I together as far as our com m uni­ wanted to see how he felt and what ties, we have to get together as far he felt "putting on" was. And he aso u rcu ltu re. We all know we're went ina totally different direction; in a recession, how are we going he felt like "putting on" was put­ to deal with it? W e're going to ting on his homies and putting on deal with it the same way when other people in the game. And it the V ietnam W ar was going on: just made sense. Little Feet, Big Drums P ortland T aiko inv ites fam i­ lies to jo in them for an a fte r­ noon o f taiko, dance and crafts on Saturday, Sept. 20 at 2 p.m. at N ew m ark T heatre in the P ort­ land C e n ter for the P erform ing A rts. "L ittle Feet, Big D rum s!” is a sp ecial c o n c e rt p ro g ram for fam ilies and ch ild ren that e x ­ plores the art o f Japanese drum s, d a n c e and th e tr a d itio n s o f O bon, a Jap an ese and Japanese June June June June June 1 8 15 22 29 A m erican holiday celeb ratin g a n c e stry . “T he co n c ert is very interac- Reggie Houston & Sharing Japanese traditions tiv e ,” says M ichelle Fujii, pro gram artistic co-director. T he au d ien ce will be encour aged to participate and kids will be invited to jo in p erfo rm ers on stage to learn an O bon dance. A pre-show exhibit in the lobby will open at I p.m. with families trying their hand at folding origami (paper art) and discovering the diversity in Obon traditions that exist in both Japan and America. A dvance tick ets are a v a il­ able at the PCPA Box O ffice, by v isitin g p o rtla n d ta ik o .o rg or calling 5O3-79O-ARTS. the vicinity o f Arch Cape and descriptions o f the S hark's vary­ ing armament. He also helped provide the broader context to the story why the Shark was in the Pacific Northwest and why a U.S. Navy vessel was connected to Fort Vancouver, the British Hudson s Bay C om pany's headquarters and depot. In addition, park curato rT essa Langford and museum technician Heidi Pierson prepared images and maps from the p ark 's collec­ tion to help illustrate the program. "The History D etectives had a really fun time filming at one o f o u r local treasu res, the Fort V an co u v er N ational H istoric Site," noted Renato Rodriguez, researcherand associate producer for Oregon Public Broadcasting and the History Detectives. Moore Offers Free Download movie could have made a decent sum in theaters. His last two films. "Sicko" (S24 mill ionI and “Fahrenheit9/I l" ($ l I9m illion) are tw o o f the three highest grossing docum entaries ever. (AP) - M ichael Moore will To receive the dow nload, release his new film online and p e o p le ca n sig n up at for free. A “N ig h to faT h o u - The film , sand House Parties" “SlaekerUprising,” is planned for Oct. fo llo w s M o o re ’s 4, when local neigh­ 62-city tour during b o rh o o d s c r e e n ­ the 2004 election to ings are hoped to rally young voters. he sc h e d u le d . A It will be available D V D will be re ­ for three weeks as a leased Oct. 7. free dow nload, be­ M o o re h o p e s ginning Sept. 23. “Slacker U prising" M oore said he will help spuryoung considered releas­ Michael Moore people to vote this ing “Slacker Upris­ ing" theatrically as “ Michael November. After more than 20 M o o r e 's b ig e le c tio n y e a r million 18 to 29-year-olds east m ovie” as he did with 2 0 0 4 's ballots in 2004 (an 11 percent "Fahrenheit 9 /1 1," which was increase from 2000). he's hoping highly eritieal o f President Bush. even greater num bers o f "slack­ Instead, Moore opted for a ers" vote this year. Moore readily acknow ledges symbol o f gratitude to his fans as he approaches the 20th anni­ this a film for Democrats. "T h is film , really is n 't for versary of his first film, 1989 s anybody o th er than the c h o ir.” "R oger & Me." The 97-m inute long "Slacker said M oore. "B ut th a t's b e ­ U prising" will be the first major cause I b eliev e the c h o ir needs film to be released in such a way. a song to sing every now and If history is any measure, the th e n ." ‘Slacker Uprising' movie aims to get out the vote ÎT»1 Paul A. Neufeldt 503-875-1695 Janice Scroggins panndrw@ yahoo, com &/or special guest Qualify Design and Business Support Graphic Design Sundays 5-8pm at Cannon’s Rib Express [in New Season'« shopping center) i* Sunshine, BBQ and a free, all-ages, outdoor show by a (N ew Orleans' sax legend and r"some*of the'best p la y e rs 'in - town! a. What could be better? Musicians arc welcome to _____ sit in for a jam, x fe - so you never ' ^ k n o w who, w ill sh o w Logos 3 Beys M a rk e t (formerly The Old Bee Company) 6728 NE MLK Blvd Corner of MLK & Dekum Mon-Sat 10am-6pni • • Signage Company Identity • • Outdoor I vents Ad Design • Web Design .... State Farm* Providing Insurance and Financial Services H IU ItN lI Home Office. Bloomington. 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