September 10, 2008 Page AG U2: The Full-Dome Experience DJ Anjali and The Incredible Kid. Bollywood Sound at Someday Lounge Snoop Dogg may have just discovered Bollywood, but DJ Anjali and The Incredible Kid have been rapping the sound in Portland for nearly eight years. The duo will take over the Someday Lounge. 125 N.W. Fifth Ave., for a dance party night of Bollywood music on Friday. Sept. 19. from It) a.m. 2 a.m. with a $5 cover. From vintage Bollywood rock'n'roll to Bollywood funk and disco, and today's passion for techno, hip-hop. and reggae, it's all in the mix. have enjoyed o u r laser lig h t shows in the past w ill love this unique new combination o f mu­ sic and im agery.” Technical marvel now playing Experience one o f the greatest rock bands o f all tim e like y o u ’ ve never seen them before at the Oregon Museum o f Science and Industry's Kendall Planetarium. U2: The Full-Dome Experience is an immersive digital experience ot tering rich computer renderings and abstract visuals ch o re o ­ graphed to the band's aw ard-w in­ ning music. Special effects per­ formed live by O M SI presenters guarantees audiences w ill never experience the same show tw ice! “ T h is is the firs t tim e the Kendall Planetariumhaseverpre- sented a full-dome musical show," said O M S I planetarium manager Jim Todd. " It's really exciting to see the whole dome o f the plan­ etarium come to life. V isitors who Hits from the rock band U2 are turned into stunning visual displays at OMSI's Kendall Planetarium. Saturday M arket Place - M c Rae's M u lti­ cultural l ull Service Salon, 5842 N.E. 42nd Ave., hosts a Saturday M arket Place, Sept. 20 from noon to 6 p.m. T w e n ty-five vendors to include food, clothing, sister locks, realtors, skin care produce, hand crafted je w e lry and much more. ts in n r n ts i Delana Richelle Koster and Larry Allred Collins C D Release P a rty - Linda H om buckle and Janice Scroggins celebrate the release o f their new C D "S ista" on Saturday, Sept. 13 at 8 p.m. at Jim m y M ak's, 221 N .W . lO thA ve. Adm ission is $12. ...“ State Farm Providing In .bnitii i: .11 d dns'iir-- I M IW U N C I Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Ernest J. H ill, Jr. Agent D ance W eekend Louisiana’ s own Brian Jack Band and P ortland's Too Loose C'ajun Band w ill par­ tic ip a te in the Cascade Zydeco summer ta m p in the M t. Hood National Forest, Sept. 12-14. The event is for dancers new and old and for those who want to learn to dance. For inform ation and registration.eall 360-571 -4453 4446 N Vancouver Avenue Pmtland OR 47217 503 2861103 Fa* 503 286 1146 erme lull h5mhi)?slatefa'nj com 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service" k. Finish Line Autom otive, LLC where honesty and quality matter Jason Sharp 1033 NE 82nd Ave Portland, OR 97220 Phone: 503-254-1216 FAX: 503-261-7361 E- m ule. Forest C e n te r Senior Day — The W o rld F orestry C enter pre­ sents its firs t annual Senior Day on Tuesday, Oet. 7 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. w ith a d is ­ Politically Charged A rt — M u lti­ ethnic portraits m ix more than co lo r in GwennSeem el’ s p o liti eally-eharged e xh ib it-"A p p le Pie," on display through Sept. Bishop H .L . Hodge, Ph.D. PastorfTeacher/Revivulisi “The Voice Speaks" *A Different Location* Where: N ow at Emmanuel C O G IC U 48(X) NE 30th Avenue. Portland,O R 9 7 2 11 When: Sundays 8:00 A .M . W orship Service Wednesdays 7:00 P.M. B ible Study Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite everyone to join its at our appointment with Jesus. We Reach. Teach. & Preach in Jesus' Name!!! T o inquire about our Training M in is try call 503-863-6545 Northwest Chocolate Festival — Friday. Sept. 12 through Sunday. Sept. 14, at 7 2 1 N .W . N inth Ave., S uite9 0 0 .enjoy a delicious adventure w ith decadent choco­ lates at Portland's first-ever free chocolate counted adm ission price o f $3.50. Seniors can explore the hands-on, in te ra c tiv e museum and learn about the forests o f the P a cific N o rth ­ east and around the w o rld . H ip Hop to Native Americans — A ndrew M orrison draws on his Native American culture, hip-hop and street art in a cutting edge, exciting and unique exhibit on display in the artists' gallery in the administration building on the Vancouver campus o f Wash­ ington Slate U niversity through Sept. 18. Slabtown Community Festival -The second annual Slabtown C om m unity Festival is Sat­ urday. Sept. 13 from noon to 6 p.m. at N orth­ west 23rd Avenue and Savier Street. The fam ily-oriented festival includes a pancake breakfast, raffle, live music, craft booths, beer garden, history exhibits and w alking tours. Adm ission is free. L ive Jazz — E very Friday and Saturday fro m 8 p.m. to 11 p.m ., the T h ird Degrees festival. For more inform ation, call 503-715-0068. Ancient and Contemporary - Brothers o f the Baladi, a Port­ land group that bring a mes­ sage o f hope and change w ith their performances o f M iddle Eastern music w ill perform Sunday, Sept. 6 at noon the W orld Trade Center on S o u th w e st S a lm o n Street and First Avenue: and the week­ end o f Saturday, Sept.2O at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday, Sept. 2 1 at 11:45 a.m. at Cathe­ dral Park in St. Johns. Poetry at Miracles — Local and national artists and musicians share an evening o f spoken word and music at the Miracles C lub. 4069 N.E. M artin Luther K ing Jr. B lvd, each Wednesday's, between 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. I .useless Wesa - Zim babwe native and local musician Loveness Wesa w ill bring her tra­ ditional A frica n dancing, singing and drum ­ ming to the stage when she performs Satur­ day. Sept. 13 at the Alberta Street Fair. NORTHWEST VOICE OF CHRIST COMMUNITY CHURCH W hat: A rt Museum Books - M ore than 1,000 new and used books w ill be on sale during a book sale at the Portland A rt Museum, Saturday. Sept. 20 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, Sept. 2 1 from noon to 5 p.m. an encore o f the song V e rtig o . free m usic and the o p p o rtu n ity to meet local artists. C all 5 0 3 -2 3 1 -8926 fo ra sched­ 20 at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N. Inter­ state Ave. Cong rat ul ati ons! U2: The Full-Dome Experience is now playing at 3 p.m. Tuesday- Friday and at 11 a.m., I p.m. and 3 p.m. on weekends and holidays. This 25-m inute version o f the show includes the songs I W ill F o llo w . W ith or W ithout You. B ullet the Blue Sky. The Ely, It s a B e a u tifu l D ay, M yste rio u s Ways, and Elevation. A n extended 4 5 -m in u te ver­ sion o f U 2: The F u ll-D o m e E x ­ perience is now p la yin g Friday and Saturday evenings at 8:15 p.m . and includes the songs W here the Streets Have No Nam e. Sunday B lo o d y Sunday (L iv e at Red R ocks), Pride, I W ill F o llo w . W ith o r W ith o u t Y o u . B u lle t the Blue Sky. The F ly , I t ’ s a B e a u tifu l Day, M y s ­ terious W ays, E le va tio n w ith Jazz Thursdays! — E very T hursday nig h t live ja zz is featured at the M aiden. 639 S.E. M o rriso n St. The T o n i L in c o ln 's T rio per­ form s at 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. on T hursday. Sept. 4: and it's T o n i L in c o ln w ith the Ron Steen T rio at the same tim es on T hursday, Sept. 11. O M S I $2 D a y s - T h e first Sunday o f every m onth can spark y o u r passion fo r science at the O M S I when adm ission is ju s t $2. For more in fo rm a tio n , v is it O M S I.e d u . Sunday N ight Jazz — Jazz enthusiasts can enjoy liste n in g to the cool sounds o f M e l B ro w n , in the Rogue R iv e r Room at C h i­ nook W inds Casino Resort in L in c o ln C ity. No co ve r charge. M usic M ille n n iu m Free Shows — The M usic M ille n n iu m . 3158 F B urnside, host m any in-house liv e perform ances. E n jo y Lounge at the Ri verPlaee H otel. 15 10 S. W. H a rb o r W ay, w ill host the ongoing w eek­ end series fe a tu rin g P o rtla n d 's rich ja zz scene w ith no co ve r o r m in im u m purchase. For more in fo rm a tio n , v is it pd xja m . Open M ie N ight - Every Wednesday night at 7 p.m .. P roper Eats M a rke t and Café, 8638 N. Lom bard St., host open m ic night. Sliders G r ill — S liders G r ill, 301 I N. Lom bard, features an e clectic assortment o f perform ers on the main stage, accom pa­ nied by d e licio u s food. C all 503-459-4488 fo r m ore in fo rm a tio n . F irs t T h u rsd ay A rt G a lle ry O pening - E very firs t Thursday in the Pearl, meet the artists and jo in the street party fo r g a lle ry receptions and openings in tro d u cin g the w o rks o f m any a rtists; this is a free event. Free F irst F rid a y Nights - The Portland C h ild re n 's M useum has partnered w ith Target to p ro vid e free adm ission to e ve ry­ one on the firs t F rid a y o f each m onth from 5 p.m . to 8 p.m. Oregon Zoo Buck Tuesdays — On the 2nd Tuesday o f every m onth, the zoo hosts 2- Buek Tuesdays when guests can to u r the zoo d u rin g re g u la r zoo hours fo r the d is­ counted price o f $2 per person! orem ail: K M H D 8 9 .1 fm p r e s e n t ’s "SHAKE EM’ DOWN” M ichael T ille ry It’s not your standard funeral home... it’s the nav standard in funeral homes. RRY FAMILY T h e K M H D R o o fto p Ruckus B ro k e r 503.975.8004 T ic k e ts : $ 1 0 p e r p e rs o n September 1 4 th -3 p m to 8pm on the roof @Jax Restaurant & Bar michael@ 8 2 6 SW 2nd Ave, Portland/OR Please call me. your neighborhood specialist, for any o f your Real Estate needs. M y success is b u ilt on a com m itm ent to quality service. FU N ERA L H O M E F e a tu r in g 1 a rtis te fro m th e n e w R a in m a k e r m usic CD “ F ir e w a te r ” In a business where things seemingly stay the same, a change has taken place. A change that may raise the bar on the level of service a family can experience from a funeral home. T erry uTO T You see, when we went into business we aspired to be so far and away the best that a new level of excellence was to be created. We w ould like you to know that we've achieved our goal. BRID G ETO W N r R E A L T Y ’l K olvane R o llie Tussing C o lin Lake This is an official KMHD 89 1 Fundraiser Tickets available at Music Millennium online at KMHD FM or by calling the KMHD Development office 503 491 7271 2 117 N Williams Ave (503)249-1788 • Advertise with diversity in a'h' 1J u rt la ttb (Dbf- r vue v Call 5O3-288-0G33 adsf^portlandobserver.cum I