v| J o r t b t u b (O b s e rv e r Page A4 September 10, 2008 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essaxs. photos and story ideas. Submit to news@portlandobserver.com. O pinion Put Voting Rights in the Constitution Federal safeguards are missing other words, the C ourt said that we (the people) have only the voting privileges our states choose to grant us. sets o f rules and regulations D. H \IR Rarely, if ever, has an elec­ across the country about who tion captured global attention can vote and how they do so. The voting process is differ­ like this one. The race for the W hite House is a topic o f con­ ent state to state and county to versation at dinner tables, in county. This year, millions o f A m eri­ marketplaces and halls o f wor­ ship and on news broadcasts cans will once again go to the around the world. Democracy polls believing that their legal is on full display and the m es­ right to vote is protected, but sage is hopeful, forw ard-look­ what you may find surprising is that it's not. ing and bright. One o f the most significant Registration and turnout are expected to reach historic highs. things we learned about our But behind this encouraging democracy in the Bush v. Gore Yes, ourConstitution explic­ - and even inspiring - display, contest of 2(XX) was the Su­ there is a more troubling reality. preme Court's insistence that itly prohibits discrim ination in Instead o f one dem ocracy, we Americans have "no federal con­ granting the franchise based on have closer to 13,(XX) separate stitutional right to vote." In a person's race, sex, or (adult) age in the 15th, 19th, and 26th Amendments, but those pro­ tections are incomplete. States and other governm ents can and BY P E N D A trying to v o te-ev en though city laws didn't require voters to have an ID. In Florida, in 2004, election officials rejected thousands of voter registration applications because potential voters failed to check a box on the applica­ tion that duplicated inform a­ tion that had already been asked. It is time to engage in seri­ ous constitutional politics on behalf o f the right to vote. This is the only way to redeem the chaos of the 20(X) presidential election and to begin to ensure that such an assault on dem oc­ Photo identification require­ racy will never be repeated. The vote is the bedrock of our ments in Indiana kept 12 nuns dem ocracy. No w onder the in their 80s and 90s without driver’s licenses from voting in struggle to attain it has caused the primary there this May. In men and women to risk their New York City, in 2004, Asian lives - here and around the world. We must be clear about the American voters were routinely asked for identification when implications ofliving in a nation do disenfranchise individuals and groups o f citizens, legally, as long they do it without prov- able bias. We must be clear about the implications of living in a nation where federal law doesn't guarantee the right to vote to anyone. $5.00 Tees 5 Republicans Don’t Abstain! Screen Printing ,503-762-6042 Hypocrisies in the sex-ed debate J udge G reg M atiiis W hen R e p u b lic a n Senator and presidential nominee John M cCain named Alaska Gov. Sa­ rah Palin as his running mate, he not only made history by selecting ju st the second woman to run on a major party ticket and the first Republican to do so, he also exposed the deep hypocrisies of the Republican Party. Palin recently admitted that her unm arried daughter was, five months pregnant The self- professed party o f family val­ ues. Republicans rushed to sup­ port Palin, her daughter and her decision to not only keep the child but to marry the teen­ aged father. W hile the high schooler’s choice was a difficult one to make, the decision, along with her privacy, should be respected. The Republican Party, however, does not get off so easily. Now that one o f its own has fallen victim to the abstinence- only education it supports, the G OP should finally admit that its sex-education curriculum is by O LVM PUS GYM Family owned/ope rated. Extremely Competitive Monthly Membership Rates! ‘‘I t’s NEVER too late to get in shape!!” 4545 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. PDX, 97211 503.288.4717 OfficeMates, LLC • Typing • Data Entry • Notary Services • Calendar Management • Appointment Management • Email management 4747 NE Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd Portland Oregon 97211 Phone: 503-281-1568 ^ i i h Q r r i h p ! 503- 288-0033 □ U U d U l U C I Fill Out & Send To: |J o r t la n b (O b se rve r Attn: Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 s u b s c r i p t i o n s a re j u s t $ 6 0 p e r y e a r (please include check with this subscription form) _________________ A ddress : T elephone : or email subscriptions® portlandobscrver.com Come hear a Kingdom message from this anointed man of God I 2139892 Web: www royaipm <«} The GOP should finally admit that its sex-education curriculum is not only limited but harmful. they are emotionally ready to handle the consequences, be­ fore having sex while also learn­ ing about birth control and dis­ ease prevention. In a Republican world, stu­ dents learn about abstinence but don't receive information about or access to condoms or birth control. Govemi ir Pal i n ' s daugh­ ter lives in a Republican world. Now, at 17, when she should be We 've Moved! study com paring dealer repair tags with those of an indepen­ dent service center. Without Right to Repair legis­ lation, many motorists may forgo important vehicle repairs due to higher dealer repair costs. To ensure that your neigh­ borhood repair shop has the same access to safety alerts and repair inform ation as the new car dealer network, Congress introduced the M otor Vehicle O w ners' Right to Repair Ac, (H R. 2694). They understand that if m otorists are forced back to the dealer for service and repairs, convenient and afford­ able auto repair will become a thing of the past. Right to Repair merely seeks to restore a system that has been in place since the inven­ tion of the automobile. Clearly, using advances in technology to deny consum ers their right to choose where they have their car repaired is a misuse of these com puters and certainly not in the consum er’s best interest. Please visit righttorcpair.org to send a letter to your congres­ sional representatives, urging them to support the Right to Repair Act. 200 N.E. 20th Ave., Ste 100 Portland, OR 97232 Free parking Kathleen Schmatz is presi­ dent and chief executive officer of the Automotive Aftermarket Industry A ssociation. We need a right-to-repair law by K athleen S< iimatz Skyrocketing fuel prices have impacted the cos, of owning and operating a vehicle, and as the cost of vehicle ownership soars, the need for Right to Repair legislation has become more critical in order to protect consum ers from the ad d e d c o s ts th a t would be created by a ve­ hicle repair monopoly. Vehicles technology is be­ coming increasingly complex with virtually every system e i­ ther monitored or controlled by com puters. W ithout full ac­ cess to com plete and accurate repair information from the car c o m p a n ie s , n e ig h b o rh o o d shops will not be able to com pete, creating a re p a ir m onopoly where the affordable and con v en ien t re ­ pairs currently avail­ able to car ow ners are sacrificed to increase profits for the car companies. The cost to consum ers when they can only have their car repaired at the dealership is es­ timated to be as much as 25 p e rc e n t h ig h e r w ith la b o r charges alone, according to a Dentures Worth Smiling About! Guest: Pastor Johnasen Pack Bridge Builders International Church When: September 17th-, 18th, A 19th 2008 Time: 7:00pm location: Man Dishman Community Center 77 NE Knott St. Portland, OR 97211 not only lim ited but harmful. For years, Republi­ cans have fought the inclusion o f a compre­ hensive sex education program in schools. In an ideal world, a child would be taught to wait a few years, until Children born to teen m oth­ thinking about prom and gradu­ ation, she is on the verge of ers are more likely to live in poverty, less likely to graduate marriage and motherhood. Is her life ruined? Not by a from high school and apt to be long shot. Many teen mothers teen parents themselves. If a go on to do great things. But class that touches on the im ­ portance o f condom s could her life is forever changed. A parent can instill good val­ prevent an unplanned preg­ ues in a child and give them all nancy, why not add it to cur­ the love and attention they de­ riculum ? Elim inating itdoesn’t sire. From up high, the Repub- deter young people from hav­ ing sex. It does, how ever, enable them to have unpro­ tected sex. W hen co njuring up the im ­ age o f an unw ed teen m other, m an y c o n s e r v a tiv e s h a v e painted the picture o f som e­ one living in the inner city, som eone black or brow n, liv ­ ing o ff the governm ent w ith no am bition and no fam ily su p p o rt. It’s interesting to see how licans fail to realize that, at some point, these children ma­ quickly the party has rallied in ture and begin to make their support now that the face of teen pregnancy is one o f their own decisions. Indeed, good parenting goes own. Politics as usual? Per­ a long way but it needs to be haps. But it’s hypocritical just supplemented with information the same. Judge Greg Mathis is na­ and access. The Republican platform o f abstinence-only tional vice president o f Rain­ education leaves too much to bow PUSH and a national board chance and sets up many young member o f the Southern Chris­ tian Leadership Conference. people for failure. Protect Consumers on Auto Repairs 3 Day Revival! Theme: Effective for The Kingdom Penda Hair is co-director o f Advancement Project, a na­ tional civil rights organization «WilflMMBMIM got obama? N ame : where federal law doesn't guar­ antee the right to vote to any­ one. Millions o f eligible voters who cast votes this November may not get their vote counted because o f the unnecessary rules in states throughout the country that impede the voting process. It is time to rectify this patch- work o f bizarre and erratic state customs. W e need to put the right to vote in the Constitution. This would establish full voting rights so all Americans can help decide all laws that govern them. The right to vote must become a right guaranteed to all A m eri­ can citizens and not a privilege controlled by a few. It is time for a 28th Amendm ent to the Constitution. 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