(Tin* Page A2 JJnrt lattò (Ohseruer September 10. 2008 Jury Selection Begins in Simpson Case have strong feelings about it. This case is about what happened here in Las Vegas last year." The new case debuted as a pale postscript to the m urder trial that riveted Am erica in the 1990s when Simpson, a form er pro foot­ ball star, was charged with m ur­ dering hisex-w ife, N icole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ronald A ccused o f kidnapping, robbery ( A Pi — O .J. Sim pson went on trial for kidnapping and robbery M onday in Las Vegas with ajudge determ ined to find a jury unaf­ fected by his long-ago "Trial of the Century ." "W hat happened then, hap­ pened then," Judge Jackie Glass told prospective jurors. "If you are here and think you are going to punish Mr. Simpson for w hat happened in 1995, this is not the case for you," she said, urging them to confess if they had such a motive. All stayed silent. W hile asking many questions about the past, the judge stopped short o f asking the big question that Sim pson's lawyer wanted: Do they consider Simpson a m ur­ derer? "M y determ ination is no. we are not going there," G lass told law yers outside the prospects' presence. "We are not here to re­ litigate that case. The jury reached a verdict in that case and people O.J. Simpson appears in a Las Vegas court Monday for his trial on charges o f burglary, robbery and assault. (AP photo) G oldm an, and ultim ately acquit­ ted. M issing were the crow ds that surrounded the courthouse when Sim pson was arrested last year for allegedly robbing two sports collectibles dealers in a hotel room , and the m edia throng that has follow ed him over the years was drainatical ly di minished. Sim pson has a co-defendant this time, Clarence "C.J." Stewart, an old friend who went along on an ill- f a te d m is s io n w h ich Sim pson claim s was intended to reclaim personal property. Sim pson and S tew art have each pleaded not guilty to 12 charges, including felony kidnap­ ping, armed robbery, conspiracy, burglary, coercion and assault with a deadly weapon. Simpson maintains he didn't ask anyone to bring guns to the hotel rix>m and that he didn’t know anyone in the room was armed. T he stakes are high — a rob­ bery conviction would mean m an­ datory prison time, and a kidnap­ ping conviction carries the possi­ bility o f life in prison with the possibility o f parole. Unemployed Jumps to 5-year High in 2008 AP) - The nation’s unem ­ nesses alike. The Labor D epartm ent’s ploym ent rate zoom ed to a five-year high o f 6.1 percent report showed the increasing in A u g u st as e m p lo y e rs toll the housing, credit and fi­ slashed 84,000jobs, dramatic nancial crises are taking on proof of the m ounting damage the economy. With the employm ent situa­ a deeply troubled economy is tion d e te rio ra tin g , th e re ’s inflicting on workers and busi­ growing worry that consum ­ ers will recoil, throwing the econom y into a tailspin later this year or early next year. The jobless rate jum ped to 6.1 percent in August, from 5.7 percent i n J uly. And, employers cut payrolls for the eighth month ironies technician. ” Fall classes start September 22. ro make your dreams come true, Take the Next Step at Clark College Ç|arkÇollegie The Next Step in a row. Job losses in June and July turned out to be much deeper. The economy lost a whopping KXJ.OOOjobsin June and another 60,(XX) in July, ac­ cording to revised figures. Pre­ viously, the government reported job losses at 51 .(XX) in each of those months. So far this year, jo b losses totaled 605,000. “With the unem ploym ent rate over 6 percent, it is a clear w a rn in g sig n th a t th is eco n o m y is co n tin u in g to soften faster than we thought. It is a real concern,” said Joel Naroff, president of N aroff Econom ic Advisors. “ B usi­ nesses have decided to hunker down. They are not hiring, and they are paring workers where they can. That is making things pretty tough out there.” Obama Blasts Job Numbers A 10.6 percent unem ploym ent rate for African A m ericans in the latestem ploym ent num bers drew a strong rebuke from Sen. Barack Obama. “T oday’s jo b s report is a stark rem inder o f w h at's at stake for African A merican fam ilies in this election," the presidential candi­ date said Friday. “O ver the past year, African A m erican unem ­ ploym ent has shot up by 2.9 per­ centage points -th e largest one year increase in 24 years. O bam a rem inded voters that his opponent John M cCain has called the fundam entals o f the Sen. Barack Obama econom y ‘strong.’ He said African American fami­ lies are working harder and harder fo r less, w ith inco m es dow n $ 1,800 since G eorge Bush took office. "John M cCain’san sw erfo rth e econom y is more o f the same: $200 billion in tax cuts to big cor­ porations and oil com panies, and not one dim e o f tax relief to more than I OOmillion middle-class fami­ lies,” O bam a said. “ Il l am President, I will cut taxes for 95 percent of alI working fami­ lies and provide an immediate $50 billion to struggling slates so that they don’t have to cut back on health care and education and can rebuild roads and schools. T hat’s the change working families need right now,” he said. Advejtise with diversity in il!1 ^Jnrtlanò (DbserUrr 360-699- n e x t I w w w . c l a r k . edu C all 5O3-288-OO33 ads@portlandobserver.eoii) Affirmative Actlon/Equa! Opportunity Institution THE JACKET AND DRESS TOGETHER MAKE A SIMPLY STUNNING STATEMENT. BUT EACH PIECE ON ITS OWN EFFORTLESSLY EXTENDS YOUR OPTIONS. MAX & CLEO Sleeveless sheath dress with cropped (acket, 2-12; 178.00. Dresses. NORDSTROM Discover more nordstrom.com Clackamas town Center 503.652.1810. 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