¿l'1 |Jortlanb ©bseruer Page A I2 September 10. 2008 Concordia Mural Honors Community With opening of bookstore on Ainsworth make the mural a reality, and the Regional Arts & Culture Council, which was involved through their public art group. The m ural, w hich took 18 m onths from conception to final­ ity, was painted by six Concordia University students over 5 w eek­ ends. The mural was intended to com m unicate integrity and com ­ m u n ity an d to a c c e n tu a te Concordia U niversity’s expand­ ing outreach into the north and northeast neighborhoods. C o n c o rd ia E x ecu tiv e V ice President Gary Withers said the location o f the mural, where the cam pus meets the com m unity, was a perfect fit. "The m ural is sym bolic o f Concordia U niversity's relation­ ship with the com munity and how powerful that relationship can be when the cam pus and the co m ­ munity com e together toem brace their respective cultures and val­ ues," W ithers said C oncordia University has un­ veiled a com m unity mural on the side o f a retail building at N orth­ east A insw orth Street and 30th A venue to m ark the grand open­ ing o f the new location o f the u n iv e rs ity 's b o o k sto re , "T he Bookm ark" at that same location. T he Bookm ark is operated by Sodexho and features coffee from Sisters Coffee Com pany. T he m ural w as tre a te d by C oncordia U niversity students under the direction of Larry Gross, chair o f the ar, departm ent and Greg Lewis, o f G reg Lewis Stu­ dios and current adjunct faculty m em ber in the art department. The students w ere supported in their work by com m unity lead- ers Ken and M arta Thrasher, who donated the necessary funds to Dear Deanna! A good friend and I becam e lov­ ers and our friendship was ruined in the process. I had high hopes that our friendship was strong enough to bear any storm. Before we started dating I was with some­ one else sexually. I becam e preg­ nant and though, I was certain w ho the father was. W e were all shocked w hen the paternity test indicated a third man in my life. I am torn inside, have lost my best friend and becom e a single par­ ent. How can I at least get my friendship back? —Tammie; Rich­ photo by M ark Ask Ö mond, Va. Dear Tammie: Y ou have made a mess o f your life and blazed a trail o f destruction. You should be em barrassed and asham ed o f yourself with your recreational sex and loose morals. Your friendship was lost the m o­ m ent you becam e intimate and com pletely killed with yourpreg- nancy. Right now your focus is required to raise your child and get y o u rself together. If your friendship is meant to be then your pal will return. If not, learn from yoursilly m istakes,grow up and keep it moving. W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver 4 m ural ho n o rs th e tie s b e tw e e n C oncordia U niversity a n d its n eig h b o rh o o d on th e s id e o f a retail building th a t n o w h o u s e s th e Concordia U niversity B o o k sto re a t th e in te rse c tio n o f A insw orth S tr e e t a n d N o r th e a st 3 0 th A ve n u e. Dear Deanna! business? --Mom with a Problem: On-line reader Dear Mom: Y ou’re stuck on stupid and need your head Hushed out w ith a water hose. Y ou’re building a road map for your children leading to jail, unplanned pregnancy and sexu­ ally transm itted diseases. Your parenting skills aren ’t cute and you should be glad to have a m other interested in helping you have good responsible children. It’s to your advantage to wise up, listen to your mom and perhaps take a few suggestions here and there. Love your kids enough to lay down your guard, inv ite your m other in and build a better bridge so your children will stay on the right track o f life. My mother and I argue because she tries to tell me how to raise my A.vA Deanna is written by Deanna kids. I'm not strict hut I discipline M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: when necessary by spanking or askdeannaI @yahoo.com or 264 putting my kids on punishment. I S. LaCieneya Blvd. Suite ¡283 was raised with church being Beverly Hilts, CA 9021 /. Website: crammed down my throat, curfews www.askdeanna.eom all over the place and rules on top of rules. My children are teens and I don’t mind if they drink, they’ve been taught about safe sex and they know the basic rules o f life. Is i, wrong to tel I my mom to mi nd her Come join us for a day of connecting with- the neighborhood, pitching-in, and a good ol' fashioned block party to recognize our local heroes. ■ HOSTED BY NIKE FACTORY STORE PORTLAND I REPRESENT YOUR BLOCK RECOGNIZE NxNE HEROES NikeFactoryStore — L l / h w r a t / y • S t i-t/t/u /r Health Coverage for Kids Offered Clark County families are urged to enroll children in free or low ­ cost health care coverage thanks to the state o f W ashington's new A pple Health for Kids program. “T his program stream lines the application process for parents wishing to enroll their children in coverage and is a great way to ensure essential services for rais­ ing healthy children," said Dolly England, health access coordina­ tor at Clark County Public Health. C hildren can qualify for low - co s, or free state m edical c o v e r­ age if their fam ilies have an an ­ nual incom e at o r below 250 p ercent o f the federal poverty level or about$53,000 for a fam ­ ily o f four, $44,(MX) for a family o f three and $35,000 fo ra fam ily o f two. T o enrol I, fam i I ies are asked to bring proof o f income (pay stubs for the last month or a letter from theirem ployer)and proof o f their c h ild ’s c itiz e n sh ip . U n d o c u ­ mented children may also he en ­ rol led. Call 360-397-8000, exten­ sion 7308 or attend one o f these upcom ing en ro llm en t events: Sept. 16,6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Boys & G irls Club, 409 N.E. Anderson Rd., Vancouver or Sept. 23,6 p.m. to 8 p.m. East County Head Start, 822 Sixth St. in W ashougal. My PDC Skry.’ "P D C gave us so m u c h in fo rm a tio n d u rin g o u r < 7H D \i S eptember IL 2 0 0 8 L ocai T h e y w o rk e d w ith us (L O C A T E D O N B E E C H ) us c lo sin g assistance. E ve ryth in g w e n t so s m o o th ly - an a m a z in g exp erience . B E T W E E N THE STR EETS L in e U p : M A I N STAGE and even g o t BEECH & SHAVER < k ID » . CRE I C l (EN M H C H E L I & B ^N T HE C O L U M B IA N PRINCES# vA B A N D O N *Q ” * I IOS I ED BY: DI O.G. ONE S tri i i P erformers I W riohs A rt is i I , f T, E m m T mc K í 'Í V m 6 x W m - IO x XV m ’ featuring : I I II POE TS C O R N E R E. R O C I IE LL E IT B U R I O N & SPEC I A I G l IES I T han k y o u P D C ." Cha rodt and Jenee Johnson, Homrovners io n : M ississippi A ve . h o m e b u y in g process. on our paym ent t: ItR B W CRTS D A N C E C O M P A Ñ A X X FOP MORF INFORMATION CONTACT H a r o ld C W illia m s Two *O«ñAM* m«*l O»*, PDC has been helping area business and K1O5, Of(«e 15031287 »836 t Cell I503U»0 0755 th e d rve ri> ityin ititu te *g m a il com www fhediv»r$ityin^iitu te com ^ i v n - s o r i d citizens for 50 years. For more information about our housing loan probrams, go to www.pdc.us. Write your PDC Story. h \ 11 >1 NI I I1M IN I I'MX IR S I I X INST11 I I T I